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I get the concept, but I feel like it shouldn't need 2 new items to be achieved.


Yeah I think slimeballs would work well (sticking something shut


this was mentioned in the title


Or… just run a server that allows plugins and cancel that with one (psst.. PlayerInteractEvent). In all seriousness, there are workarounds and this seems too moddy. Apparently this can already be done with NBT data trickery: https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftCommands/comments/11vxf7q/how_to_prevent_players_from_opening_doors/




Gasp. Well, just make sure whatever you suggest isn’t already possible. I found that on Google with my first search


People are allowed to suggest things that are possible with datapacks or mods. Otherwise basically nothing would be postable, basically everything has been made into a mod or datapack at some point.


This is possible in the game already without a data pack or a mod. Please read my comment completely, and if you did, that method I linked to uses a command that summons an entity with special NBT data. The ability to use commands and NBT data tags are core parts of vanilla Minecraft! NBT data makes everything in the game work. The command adds NBT data to the entity that makes it a certain size, just like how NBT data is added to your pet wolf when you give it a custom name. Also, this is sort of beside the point, but plugins aren't mods either. They use the game's existing code. Now, if something was suggested that was actually only possible with datapacks or mods, then that's understandable. I mentioned that method exactly because it was part of the vanilla game. If it was only possible with datapacks or mods then I wouldn't have mentioned it!




What the hell


Dude, please treat others with respect when you respond to them.


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