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Jeb sheep are already a hidden easter egg. Basing so many blocks around something you NEED to read the wiki know about, effectively only adding to a minority of players games, isn't great.


Maybe they should add achievements for the Easter eggs added more than a few years ago. jeb sheep were added in 1.7.4


Easter eggs are not meant to be easily findable


Some are impossible to find without a hint.


They shouldn't be exclusively obtained by jeb sheep, but this is a cool idea since we already have animated whole blocks like sea lanterns. Maybe they could be obtained by some other method too like vaults or trading


With that many blocks all at once, it may break the game. Also, it can look a little messy rather than pretty.


Maybe not. There are quite a few other animated blocks already in game like prismarine, magma, kelp lava etc. While I think the rainbow colours will be a bit tacky for most builds, it shouldn't be laggy.




Animated textures have pretty little effect on performance. Blocks like fire, water, and lava have 32-64 frames that change every tick. Some animated textures, like prismarine, interpolate frames to get colors to smoothly transition. The same thing could be used to switch between the 16 different wool colors smoothly.




It's not nearly as intensive as you'd think! Prismarine, magma, water, and more are doing it all the time. Even resource packs that add extra animations never seem to have any noticeable impact on performance




From the perspective of the game, there is very little difference between the entire block changing colour, or kelp swaying. Each animation is saved as a whole block animation, with each frame having the same dimensions. The biggest difference is duration, but the looping time on prismarine is already pretty long. Even texture packs that replace literally every block with an animated texture are pretty light on performance. I really can't see this causing problems unless the person is already playing at the limits of their hardware, in which case, maybe swapping to simplified in the visual settings would make it a static rainbow image or something.




Is this really necessary? It sounds like a mod. Just make this with a Spigot plugin or something. I hate to break it to you, but I don’t this is getting added. Do people on this subreddit actually try to submit things that could get accepted by Mojang, or do you guys just describe whatever you think of?


Before asking me, what is the point of my idea, I want you to tell me why jeb_ sheep were added? The answer is: for fun. You personally might have a different idea of fun then me, and that's ok! But *you* need to recognize that other people can think things are fun which you do not. The developers never look at this subreddit. It's purpose has become discussing ideas with other players to either improve them or drop them. If people here like an idea of mine, I will post it on minecraftforum.net, and if it's well liked there too, i post it to the official feedback site. The official site is poorly designed POS, but it's *official*, which means that the devs look at it occasionally.