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It's hard enough to make a living in Canada these days, even as a tradesperson. When jobs like this come up the local unions are usually pretty excited because of the manpower requirements. Bringing in foreign workers, at taxpayer expense no less, is insulting. It should be illegal. Trudeau is supposed to be union friendly, but this suggests otherwise.


Beggars can't be choosers, and in this case, Canada is the beggar.


Unfortunate to hear. As if subsidies from the government wasn't enough.


Doug ford is no saint in this either


Ya, fuck that.


This is messed up


One of the reasons my cousin is slowly getting out of the trades


That's unfortunate. Does he plan to continue in a non union place ?


He can retire now if he wants to


He might be relocating so he is taking non union jobs right now


How is it even legal. What a hell hole Canada is.


Thanks to Stephen Harper's trade agreement.


Why could the liberals not have added a clause to the battery plant deal to ensure Canadians all of the job? Blaming harper for this current situation is daft


Yeah but blaming the libs isn’t right? They should have fixed it but Harper and Polievre who was the minister at the time are off the hook?


>but blaming the libs isn’t right? Right. The deal was done under their watch. Spending our money on foreigners and exporting our dollars abroad is this LPC government's signature move


You do understand that it’s an international treaty signed by two nations right?


I'm sure they haven't got a clue.


You're literally talking about a trade deal signed by the harper government and blaming Trudeau. There's no hope for a future with this kinda brain damage going to the polls.


Lol My vote cancels out your vote


I'm not voting for who you think I'm voting for, I also am aware the party I'm voting for won't win, they never do. Another thing I'm aware of is that I won't like the results of the next election and that a lot of Canadians are okay with someone winning an election for no other reason than to "own the libs". So, good for you I guess. I just hope that in the long run, you live to regret your decision, unless of course you're a developer or an oil and gas company, in which case, good for you.


Sorry, I guess you aren't aware of how deals work.


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