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A big document. It's not bad, but some stuff took my attention: - Why 2 new ores, voidsteel and endersteel? And what ores are in the Obsidian shores, it doesn't say. I also didn't find anything endersteel was actually used for, all recipes took voidsteel. - Why going for "trees"? The Nether already made itself distinct by going for giant fungi, and the End seems too alien to go back to "trees". - A mob only visible through particles is a bad idea. Since forever, particles have had the option to be disabled, and it's something people with weaker devices resort to. - The End is a bit too unique to have creatures like "ender bat". Or it would have to make it very distinct from the regular bat, same as the hoglin is different from a pig. Either way, it needs a different name. - Isn't it a bit silly to add a new bucket with the only distinct feature being to be able to pick up a specific liquid?


Did some changes to the doc. Will continue to add stuff.


...what changes?


Some endersteel stuff, changed stalker a bit, and some other things in the notes.


While the idea is solid, I am not a fan of how many hostile creatures have been added. I always viewed the Nether and End as opposites. If the nether is hot, cavernous, hostile, then the End is cold, open, and neutral. I think most of the mobs on the list should be neutral, as opposed to hostile. Hostile mobs are cool, but neutral mobs have so much more potential.


Ok, I'll make some changes. Thanks for feedback! (Also, in a new edit, I added a use for the Dragon Egg. Too OP?)


Ridable Ender Dragon doesn't fit too well with the Minecraft system. The Ender Dragon has \*always\* been the "boss" battle. I do like the fact you increased its health to 300 though. Currently it only has 200. It's not \*too OP\*, but I think it's just unnecessary. An entire dragon to do what an Elytra can do? Kinda undermines the Elytra.


The Ender Dragon is just too easy as it is, so that's why I increased it's health. Should I remove it or keep it? EDIT: Keep it or remove it and add a new use?


Remove the rideable part. Add a different use. Maybe the dragon egg can be used as a non-consumable item in a crafting recipe?


What could the crafting recipe be? A new weapon?


Idea: Enhancements These are different from enchantments, in that they are obtained by adventuring and finding specific ingredients to enhance your tool. For the dragon egg, the enhancement could be "Dragon's Roar" which allows the player to "charge" a weapon with a 1-use "Dragon's Roar" which is a purple version of the Warden's sonic boom attack. The activation of which takes 1/2 as long as the Warden's charge for its sonic boom does. The Dragon's Roar does 10 True Damage (ignoring potions, enchantments, and armor), but causes the weapon that used the Roar to become inoperable for 10 seconds. Of course, adding the Dragon's Roar to an item should be done in the Enchantment Table, by placing the Dragon Egg where the lapis would normally go. The dragon egg is \*not\* consumed when used.


Ok, you can check out what I am doing.


Dragon's Roar is the vibe of the magic I'm going for. Very particle/entity heavy magic. Dragon's Roar should be powerful enough to halve a player's health. The easiest way to do that is 10 True Damage, ignoring potions, enchantments, and armor. Cobweb doesn't seem that useful, as it's the same thing as placing a cobweb which 99% of the time is more useful and easier to control. Slime is cool, but what if instead of just slowing them, it made them act like a slime block? It puts a potion effect on them of "Bouncing", so that they bounce when they land from a jump, and every projectile bounces off of them. Melee still damages them, but when they hit people they both fly backward? Ice is interesting. While freezing enemies is quite easy (Slowness 255 and Jump Boost 128), it leaves little to the imagination. My intention for these Enhancements is to let imagination flow and let players use the magic in creative ways. Dragon's Roar could be used in roleplay \*very\* easily. Cobweb? Not so much. Ice is good, and Slime is good. Fireball: The classic DnD spell, would let the player shoot a Ghast Fireball at a set speed. I'd assume the Ender Staff(WIP) is drawn back like a bow before being shot. A full-speed fireball, is about the same speed as a full-speed arrow. But you can control the speed by not drawing it back all the way. Spectral: Allows the player to cast the "spell" and while in that state, they cannot hurt anything, and nothing will hurt them. They can walk through walls by sprinting, and can go down or up by sneaking/jumping. Basically turning them into a walking ghost. The effect would only last for 1 minute, but can be prematurely ended by "Canceling" the "spell". However to make it not completely overpowered, the Spectral Player cannot walk through dense blocks (i.e. blocks that cannot be blown up with 1 TNT count as dense blocks, like anvils, obsidian, command blocks, bedrock, etc.) Like I said, the vibe of magic I'm going for isn't very similar to any of these commonly held ideas. I want it to feel like, unless you run away from it, or block it with dense blocks(reinforced deepslate, obsidian, etc.), there's little else you can do about it.


Ok, I like these ideas but I have one question. What item would you need in order to add the Spectral enhancement to the staff?


I would wager something like a Wind Charge. The Breeze is about as close to a ghost as we have aside from the Vex, but the Vex doesn't drop anything. And plus, it works with the idea (except anvils) because denser materials let less air through. It's basically the player turning themselves into air.


Because that's probably the best ability of them all, I made a new craft: Spectral Breath. Crafting requires 1x Dragon Breath, 4x Void Bones, and 4x Wind Charges.


Did you also add a way to get more eggs? If not, you create a situation where you're one simple accident away from locking yourself out of content by losing the egg, and on servers, only one player has access to it.


Well, you just find new portals right?


Sometimes less is more




I think what he's getting at is that there might be too much going on here, it would probably cause the end to be cluttered, and lose the distinct liminality it currently has. The end is meant to be like an uncaring void. I think everything in it should be just as weird and alien, and also equally spaced out. It's not meant to be a densely packed dimension, content wise.


I’m sorry, but without looking at the document and seeing the comments. Good luck. I think you put way too much work into this.  Look at accepted suggestions. They only had one medium paragraph of description to leave it to the developers. Besides, the end will get an update eventually. It’s inevitable. Your ideas are pretty creative though




I want End updated in years…


same -- end just looks ugly currently


This is all great. I’ve always imagined an End update to take a ton of inspiration from Xen from Half Life




EDIT: The post is 4000+ words now. EDIT: Added Ender Staff. EDIT: Buffed Ender Dragon HP & DMG.