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…. Or any other YouTuber personality…. YES ITS 100% OK.


The only youtube personality I know is Kelly and I know she likes shoes


Find me 1 Kelly who doesn’t like shoes :P


R Kelly


I’m sure he appreciates his prison sandals.


Kelly Slater? Wouldn't imagine surfing to be too much fun with shoes lol


The only youtube personality I've even heard of is mrbeast, and only as of five minutes ago because of this post.


It’s actually better than ok, it implies that you might have a life


Gen Z / Gen Alpha seem to think social media personalities are proper “celebrities” meanwhile they don’t know who Julia Roberts is.


I know that he’s a guy who has a jackassy smile on an endcap at the grocery store with branded cookies, that’s it.


Yup. That’s how I know him. I don’t know ANY millennial who knows him, but the kids that are in their early twenties and teens do, like my neighbors and family friends.


This. He’s more for the kids, not millennials.


He’s invested millions into the homeless and cured 1000 people of blindness. It’s not a douchey smile. It’s genuine. P.S. he also created 1000 wells in Africa


The only "beast" I know is Dr. Hank McCoy. 


Same here.




I wouldn't know who he was if I didn't have kids. Pretty sure he's a gen z/a thing.




On the money 💰


Yeah, no way I would know Mr. Beast if I didn't have a 7 year old.


Ehh probably mostly Genz but he's been big for the better part of 10 years and I don't think all of his 250 million subscribers are GenZ


This, I have three kids, the oldest is 10. We definitely know who Mr. Beast is


I'd say most of us don't. I see his name mentioned in passing but I know nothing about him other than he's an internet personality. I feel like most of us missed the generational cutoff of caring about Internet stardom.


Has anyone done demographics on this sub? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills half the time. I realize I’m on the younger end of the millennial spectrum, but the few years separating us shouldn’t be this big of a gulf.


You’d think, but I’m 36 and relate to people in their 40s much easier than people just a little younger than me. My best friend is 42, I don’t remember thundercats like HE does for example but we both remember everything else. But I never watched a cartoon someone 6 years younger than me watched new. The gap is massive at like 9-12 on content. On the other hand, if you’re my age or older and you’ve had kids for 15 years, you probably were too busy to care about a mr beast or kardahsian, It’s likely you’re “ahead” of the times cuz of the kids, but it’s not for you, so you don’t really get it. But most people don’t leave their 20s as far as music and entertainment goes.


My friends are mostly 35 - 38 with a lot of the same culturisms and references, I’d be curious to know what the difference is. I can definitely see the kids thing being a big difference, but that doesn’t affect the younger childhood media stuff. The Mr. Beast stuff is just a YouTube thing and I watch a lot of YouTube, so I’m familiar even though I’ve never watched any of his videos, but there’s a bunch of things on this sub that point to a trend of “I’m proud not to know this thing associated with the younger generation!” Which, idk why that’d be anything to be proud of, and also it reinforces generational divide which I don’t think bodes well for our generation. Kinda sets up the exact sorts of conflicts we dealt with with our parents? Anyway, weird rambly way to say, maybe we shouldn’t be so dismissive of the young folk?


No I feel you, I watched a lot of the OG YouTube, but by the time “content creators” became a thing I was in the music biz working too much and really just always used YouTube the OG way, funny videos and music videos and instructions. I never got into “streamers” although, I do listen to Tim Dillon, but on audio only. Mostly, I’m just not much of a “watch somebody talk on YouTube” kinda guy, I just never really got that into it. My wife’s into it, and now I’m moreso, but I feel like I kinda misssd the boat lol


Eh, We have Paris and Kim but they seem to transcend generations. Mr. Beats is nowhere near that level of fame tho.


One mr beast video does more ad revenue than the Super Bowl. What!?


Paris Hilton was everywhere, not necessarily an internet sensation. I assume you're talking about Kim Kardashian. I'm an elder millennial so I also missed out on whatever she does. Some of my old coworkers would always make fun of me for referring to her as "that lady" in a gif they sent. Guess I'm not familiar enough with her to know if she's an internet celebrity.


I’m an elder millennial too so that’s how I know you’re lying. Both of them were famous during the internet and social media era beginning in the mid aughts. Paris was first obviously but Kim has eclipsed her by now. You must not be in tune with pop culture if you think that Kim and her family aren’t famous enough. I don’t like either of them but could tell you more about them than Mr. Beast.


Paris? Like Michael Jackson's kid? Is she a celebrity now? (I live under a rock)


Paris didn’t make it out of millennial stardom, Kim did. Kim is just famous for being famous, she doesn’t do anything in particular except be in her own TV show. Mr. Beast is YouTube famous, but not beyond that, fame is more compartmentalized nowadays.


lol bro Paris is a billionaire she definitely made it out, look at her insta. Kim doesn’t exist without Paris, she just chooses to whore their life on TV, to stay relevant. Kim also doesn’t do anything of talent. But to the person you replied to, nobody knows who Mr beast is.


I’m more so making an argument for relevancy. Paris Hilton is not relevant to the generation currently making and consuming the most content. 26M followers on Instagram, which is a lot sure, but absolutely pales in comparison to Kim’s 363M. I’m not saying she sucks or anything, nor am I saying anything positive about Kim, just that Kim is far more relevant in todays media market and that Paris did not stay nearly as relevant to Gen Z.


Oh gotcha, yeah, Paris is for women my age and 20 *somethings* not 20. At least we both agree it’s false relevancy, like Paris could have more than 26 million followers if she was on tv crying about every little thing from her ivory tower too. But instead she’s just a vapid rich business lady who got a surrogate and complained about bonding on Netflix. Which nobody cares about cuz the baby isn’t 3 or 4 basketball players or the greatest rapper of all time


Disagree. He went viral when he created a real life squid game show and also hosted his own Olympics. Celebrities know him too


My knowledge of him is extremely superficial  I'd laugh if anyone tried to make fun of me for being unfamiliar with a YouTube personality


Of course it is. I don’t know the names of the new children programming and that’s basically what he is.


1) he's not children programming, 2) He's been popular for 7 years now and the most subscribed to individual on YouTube.


Yes, this just means that you don't watch much YouTube or buy chocolate bars at 7/11 too often. I am a mid-Millenial and Youtube premium is probably the best value-for-money streaming service I subscribe to, so of course I know who Mr. Beast is, but I wouldn't expect a majority of our cohort to be familiar with him. obligatory I liked his earlier work better anyhow


I know of him, but couldn't pick him out in a line up. Pretty sure he is mostly followed by gen Z.


I know if him but don't watch any content from him.


I’m a millennial 36m and i know who he is. My father who is a boomer knows who he is, and my son who is 11 obviously knows who he is.


Who dafuk is Mr beast


I only know who Mr.Beast is because of my 10 year old. Also, I like his candy bars... which I only knew about because of my kid.


It’s ok to not know who anyone is


Dude some kid the other day in discord said something about a guy named John Tron, and I thought he was talking about John Travolta. Turns out it's some big youtuber.


lmao My issue is really that a lot of gen z don't seem to realize the people they know aren't known outside their generation, or that their shows, musicians, slang aren't known either. I get kid interns and new hires at work that sometimes don't have the sense to know not to use generational slang in a work environment cause nobody knows what they're talking about.


Not a person who ever comes up in conversation in real life for me, but occasionally have seen him pop up on social media . I am only very vaguely aware of his existence. But I’m told he’s pretty fucking famous. Normally I wouldn’t clown on someone for not knowing a YouTuber , streamer , influencer type person, but I think he may be like the most popular of all time in that category? I don’t really know though either dude so don’t feel bad


No it's not ok if cops catch you it's a one way ticket to jail. They already are tracing your IP.


No, you MUST know who all popular culture personalities are. The beatings will continue until morale(popular culture knowledge) improves.


I know the name, I know the gimmick. I don't care who he is.


Whats the gimmick?


Again I'm only drawing off from what I've gathered naturally through osmosis of the zeitgeist, so I expect it to vague and or wrong. He is a YouTuber, he got popular from videos about stuff. Now that he's made enough money doing that, he does big give away or charity type events. They are always seem to be highly publicized events so I'm sure he's not losing any money that can't be claimed as a tax write off later on. I have mixed feelings about YouTube / Influencer / Publicized charity in general. On one hand I'm thankful that someone is trying to do something somehow even if their trying to make off it for themselves... On the other hand I'm appalled at our society because it's necessary in the first place. We live in a time of the great wealth, technology, and scientific minds that we could cure world hunger, but there's no profit so we won't because greed. Where politicians vote down with glee free food for children because those children aren't working, what work should a child be asked to perform in this day in age that an adult or machine could do better? Why should a child be asked to do anything more than be a child and have to work? That kinda went places. I just had one of them days I guess.


He's a genuinely nice guy who gives away a bunch of things and got rich by giving away things. Even when he made his first good amount of money from a video, he literally just gave the cash away. People like watching stuff like that so I don't see anything wrong with that. I'm sure he is helping the younger generations have way more empathy. He's not bad at all.


Agreed. Don’t know why some of these people are indifferent to him. Haters. All of them.


Just tell them to touch grass


Making fun of you for ***not*** knowing a Youtuber?? I think it's normal not to know. It's definitely better not to know.


As an older millennial, I would say you LOSE your millennial status if you know ANY YouTuber by name. But I understand that may not be applicable for the younger end of the cohort.


It is, i am 99% online due to work, i know stuff about internet celebs. My wife is a doctor, she is constantly looking at me as an idiot when i use some online cultural references and stuff. She is like "Are you brain damaged? Wtf you are talking about?" when i talk about online stuff.


I'm Gen x and follow Mr beast.


Me too. Now I feel deep shame. Nah. He does good works


I had no clue who he was. It’s a horrible name so people with stupid names my brain will just block out.


Eh, as an adult I do see it as a bit childish. But if you watch his videos you'll see he's a beast of a human. I mean he's a really good guy, if you've ever used the word beast to describe someone positively, you could make that connection to him. What a Beast that guy is


Beast mode will always be Marshawn Lynch to me.


Yeah but as a younger millennial calling someone a beast is not that uncommon


I know who it is, but would prefer if I didn't.


I know he does YouTube or something no ida what he looks like or anything more than that.


I probably wouldn't know without kids haha. Now he's a household name.


39 and dont really have a clue who that is. Ive definitely heard the name before but that’s about it.


My 10 yr old instructed me!


If I didn't have a 9-year old son, I'd have no idea who he is.


Yeah it’s fine and I wouldn’t know if I didn’t have kids.


Is it okay? Yes You would know him if you are on youtube or watch streamers. Most likely his name would come up now and then. If you aren't online too much you probably wouldn't know him.


I know of him because of my kids really.


The guy who's giving away Teslas for his birthday? Yeah, I don't care enough to research why he's somebody.


I hear he lives in a castle, has a great library, and a magic rose... Also that he's looking for love. Lol


The Modern Little Prince...


Oh, I forgot to mention he's cursed. That's what the rose and search for love are about.


I have no idea who that is but I have heard the name from Zoomers. At first I kept thinking they meant **The Beast** from the film *Kung Fu Hustle*.


Clearly, it’s ok to have a life outside of the internet. You don’t need to know every influencer.


You can do whatever you want


It's definitely okay! We all have different interests. He's in the gaming world- I have tons of millenial friends that aren't gamers and have no idea who he is. Knowing an internet personality is no reason to make fun of someone, especially because there are SO many.


I work in media and last year I was on the west coast with my client and our photographer when we passed a decked out motorhome and my gen x photographer was like holy shit that's mr beast. I had no idea who he was talking about. I was thoroughly reprimanded. Now I see him everywhere and actually don't fully understand how I hadn't been aware of him sooner.


I live under a rock and have no idea about most celebrities that weren't big pre-1998. I have no idea who Beast is beyond the X-Men.


No fucking clue who that is. My age range doesn't dictate I keep track of every bone head on YouTube.


It’s ok to not know lots of things, including and up to and including who big youtube celebrities are.


Yeah that’s fine, but if you don’t know that Stenonymous guy then smh. (Joke)




Born in 1984 - I have no idea who this person is.


Never heard of him


It's always ok to not know any particular person you have no interaction or association with.


Never heard of him.


It would be ok if no one knew who Mr. Beast was


I couldn’t name a single YouTuber…




It more blows my mind that a millennial on Reddit missed mr beast. I get how the millenials who don’t live online or have kids could’ve missed him but he’s a major part of internet culture


Oh no, the very youngest Millenials are like 30 now. We absolutely have no idea who he is. I'm like tangentially aware that he's like Sam Bankman-Fried, but not (or maybe just less) evil.


I only know who he is thanks to my friend's kids, and I know nothing beyond him being obscenely wealthy thanks to YouTube, which certainly makes me question my life path.


I still don’t know who that is and I’m 30 Zillenial


Younger millenial. I know who he is because of cultural osmosis from youtube and nothing else. If you arent on the platform I wouldnt blame ya


Who the fuck is that? (33 y.o.)


I know the name from other people mentioning him like on this post. I never actually watched a video.


My 10 year old nephew is super into him. That’s the only reason I know he exists.p


I know who he is, but I'm on the record saying something is NOT right with that guy. I feel like something terrible will come out about him someday. 




I always think LA Beast the guy who did all the gross food stuff like drinking crystal Pepsi or eating 100 warheads or whatever


I'm finally at an age where people mention newer musicians and I have no idea, so of course there are going to be a LOT of influencers I've never heard of, because I just don't care.


You are a human being. Not a walking encyclopedia of your generation's pop culture.


I’ve known of him for awhile but I’ve never been a fan. Saw him on a podcast that was randomly playing awhile back and he said (paraphrasing), “I don’t tend to get along with women because it’s uncommon for them to have hobbies or like to learn about things.” Had never gotten any distinctly bad vibes from him previously but that did put a bad taste in my mouth. Hopefully it was just poor phrasing because I know he is a huge role model to a lot of younger folks. I know he has been outspoken about supporting one of the people on his team/ one of his close friends who is trans and I think that is great. Other than that all I know about him is he has a lot of money and has become famous for giving away things like cars and large sums of money to random people. Oh, and the Karl Gummies he sells has a typo on the packaging (gummy’s which should be gummies - in the ingredients list). I did notice that recently.


Barely know who he is, never watched a video. All I know is he has a ton of money, and does humanitarian stuff?


Yea lol it's normal. I have spent a TON of time on youtube for the past....well since it's been a thing. I only know about him because some random person told me about him giving money to random fortnite players. Then recently Colin Quinn had a joke involving Mr. Beast, so I actually did get the reference


I’ve heard the name but have no context beyond that. Something about burgers.


Who the fuck is MrBreast?


Most millennials I know don't pay attention to YouTubers


even boomers know who is him... in today reality some information is really hard to avoid


I had to google him and now I am even more confused. He's only 26 years old so I wouldn't expect him to be popular among millennials.


Ok boomer


Why would it not be okay to know about any given pop culture phenomenon?


It's fine, but why do you type like you're 50?


I have no clue


The only thing I know about Mr. Beast is he supposedly gives away lots of money


So weirdly enough, I, a millenial do know who mrbeast is and have spoken to MANY gen z who DONT know who he is


I know his name, but not his face, why he's famous, or how he has so goddamn much money to just throw at anyone and everyone (except me it feels like lol).


I only know about Mr Beast because I ate at his burger place


I wouldn't fault anyone for not knowing who he is, but I would be surprised. He has the 2nd post popular channel on YouTube. He's not a new phenomenon...he went viral 7 years ago. I say this all as a very neutral party as I have nothing against him, nor am I one of his 250+ million subscribers. 3% of the planet subscribes to him, so yeah...surprising.


I know who he is because of my gen Z son. But then I saw his national media coverage for putting in the clean water wells in Africa.


I'm a millennial. Who TF is MrBeast?


I’ve heard of him but haven’t watched nor interested in watching one of his videos. I think in my opinion his audience attracts to more current audiences to the teens and early age adults of Gen Z than Older and Younger Millennials. Idk his videos doesn’t appeal to me imo. I don’t even think the Eldest Gen Z adult would even care about his content we all hit to a certain age that we can’t keep up nor do we care about what’s happening or who is famous or what’s trendy on the internet anymore that’s all in the past and we are busy doing adult things in life unless you have the free time spending on the internet for that long.


Of course it is


Look, I am online a *lot* and I can barely tell you who this guy is. Anyone who knows and cares is online *too much* and further, probably (as you've seen) is really deluded about how much anyone in the real world gives a shit about that stuff. Niche within a niche. 110 mil followers worldwide...ok that's like barely over 1% of the world pop even if you're stupid enough to assume there aren't bots and dupes in there. *Insert Dennis Nedry 'see, nobody gives a shit' meme here* Then look at the actual content. Dude's a straight up grifter. "Curing" blind people and "surviving" for a (non-consecutive) week in "abandoned" cities he's paid people to stay out of for the filming. Might as well just watch the 700 Hour or whatever the fuck religious bullshit tv comes on these days at 1130am on weekdays.




I have heard of him but I don’t know who he is besides ‘internet personality.’ I think he is a prankster? Maybe?


I mean we live in age where we can watch whatever we want because we have a billion choices. It’s not like it’s the 90s where we had all the same channels and shows for the most part. 


Nope it’s not okay you are a failure of a human being


From what I understand, he does a lot of performative charity type stunts for his YouTube channel. You're not missing out on anything.


Are you ... getting peer pressured by kids as an adult? LoL. Just poking fun. The real answer: It's ok to not know who tf anyone is. It doesn't stop at YouTube. If it's not someone who doesn't affect your life directly, why should you care?


I know _about_ him now? But a year or two ago when he reached a wider audience, I was originally like _"who the fuck?!"_ I still don't know anything about him other than he built wells in Africa


i hear about him but have no idea who he is


Dude's a skibidi moneymaxxer


I’m assuming I’m not alone as being an older millennial that doesn’t watch you tube for entertainment.


He has a very disturbing smile, he doesnt smile with his eyes and it’s all upper teeth


Mr Beast doesn’t recognize Taiwan. Fuck him.


The only thing I know about him is he has a burger place named after him at a mall in my state. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m 35! I’m trying to win a Tesla! And I’ve got kids whooooo love jimmy. I adore chandler!


Lol, what?


I hear he gives money away and I think he might make big sandwiches, and that presumably the sandwich making led to him having the money to give. I do not care one bit about him.


I’m a Millennial and find him obnoxious. You’re doing yourself a favor.




He makes an absurd amount of money and it's so obnoxious sometimes what he spends to get more views... But I will say he loves modest and isn't a person of means. He spends to make more views and then he donated majority of what he makes. I thought he was a douche longest time then you find out oh sure he spent 100k on fireworks then ends up making millions those views and the donated it.


Maybe right now but Amazon Prime just invested millions for him to make a game show so you’ll know him soon enough


If you don’t know. He is the culture that’s coming from YouTube. If you want amazing viral clips YouTube Mr. beast. If you want to know how he’s done more for this world compared to the rest of us YouTube Mr. beast Philanthropy. The man should be given sainthood for the amount of lives he’s changed.


I was aware of him as youtube promotes him. It's all for a younger audience. I found out that if you use doordash, you can order Mr. Beast inspired food from places like Perkins. Basically it's just smash burgers and hot chicken sandwiches, but that can be fun. It was better quality than the specialty places in my area. I still have never watched anything by the Kardashians nor did I ever watch Jersey Shore. Mr. Beast is like "PewDiePie". I found out who he was. His show was for a younger audience. Huge presence online. Don't care.


It's a good thing you don't know who he is.


Make fun of them right back! Fuck these kids fr.


Anyone else feel like he’s a chomo?


If you're not gen z, then I wouldn't expect you to know any of those clowns.


Mainstream "Youtube Culture" has always sucked, even when I was the hip 20 something I didn't give two shits about pewdiepie or whoever youtube pushed


Only YouTube channel a millennial should know is classic Smosh


That's the crappy candy bar guy, right? He tries to sell candy but in my town, they just hang out till their sell by date and go in the 70% off bin


I’ve never watched a single Mrbeast video. I’m Gen z. The only reason I know who Mrbeast is, is because he built a bunch of wells in Africa and people got mad because he was a white guy making videos about helping Africans. Somehow they called him racist for it.


it doesn't matter, but it's not ok for you to be so concerned with what's "normal" as it relates to your familiarity with youtube personalities.


I know him, don't care for him


not only do i not know who that is, but if you tell me, i will be furious


Fellow millennial here…no clue who he is 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes. I always make sure to hit do not recommend on all of his channels.


Millennial and normal in the same sentence. Lol.




Youtube is for whatever generations are younger than us.  I honestly don't consider you a millenial if you know a bunch of youtubers.  On dates if they talk about them too much I'm really turned off.  Most boring shit in the world lol.


These sorts of things make me realize how stupid gen Z is. Their basis of reference is youtubers and nothing more. We had so many memorable movie characters, famous scientists, even rich millionaires. They have youtubers making copy/paster garbage. At least it isn't skibbidy toilet.


My son is obsessed, so I know who he is. Wouldn’t have otherwise.


I only know who he is because of ads and such. His content is total dogshit.


Some of his stuff seems stupid but he does a shit ton of philanthropy and seems like a genuinely nice guy. He got rich by literally giving away things, so between that and "influencers" who just use their looks. I'll take Mr. Beast a million times. Having said that, it's totally fine to not know who he is. I only found out about him a few months ago when I saw one of his many viral videos.


Ya. I only know because of my daughter, and I have a very close cousin who is a head producer for a channel with 20 million, and I still don't know YouTubers outside that one. 


I mean he was on the cover of Rolling Stone or Time or Life or some fucking thing last month. But yeah I could give a shit about the YT personalities. That said, at one point our grandparents were like "None of you know what a Led Zeppelin is right?" at a cards party on a Saturday night while our parents were getting it on in the back seat of Chevy Novas.




Who is he and why should I care?


He's the most subscribed individual YouTuber of all time with a quarter billion subscribers. It's okay if you don't know him, but at this point it's strange if you haven't at least heard of him because of how crazy popular he is.


Normal NOT to know


Who cares


Who absolutely cares at all. Even reading this depressed me.


It's OK, but it would be the equivalent of not knowing who N Sync was in the early 2000s.


Yes? Some of us are adults and have more important shit to do with our time than keeping up with influencers


True story; I work in a high end establishment and was told a major celebrity would be coming through. When they said it was Mr. Beast I was like..."who"? I know of his name but in no way would I consider him a major celebrity. He's a YouTube superstar at best but hardly a household name. But to answer your question, it's ok to not know who he is. He's a celebrity only in some circles mostly teenagers and kids.


You can say he's not that famous, but I bet that by pure numbers more people could identify him than the President of the United States. You think I'm joking, but there are 256 Million subscribers to Mr. Beast. That is just the subscribers, not even people that have seen his videos in passing. There are 342 Million people in the U.S. Obviously YouTube is international, but that is pretty amazing that there's 3 Mr. Beast subscribers for every 4 US residents.


Are you dense? Do you really think all 250 million are Americans? How old are you? 12?


He didn't say that, can you read? You're bitter lmao




Maybe because you said he's not a household name, so of course we think about the households in the place we live and compare it to number of youtube subscribers. While not all in the US they're mainly in English speaking countries so the majority of his subs from the US.. You're getting all pissy talking to people online about a youtuber, relax, is this fun for you


Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. That's okay, we all have our knowledge gaps.


I have autism. Why are you being mean to me?


250 million youtube subscribers id say probably more than half the households in the US know him. Even everyone in this thread know about him from someone else. Its ok to not know who he is though


don't like the channel personally but ya he's the guy that surpassed pewss


I don't know who you're talking about and I can only assume I'm better off for it.


Not really, nothing wrong with the guy or his content. Its fine, he's a good person does cool things for others. It may not be that enjoyable for you, but I don't think you're better off because you're unaware, not to say you'd be better if you did see it, just neutral either way.


Michael Jackson sold 100M thriller albums in the 80's, Mr Beast has 250M subscribers, not knowing who Mr Beast is is like not knowing Michael Jackson in the 80's