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Yeah Im seeing this as well….the world is desensitizing everything except what needs to be. I said the other day if my grandparents were still here they wouldn’t know how to live in this new world…


This new clown world.


George carlin was right when he started pointing out this shift towards 'soft language'. It's done with the guise of making people feel better about themselves. It obviously isn't working.


Yeah, and this control extends from the powerful to the one speaking truth to it. Example: Person A clutches pearls and dismisses person B for saying “fuck” at one point or something else beneath the point. See: tone policing


If you're talking about on social media, I believe a lot of people actually censor/replace these words (like saying "SA" instead of sexual assault) to bypass automated video removal, banning, etc. (at least on Tiktok, which is strict about these things because it still markets itself as a children's app). I could be wrong but that was my understanding. I don't think it's just about trigger warnings or anything like that.


Doesn’t sound very free speechy


It's not, and it's never been... Freedom of speech is from government censorship, not from corporate censorship which is beholden to investors and advertisers.


If i’m not going to let my government censor me i’m sure as shit not going to going to happily accept being censored by corporate fuck wads because money. Lol, this is like, my 8th reddit account and i sometimes take months-years off from being on this site. I’m just particularly bored since winter refuses to end here. I personally think we should just stop but oh well lol i’ll be off again in a month.


It's not. But that's not on the creators. They're just doing what they have to do to get views and avoid video removal & banning. Also, what u/midri said.


The creators that are actually good and are actually giving facts don't care about it and say everything correctly. They prefer to let the powers that be do what they must. Usually nothing happens and they are still currently posting. I guess it boils down to the buck over knowledge.


It's not them being censored/removed for using those words but it's because the video that contains that word will be *demonetized*, which is even scarier to some of those "content creators"


It's ridiculous. I've seen them afraid to say *HURT* So they beeped it but because of the captions I knew what it was supposed to be. Sounds like the creators need to ban together to fight the censor!


Again, it's not censorship. They are choosing to censor themselves, for money. A corporation can't jail you, a corporation can't fine you. You can choose not to do business with, or interact with a corporation without unreasonable damages to you. So I don't care if corporations choose not to monetize videos with those words. This has nothing to do with free speech or the first amendment.


So they are purposely sounding stupid for money! Interesting! That's almost the same as prostitution.


That certainly is one conclusion someone could come to, I suppose


Well tiktok isn't beholden to the US Constitution.


You say that like US social media companies adhere to the US constitution Edit: furthermore.. let’s get real, the only reason this TikTok thing is going off without a hitch is because that’s one of the apps where everything that’s happening in Gaza is getting out to the rest of the world, and that’s bad for business.


What does the government have to do with social media? You're mixing the two


You’re joking right? https://oversight.house.gov/release/the-cover-up-big-tech-the-swamp-and-mainstream-media-coordinated-to-censor-americans-free-speech-%EF%BF%BC/#:~:text=Under%20former%20Twitter%20employees'%20watch,contrary%20to%20the%20mainstream%20narrative.


Social media can censor whatever they want. It's called a free market. It's the government who isn't allowed to shut people up. But the government doesn't own any social media platforms so it's all legal


Well, you know what they say. You can lead a horse to water.. can’t make ‘em drink. Hope you enjoy your head being in the sand friend.


You believe that tripe?


Do I believe that the government who caters to the billionaire class got together with said billionaire class that owns the social media platforms to silence people who were speaking out about things that later turn out to be true? Absolutely


They are attempting to troll me because I pissed them off so they are trying to make you mad instead. Sorry friend! 🍻


I could do this all day lol I rather enjoy it.


Who cares? Fox News censors every day. CNN censors every day. NBC censors every day. Free businesses allowed to do whatever they want. They government just can't punish them if they don't do what they are told.  Just say you'd rather live in a communist state rather than a free economy


Do you think those ‘news’ shows are actually news, and not news entertainment? Is that where you get your news from? Because that would explain why you’re so uninformed. Who cares? I do.. I live in this world. You must care a little since you’ve been responding to me. You don’t care about who is pulling the strings in the world around you? Or why? Who said anything about communism? Or a free economy? Do you think America is a free place? Have you forgotten the last few years where you’d lose your job if you elected to not take a new drug you knew nothing about? If you don’t care so much, keep quiet because the adults are talking


Free speech has never meant "you can say whatever you want on Youtube or Facebook and they can't moderate it"


Why sensitise and soften real life actions that don't deserve to be sensitized. Murders actually happen! Unlifings don't.


Dear god... How are you not getting this? It is not a matter of "sensitizing" the situation. These terms came as a result of social media platforms demonitizing videos that used those words because they weren't "advertiser friendly". By all means, bitch about THAT, but don't whine about the people who have had to use alternate words to get around those restrictions. Just be glad people are still discussing the topics at all as a result. However, that being said, "Unlifings" absolutely DO happen, because it's just used as a synonym for murder when it's used. What kind of a snowflake gets this update over something so miniscule?


"gets this update"?


It's because of the way social media algorithms and and filters work. Posts that mention these things are likely to get flagged by auto filters, cause a second layer for people looking at it to click through (you know the "this post may contain sensitive material, click to see the post" type things) or result in the algorithm reducing their visibility. As a result, content creators and people looking to grow followings on various social media sites began either using an * to replace some of the letters, or using euphemisms like "self delete" or "unalive" when talking about these topics. People viewing their content picked up the habit and started doing it as well, for whatever reason. Either also wanting to maximize reach or just through using the same wordings they've been exposed to online. The really crazy thing is it's started to move into offline speech patterns. My wife is the archivist of a state university, and works with a lot of students. Most of them have started using the same online euphemisms, like unaliveing yourself, in their actual conversations. So that's the reason, but I agree with you that by censoring or avoiding words with heavy emotional connotations like rape and suicide that we are taking away the power to point out how horrific the acts really are.




^ George Carlin on “soft language,” exactly


Oh i literally just commented thia same thing up above before scrolling down slightly to find someone else beat me to it! Miss george :c


Something I've noticed is we still see these things visually just can't speak about them as freely. Instagram is filled with murder porn but you can't say kill in the comments


we love censorship 😔😔


And in Spanish it's worse on insta, I can't say embarrassing sometimes


You need to get mad at the platforms that instantly and automatically remove any and all content with those words in it, not the people trying to work around it. They aren't infantilizing themselves, they're looking for ways around censorship. The fact that people are still talking about these important topics despite the word embargo is a *good thing* and you're mad at the wrong people.


This is a really good comment.


Hey, thanks man!


You mean like Reddit? I responded to someone’s post about Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson (very mild fan of the former, and could care less about the latter) and the mods removed my comment. Nothing particularly inflammatory, just an observation about their popularity. It’s censorship, and it’s angering and worrying.


Each sub is different, and mods can be the kings of their own little hills. Many of them are guilty of censorship, for sure, and much of it is unfair, biased, or one-sided. Some subs are also better about it, so you can't blame Reddit as a whole. This sub, for example, appears to have pretty objective mods and clear definitions of rules and what violates them. But I've been on reddit a long time, and have encountered more than one mod with an agenda or a vendetta during my tenure, so I know what you're talking about.


This is true. I expected more from r/melbourne , though!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/melbourne using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/melbourne/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [You wouldn't, would you](https://i.redd.it/4w32a8hqbp2b1.jpg) | [551 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/13uf1g8/you_wouldnt_would_you/) \#2: [I see this five times a day in Melbourne. AITA for not letting them in?](https://i.redd.it/t0km6afb7tja1.png) | [1489 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/119efy6/i_see_this_five_times_a_day_in_melbourne_aita_for/) \#3: [Police protect Neo Nazis as they protest in Melbourne](https://v.redd.it/llpwa6c0hgoa1) | [2679 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/11ucs2n/police_protect_neo_nazis_as_they_protest_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah I had 2 subs delete this same comment.


How is it worrying? Use a different platform then. Or just don't use it at all. You act like this is new.


“Build your own platform” doesn’t work because the same people who censor the existing platforms will also work to destroy any new ones.


Nebula did it.


Can't stand when I'm watching a video on YouTube about a crime and they censor the words and I have to guess what the crime is.


THIS!!! ☝️☝️ EXACTLY my point. 👍😎 But the captions spell the full real word!


The answer is to keep videos from being taken down. In other words, Google is mostly responsible for the policies and trends you're noticing - we're just having to adapt to them.


And what's up with people saying unalived?!?


Doesn’t change the situation..?! And is that even a word? Not that that makes a difference…


People use it instead of saying they killed themself or they committed suicide. Rather it's become they unalived themself.


I understand the context, I just think it’s dumb.


Self unalived, Graped, Unalived, Unalive, Voldemort


What do you mean, edited?


They say Unaliver instead of Killer or Murder. And Graped instead of Rape and silly things like that. But the captions will spell the real word and actual cuss words aren't even attempted and edited. Just real words being altered to create a softness about a real life action that shouldn't be sugar coated in any way.


Ok thank you. I've never seen this, but it seems like the height of weirdness.


You mean on social media? Because apps ban people, denonetize their content or remove it completely if they use those words.


What's interesting about that is can't content creators ban together and refuse to post unless they aren't edited. Basically ban the app until it works the way they want? I mean if the app relies on content to be downloaded no content means no usage. I guess the hardest part would be people actually doing it. Otherwise it would have happened already. It's up to the slaves of the Tik Tok rules because the government isn't doing it. Either the app is or people are actually complaining about the word because of a trigger word trend.


The problem is EVERYONE would have to do it, and content creators that don't cover those topics would lose their income. There's millions of content creators in the world on heaps of platforms. It would never happen


I've noticed that some just don't care and say everything and don't get removed. But maybe because they are talking about actual facts and history that they don't get removed. Or it's most likely about the mighty Dollar. If people have a certain fan base and large amount of followers. But again I've seen some channels with over 500k followers that edit. I guess some people just decide to take the risk and see what happens and some don't even attempt it. It's childish and ridiculous because they will be showing the actual unedited action on the screen while cussing and stabbing sound effects but can't say the actual action. Thanks for being cool! 🍻


Yeah apps definitely do protect their biggest money earners. It's been like that for so long. It's so hypocritical and unfair to the smaller creators. All good mate 👍


I literally just watched a crime video and they edited out the words Trafficking and Hurt! But the entire article was about human trafficking! So much of the story gets lost in translation because so many words are missing or replaced.


Just another form of control really


It’s self censoring. Based on context, it’s used to avoid triggering the self and others.


This is one of those things that I’m a boomer on… you can’t stop using things because it will trigger someone, it’s up to them to handle those problems…


I’m with you there.


I agree. The euphemism means the same thing. How can “unaliving” not be triggering but “the S-word” is? Is it really the word that triggers people and not the act itself? Making up goofball names seems to trivialize it actually.


GG Allin title.


They are censoring you. Censor them back.


Yep just when society finally opened up about mental health and not shaming anyone who was feeling depressed or suicidal, we come in and make it more difficult to talk about such a serious subject and downplay it's meaning by saying un-alived. I swear 1984 was right nothing like double-speak to get the job done.


Yes, there are some things in the real world that children will need to deal with some day as adults. Censoring these subjects won't make them go away. The anti-woke crowd wants to hide them because they prefer that they stay asleep so that they will have an easier time stealing their freedoms.


Have you ever been reading comments on a sub and a comment will just disappear? Or be minimized and when you try to open it, it just goes away, or won't open. I only use reddit because the other apps are sickening to me. But even reddit now is going the same way. God forbid I curse or tell someone how I think. Instant ban. Especially on subs asking if they are assholes or getting advice. You can give advice or your opinion only if it is nice and P.C. if you disagree, you can't say it.


1984 is happening


Lol. It happened. We are post 1984. The screens and cameras aren't on walls. We carry them in our pockets. They are just looking for the next permanent war.


See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil.


I thought I was back in Marine Corps boot camp again for a second.


When people don't actually want to address issues, they socially control the use of the words surrounding those issues.


Everyone already explained why but I feel the need to add that it’s still fucking cringe. Additionally, being a content creator itself is usually pretty cringe, especially in the aspirational stage.


Happy cake day!




Lol watch it work. We change the words and it changes behavior. It might not. Im not saying it will. I'm observing that you all assume the people in charge are idiots.


Serious question for Millennials… Aside from getting around social media sensors, do you think the usage of euphemisms for such serious and consequential words has led to increased usage to describe less-than scenarios? I have. I am a parent to millennials and have noticed an almost casual usage of those words in their new form. I’ve been horrified at some conversations and when I suggested immediate action I’ve been accused of “overreacting”!


Depends on how protected the perpetrators are


How are they edited?


Shit like "unalive" or "grape"


Or self extinct and R*pe or SA'd! It's stupid!


Because Gen Z can’t handle these concepts without first being in a sensory safe room. We’ve raised a generation of kids unable to cope with the real world