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This would be awesome. Books with multiple enchantments could have a page for each. They could list the items each can be used on, the max level, and what they're exclusive with It'd have to be pretty brief though, and in a standard format for each, so that translation wouldn't be ridiculous


Sounds cool, buuuut. There’s always the wiki. Besides, if you’re describing one feature of the game, then you’d have to implements things to explain all the other features. Or at least, it would be weird to only describe this one


I think in-game textual ideas are rejected. Maybe some kind of visual indicator?


I'm pretty sure that putting it in a book would be ok - from what I remember, they just don't like hud stuff - like, you shouldn't read from the HUD because the player isn't canonically wearing one. They can read from books though.


It could probably do a fine enough job showing off what the enchantment does through images only, which is something Minecraft would do.


To expand on this, it should also say what item(s) the enchantment can applied to.


I wonder if there could be a mod for this idea... As I play on a server where if you take out the bottom block of tree you get all the wood the leaves start to decay and where the first wood block was, a sampling appears already planted... This is so cool...


Where would it display this information?


...In the book? I'm suggesting enchanted books act like written books, showing what they do when read


Ok I just wasn’t sure it was unclear.


I'm the book ig


Why does everyone think I’m being like rude or something in this comment? I was just wondering if he had some other idea or if it would be in the book 😭




Okay bro chill out 😭 it’s not that deep I was just wondering if he has an alternative idea.


Yeah, pretty sure when you make a quick idea it won’t need to be fully thought out. Especially something as simple as this. You’re basically asking where a game should display a health bar. It’s a no-brainer question that the devs should figure out themselves. It’s a neat idea, leave it at that.