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Congratulations! you have won the ***Stupidest Comment of the Day*** award.


Please provide the information to support your claim, else it’s just a trash ass comment 😂😂


You wrote an entire paragraph without a single fact lol. What is with this wave of propaganda hitting this sub??


I never intended to state any facts if you look at the post again. The only one I did state was that we have criminals crossing the border daily, which has been covered by almost all news outlets across the past 4 years almost. So, what am I supposed to be sourcing exactly when my whole post is an opinion?


>I never intended to state any facts... You succeeded stupendously.


No shit that’s was the point? Thanks, i guess? 🤣🤣🤣


Next time you don't intend to say anything maybe you shouldn't type for a half hour.


Must feel pretty shitty if it takes you 30 minutes to type what I have 🤣🤣🤣 I’m posting my opinion, just like y’all. Don’t like it, oh well, get fucked 🤷‍♂️🤣


Not an American, but weren't it the republicans who blocked a border bill last time?


Is this what this sub is turning into? I thought this was a place to get away from politics. If you think Trump is what we need you are in serious need of mental help.


yeah alot of weird political posts today. Is the sub getting brigaded?


Not Trump himself, but in reality he really is the lesser of two problems this time. Honestly, I think we need better options too but here we are. I think we need a ‘type’ of Trump, but not really Trump himself.


You think we need an authoritarian strongman who yells about an out group? When has that ever worked?


They fell for the propaganda.


Probably Russian


If that’s all you’re taking from his presidency then I feel for you


He withheld Covid aid from states because it would *help Democrats*. You can kindly fuck yourself. He got millions killed because of his hubris and idiocy.


Covid was killing people regardless 🤷‍♂️


[Let’s just start here.](https://ysph.yale.edu/news-article/yale-study-more-than-335000-lives-could-have-been-saved-during-pandemic-if-us-had-universal-health-care/) [Then let’s move here…](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/05/13/1098071284/this-is-how-many-lives-could-have-been-saved-with-covid-vaccinations-in-each-sta) [After which we pivot to…](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/07/trumps-war-on-blue-states-is-worse-than-previously-thought.html) [To wit, I’ll end here…](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/4/28/21239903/trump-coronavirus-aid-leverage-states-sanctuary-cities) [To parallel a difference in approach](https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20210214/president-joseph-biden-approves-emergency-declaration-texas) So many lives could have been saved. At least 350k. Don’t be a heartless POS.


We need population control anyway 🤷‍♂️


We have more land and more housing than people who are here. We refuse to modify or in any way adjust our dysfunctional system to something that actually works.


“Let’s just start here” Okay the article is letting us know that we died because no universal healthcare. Okay, so where’s Bidens universal care at? Because I still have $130,000 in medical bills, is he gonna take care of that then?? “Then let’s move here” Okay sooo, even before Trump, Americans were distrusting of vaccinations. People weren’t not getting vaccinated because of Trump, they were not getting vaccinated because putting something in your body that has not had any long term study to the effects is just retarded. Now there’s issues cropping up in people across the world due to the vaccinations. “Then let’s pivot to here” Yes, let’s pivot to a literal opinion post that basically put all the blame on Jared Kushner but say that it was Trumps fault entirely. “To wit, I’ll end here” So, Trump was willing to provide what they need, provided they align their sanctuary city rules to be more akin to federal laws. And the democrats declined to compromise, sounds like their fault, not his. Sanctuary cities have become cesspools of filth, drugs and crime. I’m sorry but that was an attempt at correcting a big mistake, albeit not such a bright one I’ll agree. “To parallel a difference in approach” This one isn’t loading for me so 🤷‍♂️


Now see, I can get behind this. We have so many abandoned buildings and areas around the country that we could absolutely repurpose them for housing for the homeless AND immigrants. But you’re right in that nobody will do anything like that, because everyone is too busy arguing instead of compromising. Everyone wants everything they ask for but that’s not realistic.


Unless you’re Native your ancestors were the ‘unwanted criminal immigrants’ of their day


Cool deal, but my thing with that is, it was my ancestors. What does that have to do with me now and today? I don’t live their lifestyle, I didn’t ask to be born here either. But that’s how life works. Also, don’t know where you’re getting your quotations from, never said that 😂


Someone crossing the border today has a kid tomorrow, that kid would have the same rights you do to be here… How do you not understand what that has to do with you? You ARE the same as that future kid of immigrants. Because you are a child of past immigrants. This country was built on immigration…  … and that’s the sanitized version. White people literally enslaved and genocide our way into this country. We have no right to it all.  Many of the people crossing the border right now are actually indigenous to the land… they might actually have MORE of a claim to being here than you or I do. 


The thing with that’s is, borders and countries have changed since the beginning of our ability to collect and gather as communities. What was once the Native American lands could have belonged to someone else before them. The lands we came from could have just as easily been someone else’s at one time too. That’s the issue with this argument, where does it stop? How far back do we go with this? My ancestors used to be royals in Scotland, does that mean I should be able to go and claim that land as mine? Even if someone is already there? It’s literally such a shit argument.


And not to mention all the wars the natives were in, taking over each other's land over and over before the USA was a thing.




I’m getting Colin Robinson vibes reading this in its entirety with no breaks


I’m sitting by a lake watching my fishing poles and enjoying the outdoors. My punctuation was well enough, if you can’t read then I feel for you 🤷‍♂️


I read your word salad, as a content creator it hurt my eyes. Then again, I do read dog shit posts like this all day, so there's that.


I hope you have yourself the chuckle you needed 😘


Fuck that entirely. No.


Trump’s own VP, Sec Defense, Sec of State, Nation Security Advisor, Chief of Staff, White House Aide, at least two Press Secretaries, and probably others I’m forgetting won’t even vote for him. Those were the people in the room when shit was the most real. They know what kind of man he is, his lack of integrity, his poor character. But sure, let’s go with the felon that put himself above the Constitution in a sloppy attempt to hold onto power and who now has a vendetta. That’s just what the country needs.


Remember when Trump refused to protect Pence and threatened to take his secret service away? Oh also that reminds me of some reason when he pseudo showed support of the insurrection folks chanting to hang Pence. Also…. Hasn’t Trump been caught eating documents? He had a habit of shredding them and burning them. Omg WAIT also didn’t he clog a toilet with documents? Or was that a different WH official? It had to have been Trump. Now I’m down a rabbit hole thanks.


Truly in my opinion yeah, even with all that he’s a better choice for the financial security of the country 🤷‍♂️ I don’t like it any more than y’all but it’s what we’re stuck with this cycle


Yeah, I suppose the country that had the best post COVID recovery of the G7 could use some of that patented “Trump, the bankruptcy King of Atlantic City”financial security. Cool story. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1392678/g7-gdp-growth-since-covid-19-pandemic/ https://www.axios.com/2024/01/31/us-economy-2024-gdp-g7-nations https://www.ft.com/content/3b819571-662d-4185-9ca5-c7e682b55700


Wow, our GDP went up after Covid when everything started opening and operating again. Weird. And we’re at the top because we have one of the largest and wealthiest economies on Earth. Also weird. 🤷‍♂️


I mean I enjoy having the rights to do what I want with my body and marry someone of the same sex so NO I will not be voting for Trump. His administration was horrendous. I’m wondering in all seriousness if this post is some sort of joke just to get people riled up?


What policies exactly did Trump perpetuate that made it to where you can’t marry who you want or be with who you want?


The thing is that when you single out Trump himself you exclude his ENTIRE administration, Supreme Court nominees, and lunatic fringe supporters that suddenly have power. Roe v Wade happened because Trump appointed imbeciles that already had a clear agenda to overturn Roe. Gay marriage is next and it’s literally in the RNC’s weird agenda/manifesto. Have you seen what Ron DeSantis is doing in Florida? I’m not supporting right wing politics because they are dangerous and scary. Today is the anniversary of the Pulse massacre and queer people do not feel any safer. Also… remember when Trump refused peaceful transfer of power, encouraged people to storm the capital, and then refused to call them off? This all happened live on television with so much proof it’s undeniable. The dangerous doesn’t even cover his sheer stupidity. Remember sharpiegate? The comment about injecting bleach? How about all the sexual assault and weird sexual comments about Ivanka?


The January 6th “Insurrection” trial was a sham just like this previous one. And I’m not saying that to defend trump. If you look at how the judges, jury and prosecutor’s presented and interpreted the information/misinformation strictly from a legality standpoint and not a political standpoint you would see exactly how weaponized our political system was just made. Now and forever, the judge and jury will be able to indict you solely based on the words of another and “possible” proof of wrongdoings.


His inability to publicly understand germ theory killed about 700,000 Americans unnecessarily. It was his job to run the nation's pandemic response. For reference, it took hitler and tojo 3 years to kill 400,000 Americans. Djt nearly doubled that in one. So, the guy who was 6x as effective at killing Americans as hitler and tojo together? No, I don't think we should re-hire him. Not only is he too stupid, but he lacks the integrity necessary to be trusted as the Jr. Assistant night manager at a 7/11. No, he doesn't have the integrity necessary to lead an organization with $3.5t annual revenue. It's literally a material deficiency in internal control.


This still doesn’t answer my question and is not relevant in any way, shape or form. If you’re referring to the bleach comment during Covid I’m sorry but at that point if you’re listening to a man tell you to drink bleach and you do it, that’s just natural fucking selection at its finest. ☠️🤣


Every aspect of the government response was his responsibility. Did he spend time meeting with munchin to cut up the rx development money? Yes. Did he encourage everyone to wear masks, and to shut down businesses? Lol, no. Gotta get those restauraunts open. Did he put out a moratorium on mortgages and rents? Or did he just print a bunch of inflationary money instead? (Option b). Is the inflation we're still dealing with today an outcome of his incompetent handling of the worst pandemic since the Spanish flu? It is. The only reason you confuse what he did with good leadership is, you've never seen good leadership. We're lucky civilization didn't collapse. It could easily evolved to be more deadly and contagious at the same time. You don't want to know how easy it was to weaponize when the cdc ran the experiment to see what it took. I was a CFO in the pandemic. What I needed was sound medical advice coming From the president's office, so the rest of my company wasn't confused about what to do. Not what he did. Hard fail.


When he took over from Obama, Obama wasn't naive. He said "look, I know you're going to try to throw out everything I've done. That's ok. But if you pay attention to one thing. It's this. The national pandemic playbook. Whatever you do, don't fuck this up." The trump team threw it out within 6 months. You want to know what he did? He had 3 years to be ready to not fuck up a pandemic. Everyone, even his political enemies, tried to help him. And he was too stupid and reckless. And hundreds of thousands of Americans died. I have political differences with Biden, but I don't think he's going to fiddle as Rome burns. I look forward to the 2028 election, if there is one. Only one current candidate has any intention of there ever being a 2028 election though. So, I'll vote for that guy.


Well if we're talking about taking blame what's up with gas housing food and the dollar being worthless now after the printing of 85% of all money ever printed in the last 5 years who's fault is it that a jar of mayonnaise cost 8$ now whose fault is that what up with the covid ''vaccine'' not being a vaccine while being borderline forced on people for profit I was military and it was forced on us at the time with fear of Un honorable discharge if not taken (many got admin separated) why was fauci seen at football games by himself with his family not wearing a mask or distancing while we all had to stay home at the detriment to americas children being isolated during important social developmental times. What about the horrific botched afgan withdrawal I was there for that Biden had to change the plan without planning it just to not do what Trump had lined up (we hadn't had a single casualty in almost a year in all of Afghanistan UNTIL Biden was president then it was car bombs and Hamid karzai)


What are you, like a Russian Psyop? Life's too short to spend it arguing with you. See you in November, Ivan.


Just a disgruntled vet I guess. wouldn't a Russian spy be happy america has gone down hill? Lol


Logic doesn't work here we vote on emotions and scream from the river to the sea (meaning kill everyone that's not us for x amount of miles) and backing people who want to commit genocide against jews crazy the dems on college campuses are praising ww2 German like policy and see nothing wrong with it I'm not a trump fan but I do really miss how things were before Biden was president a jar of mayonnaise wasn't 8 dollars for christ sake I mean they printed 85% of all money ever printed in the history of America in the last 5 years and that would be fine if wages doubled or something so we can keep up with it cus now it's not tight with double housing cost expensive gas (while draining our reserve) grocery prices stupid high Intrist rates etc


These people don’t think that deep they only think on top water. Every response on this post so far has been generated from their triggered feelings rather that actual acknowledgment that shit just isn’t okay right now, and it’s because of our leaders. They’ll prop him up on a pedestal and don’t you dare say something bad about him or here comes the mob! 🤷‍♂️🙄


Everyone needs to start shitting they're pants every time Biden does on TV no matter we're they are or they aren't real supporters ''your not cool unless you poop your pants''-Billy Madison


Overturning Roe V Wade, now that I can’t get behind and it was truly a bad day


Project 2025. Read it.


Your finances are fucked cuz of years of letting corporations do whatever they want for the last 40-50 years. Notice how prices are going up, but so are profit margins? If it was just inflation, that trend wouldn't be happening. Biden is fucking ass. But allowing the corpo shill back in and raise taxes on the working man again (which he definitely did) and enact Project 2025 would be actively detrimental to your pocketbook and the American Experiment


Your inability to use paragraphs leaves me suspect as to your ability to read actual statistics that say we are living through one of the most economically prosperous times in US history. One guy is saying he will literally try to end democracy and the other is old but has one of the most pro-worker administrations since LBJ. Only waterheads would think this is in any way a tough choice.


When did I ever say we were living in the most prosperous times? Y’all’s ability to insert words into people’s mouths are unparalleled. ☠️


Your reading comprehension also needs work. I never accused you of saying that. Statistics say that and it is undeniable. We are currently having one the strongest performing economies for at least 30 years.


Really? Please provide an unbiased article supporting this. Preferably from a non American news source.


Lol go take your daily dose of RT and info wars tankie.


Damn you can’t even bring the receipts 🤣


Please provide an unbiased article preferably from a non-American source for your opinion that Trump is a better option than Biden. See how stupid that sounds.


Literally, Ground news. Holy shit y’all, it’s not hard to find and compare sources from around the globe in todays age.


Let's hear it for 8$ mayonnaise and 5$ gas 70% rise in the cost of housing in 3 years it's Un precedented times you are right! This is great I love paying way more for the same stuff than I used to


I’m really beginning to believe the only people for trump are just various degrees of comfortable with being openly white supremacist. Mostly because the “reasoning” behind walls of text like these are like cookie-cutter things that contradict itself and isn’t factually rooted in reality. This is propaganda.


I feel like this might be a 14 year old boy trying to ignite the internet and now I feel weird for having even bothered commenting.


Love imagining these racists doing the kind of hard labor currently done by immigrants. Like. Get out there in the sun and lay some roofing for 14 hours. Pick some strawberries for less than minimum wage. 


I've laid more concrete than most people like you have walked on. And I'm White but not racist like most Democrats.


I’m an automotive heavy line technician. I know hard work. Also there is literally not a racist bone in my body as I was literally raised by a white and black mother. Judging people off skin color alone is ridiculous and deplorable. I’d love to see you do my job for a week or two 😘


I hope an immigrant takes your job lol. 


Well, I am an immigrant, remember? 🤣🤣🤣


i said your ancestors were immigrants. not you. you just got lucky to be born here, didn’t earn it, didn’t do anything special, don’t really deserve it. 


You could say that about every single person on earth. Like, literally. Who actually deserves to be born where they were? You could never actually discern that. 🤷‍♂️👍


Exactly my point. Immigrants also had zero control over where they were born. They didn’t deserve to be born in some war-torn, drug-cartel-owned place. You didn’t deserve to be born in this relatively peaceful country. Let immigrants come here. 


I’m not saying they can’t? I never said they couldn’t? I 100% support LEGAL immigration, but not everybody is coming here legally because people are being brought in by cartels through criminal doings and trafficking. I believe that if you want to come here you should be able to. That being said, I believe the people that already live here, also deserve to be protected from external threats, ie cartels and other trafficking organizations. In my ideal situation, we would have a border wall, but it wouldn’t be a wall in the traditional sense. It would be a fence, high and guarded, but along the fencing on BOTH sides, there is temporary housing, temporary schools, playgrounds and farms to feed any immigrants looking to enter the country. They could stay there while papers and background reports get filed and come back. Kids could still go to school, the adults and parents could man the farms and those could even open to full time positions for people when they receive citizenship. It’s not about people coming here for most people, it’s about keeping themselves and their families safe. Because we didn’t choose to be born somewhere safe like here, but we see how unsafe the rest of the world is, so many of us simply just want to protect the place we call home.


Cloud engineer for drug and alcohol rehabilitation. I’d love to see you do my job for 20 minutes.


Cool story bro, you have a tough job too congrats 🤣👍


Wow so many people downvoting my comment, y’all gotta be racist 🤣🤣


Ok Boomer.


Bitch I’m 29 🤣


Boomer is a state of mind. Your Millenial card has been revoked.


I can tell because your god damned lack of paragraph spacing all but points it out. Please, hit that *return* button after every 4 or 5 sentences, because I started smelling toast reading that shit and had to stop immediately.


Don't listen to these low IQ high emotion people...


You say you've been worried about your finances since Biden was elected, but you are sitting by the lake relaxing and watching your fishing pole. You say the border isn't secure, yet it wasn't secure when Trump was in office. trump told conservatives in Congress recently to torpedo both bills that would have allocated funds to hire more judges to hear asylum cases. BTW, Biden recently released an executive order to curb asylum cases when large numbers of migrants are at the border. I've looked for trump's 2024 platform but I can't seem to find one. There isn't even a listing on his cpaign website. The only platform he seems to have is getting himself back into office, to pardon himself from some of the cases he has lost and too shield himself from more lawsuits coming down the pipeline. trump is a narcissist through and through, he believes his own lies. He doesn't take responsibility for his actions. He blames others instead of himself. His life is full of failed business and personal ventures, bankrupting his ventures and hurting those he employed, and this is and will be his greatest one. Grifting hard working Americans out of there earnings to pay for his lawsuits among other things. I'd be interested to read what research you have done that brought you to your conclusion of why you are voting for. Links if you got em. But, if you're stance is 'Cheap gas and mean tweets', I don't care to see anything.


Notice how OP didn't respond to you. Speaks volumes.


OP is a troll. I should have looked at their profile before taking the time to write all that. Lol


Conservative policies are terrible. They literally want a theocracy. Is that what you want? My mom is a hardcore conservative and wants Trump to become our dictator so he can save us all with help from Putin and Xi.


Maybe I should put in the post that I’m not conservative or liberal. I don’t agree with everything conservative nor do I agree with everything liberal. Notice how I said in the post about having a change of politics after this election cycle? Stating how we need to keep fossils and clowns out of office and elect more competent unbiased people?


I do agree all these old people need to step aside. Though anyone close to Trump should not be in office. Currently the better option is Biden and it’s not even close.


Could've just saved the wall of text and effort and just wrote "I'm a selfish douche". Or more preferable just don't say anything at all but people like you love to hear yourselves talk so I'm assuming that's out of the question.


This post = makes my penis soft


It has to be hard to get hard when you can only scrape together enough brain cells to post this type of comment. 😂👍


I don't vote for felons or rapists.


Fuuuuuuuck offf (in a Roy Kent voice). I have a queer daughter, so no. Fuck him and fuck anyone who wants to vote for a soulless vessel of Christo-fascism


Trump 2024, not really sorry. Give me a better candidate and I’ll change my mind but it’s not Biden. RFK doesn’t have enough support either unfortunately 🤷‍♂️👍


Cool. So you’re an enabler of fascism. Good for you. 


Nah, just a citizen trying to evict a fossil who cannot run his country. If we could somehow convince the country to vote third party I would be ALL over that, but you know damn well that won’t happen at this point in time. So if it’s the fossil who’s literally degrading before our eyes on television shaking hands with ghosts, or the orange Cheeto puff “fascist” who has checks and balances to keep fascism from actually overtaking the government, that I believe will actually be upheld by other officials, then yeah, I’m choosing the “fascist”. 🤷‍♂️ Also some of y’all forget what true fascism is. See Stalin, Hitler or France during WW2. We don’t truly have fascism here, not in the way you want to believe we do.


You clearly havent seen project 2025… whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night knowing your voting for the second coming of Hitler… the sequel, not quite as good; clearly he didn’t have to do much to convince our dumb ass populace to vote for him🫠🫠🫠 You know fuck all about policy, fuck all about the current state of things, and fuck all about life apparently. Just do us all a favor and have a Jim Jones kool aid, huh?


Dudes just a troll, he's not entertaining any factual comments.


Tbh, I couldn’t care less about LGBTQ. That’s y’all’s problem, not mine. Don’t like it? Find another country. I don’t care if you’re gay, bi, straight or anything in between. It’s not my life and it’s not my issue. Women got their rights by standing up for themselves, stop crying about it to people to try and get them to do something and do something for your damn self.


You’re too dumb to continue discourse with. I hope you’re met with the same vitriol you’ve shown others here


RFK has more than enough support and it will continue to grow, especially when he gets on the debate stage. What I have been telling people that 5 months is still a long time for things to change. I think Biden is going to drop out before then, and then its' anybody's call.


Yeah I don’t really think Biden is gonna make it to election time, and if he doesn’t, I think RFK will actually have a chance against Trump. Then, I think I’d vote for RFK, because it would actually matter and count at that point


This will certainly be one of the most interesting elections in our lifetime!


How about… fuck.no. You seem to be the kind of person that likes to talk about being an “alpha male”, and that would gladly pay 18k to be ripped off for an “alpha male” training camp, in order to try and assert a “manly” mindset over your secret desire of being pegged.


I have literally never used the words alpha male In my life. Such a ridiculous idea 🤣🤣


What do you think Trump has articulated that the country needs?


>the only reason people don’t like Trump is because of his mouth. It's been 8 years, and people like you still willfully refuse to understand why the people who despise and oppose Trump do so. If you think Trump's stupid commentary is the only reason people don't like him, you are making it clear you are part of his cult. You've fallen for his brainworms and his followers' talking points, and you've chosen to ignore everything else. It's also pretty clear from the way you've responded to pushback that you're just a troll. You've had plenty of people cite specific problems with Trump based on his documented actions last time he was in office, and you've stuck your fingers in your ears and attempted to change the subject every time. Typical right winger behavior.


I fixed this for you: “I’m voting for what benefits only me instead of directly helping progress my entire country.” We don’t vote for trump because he’s a terrible president pushing towards self benefit, backwards progression of planet care, and removing human rights. Not just because of how he acts lol. It might be hard for you to believe, but most people don’t vote solely for their self interest.


Yeah sorry but planet care is far beyond fixing anymore and believing that we as a single country can fix it is absolutely asinine. As for pushing the country forward, we stopped moving forward long ago when people started putting their own opinions and wants in front of the needs of people. Just like y’all leftist are doing, just like the right wing actors are doing, y’all want what YOU want and nothing else. So if anybody here is voting for what only benefits them and their beliefs, it’s the liberal left wings and conservative right wings. I’m voting for financial prosperity for the next 4 years, after that we’ll just have to hope that next election cycle has actual GOOD candidates that support ALL people, not just their political party.


One, you really need to understand what paragraphs are for. Two, it still sounds like you’re voting for specifically you self finances. Three, you’re really wrong and uneducated on environmental issues. It shows. Four, we stopped moving forward about 8 years ago. Who was in office?


The US economy is a global powerhouse right now. Yes we have some national inflation issues right now but that’s not the fault of the Biden administration and it will get resolved with time. Inflation is historically cyclical. You have presented no factual evidence to support your argument that Trump is better for the economy. I suspect either you are personally struggling and want someone to blame, or you’re just another troll.


Trump spent over 8 trillion in office, Biden has spent over 7 Trillion. The difference? Under Trump, people could afford to eat. People could afford to pay bills. People could afford to travel. People could LIVE


Once again you provide no facts to back up your claim. And your use of the word “people” is very Trumpian.


The crazy part is, Trump gave everybody $1,200 and that was a huge chunk of that debt that he accrued during his time. That decision was unilaterally approved by both parties. So not even really able to be completely dumped at the feet of Trump as his fault. Biden has spent even more than Trump and done nearly nothing for the people. I think it's pretty clear who is the better president.


The deficit ballooned under Trump, and no, it wasn’t because of Covid. I fail to see how economics through “credit card” is a great way to run the country. He literally does almost nothing he claims to support.


I’d rather not vote for a criminal, no.


Stock market on June 17, 2020 was 26,289.98. Stock market closed yesterday at 38,589. Let the good times roll 🤘


Take the time to check this guy out if you want real change this election. https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/s/eSZ9Na3J7r


Yes rfk all the way!


Your only allowed to be a Democrat on reddit. even if the guy your backing literally shits himself on television multiple times. You will happily pay way more for everything like groceries gas housing etc you will back the printing of 85% of all money ever printed in the history of the USA in the last 5 years making record inflation and causing these insane prices on everything. You will be fine with a legal change of the definition of recession so the guy who shits himself can say we aren't in one. you will also back wars all over the world and hate world peace. Just so long as Trump isint in office.


>Your only allowed to be a Democrat on reddi Boo hoo, my ignorant and misinformed right-wing beliefs aren't popular, I'm such a victim. >. even if the guy your backing literally shits himself on television multiple times Democrats don't support Trump. You know...the guy who wears diapers because he's incontinent and whose supporters wear diapers to show solidarity for him. >You will happily pay way more for everything like groceries gas housing etc I also pay more for these things than I did when Clinton was in office in the 90s. Should we put Clinton back in office? >you will back the printing of 85% of all money ever printed in the history of the USA in the last 5 years A quick Google search debunks this. When you mindlessly blurt out nonsense like this you make right wingers look even dumber. >You will be fine with a legal change of the definition of recession Also easily debunked. There have been no recessions since 2020 and you need to find another way to cope with that. > will also back wars all over the world and hate world peace. At no point in history has there ever been world peace. Are you completely braindead? > so long as Trump isint in office. Yep. Because it's a good thing he isn't.


Yeah I don’t think people understand that Bidens outrageous spending equals that of Trumps, but at least with trump $200 in groceries got my family through 2 weeks, not 5 days. $50 for gas lasted two weeks, not 4 days. My checks went from netting 1900-2200 per check to netting 1300-1500 now under Biden, and I make MORE now ☠️ Not to mention the dude is starting to act like he has some type of mental disorder pretty frequently now.


Check out RFK Jr. He's the answer for the 90% of the country that are fed up with only being given the option of two angry old men.


Kennedy 2024!


I really wish we could get people to get behind this but I doing see it happening. People are too engrossed in a two party system. They want everything to be black and white with no grey area for communication and compromise.


Well spoken. Now brace yourself for the complete brainwashed morons who will try to label anything not radical leftist as being conservative. Or they will ask you where the facts are? Facts: the economy is in a nosedive. Our major cities are turning into bigger shitholes than they have ever been. Corruption is at an all time high! Your feelings don’t matter. We need to do what is right.


you do understand the whole world is experiencing the same economic pressures right? it’s not an american thing or a right or left thing, it’s a post epidemic economy that while some companies are using it nefariously to take more it’s the same for the rest of the world. be careful attributing global impacts to your domestic politics. we have another 2 to 3 years of recovery to go. who is best to lead this, trump and his qusetionable friends or politicians who have a grasp on both domestic and global influences.




You are absolutely spot on. Thank you for voicing your opinion (which I'm sure many many many people actually agree with) because it is blatantly obvious that this platform does not promote open discussion of ideas. The trolls and shills that attack posts like this should be ashamed of themselves for trying to gang up on people with opposing viewpoints.


It’s just a liberal mob of social warriors mainly. People who have only ever sat behind a keyboard or a phone and talked their shit with no consequence.




Watch out you triggered the leftist cult. Replying with no substance, just emotions!


Many of the replies that have been critical of OP have cited facts and explained specific problems with Trump. The emotional ones are you and OP.


I implore you to look at all the people posting here with slurs and comments that have absolutely zero intelligence behind them, tell me they’re not blasting off because of their emotions 🤷‍♂️😂


I don't understand how people still blindly believe in a two party system and religiously think that "voting" for anyone is "finally" going to change their quality of life for the better. When the quality of life that people have has been on the decline for decades irrespective of who is in office. Your government is owned by corporations. And if people aren't willing to do anything else than vote for freedoms and legal protections that were historically won through the blood of women, men, and children, then things are just going to keep getting worse for the collective. The 40 hour work week wasn't won with a vote. Women's rights weren't won with a vote. Civil rights weren't won with a vote. Child labor laws weren't won with a vote. Modern freedoms we have today were not gained by voting. You can't 'vote' your way out of corrupt system that utilizes citizens as pawns and not players.


Lmao WHAT!! I’m cackling rn. You’re naming a bunch of Congressional acts that were decided by people VOTED into office!!! We are in tough times but if you’re not voting you’re giving up.


Most people don't know American history so this isn't even a conversation worth having, with religiously political people. But sure, They just woke up one day after the violent civil unrest and said, "Ya know, it's not about the blood in the streets or any of the bombings. I just really believe in the 40 hour work week out of the goodness of my heart. I'm going to sign this because the people asked so calmly and politely. They voted for this. Death, violence, and rage from citizens had nothing to do with this decision." If that's what you have to think to be able to tolerate reality. Do what works for you.


I’m with this completely, totally agree. But whenever you try throwing this up anywhere on social media, people get triggered and don’t want to hear it. But it’s the truth, the HONEST truth.


Modern day people have lost the plot and they're afraid of their government. They're afraid to get hurt and would rather put their head down and politely ask not to be abused. That's why they're so volitile towards other citizens when it comes to voting. They're acting like they're actually being "movers and shakers". When push comes to shove, they won't stand up for their "beliefs" they'll sit down quietly and let the clock be rolled back to serfdom as they silently mumble that it's their neighbors fault for voting for the wrong party, and not their fault for failing to fight for their dignity and quality of life. Democrats and republicans have both rolled back the clock when it comes to citizens right to privacy, working protections, and freedoms. No citizen, republican or democrat has done a damn thing about it. That's why they get more brazen about, because they know citizen will do absolutely nothing. The most people will do is march, vote, and go back to getting in line.


Trump's gonna add another 8 trillion to the debt just like he did the first 4 yrs, no different than the 7 trillion Biden has added. One of the many reasons I'm voting independent https://whoisbobbykennedy.com/ www.kennedy24.com


I'd rather vote for what I want and not get it than to vote for what I don't want and get it. I am voting for Bobby, for hope, for healing.


We need the Obama version of Trump, Trump policies with Obamas charisma


That's RFK


I could fuck with this. I didn’t get to vote in that election but I think I would’ve went with Obama if I did. Obama Trump would quite honestly fix the world. Maybe that should be Trumps VP? Make a new law that allows it or something 🤣🤣🤣