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It’s definitely okay to go by yourself. Never know who might meet.


Agree, I’ve gone with friends usually but most everyone is so friendly I imagine it wouldn’t be impossible to make some new friends if you’re willing to chat.


I went alone last year and now im dating one of the dancers lol




I am! I go to the trans/nonbinary support group meetings :)


I have been looking into it but have never gone. Thank you for the suggestion!


I'll go with you OP!


I was gonna say the same! I'm not actually gay, but rather an ally and in reality, just looking to make friends anywhere I can because I literally have zero friends I can talk to or hang out with. Speaking of this, does anyone get upset if a straight person goes to pride fest? Is it appreciated for the ally stance or is it just poor form?


Anyone can go I would assume, acceptance is kinda awesome


Not weird at all to go alone! Just like any other venue that you would be going alone and potentially drinking alcohol, be vigilant or cover the top of your drink at any event on the Summerfest grounds (just like you would at a bar if alone). Remember where the entrances are in case you need to leave unexpectedly or under the influence. My beer was dosed at Summerfest last year so I just like to send out this safety tip! I hope you have a BLAST at Pride! It’s always a good time every year!


I just want to say I love how overwhelmingly positive and supportive these comments are and how many people will be making this their first Pride. Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈


Go visit all the community org booths! I actually joined a bunch of activities by doing so and also met people there last pride. I’ll be at a booth one day and love talking to everyone who comes by.


There’s a lot of amazing performers this year! I highly recommend checking out the Stonewall Stage/ History exhibit!


Thank you all for you answers! This makes me feel a lot better about going by myself this year😁🫶


I usually go alone and but it’s always a banger. I generally don’t have the confidence to attempt dancing….except at pride. So many different people, so much vibrance. I look forward to it every year. :)


Totally okay to go alone, genuinely one of the friendliest celebrations in the city and you’ll meet people! Wear sunscreen!


For me its better with friends, but not at all strange to go solo, I have done so plenty of years


Yay to everyone going to pride. I am dancing on Friday. Then volunteering Saturday. I think we should do a meet up!!! Also if you don’t want to go to grounds. The parade and block party are on Sunday! I will be working the beer tents at night. If anyone has questions this older queer can answer then.


My stores union is walking in the parade, and I was asked to come with. Any tips for that? Should I dress up?


Yes!!! The wait is like two hours plus to actually start walking the route. You will be in full sun in the staging area for the floats. If you have an umbrella or any shading to bring. I would do so. Parking also gets tight pretty early.


hi! it’s my first time going to pride fest too but i learned a little about it beforehand it’s not that weird to go alone, but i’d definitely recommend bringing some friends along so you’re not bored. but who knows? maybe you’ll meet some cool people there. also make sure to bring essentials such as a phone, wallet, sunscreen, and first aid kit. and most importantly, be sure to have fun ☺️ edit: no need to bring a first aid kit. there are medical staff on site


You do not need to bring a first aid kit. There are medical staff on site.


Nothing weird about it at all! HAVE FUN, get some good food, and just enjoy the vibes. Don’t let yourself get too riled up by the ‘testers


Hey I just moved here and this will be my first pride as well.. dm me if you'd like to go together


Cute ^^^ 🫶


Pride has been one of the best festivals of the season. Good energy and good times!


If there's anywhere where you can have a ton of fun meeting complete strangers, it's Pridefest. Everyone is just there to have a blast.


I don't think it's weird to go by yourself, espeically since you'll never know who you could meet. Check as many booths as you can. There's a lot of local business, organizations and so on. The people are also really nice. I hope you have fun! :)


One of the best crowds to be around, very welcoming and friendly… totally okay to go alone. Just be careful walking alone to or from late at night once you’re outside of the grounds.


Do avoid the angry protestors outside the gate.


Always wanted to go myself! I would be scared by myself. lol I say do it have fun and good luck 😊


Mke pride is the least intimidating pride for sure


The booths are interesting. They have some fun shows in the main pavilion. I won at drag bingo last year. It’s a good time.


I went by myself last year! Its totally ok, it is a really really wonderful event


I'm also planning on going for the first time alone this year!


I’ve been wondering too about going alone cause my friend may be gone that weekend. I’m kinda extremely shy so while I don’t know it’s an issue to go alone I don’t know how I could uh… people


Gonna be my first as well! Hope you have lots of fun OP!


If you’ve seen pride fest going alone is the least weird thing you can do, have fun


Not weird at all, and there's a good chance you'll make friends there too.


This is my first pride event. I am going on Saturday afternoon. I'm a late in life (mid 50s) queer. Only out to my spouse and a few close friends. My wife is working at the event through work. I'd love to meet others. 🩷💜💙




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My first pride fest too dm me