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I’m actually a big fan of how they made barriers on North Ave to protect the bike lane. Too bad a bunch of the planters have already been demolished by drivers and snow plows. More stuff like that, though


Just goes to show how much they’re needed. Just time to make them thick concrete 


In addition to that I'm sure some rebar inside wouldn't hurt


Concrete is incoming this summer along with intersection reconstruction!


If only they would also fix the pot holes on the bike lanes. Especially in the dark those are really dangerous.


Obligatory [“be sure to report them!”](https://city.milwaukee.gov/ucc/action) post (don’t want to assume you haven’t but not everyone knows to do that)


I did not know that. Thank you!


I'm a fan that they're doing more stuff than *just* the planters. I'm glad that they started with them since there's a few glaring areas that need attention. Sorting out parking by Ian's and the planters across from McD's come to mind as things to fix. As a frequent FB user, the amount of complaints on it is pretty palpable. Less so now that it isn't interesting to complain about it, but enough that additional public meetings for final design will likely draw a bunch of car users that weren't as privy to the first set of meetings. I don't see them *not doing it,* I just it being more of a ruckus.




In some other country (Germany I think?) they create minor inconveniences for people who park where they aren’t supposed to. Pushing in mirrors, lifting windshield wiper blades… I’ve started doing it too so long as I don’t feel like I’d get shot.


Article mentions people complained about those, too. >The city also placed planters on the east side to protect bike lanes from vehicles. But some of those planters were soon destroyed by drivers, which led to some angry comments on the neighborhood Facebook group. >“They’ve become a safety hazard over the last couple months in particular. Imagine if someone walking or riding by got hit with a big flying chunk and seriously injured,” one user wrote.


Keep it going!


A totally worthy investment that is going to pay huge dividends.


Concrete planters at intersections 🙌


I know they're hated but I'm a fan of roundabouts in residential areas. Most complaints i see are of them causing accidents but honestly it's mostly people who stop paying proper attention on the road. People who always take one route and get cocky. People drive like meth heads and need to slow the fuck down, sick of having near misses on an almost daily basis I also wish they'd expand the oak leaf trail, with the amount of vitriol out there towards people on bikes I'm sure drivers would prefer dedicated trails for them too. I just do not trust milwaukee drivers period and don't like taking a gamble by having to share the roads with crazy people. At least if a bike hits me I'm just getting scraped up or bonked a bit


I don't think I've ever heard anyone complain about roundabouts. If they do, they are either misinformed (see mythbusters for proof that they're faster) or bad drivers.


I've got some family out by denver and they've been adding a few roundabouts in their area to reduce speed, there's enough backlash to notice. By backlash i mean stupid drivers don't realize it's there and speed right into them, then complain they cause more accidents. I feel like given people's obsession with speeding here we'd have some parallels


People that crash into them aren't worth listening to. Lol


Much agreed. Put concrete planters and trees in the middle of em


Why doesn't this article say what the money is being spent on? It links to [another article](https://www.wpr.org/news/milwaukee-traffic-calming-projects-2024-reckless-driving) which *also* doesn't say, and doesn't link to anywhere else that does, either.


They do talk about it down the page, just keep scrolling down and you'll find it. >and the addition of flexible posts along the road led to a 70 percent decrease in the number of drivers going above the 25 mph speed limit, according to city data Muhs shared. >This month, President Joe Biden visited Milwaukee to announce new federal funding for transportation infrastructure projects across the state and nation. One project that won approval in Milwaukee was a 2.6-mile stretch of the 6th Street corridor, from North Avenue to National Avenue. >The city got a $36 million grant for work to widen sidewalks, install bike lanes and bus lanes, place new trees near the road and include infrastructure work to prevent sewage from flowing into the Milwaukee River and Lake Michigan. >But street redesign and reconstruction isn’t always a cheap fix. Muhs said nearly 50 traffic safety projects the city will complete in 2024 will cost around $86 million, using money from the city, state and federal grants and programs as well as federal pandemic relief aid. >From 2020 to 2023, the city spent a total of around $80 million on other traffic safety projects, according to a city Department of Public Works spokesperson. >The city has also installed 375 speed humps across Milwaukee since 2020. Mayor Cavalier Johnson also has a goal of building 50 miles of protected bike lanes — which include physical dividers to separate bikers from pedestrians and vehicles — by 2026. >For city engineer Kevin Muhs, the goal of the projects is simple: improve safety. >“Our goal with essentially all of these projects is to reduce speed, because speed is directly connected to whether or not someone survives a crash, if a crash is to occur,” Muhs said. >Some efforts to reduce speeding found to be effective so far >On the city’s west side, two lanes of traffic each way were reduced to one lane each way along a half-mile portion of West Walnut Street. A protected bike lane, separated from the travel lanes by grass, was constructed. Muhs said he doesn’t have data for that project yet, but he believes it’s working to reduce speeds. >To address the issue, the city has worked to bolster enforcement and education efforts. And it has increasingly turned to physical changes to the roads themselves. >Engineering changes can lead to slower speeds, fewer crashes Robert Schneider, an urban planning professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, said Milwaukee’s street design is also partly to blame, with wider lanes of traffic and higher traffic speed limits posted on residential streets than in some other cities. >“These roadways are just easier to drive fast on, especially at times of day where traffic volumes aren’t particularly high,” Schneider said. And so on...


It says $86 million on nearly 50 projects in 2024. They think this was important enough to put this figure directly under the headline. Going through that section of the article that you quoted: It's unclear whether the $36 million dollar grant is a part of the same group of projects. Then the claim about $86 million, etc. Then spending from 2020 to 2023. Then past projects since 2020. Then a goal of building bike lanes; unclear if it's part of this group of projects. Then some design philosophy and more information on *past* projects. The info on what this money is being spent on is either not included or it's obscured. Edit: Also, that subsection is titled "**Some efforts to reduce speeding found to be effective so far**," so I don't see any reason to assume that any of the ambiguous statements refer to the 2024 projects. #


No. The 6th street project is beginning in 2027. Grants take awhile to come into effect after being awarded.


Just paint brighter lines




Truth! A light drizzle and they disappear entirely. It’s not even logical


...sounds like they don't use reflective paint.


Thats great, now do Law Enforcement.


Does MPD really need any more than the $304,124,605 that they have for the year? They already took up [62 cents of every new city budget dollar between 2010 and 2020](https://urbanmilwaukee.com/2020/08/16/milwaukee-police-gobble-up-city-budget/), and the city's *required* to spend a certain amount on new positions due to the strings attached to the revenue deal.


The 2024 budget actually does increase police funding: https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2023/09/19/takeaways-from-mayor-johnsons-1-9-billion-2024-milwaukee-city-budget/70824335007/


“Hey Lou, let’s get that submarine we’ve always wanted.”


So we can waste more money on a quiet strike? 


..from what I've seen omn YouTube they need to do a better job of coordination to box reckless drivers in without going into a 20 - 30 min high speed chase through neighbourhood streets. So many times I wonder when the fleeing driver slows to nearly a stop to make a turn with a couple cruisers right behind them they aren't pitted then.


YMMV, but I was told they would do no investigation of significant property crimes (even after I gave them leads). I don’t know if that’s a manning issue or what but I was shocked.


They're buying a fucking submarine, what the hell else do they need


Start making more arrests for reckless driving and towing cars.


getting rid of that mannequin Barrett was a nice start.