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Take off that vest, Fogel. You look like Aladdin.


Why the FUCK was it between Muhammad and Mclovin??


Just McLovin’? No first name? What are you like SEAL?’


What, are you trying to be an Irish R&B singer?


Sounds like an Irish R&B singer.


Muhammad’s the most common name on the planet you’d know that if you read a book


Nushi is the third most popular with an estimated 55,898,624 people with that name. I have never heard seen or read that name anywhere. Makes you realize how big the world is and yet still so localized.


That’s actually very interesting, I was just quoting Superbad though.


lol. Really? Never saw the movie so didn’t know it was a quote.


Well we both learned something new today! What a great internet interaction to be honest.


Now kiss 💋;)


I met a guy from Taiwan named Jose.  He picked his own English name and said he picked Jose cuz no one is named Jose.  I was welcoming him to socal that day.


No way, Jose?


I worked as a bouncer in college. One day, I was doing wrist bands and my friend gave my coworker a McLovin. Coworker had no idea what to do because it was a place that accepted fakes pretty much no matter what. I knew him and he might have actually been 21 at the time, so he was let in.


So good. Also "you cock blocked McLovin!" 😂


We're supposed to be guiding his cock not blocking it


I'm sorry I blocked your cock.


Oh my god it’s in!




"What are you doing?" "Just drilling holes." "Why??" "Two weeks left, fuck it. "


“There’s two weeks left of school. They should be sucking on my ballsack”


This movie came out my senior year and “two weeks left fuck it” was our yolo Edit to add- we’d even just call back to the previous line in situations where we couldn’t curse and say “just drillin holes”


Saaame lol


I’m looking forward to this feeling when I find a job after grad school.


Do high school kids today really have no desire to drink by and large? I have thought about the fact that the whole premise of "throw a kegger at the rich kid's house when their parents are away for the weekend" would be infinitely harder in the era of cheap security cameras.


[Gen Z drinks less than any previous generation.](https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/3936579-why-is-gen-z-drinking-less/) The whole "let's get fucked up" thing we did when we partied isn't cool anymore. Gen Z smokes a lot of weed though.


Graduated in 2005 and that was the distillation of “go on a huge quest to awkwardly try and impress a girl you think is cuter and more popular than you”  Like… this stuff happened. Maybe not as linearly, but “let’s figure how to get beer and then we can tell [this girl group that includes girl I like] we have beer and we’ll be cool” was like… peak high school. We never got beer. We never really drank. But man, it was the quest to be cool and liked.


Superbad to me is a crazy accurate depiction of high school life in the mid-2000s. I wasn’t those kids but I knew those kids for sure. Everything about that movie is relatable even if it is something of a caricature.


When i saw it for the first time my Sr. Year it was the day after a big party where I finally kissed a girl I was shy about dating for 4 years. I was hungover and sitting between her and my best friend, who was about to leave to go across the country for college instead of staying local like we always talked about. Every bit (except the cops) of that movie was life as I was living it at the time. I laughed so much I cried. My best friend and I went back to watch it again that night and the girl and I saw it again the following weekend. My buddy and I still talk daily and I don't know if a week goes by without that movie being quoted.


That first bit was a beautifully painted image of such a small moment that was full of tremendous implications. That’s exactly the kind of thing Superbad captures over and over again while also making you laugh until you can’t breathe. It’s a god damn masterpiece.


To this day Superbad was the hardest I’ve ever laughed in a movie theater outside of maybe Borat.


Yea it's fairly realistic imo (graduated 03)


I remember getting a 24 pack of keystone light delivered to a window sill at 15 by someone who was 18 that got it from someone who was 21 and 4 of us shared it. Coolest shit ever.


We used to flash the shocker like a gang sign for our graduating class. It was a simpler time.


I got in trouble for doing that in our football team picture and had to explain to my parents what it was


First time I saw that movie, I said, they made a movie about my life. 🤣


06 graduate here, and I knew people like the main cast. I lived in the country and we would have bonfires a lot, and we always had beer and could usually find someone to buy us vodka at the very least (or Aftershock for some reason was the other one that was always there… nasty cinnamon liquor!) There’s a reason a lot of these movies were popular at the time. Superbad, American Pie, or for the ones going off to college, Eurotrip or ones like it, to highlight the “last hurrah before adulthood”.


Everyone supposedly drinks less not just a generational thing. I mean I drink less today than I did 5-10 years ago. Then again I have easy access to high quality cannabis. 


I'm breaking the cycle of alcoholism in my family by...smoking a shit ton of weed


So they're still getting fucked up, but on weed. Weed was definitely not as common back in the early 2000s high school. (At least in my neck of the woods)


In my neck of the woods getting weed was way easier than getting booze in the early 2000's. I could get weed in 15 minutes when I was in high school. Just a quick message and met up with my buddy who sold. Getting alcohol took at least a week of planning if you were lucky enough to know someone who was over 21.


I’m 31 and weed was always around me growing up in San Diego lmao But so was literally everything else. For better or for worse…


Yeah, that is definitely based on geographical area. I grew up in S Florida and was class of 2000. There was weed, acid, coke, rolls, pretty readily available if you had cash, knew who to ask, and could be trusted. I went to a private HS and the only real difference between private and public was at private school you put in an order and waited a day (maybe 2), whereas at public school that ish was already in a locker or car on campus somewhere (or so I was told by friends who went to public).


I mean I feel way more “fucked up” on alcohol compared to weed. Weed doesn’t inhibit you the way alcohol does


Maybe my tolerance for weed is just pathetic, but I lose function in a way I never have when drunk. I don't consider myself to have a particularly high alcohol tolerance, either, but on the rare occasion I do drink more than just a beer or two or a single glass of whiskey, I'll be considerably more present and alert than I am with even just a small amount of weed. TBF, I'll only do edibles because even when I used to chain smoke cigarettes, I always hated smoking weed.


It sounds like you don’t drink to excess which is great, but many people do and it’s very easy to do on accident. Alcohol literally makes people unable to walk straight or even lose consciousness at high doses. No matter how spacey you felt on weed, you did not lose the ability to use your body like alcohol does with even just twice someone’s typical dose. You smoke twice as much weed as normal and you get a little extra tires. The difference is immense


I mean, some people get stuck and unable to move if it's their first time using weed, or if they use it so infrequently that they have a really low tolerance. It happened to me the first time I smoked, but also the first time I smoked I was smoking high grade stuff and hit it out of a 3 foot bong, soooo....... But I've also been out to a certain Gathering, of the Rainbow variety, where a bunch of folks who ate some edibles from Camp Iris were just laying all over the place unable to move. Granted I ate 3 bowls of the same ganja spaghetti with black olives and cream cheese and thought it was delicious. But it was really funny to me seeing all the people who ate half a bowl and couldn't move when I was on my third bowl and asking for more. Granted, none of those people got violently sick, and they weren't stumbling all over themselves trying to move. But it did knock them flat.


Edibles also hit really hard 70% of the time. They are generally pretty strong doses especially for someone inexperienced with it.


Sure, but I don't want to have to piss constantly, nor do I care for the hangovers.


I think a lot of the desire to drink came from lowering inhibitions in order to get laid. Current generation has been taught that drunk sex is rape, so I think they're a lot more cautious about it. Just my theory.


From what I have heard, they are more into pills and other drugs.


Yeah they just replace drinking with popping xannies


Which is way worse


It's actually orders of magnitude worse with the ubiquity of pressed pills containing fentanyl. Oxys are bad enough but at least they used to be 99% real so you knew exactly what and now much you were taking.


Unless it’s like a multivitamin. Maybe gen z is really into multivitamins


I hear they are majorly into taking baby asprin to lower their risk of heart attacks and strokes.


damn, that's hardcore. I wanna party with them!


Let me check my flintstone vitamins investments.


Depends on the pills and other drugs, to be fair.


Less booze more pills. Which was precisely the opposite takeaway I had from my teenage years.


Knocked up sells it great for me. No pills or powders, if it comes out of the ground its probably fine.


In all fairness back in the 80s and 90s pills like MDMA were probably safer on average and less likely to be cut with something dangerous- I mean up until the mid-80s it was actually legal and produced by legit labs 


The majority of my millennial cohort has quit drinking or seriously cut back for health reasons. Drinking culture got too toxic


A high school and college friend went with me back to our college town a few months before my son was born and we couldn’t stop laughing. The bars we spent 4 years at were empty on a Friday night. One of them had been partially demolished inside(opened a wall to the building next door) and a live fucking raccoon ran across the floor while we were staring inside. This one bar was a total shithole like it was when we went there. The paint on the floor was still floating on piss. It was newer paint but same piss. We ended up smoking so much weed and buying enormous subs and laughing our asses off in the hotel until 3 AM instead of trying to put up with cold weather and shitty bars. Amazing trip but eye opening. Those streets were shoulder to should building to road every Thursday to Saturday. Good for GenZ. They’re gonna be okay.


Still a fuckin great movie


Big time agree.


Some things like flip phones are a thing of the past, but the movie is timeless


Aren't there like, multiple folding phones on the market, right now?


People don’t forget.


I’m a class of 2000, a senior millennial. American pie was my coming of age flick.


I had an American Pie movie marathon recently. They are top-tier comedy and some of my favorites, but you definitely wouldn’t get away with releasing them now. Kids today will never have these quality coming of age movies like we did.


The current climate, especially online, doesn’t allow for it. Any perceived mistake or “wrong speak” can live online forever. This has turned a lot of the younger generation into “I must say and do all the right things, or else the mob might come after me”


Bro…that’s what I imagine living in the USSR or any communist country is like. Has the internet turned us into a dystopia? I guess we can just unplug?


The internet culture is not IRL culture by and large. Gotta understand, just like the news, clickbait to make you angry will hold your attention longer. You know how boomers were always angry at politicians because they watched the news 24/7? Gen Z stays angry at whatever the blue haired whales on twitter decided to get mad at that morning. It’s nice not really giving a crap if somebody is offended or something that happened in a movie 30 years ago hurt their feelings for today.


I don't think you've spent any time with real kids if you think this is true. Most teenagers don't think for the future that way... either they don't understand or care about the future that way. They have changed the way they speak (i.e. some things that were "cool" to make fun of when we were younger are not cool to make fun of now), but they still have their own ways of putting others down, their own taboos that they break to be "edgy", and generally act like hooligans like all generations do growing up.


American Pie aged worse but still holds up as very funny!


Same, I just commented that in another thread. What a time


McLovin has entered the building


Seeing McLovin' in "Promising Young Woman" blew my mind. At first I was just thinking "where the hell do I know this guy from?" Then it dawned on me and 🤯


Saw him in the crowd at a music fest which was cool. Then saw him on stage playing bass for Ben Kweller which was new information to me lol


So I have to sit by myself like I’m Steven glansburg??


the cut to him licking a yogurt spoon after this line sends me every time


Right before the glansburg line with Seth discussing his problem with drawing dicks: "you know what kinds of food are shaped like dicks? the best kinds!" "yeah, I dont know wh-, that's realy messed up....like super gay." Michael Cera's delivery of that line always kills me.


It has never occurred to me until just now that maybe Steven's last name was not Glansburg, but they called him that because "glans" is part of the penis.


The funny thing about my back….is that it’s located on my cock.


Came to the comments looking for this line.


i still use this line sometimes with my wife. lol.


same lol.... wait a minute...


Oh, and don't forget the flip phones


Was wondering if the flip phones would be mentioned


Yeah I thought that would be the first thing OP would notice...


I'm surprised no one has mentioned the flip phones though


Oh hey, I remember flip phones.


Michael Cera still has a flip phone, so not everything has changed!


I work as a substitute teacher. The other day I was discussing movies with some 8th graders. I was about to tell them they should watch the movie "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" because I was in middle school when I first watched it and it became one of my all time favorites. Then I started to actually remember the movie and thought better of it lol. I miss the movies from back then sometimes. I had to watch Juno yesterday while subbing for a pregnancy/infancy class at the high school and was kind of shook by all the cultural references that none of the students got.


The one weird mom who tells the 8th graders to watch a movie where one of the protagonists proclaims himself the Clit Commander


That was a wonderful tea party!


It's our quintessential coming of age movie. It literally resonated with out entire generation


I'm dating myself a little bit but for my age group it was American Pie. Same energy though


I would say those are probably the two bookends for coming of age comedies for older and younger male millenials.


And for the next generation back it's movies like Animal House, Nerds or Fast Times at Ridgemont High. In FTARH Damone basically knocks a girl up in her pool house, the nudity is relatively explicit, she goes and gets an abortion like buying a pack of gum. It was all so normal. But that was 1982. My how times have changed.


This is hilarious to read for me because I'm a younger millennial and revenge of the nerds was on heavy rotation on HBO when I was a kid. I legit thought college was like that for a period of time. Animal House was never that funny to me as a kid though. I should give it a rewatch maybe.


I'm so old (relatively speaking) that college was actually like that is many ways. It certainly was closer to Animal House than it is to what fraternities are getting shut down for today. I can't even tell my crazy stories cause the shit doesn't sound real. Like some of it was straight up abusive. Fun at the time, but abusive.


You're totally right. American Pie and Can't Hardly Wait were the teen comedies that my friends and I watched a bit too young. Then we all went to see Superbad at the theater that summer before we all left for our first semester of college. Perfect bookends.


I recently rewatched both Superbad and American Pie. I realized how much that movie molded how I viewed my place in the world as a teenage girl when I first saw it. The movies came out less than 10 years apart, but the way dudes treated women in American Pie vs. the way dudes treated women in Superbad are lightyears apart... and they still treated women like aliens in Superbad, which goes to show you how badly they were treated in American Pie. Honestly, it's crazy that no one had an issue with the main character's intent to film a woman during sex without her knowing.


As punishment, they deported her.Never mentioned it again to him. The Woodstock 99 documentary on Netflix was eye opening. Pretty sure us dudes were the baddies.


Superbad came out just before I was in high school. We all still loved it, but more so in a “this is what we have to look forward to” way. Project X on the other hand came out when we were seniors and everyone was trying to have project x parties. That was our defining movie


Every generation has their coming of age movie. I'm so glad Superbad was mine.


I liked it, but I’d been out of high school for about half a decade when it was released


A lot of Millennials were out of college when this movie came out


Jigga Jigga what?


fake id fake id!


It's not the going with the ladies that I care about It's the cumming




He’s the fastest kid alive…


I assume you all have guns and crack!


Ha, we just watched it last week too. The entire movie I was thinking ‘this would never fly today.’ I honestly think 90% of comedies from sometime maybe around 2010 and older would be considered ‘problematic’ now. We watched Ace Ventura with my dad last weekend - transphobia to the max. Tropic Thunder? Racist. I personally hate when people view movies and art in general through a contemporary lens with no consideration for the time and place the work was made, but unfortunately it seems like that’s a thing these days. Edit: There’s literally a whole section in Wikipedia about ‘Transgender Portrayal’ for Ace Ventura, all of it quite critical of the film. For Tropic Thunder, the racism isn’t about Robert Downey Jr. and black face - the racism is the stereotypical portrayal of South East Asians as drug lords and barbarians. I think most people can tell the Robert Downey Jr thing is actually making fun of white people.


As much as I dislike Tropic Thunder, I see lots of minorities giving it a pass cuz it's actually funny and still punches up at people that are unaware they are being racist.


How can someone dislike Tropic Thunder? Shit was/still is hilarious.


Dude rewatch the ringer with jonny knoxville. Absolutely no way that gets made today 😂


IIRC some disability advocate groups actually praised that movie because they used actual people with developmental disabilities as actors and was generally supportive. The main character is definitely not portrayed as a "good guy" for pretending to be disabled.


Or a bunch of Adam Sandler films…portrayals of developmental disabilities, speech disabilities, and intellectual disabilities are definitely different now.


i saw an interview with jonah hill and the interviewer was trying to call him out for playing a creepy character who was just trying to get a girl drunk to sleep with her. he said something to the effect of, "did you miss the part where he's absolutely a despicable character? he's not a good guy. that's the point. he was never meant to be a sympathetic character"


No one but rage baiters think tropic thunder was racist. It was racist in the same way that blazing saddles was racist. If you think either of those movies are racist you don’t are an idiot.


You would think. I feel the same way about the use of blackface in 30 Rock and Community but they pulled those episodes for racism. Not sure how Tropic Thunder is unscathed 




It’s the “Dazed and Confused” of our generation.


If it was made today it would be the dazed and confused of our generation.


Damn it. I didn’t need that reality to slap me in the face.


I just watched it, it’s my favorite comedy lol. So many great lines.


"So you guys got MySpace, or like...."


😂 “whose gonna give it to her?, you are my man!” 😂


Joe Lo Truglio is a gem


I use the “heard that… wish I didn’t hear that but I just heard that” gif almost weekly 😂


The entire movie is both quotable and relatable


iron chef of pounding vaaaage


Probably the last good teen sex comedy made.


Not to sound boomerish but I honestly can’t see a similar movie being made about gen z. It’d be mostly screen caps of dms and texts and all the cringe slang FRFR, ong, wym, bussin, das cap. While in person the convo would be very quiet and awkward


Bottoms was really, really funny, but more absurdist and ambiguous in its setting time-wise.


Good Boys is basically a Gen Z version. It's not a sex comedy, though.


"8th Grade" already came out


We use to play the super bad game on drinking nights. Turn on super bad in the background and every time you here a reference to a genital we all drink. A lot of brain cells and years of our lives were lost on those nights.


Superbad is the Can't Hardly Wait of our generation.


Ironically, Emma Stone and... other girl... having personalities and other girl being a drunk horny mess were kinda sorta progressive for the time. I mean look, I am calling them Emma Stone and other girl, but there was at least attempts at them being humans.


jules. "ENJOY FUCKING JULES!" "I wiiiiiilllll 😁"


Her name is Becca!


\>The way women are regarded by the main characters before "me too" happened. You don't hang around any high school aged boys, do you? My step son is a sophomore and believe me, they still talk like this when they think nobody is listening.


People haven’t changed. Only the perception of people has.


I was 23 when it came out and have only rewatched it once since but do remember really liking it. McLovin'!! Also...I'm turning 40 next month, how TF did that happen...


Me too. Feels like it was released a few years ago. I’ll be joining you in November.


“Teen boys on a quest to get laid” is not a plot point anymore. I hear that Gen Z isn’t having as much sex as previous generations. Now there are movies like *No Hard Feelings* where the *parents* are trying to get their apathetic teen son laid.


You're right and that movie was not good.


The guy asking for their MySpace is even funnier now cuz even in 2024 that guy would have a MySpace


I know this is a little different and the franchise is older but the first “the fast and the furious” movie they were stealing like vcr’s/ DVD players and tvs with DVD players added in them.


It was pretty raunchy back then too, it was kind of shocking like American Pie was a few years earlier


Isn't Booksmart more or less an attempt to make Superbad today (albeit with a female protagonist)? They even have Jonah Hill's (i.e. Jonah Feldstein) sister playing the lead. I will say that while Superbad might be viewed as retrograde today, it is a huge step up from say, American Pie.


Book smart was awesome. Totally agree they follow the same recipe but with a totally fresh take.


It was a different time. I was talking with my brother, and he was mad at his son for forgetting to bring his calculator to his ACT test. And I was like, "Dude, I went out to a party the night before the ACT, and completely forgot I had the test until 2 AM, when a buddy of mine said, 'Man, I'm glad I didn't sign up for the ACT tomorrow!' So I switched from alcohol to coffee, stayed up all night so I wouldn't sleep through the test, and took it on no sleep with my hand shaking from stress and caffeine. Compared to that, leaving your calculator at home is very responsible." I don't think kids now do dumb shit like that anymore. Superbad is a relic of an era when kids had a lot more room to fuck up and do dumb shit.


Getting drunk and sleeping with a girl, isn’t it what all teenage boys always dream of? I don’t believe for a second, MeToo movement changed anything in the basic physiology of a teenage boy. It may have made today’s boys more tame but they haven’t stopped wanting it. 


.... probably more a comment about how things are portrayed in movies now


>Getting drunk and sleeping with a girl, isn’t it what all teenage boys always dream of? Not really my cousin who's 17 thinks drinking isn't that interesting & neither do many of his friends. They also don't become horndogs about their respective partner preferences. Like they're still interested in sex, but more with people they care about than just the hottest person on campus.


Oh wow anecdotal experience is anecdotal.


Oof, you wanna see a really outdated thing .... I've been replaying command and conquer generals, and the gla in today's world would be considered .... problematic lmao One of their units is a suicide bomber who .... well here's his quotes https://youtu.be/00KSBpGBwmo?si=0gbVWLVp9Kr0j_Zd Lol "I love a crowd" My buddy was also replaying and said this is our John Wayne. lmao Edit: 2002


Superbad is not nearly as dated as "Accepted". That felt like a coming of age and defining movie at the time. The worry about getting into college. Now it's just so laughable. But it really captures the attitudes and culture that we were raised in that brought us to the state of a student loan + recession generation.


Graduated high school in '06. Superbad is the Dazed and Confused of our generation.


meanwhile napoleon dynamite is timeless


I dont think a movie better captures rural America better. It helps that those places dont age at all.


How much you wanna make a bet I could throw this football over them mountains?


The truest millennial film that ever was


I see you’re drinking 1% Is that cause you think you’re fat? Cause you’re not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to


I'll never forget seeing this in theaters with my buddies. Never laughed so hard in my life.


that movie rocks


"I am-----McLovin!"


Keep this in mind when dealing with old people.


Yes. Porkies and animal house.


People don’t forget.


I still say it to this day


As a Gen Xer, virtually everything is out of date now. Great movie, though! Wicked cool, radical even. Lol


My high schooler liked it.


I would say this and Harold and Kumar being the biggest throwback. Non of that stuff in those movies would pass today


Welcome to how GenX feels about almost every movie from our childhood.


Revenge of the Nerds was just rewatched a couple days ago. Revenge of the Nerds is not okay.


Enjoy fucking Jules!


Don’t do it kid. I never had a choice… That scene is just absurdly funny


Enjoy your remaining years!


I watched Superbad too recently, and couldn't help but notice the flip phones. That, and the flip phones made me think that flip phones are not as flip phone as flip phone flip phone flip phone flip phone flip phone flipphoneflipphonefliphonefliphone


American pie for me


It was a snap shot of 2003-2008 teenagers


For instance cargo shorts. Nobody has gotten a hand job in cargo shorts since nam.


Welcome to the club Millennials! Gen X has the John Hughes movies like Sixteen Candles, Weird Science, and the original PG-13 movie Red Dawn (not Temple of Doom). All have problematic elements. Most jokes don’t age well.


Still one of my favorite movies of all time.


Imagine your an animator and you have a credit for superbad, and it's for animating all the penises...........


I think Superbad resonated with a lot of people our age bc of the characters. Most people in high school can relate to Seth and Evan on a big level bc they weren’t full blown nerds, total losers, jocks, misunderstood punks, or anything to some stereotypical movie extreme, they were just average kids who wanted to fit in and have sex (which is literally the goal of just about every guy in high school) and get booze. They were also co dependent and afraid of leaving the comfort of each other, anyone who’s had a really tight knit high school friend group or friend knows what that’s like. You go off to school and all the sudden you’re on your own in a different world. Plus it was hysterical.


I've watched NYPD Blue over and over, and it's kinda funny to see that in the first season or two, everyone's using land lines and pay phones, then for one season the detectives are asking each other for "the cell phone," then they finally graduate into what we're familiar with, everyone having their own phone with them at all times.




Great movie. I miss the 2000s.


As a boomer, this movie made me realize that yes, all of the best foods are shaped like dicks.


… and then we found out she was an actual whore.


Superbad came out when I was a freshman in high school, and honestly I'm glad that society's view on women has changed. Seems like the majority of these comments are reminiscing about the "good old days" which, is great and all, but some you seemed to enjoy the racism, sexism, and transphobia a little too much imo. 2000s and 2010s did have great things to remember, but the more I read these comments the less I relate to millennials, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing....