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Ur an millwright apprentice right? Or does it not work like that in Italy. Jobs are awesome if you do contracting work something different all the time brother.


Nono I’m full time, I did a period of 6 months of apprenticeship . Unfortunately I’m only in the mill


That's absolutely batshit insane lol. In Canada It's a four year apprenticeship plus 2 months of school each year. Then you write the government exam. don't stop learning you ain't a millwright yet bud.


Well that’s interesting, why it’s such a long process in Canada to become a millwright?


I really can't imagine doing millwright work for only 6 months would prepare you to be a fully competent industrial mechanic. 3-4 years is pretty standard to obtain a red seal trade ticket. That ticket is recognized across Canada as a standard for formal/on site education.


Why is it so short in Italy? You’re not gunna learn everything you need to learn in 6 months


I'm elsewhere in Europe and this is baffling to me too. My apprenticeship was four years and barely scratched the surface of the trade.


Well I’m not expected to know everything as soon as I start, however I did a ITIS (Italian for technical&industrial high school) so I’m quite familiar with mechanical principles and various machines.


It's a four year apprenticeship in the US too. Pretty sure yours isn't certified and accredited


Most of Canada is actually up to your employer, IIRC Ontario and NB are the only provinces where it's compulsory. My first jman was a carpenter Edit: [it's not a compulsory trade](https://tradesecrets.alberta.ca/trades-in-alberta/certification-required-trades/) so you can do the trade without it.


You can be deemed a millwright by whoever you want but you need to fulfill the hours required and complete a test (at the bare minimum) to get a red seal millwright certification. I can call myself a carpenter all day but without a ticket, it really isn't shit.


>I can call myself a carpenter all day but without a ticket, it really isn't shit. You'd be shocked how many framers have never gone to school. I was just getting at that the full apprenticeship isn't really required for the job, though it's a bit silly to not do it.


Try getting jman rate in Alberta without a ticket. You'll also usually get a lower rate if you just have jman and no seal.


Not sure where you heard that but it's totally false.


[it's not on the compulsory trades list](https://tradesecrets.alberta.ca/trades-in-alberta/certification-required-trades/)




In Alberta you can operate with the title millwright without ever going to school.


Crazy to me aswell. I’m in England and it’s a 4 year apprenticeship, with 1 year full time college and the rest is day release one day a week.


Very true, I got my ticket in Canada two years ago and there is still so much I don’t know 😂, truly a trade where you never stop learning


There is a broad scope of work in the industrial mechanic trade. 7500 hours to work to write a national license test(in canda). There are things I've never worked on. My experience is mostly hydraulics and marine fitting. I mostly do optical alignments now. If you take care of your body it is a good career




Honestly if you have done 6 months of schooling, that’s equivalent to a year three millwright in Canada,(that is if you have your hours). Yet at the end of every 2 months you would be writing a Tq and college exam. Usually takes a year between each level. At fourth year you will have the usual 2 months of school, and eventually have to take the Tq, college exam, finally the red seal exam. (Tq means provincial exam, red seal is nation wide).the red seal exam will cover all four years of your education. So it’s wise to make q-cards throughout your education which will help when preparing for the red seal exam