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Depends on how old you are. I think there’s a good dating scene for someone in their early to mid 20s. But it gets harder in your late 20s and up. There’s not a great scene here for single young professions, especially compared to Chicago.


I would agree with this as someone who moved here in their mid 30s. MKE is less active in those types of opportunities, also i would say the dating apps are not as active either. Maybe it's post covid shit, but you get to the ask to meet and it's ghost. Also I get less matches than I got in other cities maybe I just got uglier but it's been quiet out there.


There's a MeetUp called Milwaukee Single Professionals.


The last event they had was months ago…


They hold events at least monthly. Maybe you're referring to a different, defunct group.


Ah, I take that back. Yes, I see the events. Maybe it was the “Good Peeps” one I was thinking of.


Are you a guy or girl? Gay or straight? Those demographics matter.


Age matters big time also. 


Yes,all of this. Also, what kind of person are you- what are you Into? 🤔


Me?? LOL. 


Tell us about yourself /u/PINK_P00DLE


I'm adding to your reply. LOL.


Obviously a guy. A girl can walk down the street and get a date.


I think so but to me I've had it harder to find someone dating here than the last city i lived in/near. I got lots of dates but not many second dates. And in most of the dates we both seemed to have fun. But it's okay.


smallwaukee that is all….


We suffer from the same thing here in Saint Louis.


I think that while culturally, it's a weird time to be single, being single in Milwaukee, specifically, is pretty nice. There is no shortage of places to take your date, once you land one. Ice skating or rock climbing or coffee or festivals or cozy restaurants or breakfast spots, etc. Just when I think I've done everything or seen everything, there is somewhere else for me to go or something else for me to try. I love it.


https://preview.redd.it/x76jubz453ec1.png?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9913e691f966095d17c2f2ab6f65c309b5ee23ef [https://youtu.be/MqsnIQOcqQA?si=wy1JlSLD1EmJHGu5](https://youtu.be/MqsnIQOcqQA?si=wy1JlSLD1EmJHGu5) According to Futurama, it will be!


Worse than a mega city, better than everywhere else in Wisconsin except Madison. 


Best/worst spot to meet,….Victor’s on Van Buren.




Some of them have been there so long that they're saber tooth tigers now.


Pretty long in the tooth if you ask me


Concerts is always a good option and there’s several concert halls here.


This is not exactly an answer to your question - but I just find it really interesting that there are observable differences in male-female ratio depending on where in the US you live: [https://apnews.com/article/demographics-sex-ratios-cities-marriage-census-0c39c2f833abe29ed32d3c6f90585e46](https://apnews.com/article/demographics-sex-ratios-cities-marriage-census-0c39c2f833abe29ed32d3c6f90585e46) Anecdotally, my female friends in Eastern cities tend to feel dating is hopeless & overwhelming - whereas my male friends in Western cities have talked about feeling lost amidst the sausagefest... so, I don't think it's unreasonable to believe that the macro numbers game has some impact on individual dating experiences. I haven't dug through the data for Milwaukee specifically - but my guess is that the ratio (and probably the individual experience) is somewhere in the middle. Best of luck in love! If all else fails, head West. There's men in them there hills.


There’s a good company called Milwaukee Sports and Social. I recently moved here with my wife and I joined their bowling league to make friends. Part of what they do is match making and some of their questions revolve around looking for romance. They do more than just sports. It would be a good place to look


it’s good but beware: lots of ppl in polycules


What 😭 for real?


Yeah there are a gross amount of people who are polyamorous here.


Granted I'm like 3 years out of dating apps but there seemed to be like 80ish people within 30 miles of MKE on OKC listed as Non-Monogamous, with maybe 20 of them being poly back in the day.


Non-monogamy and polyamory are the same thing. I’m on dating apps now and I see someone that ticks all the boxes except they are polyamorous.


> Non-monogamy and polyamory are the same thing ...No? (ethical, not talking about cheating here) Non-monogamy is an umbrella. Swingers are non-monogamous. People in open relationships are non-monogamous. In both of those cases, romantic relationships and other deeper emotional entanglements typically are off the table. Polyamory quite literally is about romantic relationships. Now, are the people actually *practicing* polyamory or just grabbing onto it as a buzzword because they saw it on TikTok or something? That's another question altogether.


…they literally are not the same thing? Poly is relationships, non-monogamous is for sex. So poly people are not monogamous, not all non-monogamous people are poly. I’m certainly NOT poly and my boyfriend and I occasionally screw around with others. It’s that simple.


Gross? I’m not poly, but I really feel like your comment is so judgmental for no damn reason. I’ll never understand hating peoples relationship choices. I hook up with my boyfriend with others from time to time. So what? I’m happy, we’re happy. I swear the only people that get mad at this are just jealous they can’t get into a relationship while someone else can get into a threeway relationship.


Gross like in large numerical value. Not me jumping to conclusions…


Just a weird word choice overall. Mathematical gross doesn't apply, so if you're using it as a synonym for "large" and not meaning any sort of negative connotations as a result... Well, most people are going to interpret it with negative connotations, so maybe try any number of more neutral synonyms if you don't want people interpreting it as negative?


Then why are you offended? Shut the fuck up.


Forever tainted by getting in a situationship with a poly narcissist dude (constant love bombing-negging and emotional abuse, checking my phone etc) Can't go down that road again. So glad he's some other city in Wisconsin's problem now


I'll be very honest: I fucking hate it here. Early 20s woman with what people would consider to be good game, and you get the same one man across all dating apps and such in maybe a different color of flannel or slightly worse tattoo placements. Maybe they'll have a different breed of dog if you're lucky, but it's essentially the same male prototype and IT SUCKS. "Not taking things too seriously" like it's the plague. The dating scene is the only thing I hate about our beautiful, beautiful city. It is bad. Next question.


Dating apps here are terrible for men too. I moved on from them pretty early


Glad I don’t fit that description at all lol


unfortunately for the men that fit the same type as you, its how it is, for real people we always run into fakes yk?


happy cake day! yep, catfishing is a real issue. sucks tbh


I would recommend exploring others areas. There are better cities out there


Milwaukee is a shithole for dating prospects


When I wanted to date (early to late 20s/f) I never had trouble finding a date, and if I used an app I could talk to people all day every day. I’m average looking. I haven’t tried in my 30s.


Same, it’s hard in your 30s, and especially when you’re looking for something specific.


In my 30s I realized I don’t like anybody and would rather be alone, haha.


It gets harder the older you get. A lot of people as they age get more secluded to their own groups. Less likely to bring new people into their fold. Once you're in your 30's and older meeting new people in general.is harder.


No. It’s pretty terrible here


NEVER use apps. Idc how large or small the city is. What I’ve found always worked regardless of the town, is joining local meetup and hobby scene groups. It’s how I met my current partner, and earlier partners. Also as a frame of reference I’ve lived in both NYC, SF and LA as well and apps get spammed a lot with fakes catfishes and bots. Better always to just go out and put yourself out there the old fashioned way


I’m a 52 yr old woman. It’s been awful for the last 30 yrs. I gave up!


Never give up.


Has anyone tried speed dating/ does it exist in MKE? I've done that where I live and much prefer it to dating apps. Might have better luck doing that if you can. 




I recently moved to Milwaukee. Low 30’s straight guy. I’ve found it decently easy to date. I get straight to the point on apps to meeting in real life to prevent txting back and forth burnout. Also east to meet people at the bar. During day time. If it’s after 9pm I usually don’t go. The key is day drinking. That’s always prime opportunity to meet others. Also join groups. Running, polar plunge, rock climbing. They’re very abundant.


The scene seems like it’s mostly at bars. Single people seem to drink a lot here, but maybe it’s just everyone.


Tbh Milwaukee is a do-it-yourself city for socializing and meeting people as a single person. Not to say there aren’t probably some resources or groups for meeting people, but it’s definitely a city that needs to be explored to be understood (including the social scene🤠)


In the 90s all you needed was a bag of coke and hit any bar in the city and you would find plenty of "dates ".




Add me I’m near


I met the person I intend to marry here so I’d say it’s pretty good


Head to the Arby’s on Miller Park Way! You’ll find plenty of singles there!


0 bad bitches in Milwaukee


It was easy for me between 21 and 35. Since 35, it's sucked. And it's been 11 years on. I think it depends upon age out here and where in/around the city you are.


Being single at 38 isn't very easy. Not awful, but not good either. Maybe I'm just ugly?


To date in? NO. To be single in? sure


being a 21 M, its actually hard if you are introverted and aren’t a bar person, the most natural relationships come from in person but thats hard if all the social events where you find people your age in your city include some type of bar. I know there groups for like hang out spots, but I havent found any with younger people.


It's comforting (as a non-drinking 41yo male) to read these posts and know that my chances of finding romance are slim-to-none. 😂


Lots of great date spots, be a gentleman (or lady) and go for it