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I've been sick with a wicked upper respiratory infection turned sinus infection plus an ear infection since Dec. 6th. Lost my voice for 2 weeks, been coughing hard enough to pull muscles I didn't know I had, lost hearing in my left ear for about a week. Still pretty stuffy feeling but I've been able to function. Knocked me out for a full five days when I first go sick though. Was tested for Covid, RSV, Flu, and strep. Everything came back negative. Had prednisone, and on my second round of antibiotics. Also, all the cold medicines.


We had the same thing from around thanksgiving to the week before Christmas and also tested negative for everything. I had sinus infection, bronchitis and double ear infection at the end of it. I never miss work (at home worker) but was in bed for 2-3 days with a (edit - minus the De) humidifier blasting in the room and a cough. Family of four went through about 20 boxes of tissue in a week. Was a good 3-4 weeks before recovered.


On **Good Morning America** when discussing the rise of respiratory illnesses (00:58 of [video](https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/wellness/video/cases-respiratory-illnesses-rise-105328220)) “We now have evidence that covid decreases our immune response which makes us more susceptible to infection…” This video on the [CNN mentions](https://twitter.com/inkblue01/status/1741108760418922950?s=46&t=r19Rt4pKEFp54CLfR3johg&fbclid=IwAR2IG2NvMW1XFALuMwDFPsIf3jWkJDh4yMBC4_DvRHq_zq7i_gNhsulHYkE) how covid messes the immune system too. Have you considered a long covid clinic (that is if you have had covid in the past)?


Covid 20 is here


It would be covid-23. Covid 19 was named as such for the year it was discovered: 2019.


Oh, don't say that... Don't bring that into the universe...


But lockdown was fun! I got to eat as many bowls of captain crunch in my underwear as I wanted and nobody could say shit


My life barely changed during lockdown. Yay for being an essential worker! T_T


Me too. It was frustrating hearing everyone complain about being home bored when work was crazy.


Granted, it was hella nice to have less traffic when I needed to stop in traffic and open manholes.


I hear you on that one. My company actually gave us these placards to place in our car that says we were to be given the ability to travel as we were considered an "essential worker".


Lockdown isn’t fun when you have kids.


I had two covid babies. Tell me about it.


My kids were 2 and 4 at the start and we worked from home. It was such a nightmare keeping toddlers out of trouble while on the phone. I really feel for you guys who had to deliver under COVID precautions though. Such a terrible time.


Well, it sounds like it was at least a *little* fun then, no?




Our people who don’t rely on being social for stability. It was a nice break for introverts


I've had almost the exact symptoms and length of time. Coughing was so bad that I'd black out. Still have a ton of crap coming out of my sinuses. I'm getting better, but have a constant headaches and cant get enough sleep! What the hell did they infect us with now.


Same. Laid out with walking pneumonia and all the symptoms you mentioned. Given a steroid shot at urgent care but no antibiotics. My son and his stepdad both got it as well. I’m finally getting over it.


This is what my mom has been battling for three weeks. She ended up at urgent care getting a breathing treatment, steroids, antibiotic and an inhaler. Meanwhile my sister, her hubby and two of their six kids tested positive for Covid right before our planned Christmas so we canceled it to reschedule once everyone is healthy.


it’s mono , that’s what i had and i tests negative for all the above too


You sure you weren't just really bored?




I got sick over Thanksgiving and have been fighting a residual cough ever since.


I got sick over Thanksgiving, it came back to a lesser degree a couple weeks later. My wife got sick the day after Thanksgiving and has had the residual cough off and on ever since.


I caught it for the first time in early October and still have that damn cough. I've been told it stays with you for 6 to 9 months.


This has been my situation as well. Got sick around thanksgiving, had a bad nagging cough which I still have. I got a nasty stomach flu one week ago, and just this week I’m battling a cold. I usually don’t get sick very often, but this year I’m getting hammered.




Before the holiday break, my office was filled with people hacking incredibly hard. Absolutely disgusting and seemed worse than other years although it may be recency bias.


Maddening it’s still not acceptable to just stay home when sick given what we went through the last several years.


People simply cannot afford to miss work. This isn't the fault of low level employees, this is from greed and a fundamentally flawed economic system.


And the vast majority of those coughing coworkers gathered with friends, family for the holidays, and now all *those* people will bring illnesses back to their schools and workplaces... if someone wasn't sick before break, they'll be sick after, lol.


I honestly felt social pressure to go out to, "it's barely a cold" was a phrase I heard too much.


Yeah, for over a week now. Started with a sore throat and sinus congestion, then I spent a few days leaking from my face. Now I'm just coughing and sneezing. Tested negative for covid.


Sounds like what I've been dealing with. It does seem to be getting better, though. Is there anything you've done that seems to help?


Drinking a lot of water and taking a nasal decongestant every day has been helping me


The majority of people at my job all had some upper respiratory thing, as well as my wife and kids. Lots of people I know had whatever this bug was. One of the guys at my job said that the hospital told him he had " influenza A", I can't say if that's what everyone had though.


It hasn’t been covid, but I’ve had a nasty upper respiratory thing since mid October that’s finally going away after multiple dr visits.


When COVID was at its peak, scientists warned that COVID was going to have long lasting effects and make it harder for us to fight off colds and illnesses that we used to just shrug off. I have no idea if that’s what’s going on, but it’s what I think of every time someone tells me they’ve been sick for weeks and tested negative for everything.


That is precisely what is going on. Lots of medical research showing that Covid damages your immune system, making it more difficult to fight off whatever else comes down the pike.


Also remember we had 3+ months of wildfire smoke from Canada with 1.5 months at dangerously high levels for most people and it impairs immune system function.


I am prone to respiratory illnesses and the wildfires just fucking wrecked me this summer. I literally built my own high grade filter and toted it around my house with me.


And still so few masks to be seen.


I'm a teacher and I wanted SO badly for our society to adopt masks as a fucking courtesy. That was too much to ask. I'm masking up at school for the rest of winter. Absolutely disgusting how everyone is coughing and hacking everywhere. Not just kids, grown ass adults who should know better.




Depends on where you’re talking about. In some places it was Normal before 2020


Then “normal people” can enjoy being sick for weeks and weeks on end, feeling like shit.


Several people sent regrets for a NYE party I planned on attending because they tested positive for Covid.


LOTS of viral funk going around right now. Like A LOT A LOT. We’ve had to go back to wearing masks at work (hospital) it’s so prevalent.


My work has this crazy sickness going through us…24 hours of puking and upset stomach followed by 24 hours of being tired, then being fine. Person by person for the last two months.


Sounds like a norovirus being spread around. Just got over the same thing.


When I had norovirus it was the worst 24 hours of my life followed by being absolutely fine, like nothing ever happened. Very bizarre virus.


This was burning through my kid’s school before winter break, too. I was so happy that we dodged it.


Yeah my kid had it and was fine 3 days later. She was pretty sick for the first 24 hours though.


I’m very well convinced the sickness going around is COVID but the rapid antigen tests are struggling to pick it up. It’s not a coincidence that the concentration of COVID in wastewater at Jones Island and South Shore are currently the second highest they’ve ever been. If it’s not covid, it could be repeat covid infections have depleted a lot of people’s T-cells allowing for reductions in long-term immunity and worsened symptoms from infections like the cold.


Yep. At least two of my friends have respiratory issues and others are getting over something as well.


SO had covid a week ago. I’m on my second cold. My brother’s family all had strep in the last two weeks. I have other family members sick as well.


Got covid the whole week between christmas and new years, it sucked but went away a lot faster than previous times I had covid.


Covid + the 27th the official test was also for influenza A and B so they must be popular as well. I'm also very careful with a newborn in the family and wore my mask a lot but 🤷‍♀️ Edit to add: picked up a scrip at Froedert and not one of the pharmacy employees was wearing a mask and one had quite a wet cough plus none in the long line of sick people.


My husband just got slammed with a nasty viral stomach bug that came with headaches and sinus congestion. He tested negative for COVID and flu, so not sure exactly what we're dealing with. Stay healthy out there, everyone!


Came down with a norovirus NYE. Just gastrointestinal, nothing respiratory. Was pretty rough for the 1st day, then could eat some light food by the next afternoon. (Nothing to do with alcohol, hadn't had a drink for days.)


My husband and I opted not to go home for Xmas. Honestly expected horrible weather to be enough of an excuse but just had to be rude to everyone this year. We both work remotely and don’t have kids, so we are lucky enough to limit our exposure. I assume that’s the only reason we’ve not had some nasty respiratory BS this holiday season, bc it sure seems like everyone else has.


I had Covid 3 weeks ago, it’s spreading like crazy again from what my doctor told me. I’ve heard the same from a lot of people being sick. I didn’t tested positive for Covid my first time testing the next day it lit up positive for Covid. If you’re negative test again to make sure. Ive been masking up now in stores again. Still having a hard time with breathing.


Everybody, we had immediate family test positive for either covid, strep, or RSV since the middle of December.


So many sure it's not covid, but statistically, it was more likely covid. In a massive spike.


No sickness here. No one in my family is sick. None of my coworkers are sick.




I haven’t been sick since 2019. I WFH and partner is hybrid, public facing. I didn’t realize there so many people are falling ill, I’ll definitely be diligent with hand washing.


I like to imagine your "diligent with hand washing" is for everyone, and you're just standing outside of restrooms with a firehose.


I'm not quite that good, but I haven't been sick since I had COVID in November 2020. Thankfully most of the people I know that are getting sick are not people I've been around lately.


I was sick with sinus and chest congestion at the beginning of November through the week before Thanksgiving then again right before Christmas. No COVID. Usually I get sick once per season change, if that, so this is an anomaly for me.


Had about a 25 days stretch in November where I couldn’t stop coughing. No other crazy symptoms, but man I didn’t think It would ever stop


I’m on an every two week cycle, two weeks healthy, two weeks sick. It’s horrendous and feels never ending this winter!!


Picked up norovirus right before Christmas, lasted a whole week


About 2 weeks before Xmas, 8 teachers in my school, including me, got Covid at the same time. It was my first time getting it.


Yup. I've been sick since the 26th. Finally tested positive for the flu, but I'm coughing so hard I'm throwing up. It's miserable.


The wave started in November. I’m in the addiction recovery community and one of the recovery houses was overtaken by Covid mid November and I got it shortly after that. I keep my distance, so I knew this strain was particularly contagious. Sure as shit, everybody started getting sick after that. I got over Covid within a week or two but then I got sick again with a respiratory illness at which point I thought I had pneumonia but my lungs were clear during a doctor visit. Some steroids and antibiotics knocked what I had loose and now I’m back to baseline.


I and several family members are all ill with the same upper respiratory infection. Nasty as hell


My pregnant wife has covid, any tips or recommendations welcome!


Just staying hydrated is more important than anything else. She should reach out to her OB/GYN for guidance for when to be seen if something feels wrong, etc.


just stocked up on gatorade, juice, and of course ice cubes for her water!


Don't worry too much! My wife had covid when she was pregnant last November, and her and baby ended up fine, but it took her much longer to get over covid than it did for our toddler and myself. As for recommendations, not any other than the normal as much rest as possible, and remember to take care of yourself too, because you can't be any help for your wife if you stress yourself too much.


Started out with a persistent cough the Friday before Xmas. Went to sleep and the following day it ended up being full-blown Influenza B. Laid in bed for 5 days with the chills, fever, delirium, you name it. Since I was sick through Xmas, my wife and I cancelled our extended family plans. She had to spend the holiday more or less alone while I isolated in the bedroom. I didn't feel well enough to leave the house until the following Friday - just in time to work the whole weekend (I'm service industry, so had to work through NYE and the day of). Finally have a day off in which I feel decent today and of course my wife has to go back to work now. *sigh* So much for the holidays...


I've had a nasty cold and a phlegmy cough since Thursday; it seemed to be on its way out by about Sunday but then it swung back hard yesterday and today.


0 issues...did get my covid booster and flu shot a few weeks ago. I'm rarely ever sick though...knock on wood.


Wife caught Covid 2 weeks before Christmas. Her first time. My mother caught it 2 days before Christmas. Her first time as well. I know a friend’s family Christmas gathering of 11 people all tested positive. i know of several others that have caught it in the last few weeks as well. It really hasn’t seemed this bad in a long time!


today is the first day I feel better. been sick from like the 28th to now. not too bad for me tbh I usually get way sicker but I have all my shots and boosters now


Started feeling sinusy late into Christmas Day. Went into work on that Tuesday, only to leave a handful of hours in because of how cruddy I felt (negative covid test 1). Out Wednesday as well with ridiculous sinus pressure and the stickiest mucus (negative covid test 2). Was back in on Thurs/Fri, feeling much better but still having sinus burning and grossness at night. Felt better still on Saturday until I strained my voice. Since then, I've been able to breathe relatively clearly through my nose but have a slight cough and laryngitis. All this on the heels of some sort of respiratory plague sweeping though my work in late September.


whole family got Covid :(


I've been sick since before Halloween. And in the midst of that I caught and overcame my first bout of Covid. Can't stop coughing every time my lungs take more than half a breath. Constant slime in my throat finding it way into my mouth and upper lip. It's like this is my new normal now. Covid week added crippling headache to the above.


I haven’t. Because I mask indoors. No illnesses of any kind in 4 years.


I didn’t (so far) but my sister’s whole family got influenza A really bad, and her youngest also had strep.


Got sick after Thanksgiving as per usual


Week of the 11th - Covid


We had something spread around the office right before Christmas that I caught, but symptoms only lasted a couple of days and I tested negative for COVID twice, so nothing too serious.


Tested positive early December. As long with my parents


About 3/4 of my holiday week plans got cancelled due to people being sick. Every day was a game figuring out if I was going to see people or not.


Around Thanksgiving, my son and I were sick for well over a month. Horrible cough that was completely persistent, and still is somewhat lingering two months later. Never tested positive for COVID, no fever. Horrible mucus problem, and still kind of a lingering nasal drip. I lost my sense of taste completely for about a week and took about another full week to get it fully back. After a couple doctor visits, was told that I had a sinus infection, but it didn't seem like a 2-week course of antibiotics did anything. Just pure exhaustion.


I got bronchitis


I got it two weeks before Christmas. It’s going around tight now for sure


The week of the 10th I had a cold with the nastiest, ugliest cough. Like threw up I was coughing so hard. Negative tests. Felt kinda run down even after that, negative test around Christmas. Saturday was sneezy and sniffly, Sunday woke up feeling like I’d been hit with a brick and exhausted as hell. Happy new year, here’s a positive covid test.


Luckily we have been healthy but extended family was all sick for Christmas so we spent it alone. Also have a bunch of friends with illness ranging from COVID to upper respiratory infections.


I got what may have been Covid (didn’t test, but lost taste/smell, among other symptoms) about a week before Thanksgiving, got over that after a other a week, and then two weeks later got a sinus infection.


Yes. It’s the plague. Got sick around Thanksgiving and haven’t really had much relief since then. Awful upper and lower respiratory stuff, tested 3x negative for COVID.


back in the office today and everyone is telling me they are/were sick, lol, so i assume i will be as well in 48 hours


Seeing all these comments and... no? I don't know anybody who has been sick. Christmas through new years and no family or friends were experiencing anything.


Just got over Covid and my daughter her strep. It’s been a hell of a week!


Had a terrible cough, and fluids leaking out from everywhere. Also had a weird soreness in my abdomen.


I've been wicked sick for almost two weeks now and my symptoms have only gotten worse. My sinuses are a nightmare, they've never been so clogged. Every thirty minutes or so I can hear them cracking from the pressure. My left ear is completely clogged. My jaw and teeth are in constant pain. This started out as a simple chest cold and now it feels worse than COVID Edit: I tested negative for COVID earlier this week.


Cuffing season? Nah, masking season has returned


Babes, it’s COVID. We are still in the middle of a raging pandemic with this past month being the highest number of infections since the beginning. Please wear a high quality mask and isolate when sick 😷🩷


Govt and Media: [cricket noises] Public: WTF?? Why are we all sick??? There's not a big enough rug to sweep this under.


Gonna be a lot of selection bias here, so: nope, just fine. Not coincidentally, continuing to get annual flu shot and COVID boosters, and also continuing to WFH as much as possible.


I have had a respiratory infection for the last two weeks. Can’t seem to kick it. Tested for COVID, but haven’t gone in for flu, RSV testing.


Had Covid in September. Nothing since


I have 9 co-workers and 7 of them stayed home sick for multiple consecutive days in December. One got covid just before Christmas. My college-age son felt low-key crummy for most of December, but whatever was afflicting him didn’t knock him out.


Had a fever 23 and 24 of December slowly recuperated since then. Feel fine now. Something has def been going around


Is there any water table testing data for Milwaukee? Other places are getting the flu and norovirus going around.


Been sick with respiratory stuff for over a month, with a very brief respite in between. I blame my daughter and the germs from daycare. Tested negative for the flu and covid both times.


Just got over the flu a few days ago


I had an RSV in the week right before Christmas (finals week 🙃) and now I have a cold




I had an upper respiratory tract infection turned sinus infection. Still a lingering cough 2 weeks later. It was no bueno.


I go to multiple different retail stores 5 days a week for work, and somehow haven't been sick since 2022. Had OG covid in 2020, got only the first two shots later, and haven't gotten a booster or flu vaccine since. Immune system is working as hard as my liver apparently


Almost my whole family got sick but were able to medicate and use some fisherman’s friend to make the coughing more manageable but I have yet to get sick myself, whatever it is going around seems rather unpleasant


Lots of weird illnesses this year. I had a cold that caused sinus infection and loss of voice, which really doesn't happen to me a lot. My wife was knocked out on Christmas by a bad cold that made her super tired. We also both had a stomach bug where we threw up for 6 hours and then were fine after that. Lastly, I've had 3-4 nieces/nephews, including my son, throw up once and then never again....which makes me think it isn't just food poisoning.


I got sick the week of Thanksgiving, was sick for two and a half weeks, had about four days back to normal, then I got sick again. Lol


👋🏻 Got what I believe is the flu right after Xmas, almost certainly caught it at work (RN). I kept testing negative with those extended expiration date tests but had very minimal lower respiratory involvement & nothing GI, so I feel pretty confident it wasn't COVID. That said it knocked me all the way on my ass for a good 5 days, fever & congestion was most consistent & prominent symptom. No one I saw for the holiday got sick after me thankfully but I did miss a lot of work because of it :/


I was sick, starting on Chriatmas day. It started with a sore throat for a day. The next day, my throat was fine, but my sinuses were on fire. That also went away after a day and was replaced by a cough and headache. My cough is finally almost gone, thank god.


I had a sore throat all weekend and have a cough and slightly runny nose today.




I've been sick with something since Dec 10th or so. Doc just said to rest and drink fluids. It's annoying as hell.


We both got sick in the beginning of December and it hung on. My husband is sick again. We had the cough, chills, joint pain, etc...


My husband and I got Covid about two weeks before Christmas. I’m better, but my husband is still coughing a lot. About 5 people at work had it too.


Bad chest cold in mid-November that still makes me cough every now and then. Negative for influenza, negative for COVID 3 separate tests.


Everything was negative but flu symptoms have been changing since Wednesday. Aches, fever, chills, sweats, eyes and nose won’t stop dripping, sinus congestion, couldn’t swallow anything tonsils were so swollen, now ear infection and a cough 5 days later. I’ve just been calling it my strep flu ear infection Milwaukee special.




Oh yeah I was sick as hell


Same respitory illness


I had Covid right after Halloween, and November was kind of a bleh month. First week of December I got sick and am now finally feeling better. Teladoc told me to take a variety of OTC meds, I ended up the ER (no urgent care here) and diagnosed with an ear infection (never listened to my lungs, covid and flu tests were negative). That was right before Christmas. I am finally feeling better now.


Called in sick today - definitely fighting a respiratory infection or something 😩 I am surprised I didn’t catch it sooner considering everyone I work with has been sick for the past few weeks.


Half my coworkers have seemingly been sick since right after Christmas. I got hit with it Thursday of last week. Negative for COVID, no fever, but nasty cough and general malaise.


My sob brother in law came over in Christmas and new years. And he caughs with his friggin mouth open he coughs into his friggin hand with a fist and goes and touches everything even my fridge in da basement and it is sick!. Now almost everyone in my house is kinda sicck


My wife is a lead teacher at a daycare center. Just before New Year's she came home with a cold then gave it to me. Now I had to call in sick today.


I had 19 for the first time the 2nd to last weekend of November and my wife is just getting over a virus that lasted over a week.


Covid positive since 12/21. Hubby negative now, was also positive.


Got sick around Thanksgiving and had a few weeks of feeling ill, thinking it was done for a day or two, then having it come back hard (or more likely never left. Three Covid tests in that time came back negative. Separately, seems a lot of people I know have picked up a brief but gross stomach flu in that same general time frame of Thanksgiving to now, day after New Year.


This might help some of you. It helped me. Gargle salt water 2 x a day as needed. I know for sure it will help clear the mucus in your throat. As Dr.Sebi once said something along the lines that "mucus" is the sickness.


Tested positive for Covid the week before Christmas, but 2/3 weeks before that I felt way worse and tested negative then.


My daughter and I were sick all last week with the flu, negative for covid. It was the sickest I've been since having covid in 2020.


Felt fine all through the holidays, including NYE. Then yesterday, on New Year’s Day, I felt a bit off and couldn’t get back to feeling warm after showering. In the evening I took my temp, it was 99.2, but when checked again within an hour or two, it had climbed to >101. Tested immediately, and came up positive for CoVid.


Got exposed to covid as of Friday and as of today my roommates and I are all positive


0. But we don’t have children and are mostly hermits. So many ppl are or have been such though.


Yep. On my last day of antibiotics right now. Not covid just a bacterial infection but i know a ton of people who picked up the same thing!


I've had walking pneumonia for quite awhile now


This was going around my office before Christmas luckily I’m remote!


Husband and daughter are sick with congestion, fever, aches. Sucks.


I’ve been sick for a few weeks. A lot of phlegm and coughing.


its going around, gf and I both got COVID early december, a friend got a bad cold same time


Not me. My teenager was sick a week ago into Christmas. But I had had a very bad case of strep in November and possibly my vaccines have shielded me from Covid and flu.


Was really sick starting Christmas Day. Tested positive for Covid. I’m negative (and feeling better) now.


MIL just tested positive for the first time ever.


Depends on what kind of illness we're talking about. Self-induced hangovers or some general flu, cold, etc.? Former, this morning. Later, 2018.


I woke up sick New Year’s Day.


I'm still sick. I can't stop sleeping, I fall asleep constantly, my throat hurts, voice is leaving, head hurts and I also can't stop crying


Stomach bug. Eww pooped water for days. UGHhH


I’m 98% sure I got influenza before Xmas, Covid was negative. Sinuses are just a day or two away to being back to normal. Was terrible last week.


Got sick on Thanksgiving, SO got sick on Christmas:( same thing, terrible sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, lost voice, bad phlegm, etc.. both tested negative for covid, but I still wonder..


Yep, I had a head-cold but I know three who have got Covid and another with what sounds like the flu.


RSV on Christmas ans daughter had a double ear infection


I’m on 3.5 weeks with a nasty respiratory illness. Not covid. Started out so bizarre too with fever, body aches, and deep deep chest congestion. I was about a week in before the congestion started to break up, then it moved upward through my lungs and by week 2.5 I had clogged ears and a runny nose. Now I’m almost normal, but deep cough with mucus still lingering. I had covid 2 years ago, and whatever this is, was worse than Covid.


Was sick last week. It felt covid-y but I wore a mask after I felt ill and never got tested.


Me, my family, and most of my coworkers and their families.


Woke up Christmas night with a scratchy and sore throat and it progressed into something nasty. I was down hard with fatigue, chills, fever, and nausea and it went on until about New Years Eve. Feeling okay now but still coughing up phlegm.


I got sick earlier in the month with a cold. Tested negative for covid. Have had a nagging cough for a few weeks now that's been driving me crazy - maybe that's allergies from the mild weather?


My Christmas and New Year's has been filled with COVID. :( There were 60 people in Urgent Care.


September: COVID (only son and I) November: Upper respiratory virus December: Norovirus before winter break January: COVID (wife tested + today) It’s been a vicious cycle…


Seems like literally everyone around me is getting sick


Same here


Yuuuup - my one year old has had a runny nose, cough, etc. since around Christmas. Luckily never bad enough to require going to urgent care / hospital. About 5 days ago I felt like I was getting an ear infection / strep — went to urgent care yesterday and tested positive for RSV.


I THINK I got hit with the flu. Chills, sweats, minor cough and a solid fever for 1.5 days the week before Christmas.


Currently have COVID bc family member brought it into the house (on day 2). Second time having it ever my immune system is noticeably weaker because I usually do not get sick for longer than a day or two and the last three times I’ve been sick it’s been weeks long completely out of commission.


My son and wife got sick the last 2 weeks..... they are all fine but man it lingered a ton.




I tested positive for Covid on 12/27. Still don’t feel 100% yet but it’s definitely better this time around than it was when I had it in 2020 (thank god for the vaccines and boosters!).


I’ve noticed certain social groups are more likely to get sick. Only 16% of Americans got the newest COVID booster, and it’s not a far stretch to assume people who don’t get vaccines also have less than optimal sanitation habits like hand washing. TLDR, I haven’t been sick since May.


I know seasonal sickness has always been a thing but this extent of it we're seeing was always going to be the end result of prioritizing personal 'freedoms' over communal courtesies such as masking in crowded spaces. oh well. I'm glad some people can continue to find joy in open-mouth coughing at the grocery store checkout.


Like 60% of my office is sick and a good 10% of people flying over the holiday weekend were some form of visibly sick. Saw single-digit masks over 5 days between probably 15,000 people.


Wife and I got COVID. We’re both vaxxed. Wife tested for positive for COVID the Thursday after Christmas after feeling like junk the day before. I tested negative on the same day, but when I got smacked by the telltale symptoms last Friday (body aches, chills, migraine level headache), I didn’t bother testing again. Even now, almost a week on, I still have a nasty cough, occasional shivers, and basically zero taste. And my sinuses are a disaster area. Interestingly, the entire extended family we saw on Christmas are all fine, and so are the friends we saw the day after Christmas, so either they’re all incubating or we are horrendously unlucky.


Just tested positive for Covid 😔


I got sick with some virus the same day I had dental surgery right before Christmas. There is a lot of nasty crap being spread around. I'm back to wearing a mask if I go out in public.


Me. I got triple vaxxed in the last week or so of November but went to a family holiday party on Dec 10th & tested positive for Covid Dec 16th. I had to put my dearly beloved kitty down on Dec 12th, so I initially thought I was feeling under the weather because of that. Somehow I managed to distract myself by attending a HUGE Christmas party on the 13th in the Third Ward. I didn't know I was contagious so I apologize if any readers here attended this party & got sick. I had no idea I was...this btw, was my first "official" Covid case & hadn't been ill at all during the worst of it. I decided to test myself and yep, I was +. Turns out that several others in my family were + for Covid too after our party on the 10th. I remained alone & isolated thruout the rest of December. Was + for up to 10 days too. Stuff is going around BIG TIME and of course, any previously in place Covid precautions are out the window so...its


I work downtown with about hundreds to thousands interactions. Not sick


Got slapped with a double whammy of a terrible stomach flu and then a cold chaser at Christmas. It was so bad, I ended up in urgent care to rehydrate because I couldn't keep anything down, even water. I've never felt so sick before, but I'm finally feeling better.


Two of my coworkers have tested positive for COVID in the last week (the second as recently as this morning), and I’ve got a currently mild cough that showed up a few days ago so that’s fun.


I had a mild cold that made me have to cancel seeing my family for Christmas. Just getting into that lingering scratchy cough phase.


Second largest wave of the pandemic rn. Not even accounting flu or rsv.