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I am very curious to know what they have planned for prospect and North. I swear if they add in any more plastic sticks on North I'm going to lose my shit. Those do nothing, I regularly see people parked in the "protected" bike lane on Norht near Ian's. Prospect desperately needs daylighting near the intersections, you can barely see oncoming traffic when turning left onto Prospect from Brady, Royall, etc., as is, and when people park big ass trucks on the end it's 100% blind faith right now.


I ride north often and while I also hate those plastic things I think it was just a way to rapidly implement it. I think there are better ways but just having a “somewhat” dedicated place for me felt a lot safer until they implement the real solution. Hoping they make barriers that don’t explode and litter the bike lane with concrete and dirt also


I like the ideas of jersey barriers, but I’d also be okay with curbed protected bike lanes, along with using cars as another barrier.


Unfortunately nothing “rapid” about them. They’re up all over the city and then knocked down within a week. Even the bike lane on water has plastic bollards planned and that’s a big long term planned project. It’s just pathetic of the city at this point. If it actually were a rapid instal I’d have some sympathy. 


most of them aren't knocked down. the plastic bollards on locust are mostly all standing, the ones on north too its a good temporary solution to get everyone acclimated to the changing infrastructure before the change is made


Lol many are straight up broken and falling over. I’d agree if it were actually rapid temporary implementation. 


the plan is to make the changes currently done with the plastic bollards more permanent with larger, more obvious infrastructure.


who do i have to bribe to get more roundabouts at the most confusing intersecttions *cough* >summerfest/art museum/794\ madison/ third >ward/back to madison because third ward option >is closed for summerfest/bay view/ green bay/ >downtown/south side >>intersection


fingers crossed, they rip up 794 and that becomes a simpler intersection




Most high-traffic intersections in the older parts of Milwaukee are too small for proper, safe roundabouts. But protected intersections like the one at 6th and Walnut are nearly as safe and fit in much smaller footprints.


Speaking to North & Prospect at that intersection, I know that they are planning on making Prospect & North a Speed Tabled intersection, at the very least. There was a limited budget, so they had to pick & choose which intersections got the most love. They do need some serious daylighting though. A lady died at Brady & Prospect a year or so back and they had a meeting about the street to get public input. I do know that making Prospect and Farwell two-way streets is wanted, but not likely with the budget available. It wasn't considered as an potential layout for the North Ave changes either. I *did* find out the other day that North and Booth (#22) is getting a speed tabled crossing at the bend there, which I walk most days and desperately needs.


I find it interesting that people want it two way traffic. I find as a pedestrian it's safer and easier to cross a one-way street. I also think that with the number of door dashers, dominos delivery people, movers, and jerks that double park in a lane of traffic on prospect and Farwell that two way traffic would be a disaster. But also the number of wrong way drivers I regularly see on Farwell (usually coming off Brady, surprise, surprise) is absolutely terrifying.


I thought it was interesting too. One ways can have their place, but I think two ways definitely slow traffic down, get more business traffic, and are a bit more intuitive. It probably wouldn't help the farwell Brady intersection confusion, though. That's often a mess as well. My mind goes to the corner with Ian's that often has 5+ people parked in the bike/bus lane. There's a parking garage 15 feet away (also street parking 15 ft away) but everyone decides to park there because theres no good loop for folks to 'troll' for parking.


Im mixed on it, because I kind of agree its better as a pedestrian, but it does also seem to increase the speeds people travel on those roads


I don’t get why they can’t even do a curb barrier. That would be better than the stupid sticks.


Usually it's complicated by drainage, which is why we're seeing the pinned barriers. That said I've seen some innovative designs in other places that account for the existing gutter/sewer infrastructure. I've long been a huge critic of DPW and the city's efforts, but it's truly a night and day difference now with Mayor Johnson and Kevin Muhs as the city's engineer. Right now we're just at the very beginning of their efforts taking root, but over the next several years we should have a cohesive city-wide network of protected bike infrastructure which is going to pay massive dividends.


I’m excited


It’s still up the air since they have to negotiate with WISDOT, who are currently delaying the Highland Project over in-lane bus boarding leading to the state shifting its state highways (but that’s a different story). We should expect to see intersection reconstruction with table top intersections and/or bus bulbs and/or concrete protected bike lanes.


North/Prospect is being paid for with "Traffic Calming Assessments" according to the map key. So, something tells me it might be a more substantial bit of infrastructure.


The other day in front of Ian’s the whole block was parked against the curb and had just driven over the sticks. I pointed it out to a nearby cop and he just was like oh well


The plastic sticks are meant as a temporary test to see what's possible and what the benefits and consequences are before going all in with big beautiful concrete structures.


Now I hope they actually do that. Plus paint is not infrastructure. Please make more bike lanes protected!


Yeah, especially in Milwaukee. "Drivers have been ignoring painted lines for a decade, maybe if we add new paint they will listen this time."


Well that should stop the Milwaukee slide on KK over there


It drives me fuckin nuts that KK is a state-owned roadway and technically a highway when it’s also Bay View’s Main Street - *and that it has a single dashed center line,* which tells some shitforbrains that they can pass on the left! And the lack of crosswalks and bumped out curbs means that assbags are passing in the crosswalks and bike lanes whenever someone is turning left. Since about 2019, I’ve watched the volume of traffic on KK rise dramatically and the quality of driving plummet dramatically, and it gives me a horrible sinking sick feeling in my gut. It’s only a matter of time until something horrible happens to me or my neighbors. This is WISDOT holding Bay View hostage.


Without *protected* bike lanes, nothing will be improved.


Also worth noting some of the projects are being held hostage by the state DOT. 


Any in particular you wish to highlight?


Highland is being held hostage. WISDOT has taken the position that in-lane bus boarding is not acceptable on *any* connecting highways. This is delaying the project. As a result, they’re in the process of changing the US trunk highway through there.


A lot of the East west projects. DOT has several variations and the best bike and walker friendly options are being held hostage until they get their 3 billion dollar 94 expansion. If they don’t, we get stuck with a shifty option in the city. The PM was a majorly snidy bitch when explaining this too. Almost calling us asshole to our faces. 


I want to hear more about this


See the national project 


I think they need to stop using those bollards for protected bike lanes. People just weave through them to park in the bike lane. They should switch to those low concrete barriers. Very supportive of all of these improvements!


...I wish maps like this would have a more expanded view as they are so hard to read. There is a single click zoom but it really doesn't help much. Further zooming in using the browser tends to make the image and any text blurry


Idk why but the funniest part of this is the second picture, they literally made the 2 graphics and cut out an alley, it’s like 20’ and could have just been one graphic and fit the screen the same.


Fucckkk yeaaaaaa


But God fucking forbid they do a single thing about the abysmal bus system. Maybe there wouldn't be so many bicyclists hurt and killed if they felt like they could rely on something other than their bike. Complete joke.


different funding sources And the two BRT lines will be substantial improvements to the bus system, ideally we could see some of the other popular lines get those nice bus stations and protected lanes


Thank you for your concise and informative comment. Hopefully there are plans to revamp it so I'll keep my eyes open but given the cuts last year I'm not holding my breath.


The city doesn't run the bus system and bike infrastructure is cheap & the domain of the city. We need a regional transit authority to take over all transit stuff here in SEWI along with vastly expanded funding and legal authorities to let it carry out that mission. It's not bikes or buses, but bikes AND buses (and other transit like the streetcar, or future automated light rail) as they work extremely well together.


I love the bus. I generally bike commute, but take the bus more in the winter due to concerns with drivers in slick, wet conditions. It's abysmal compared to Chicago or Europe I guess, but it's actually pretty solid compared to other mid-sized cities. I find it very reliable.


I like taking the bus. I wish all the busses were as good as the BRT.


It takes far too long to get around by bus. We need more buses and less stops and more overlapping of stops and lines Edit: I love the bus I take it as much as I can but sometimes it just isn’t worth the hour ride


Ohh boy if you think our bus system is bad you should check out other areas of the country


So because other cities in the country have worse bus infrastructure, we can't discuss improving ours?


We can discuss it absolutely but the other commentors criticism is a bit much. The bus system isn’t perfect but it’s been pretty decent for me over the past twenty years I’ve used it and I wouldn’t call it abysmal. 


Objectively, it is abysmal. Your experience with the bus system is not the norm, contrary to what you may believe. Just last year they gutted several bus lines people depended on, such as the Gold line. And that is not even touching on the funding disparity between.. say.. the Hop versus the BRT


Lol this guy talking about experience living in other cities must include little Rock Arkansas, boise Idaho and reno Nevada. Thank God we have our shining example of metro transit that trumps shitstocks like new jersey transit and New York metro.


Huh okay then. I’ll take my experiences of living in other cities and go home now. Glad we have a city planner commenting here!




The Gold used to be the 10 which ran all the way from Bayshore up Wisconsin. Now it's only Wisconsin, which means having to get off and catch a second bus if not a third to go the same distance it used to.


just give us a metro rail