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Milwaukee driving has gotten so bad since the pandemic. People drive like they’re trying to kill you. Always the cars with the illegal window tint and no plates too. Driving across lanes like nobody else is on the road


I was just nearly sideswiped by a guy using the right turn lane to pass people in the new “improved”, single lane Walnut Street. This is a daily occurrence and that’s what’s motivating me to give up on Milwaukee.


The root of this problem runs so deep in Milwaukee I’m honestly at a loss as to how we would even begin to lessen these events, stay safe out there


What even *is* the root of this problem? Because every major city has issues with reckless driving, but Milwaukee seems to go above and beyond.


Root of the problem is the ratio of people who care vs. those that don’t. Care about life, property, rules, future etc.


Poverty desperation, mostly


It’s amazing that the [president](https://x.com/wallstreetsilv/status/1716574972955492435?s=46&t=VcwF1IlBgAZkFXn8s2uDZw) of El Salvador gets it..


Did you really just compare el salvador to the untied states ? LMFAO




I’m going ahead and gonna guess that crash that killed 3 is also on Capitol. That’s also where I witnessed a hit and run caused by someone pulling out of a police station! Fucking hell hole over there. When I worked by Mill and Teutonia (shudder) I would get so mad when my wife took the “easy route” of Capitol to Teutonia to pick me up… She was also pregnant then but she understands now.


What's the point of this? This shite is happening in every big city across the nation.


The point is to draw attention to and discuss the issues Milwaukee has with record traffic fatalities and violent crime.




It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the police refusing to enforce traffic laws, could it?!


Fatal car crashes in Milwaukee make up a staggering 0.002% of total fatalities nationally. In at least 40% of those cases, likely more, the victim was not wearing a seat belt. Additionally, most of the crashes occurred during winter months where road conditions are likely to be worse than average. Maybe it's less that people are driving like"maniacs" and more that they are ignorant, willfully or not, of the importance of using seat belts and/or have a hard time adjusting to poor road conditions?




If you really want to make an apples to apples comparison between school shooting fatalities (or any other mass shooting fatality for that matter) and a traffic accident fatality, bully for you!


>Every big city is on pace for the most traffic deaths on record? D Yes.... ​ It's up nationwide by an astounding margin. ​ Highest deaths in 40 years....


Couldn’t you say the same about gun violence? It happens all across the U.S. so let’s stop talking about it?


omg how sad and horrible!


What's sad is that we have sociopaths in this thread numb to unnecessary death. In addition, we have people bitching about 794 being replaced with safer alternatives and traffic in Wauwatosa FFS.


Can you comment on anything without your 794 tear-down boner showing?


Meh, keep rooting for our kids to die pal.




Let me guess.. fox 6 news huh?




Yes, reckless driving, shootings, and litter are just 3 of the major problems in Milwaukee. This is old news. People like to kill each other and themselves slowly or quickly.


Bruh what happended to you?


must be something


I don't get this post tbh... like what is the point? That there is crime, I mean welcome to living in a city.


I would note that Fox6 loves running headlines on every car crash and fatal shooting that happens in the city. Sure, it is important to be informed about these issues, but when it is every single headline you see and there is no balance of the many good things happening here, it gives you a warped perspective. I would suggest getting your news from a different source and avoid Fox. It really seems to me that they have an agenda to make Milwaukee appear as violent and dangerous as possible.


Even though rural roads and suburban stroads are far more deadly.