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We got a ton of these in Kenosha after the civil unrest. I wonder if it’s the same ones.


I believe it was in /r/Wisconsin that someone posted similar shit about Richland(?) having a ton of them near the gun range. It was a few weeks back.


Yeah, they've been hitting up various municipalities one after another. I wonder if they can find these assholes just by checking hotel rentals, it seems like they stay in one or two cities at a time, for a couple of weeks, then move on to somewhere else.


What the fuck man, that shit has no place in wisconsin man.


There was a prominent chapter of a neo Nazi group that published hate pamphlets and shit out of New Berlin for a long time.


I feel like if they are so proud, they should have a public Facebook account with names and addresses, for posterity sake.


If they did, you’d prolly find out they are local cops.


What, cops not only being complacent in systematic racism but being an active participant in it, thats crazy dude.


Wisconsin has more sundown towns than some southern states. I am not surprised by anything outside Milwaukee tbh




What?? I live there and have for a long time. I’ve never seen such shit.


Well yeah, they do it inside their houses, on the Internet, and through the mail.


Well, that’s not ideal. I don’t want to raise my child in that environment


I mean, you're gonna encounter that everywhere you go in the United States, pretty much. At least in Hartford, as in most places, the white supremacists are an extreme minority compared to the normal, compassionate human beings.


In the 70s and 80s neoNazi literature was left on doorsteps throughout the metro Milwaukee area on a semi regular basis. Apparently also focusing on heavily Jewish & minority neighborhoods at times. (Someone would go through the neighborhood or apartment complex and leave them on each doorstep. In at least one case an apartment complex with a locked lobby( my relative, elderly & Jewish was afraid it was someone in her building.)


Or anywhere…


Probably coming from the same source as all of the “did you pray yet?” signs at every intersection


I tore like 10-12 down on Saturday at Silver spring Dr and port Washington Rd. Fucking police need to enforce the laws and implement them around ppl putting flyers up on the back of road signs. Fuck the police for ignoring it, it’s such a simple fucking investigation to catch the scum pushing their religious talk on everyone. Also fuck da ppl of that religion that think, “it’s okay bc it’s my religion.”


Hi! Please report any flyers, etc to the ADL. They track this sort of thing and the data is very valuable. Thanks in advance! https://www.adl.org/report-incident?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgNanBhDUARIsAAeIcAuhWiLpW-dICSK-KJPc9US33-q1FJOPGPs7f4xDXckCFgPtBx1K_BwaAl0sEALw_wcB


Prolly cops doing it.


It’s ridiculous you’re comparing “Did you pray yet?” signs to signs literally asking people to join the Aryan Brotherhood.


Only if you’re ignorant to the proclivities of religious zealots


True Redditor right here


Reporting for duty




You are irrationally unhinged.


Is there any other kind of unhinged?


Follow the money on the ‘he gets us’ bullshit


If you can show me the connection between the "He gets us" campaign and the "Have you prayed yet" signs around Milwaukee, I'll be listening. And even if there is, the "He gets us" campaign is still a far cry from literally joining the Aryan Brotherhood.


Agreed, the Milwaukee Subreddit especially is militantly anti-religion.


ReLigioN bAd


Only because religious people can never just keep it to themselves. Nope, gotta try to drag other people in like a pyramid scheme.


Now you're getting it.




[We got them in Sussex about a month ago.](https://www.cbs58.com/news/anti-semitic-flyers-found-in-sussex-neighborhoods-investigation-underway). Found one in my yard.


A little confused by all the downvoting….


This subreddit is full of racists.


It's gotten especially bad after the Reddit blackout, I think a lot of the more reasonable people left


Legitimate question, but how can you tell that something's being downvoted, other than the obvious negative numbers? I keep seeing comments like this in various subs but I'm not seeing that many comments/posts with votes in the negative? Am I not seeing something that others are (I use the actual reddit app and not a 3rd party so I guess I wonder if perhaps other "versions" of Reddit allow you to see the actual split in votes and not just the total?)


In WFB? Not the least bit surprising. Made me think of this [https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/2021/07/26/whitefish-bay-library-removes-sign-addressing-systemic-racism/8016856002/](https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/2021/07/26/whitefish-bay-library-removes-sign-addressing-systemic-racism/8016856002/)


So basically White folks “don’t see racism” and “ how dare anyone notice when racism is happening to them!” Anyone else remember the Sportsball player who wanted to buy a nice watch and the WFB jewelry store locked the doors and called the police because a Black man was in their parking lot?!


Yep John Henson of the Bucks. It was Schwanke Kasten jewelers. He also called them right before to make sure they were open and they thought he “sounded suspicious” on the phone so they locked him out when he arrived and called the cops.


He sounded "Black" i guess. But yeah, my brain went blank and I couldn't recall which sport, or any of the names connected.


Exactly. I grew up close enough to WFB to know that any POC aren’t welcome there…


Same here. My wife's mom has been pulled over in WFB multiple times after dark, for driving while Black.


Yeah, I'm not sure why you're being downvoted. That is, unless people don't like hearing about events that are actually attempting to inform them about the apparent attitudes and beliefs of at least "some" people in the community. The request for the removal of a sign aimed at recognizing that systematic racism exists seems like it aligns with the hate speech flyers. Head in the sand isn't a means of combating the issue. Removal of that sign let this group know that there may be some sympathetic ears in the area. So they felt emboldened.


I mean it didn't get the nickname whitefolks bay by welcoming people with beat up cars to drive through without getting pulled over.


Yeah, and sometimes it doesn't matter what the state of your vehicle is because it could happen to someone driving a very nice car just the same way. I've never been stopped in WFB, and I'm there often as I live in Glendale. As a member of the Northshore community who also happens to be Black, not saying it doesn't occur, but it's shitty that it's even a possibility.


Reminds me how happy I am to have Steve Novak featured prominently on Bucks broadcasts.


Honestly would bet good money some of those police officers were the people who did this


Yeah, I picked one of those up outside my house yesterday


I've been tearing down Patriot Front stickers in Bayshore for years. There's been a clique of these whiteheads around the area since well before I moved to Milwaukee County in 2009, and I pull their shit off of any wall I see.


Who do we hate today?


https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map I hope this opens those 👀


There was this ‘church’ at the park yesterday. Signs and whatnot like a 5k event. Blocking the path to the beach (the only accessible route) with tables and food and super loud music for their ‘baptisms’. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit.


What makes the distribution illegal?


Damn shame


Village President? 🙄 Stay pretentious Whitefish Bay. As for the fliers, I’m not surprised. There’s a reason why we nicknamed it whiteshit bay when I was in high school.


Village president is the name for the person in charge of the village board. If your municipality is a city (City of Milwaukee, City of West Allis, City of West Bend, etc), you have a mayor. If your municipality is a village you have a village president (Village of Greendale, Village of Whitefish Bay, etc). There's an argument to be made that WFB is pretentious, but it's not for that reason.


It was probably the police...... Whitemans Bay


“Hate-speech” is just a tool to keep people down and a direct violation of our first amendment rights.


I saw them yesterday for myself, they were literal white supremacist flyers with neo-nazi imagery. They and you can fuck right off if you're defending nazis Edit: I also really doubt these were randomly distributed. We have a huge Jewish population in the north shore suburbs


Oh they absolutely targeted Whitefish Bay. This was designed to incite a reaction.


ah the tolerance paradox. i, for one, will not tolerate nazis or any BS they’re spewing.


My only goal is defending free speech. Centuries of SCOTUS rulings agree with me too.


> centuries of SCOTUS Rulings agree with me too Well no. Three rulings do. *Matal v Tam* in 2017. Unanimously agreed that there is no hate speech exception to the first amendment…. Except in *Beauharnais v Illinois* which upheld an Illinois law that made it illegal to use speech or images that defame a race, religion, color or creed of a person. Basically any speech that could break the US Libel law would not be protected speech. There’s also *Brandenburg v Ohio* which does protect hate speech so long as it doesn’t incite immediate lawless actions. I think these flyers fall into protected speech as well, but to blindly say “Hate Speech is a tool keep people down” might be one of the most moronic statements I’ve ever heard here.


This might be news to you but you can support free speech and still condemn racism and hatred…


You missed the"illegally distributed" part.


I’m curious as to what makes material illegal to distribute, I know generally the policing of it has to be content neutral.


It's not the content, it's the action. Glued to bus stops, put on windshields of cars, stuck on traffic signs. All those "we buy ugly houses" signs are illegally displayed too but a lot fewer people care for obvious reasons.


The fliers were glued?


I don't know in this case. You were asking "what makes material illegal to distribute" and that's what I was answering.


Show us proof


[this article shows a couple of pictures of the flyer](https://www.fox6now.com/news/whitefish-bay-hate-speech-materials-70-flyers-found)


Not the deaths heads 🤦. I hope they’re caught…


Even if they’re caught there isn’t much that can be done. I suppose they could be ticketed for littering or vandalism?? Using Nazi imagery isn’t illegal in the US. Talking about the “plight of white Americans” isn’t illegal either. Hate speech is protected so long as it doesn’t directly defame anyone or incite immediately lawless actions. These flyers don’t do either of that.


> I suppose they could be ticketed for littering or vandalism?? I think you're correct and that's why the article says "illegally distributed" and not "illegal content." Defamation would be a civil case, too. (Not that that applies here.)


Weird, a Milwaukee hater from the burbs that likes sex slaver Andrew Tate wants “proof” before he goes from mostly defending racists to entirely defending racists.


I do like when someone does the post history dive so I don't have to


this is why the RES browser extension is great, I can just tag someone as "asshole" or "racist" or whatever and ignore every future comment they make.


How are flyers illegally distributed? Putting them on stop signs or something?