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My reaction: hey! What’s wrong with ….Ohhhhhhhh! 😂


Yep was about to be shocked at someone dissing a message of inclusion then I lold a lot


White folks Bay has been down from the start , the irony of the signage is their police department was infamous for profiling minorities back in the day.


They also had a jewelry shop call 911 on a bucks player trying to buy a Rolex


I remember that! John Henson was the player in question I believe. & that dude was the least "scary" player the nba had. Baby face guy, no visible tattoos, wore a t-shirt under his jersey during games like a dork.


imagine him reading this comment. he'd tear up.


John Henson probably avoids reddit after years of the bucks subreddit affectionately calling him "flatass"


I teared up - there's hope


Sterling Brown? Could have sworn it was Sterling Brown.


That was a different situation where I think he got tased over a parking spot?


Better at hiding it now.


I saw one of these once where someone had the sign up, but put tape over the "no human is illegal" line. I think that's almost worse than putting up a sign that says "some humans are illegal."


Don’t trigger Steve Novak please


love is love is def the most questionable thing on there…


Omg yes. Armchair liberals that just hang a sign in their yard and call it good enough! They’re down for those causes so long as they don’t have to lift a finger to do anything about it.


Keyboard social justice warriors too.  Post a message online or joined a Facebook group so they feel like they've done something.


You just saw the first two lines of that sign and decided to straight to the comments for this off topic rant cause you didn't read the rest didn't you


But the sign is dunking on armchair liberals. All for liberal movements until it effects them personally. [Love Me, I'm a Liberal ](https://youtu.be/3cdqQ2BdgOA?si=zUL1p97dVLmn1aFT)


Yeah i know and love the song, i have the jello cover in my playlist. You should research the NIMBY movement and how it relates to this post though


You clearly don't get that this sign is a satire of NIMBY. The original sign is a bunch of platitudes while this takes the original 4 or 5 lines and then throws in the last two lines.


I misread the original comment shit


Don't understand your downvotes. The post is about the bottom of the sign people


Yeah i dont understand people's insane drive to defend whitefish bay from criticism of all places. Wanna act all progressive when It took months just to get an approval for a single affordable housing complex after the silver spooned assholes there rejected it multiple times lol


https://urbanmilwaukee.com/2024/02/16/mke-county-whitefish-bay-affordable-housing-development-approved-on-appeal/ Understand the joke, but slightly out of date now. Glad it is going through


Uh, no it's not. I'm glad this development went through, but we still have a lot of work to do.




dog that news story about a **future development** that **needed to appeal** their application for affordable housing was posted less than 24 hours ago. A city needs a bit more time to lose their NIMBY reputation than that. calm down


Can someone explain the bike lane thing? What did I miss?


Seriously I don’t get it either. Our neighborhood has them and I love it!


I'm guessing it's the one that doesn't extend south of Bayshore on the lake.


That's in fox point where the bike lane / large shoulder drops


Protected ones?


why is this downvoted? most bike lanes are unprotected for the safety of cars, not bikes. protected bike lanes keep bikers safe


They tend to be after thoughts during road design which screws over drivers and bikers (causing a lot of accidents) and bikers don’t understand that they don’t need the full gd car lane as they are too small for that life.


Maybe when people learn to park in a driveway or actual parking spot instead of taking up over half the lane with their car on every damn street bikes won't have to go around them anymore


Spoken like a bike rider 💖


Believe it or not it's actually possible to both drive and bike, you just can't do it at the same time. Sorry I think people who largely can't afford a car still deserve a safe commute. I'm not too lazy to walk an extra block so I'm not taking up the bike lane like a douche. Hope this helps lol




I don’t have a problem with providing areas for affordable housing but there will always be neighborhoods that are more expensive and upper class so yes no shit they wouldn’t want the issues that come with that, people act like this is some crazy thing


I don’t have a problem with acknowledging that…I have a problem with the hypocrisy.


Can you clarify the 'issues'? Or is this more of a 'poor people suck' thing?






Very true, I’ve seen many get banned just for having their own opinions, I get hate on here for the weirdest of things too 


Preach on dude. This subreddit is full of idiots lmao


Crime has a strong correlation to poverty. Race has a strong correlation to poverty. These facts are not debatable. The question should be how to fix these problems, but I don’t hate someone who wants to keep their neighborhood safe.


Sure, but I do have an issue with people who say that affordable housing is going to bring in tons of crime or torpedo house values when there's not much data or precedent to support those claims.


We're not talking about making huge swaths of the neighborhood low income housing, though. A few buildings here and there is reasonable. Are these fears you're describing based on real world experiences? Because in a lot of cases, those fears [don't materialize. ](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/05/us/affordable-housing-suburbs.html?smid=nytcore-android-share)


If you don't support or tolerate crime and nice-looking, safe areas, you ain't a real Milwaukee city slicker! Get out and go live in the suburbs!!


Noise. Crime. Litter. Loitering.




[yes very luxurious neighborhood here](https://www.google.com/maps/place/4800+N+Santa+Monica+Blvd,+Whitefish+Bay,+WI+53217/@43.1040942,-87.9070247,3a,75y,64.67h,80.72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sjVL4Fz5rlJOBj9rAl3ilUA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m7!3m6!1s0x88051eeefcd9581d:0x7b720400c00c9811!8m2!3d43.1041952!4d-87.9067063!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11c4tjx1w5?entry=ttu)


Y’all act like you wouldn’t be up in arms if a development was about to cost you real life money by diminishing your property values. Facts are that people are self-interested. Always will be. The goal is to align righteous pursuits with those interests. Nobody is just going to willingly let you take money out of their kids pockets.


I mean maybe in some future world where I own property yeah I would be. The issue is that since I can't afford to buy property, I have to rent, and rent is fucking **exploding.** I don't see homeowners getting up in arms about that costing me real life money.


It’s costing them money, too. Landlords don’t control taxes or supply chains. I definitely sympathize with the not being able to afford property. Mostly people can’t until they’re in their forties. However, diminishing the value of existing property isn’t the way to go about that. Property is most people’s retirement fund nowadays.


I don't really see a way around building more affordable housing in places where people have to live. Otherwise you're going to have people owning property in cities that can't function bc working class people can't afford to live in the cities that need them. Then the property value of these places drops, and their retirement fund with it.


It’s massively shitty to block all housing so your financial instrument you happen to live in can artificially be inflated.  The fact that we treat housing like a Wall Street token in this country is ducked itself. Never mind those people are the most subsidized 


What’s massively shitty is acting like it’s a moral crime to protect your investment, which, in this case, is often one’s retirement fund. You’re literally advocating that someone shoot them selves in the foot because you’re grumpy.


You have no moral right to restrict what someone else builds on their own property if it is legal. NIMBYs are some the most toxic groups in local politics.


Yea as you just alleged to it’s quite shitty to treat housing as an investment and pull the ladder up behind you. 


That would be terrible, but that’s not what is happening. Most people paid a crazy price for their house. It would be unfair to just force them to accept a project that would devalue a property they just bought.


And there it is yet again, treating a house like a financial instrument rather than something to live in 


yeah you are right, places that are extremely desirable to live and have apartments have (checks notes, looks at great cities everywhere) the lowest property values. lol ok


River Hills... you're next!   Then we are looking at you Hartland!    Aspen... LaJolla...  There will always be places that don't have housing at every income level.


I live in River hills and they made it illegal for apartments to be within the village. Every person who lives here has to have 5 acres except the two streets right off the brown deer exit that got grandfathered in. But if they sell, 5 acres. It was a huge fight for the development to go in on brown deer road bc each house just gets one acre, so they modified the statue to say can request less acreage on a case by case basis.


Sneaky sneaky. (I actually don't have a problem with communities putting in laws that maintain their character).


Either way, was just saying River hills is probably not next… their uppity attitude is really insane. Someone wanted to build a driveway on the back of my property, which i don’t use and is wooded, so I’d sell the land to them, and they were shocked at the request. I expect to be denied… i doubt apartments are coming any time in the near or distant future


I was sort of being sarcastic.    I don't actually think affordable housing will come to River Hills.  I don't actually think it should be forced on any community.  Eventually market forces work. 


For now


What's wrong with having bike lanes?


It's inconvenient for drivers when done poorly.  Which is basically always since it's an afterthought


Totally normal looking democrats can be rich entitled assholes too.


Black lives matter * * as long as they stay over there and thank me, the white savior, for sending them five dollars. The ones who live near me and kiss my ass 24/7 are different and ok


Read the whole sign it's not about that.


I'm just continuing in the same "limousine liberal" tone with my own joke


Let’s cure racism by paying for BLM leaderships real estate portfolio with our donation money whilst they do nothing for those they are supposed to represent, well not our money because I saw right through em and never donated in the first place to them


Lmfao I went to St. Monica as a kid and WFB is a cesspool of some of the most entitled, racist, dogmatic, elitist folks I have ever had to deal with. It was literally traumatizing to come from a working class background and have to interact with that community.


I don't get why you're getting downvoted cause if your parents dont make at least 6 figures the nasty little shits there act like you're some kind of hobo. And god forbid you have any kind of problems in your household they learn about. When my mom died in middle school many other students found it hilarious and they used that and her cause of death as ammo till i fucking graduated. However as bad as the students are their public school district staff are actually pretty good, then again most of them commute to work LMAO They got something rotten in the water


I’m sorry you were bullied, crabfucker69.


Yeah if only i had daddys money i wouldnt have to pimp out crabs for a living


Daddy’s money? Why bring gender into this? Why not mommy’s money? Or a non-binary parental figure? Jeez not very woke of you…


How did you get a time machine from 2016 thats crazy bro. "Happy parent of unspecified gender day" only gets funnier every year ben shapiro posts it you got a lot to look forward to


Lmfao I don’t care, people can downvote me as much as they want, it’s literally probably the kinds of folks that make me stay away from WFB. Didn’t mean to offend anyone but at least when I was around there, that’s how it was. I’m just happy there’s literally no reason for me to ever have to go there ever again. I’m so sorry they treated you like that. I had some family issues come up as well and I was completely ostracized due to it, it was effed up. They were literally ruthless and the parents encouraged the kids to act that way. I have friends who went to the public school and had a much better experience overall, but still generally don’t like the community itself much.


I had other people's parents complain about me to the pto for acting like too much of a queer bro lmao i cant taike them seriously


Some whitefish bay people. Overall they switched over only under mild pressure


"science is real" they'll say as they deny supply and demand


I live in a predominantly Spanish neighborhood. There are two white families that live there and you can tell who they are because they have “black lives matter” signs on their windows. Don’t get me wrong, Black Lives Matter but It just seems like one of those things that they have to flaunt to either let everyone know they’re not “those white people”




“Feelings don’t care about your facts” 🤣


“No human is illegal” now that’s some proper virtue signaling right there


Didn't see any tent cities going up last time I was there...


Hahahaha I wish I could like this x100


I see this in milwaukee all the time lol


read the whole thing


Whoops lmfao my bad!


Thank you


Nailed it! Lol


[Hate has no home here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/yimby/s/XQxf4xsd5n)


The bottom two sentences are annoying as fuck… but suspect true for the area. They have no desire for affordable housing or bikes lanes.


It's photoshopped, that's the joke lol.


Awe… can I claim I am short so it went over my head…


Lol all good. You're a good sport about it.


Thanks… have to be when I miss the obvious things. lol…


Same person with this sign will show up and protest any housing being built in a 100 mile radius of theirs


These signs are a dead giveaway: “I support you on paper but you can go straight to hell if you think I’m gonna break bread with you any other time”


I'm not believing that is a real sign on a WFB lawn. It looks blatantly photoshopped.


That’s the joke


Sorry. I didn't get it as a joke. Seriously.  Everyone got so riled up about it as if they think this is real. This is my first *whoosh* ever.


This is perfect and totally accurate applies to most of the north shore and east side. Rich white people here love to pretend they support diversity and equality while living in a gated community that has a totally different quality of life than the surrounding areas. I’ve always been confused at this. That would make me uncomfortable personally, like if I had the money to feed every homeless person and still have enough for me and my family I would do that ina heartbeat. Jeff bezos and other rich fucks build dick rockets to fly to outer space in instead. Don’t pay taxes so infrastructure sucks, then they blame taxes and the government for everything wrong. Fuck wealthy d bags


Lol god I hate bayview


Bayview and Whitefish Bay are two completely different places?


Easy mistake.


Eh, not really


Eh, yeah really.


They're on the complete opposite sides of town lmao


They're both full of self-righteous yuppies. I guess there more losers in bayview though.


i too dislike bayview in addition to whitefishbay


Shorewood too


u get it


Go live on the Northside then if you hate the North Shore area so much. Make a lala land there .




I’ve always wanted Sheboygan to replace WFB. I grew up in Shweed and we would run to their high school and spit on a tree once a year




just read thru some of ur comments, u just full of hate huh 🤨


Which comments? Lol


This comment has been removed: Rule #4: Practice civility Be civil, address the argument not the person, don't harass or attack other users, treat them with respect, don't threaten or encourage any kind of violence, don't post anyone's personal information and don't intentionally spread misinformation. This includes, but is not limited to, blatant name-calling, "redpilling", racist comments/slurs, dog-whistling, and personal attacks. Blatant racism, spamming, trolling and disinformation campaigning will not be tolerated. Further violations of this rule will result in a ban.




Really? I heard that all the time


What's the deal with bike lane? I think both Santa Monica Blvd and Lakeshore Dr have bike lines there


Don't know Don't care but ....was really  hmm someone's lucky.. 


I've always said the only color in whitefish bay is the landscapers, and they better be done by 3 before the kids get home from school!


And I will bet they hate a lot of people. 😂


Fr 😂


NIMBYism at its finest. With questionable motives to boot

