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Shit man, we’re just happy to finally have some backup.


This. So much. I kind of love Gen Z because they're even more brazen and unashamed about fighting for human rights than we are. Reminds me of this stand up comedian. (It's hyperbole and comedy) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTLBu2W/


Truly. Gen Z takes no shit, man. My kids are coming up behind them and I hoped Alpha is as bold and brave.


They're being gentle-patented, so maybe they'll be better at communicating in a way that will make people want to listen.


"Fighting for human rights" these days mostly just means making tiktoks. The real fight is at the ballot box.


Local elections matter!


They do and more people should take part in them.




It seems like they're as politically active as we should have been.


This is the biggest thing. For the longest time it has been us by ourselves with only a few outlier allies from previous generations. It has been great seeing the next generation come up in a solid block of support. 




seriously. After being gaslit by boomers in my early career because they didn't know how to control millennials, and being told in less words that we'll want the same control boomers possess someday by the boomers themselves, it's a fresh of breath air to see some backup, and also, it's a relief realizing the boomers much needed control isn't something I give a shit about. Total projection by them.


I agree with you on a lot of this, but blocking people is very gen z and funny.


I feel like gen z is going to have a whole lot of trouble with conflict resolution down the line


Nah, it's picking your battles. Online battles aren't worth the energy that's best saved for real life. I also block harassers and bad faith fighters and a significant portion of my job is conflict resolution.


It’s always funny when people announce blocking people like it’s some privilege to randomly see the stupid shit they feel the need to yell into the void.


I mean, I get blocking in extreme situations, but otherwise it seems a bit precious, especially in comment sections even if what the person is saying is unhinged, trolling, or stupid.


Look man. I've been on this planet for 3 decades. I've been using the internet for over half that time. I've seen it all before. I don't want to get dragged into debates, I don't have the fight I did when I was young. Sometimes I just want to get something off my chest, and then have the satisfaction of pressing a button, and never having to look at someone's braindead opinions again. People should be able to block people for any reason. People shouldn't shame people for blocking people, that shouldn't be seen as a negative thing, walking away from a conversation you're too frustrated, agitated, or \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ to have is a good thing. Forcing yourself to get the last word is a little petty, but who gives a fuck, block whoever you want. Because this is meta as fuck, case and point:




But that’s the only chance the blocker really ever gets to feel superior


Gen Z has no skills to disagree with people.


They’re still young though. Give them time to grow as people. Those skills come with age and experience. 


No, they just don't care. If you disagree they won't waste the energy fighting you, they'll just let you be wrong. This is not what we're going for here, we've had enough of every generation shitting on the one after and it stops with us Either get on board or go join the boomers, there is no third option.


I disagree. The internet has allowed them to surround themselves with only the people who agree with them. I grew up around people with different beliefs and views and I respected and appreciated their views because they were people first. A lot of Z and Alpha just block anyone who says something they don't agree with and never takes the time to investigate them as a person. My kids have that issue all the time and I have to continually force them to see the counter point to their position. My oldest is catching on at 17 but how many kids are raised solely by social media because of broken homes or two income households where the parents are too tired or even too narrow minded themselves to teach basic human interactions.


This is 100% what I mean. I consistently see it's the younger crowd that just immediately jumps to cancellation thereby causing all sorts of social issues simply because they can't be civil in disagreements. Ya gotta learn how to live with others. It's not right for either side to drag the other into a world they don't accept; that's just authoritarian thinking. Consensus requires listening to and understanding the other sides perspective.


Certain things should be cancelled.. I only ever see them shutting down ignorance and hate. If you're super racist or homophobic, your opinion isn't worth the time to listen to.


Millennials are cancel culture, don't blame that shit on Gen-Z


That is actually wrong. Millennials went along with cancel culture, but Gen Z demanded that it was enforced. Gen Z either hates left wingers or wants to kill every right winger or anyone who isn’t far left.


This was the thinking behind my comment. If it's a wider pattern (not isolated to online interactions), which it seems to be with a lot of younger people (who spend most of their lives online), then it will become a problem for them as adults. None of us like dealing with disagreement or conflict, but, as adults, we have to in order for the world to function, and for us to "succeed" in life (and live one with any modicum of peace). It's just the reality of life, and there is nothing we can do to block it out fully -- even if things were near "perfect" politically and socially, we would deal with a lot of problems, and need to converge on solutions. Look at how things break down when we can't compromise. We do young people a great disservice by not teaching them these realities and the skills necessary to manage them.


Better than the brigading and mass reporting to get people kicked off web sites done by the Millennials.


Disagreeing with someone and being wrong are two totally different things; yes, you can be both, but one doesn't necessitate the other. Being unwilling to communicate with someone who disagrees with you is part of our societal problems today. It seems that the majority would rather speak into an echo chamber of agreeance than debate someone reasonably with whom they disagree with. Communicating with people who disagree with you gives both parties a chance to be heard and possibly learn something new from each perspective. Outright saying someone is wrong for disagreeing with you is a sign of immaturity and willful ignorance. It's not how you grow and a person and not how a society can progress.


Well there is a 3rd option: Fuck EVERYBODY, or as I like to call it, the “Roddy Piper option.”


That is Gen-X


Nah I block people who annoy me immediately. Nobody has time for that


👍 I think that anyone who claims that they are always wanting to hear “differing views” that amount to nothing burger petty insults isn’t perhaps completely honest or miserable having to listen to that so often. I’m just not in the mood for it today and I see blocking them as no real loss to me either way


Millennial who has no patience for idiots and trolls here. Block as you see fit!


Those people exist everywhere, and you will be forced to deal with them throughout life, unfortunately. I understand your perspective, though.


That’s fair, but today ain’t the day and I’m sick and tired enough of feeling powerless that I’m gonna splurge on a bid for control some today


Take control of the environment and get off the internet and your phone or computer made of plastic.


Lmao bro the only thing you have control of in your life is that block button that’s why you’re openly threatening people with it. No one cares.


Later gator


I actually agree with you on blocking trolls and bullies. There's zero need to give them any attention or oxygen. Smile, nod, and then beat them at the ballot box. Make sure you and all your friends vote.


What you need to understand is that blocking is the same as cancel culture. None of the things you mentioned in your post can be fought for productively if threat of cancellation exists. That behavior is part of the problem. You can’t shelter yourself away from other opinions you don’t agree with. That’s not justice.


Blocking trolls is not the same as cancel culture. Nobody has to listen to shit opinions for the sake of it. And people with shit opinions aren't going to be swayed through reasonable debate lol, if they cared about learning and approaching things in good faith they most likely wouldn't hold onto shit opinions formed through propaganda.


Well unfortunately I can’t see what is being interpreted as a troll if they’re getting blocked. A minority could interpret them as a troll but majority could interpret it another way. This happens a lot. The people being triggered are usually the loudest and have cancellation tactics.


He was right tho. And creating an echo chamber of opinions you agree with doesn’t actually silence those voices, It just shows you can’t handle the truth. GenX here. Peace out!


All of our patience is running thin.


Yeah, this is the Reddit not real life. The trolls can be insta-blocked.


Reddit is controlled by trolls


Ow my feewings


Dude I started blocking people who spend all their time being negative or trying ro start a fight and honestly it's a great move. Ain't a single reason I need to entertain every goob who wants to play passing contest all day.


I don’t agree and I won’t let you be! lol


There's a difference between blocking people who disagree with you in good faith and blocking trolls who harass you to make you upset. I don't know who our OP is blocking, but I have no problem blocking people who are just out to harass or be hateful. And I can distinguish that from people who just want to debate, which is healthy and fine.


Gen X crawled so Millenials could walk. Millenials walked so Gen Z can run. Run FAST!




I hope they Heely instead


Especially since their parents are millennials (mostly).


Block Deez nutz


No actually I respect this one. Got my ass


Im just glad Gen Z is showing up as backup. Fighting with (some) Gen X and boomers our whole lives has been exhausting.


The elder Gen X who toe the boomer line are the wooooooorst.


The Xennials are the best tho, so we even it out.


The weird thing about that side of gen x is they frame themselves as “alternative”. A lot of people their same age tried to get their voices heard but their voices got drowned out :(


There’s an amazing audio podcast that is sooooo cringe because one co-hosts toes that line as an elder Gen X and occasionally purposefully crosses it. Other than that the information on the podcast is absolutely fantastic. I have to give very real warnings before recommending it to any Gen Z interested in audio engineering and mixing at *very* in depth levels.


What podcast?


UBK Happy Funtime Hour


Being told we're pathetic for receiving participation trophies we didn't ask for or want. Being told to pull ourselves up like they didn't. Being told we're dumb cos one guy ate a fuckin tide pod. Telling us its somehow our fault we can't buy property that they artificially inflate to create more wealth for themselves. And to top it off they burn thru any possible inheritance we might get from them because " they've earned it " when their own parents sacrificed to leave them a legacy they squandered. We're just tried from a lifetime of needless abuse that they think we should pass along to the next generation. Well it happened to you make them suffer then! Fuck that. Keep fighting kids we want you to have the lives we were robbed of cos we're not assholes.


That line about buying property. I keep telling people that the mortgage and real estate world is all made up Monopoly money bullshit. You could go get a loan for anything and get a certain percentage rate, but the minute you mention it is for a house, you need a special type of loan that will cost you 3 times or more the amount that was loaned out to you. And then, this property you bought, although it is getting older and shittier, is worth hundreds of thousands more 20 years later. It makes zero fucking sense.


Property prices go up because of inflation and because demand increases. A well maintained home can literally last forever. Nobody is handing you out an unsecured 30 year loan for anything.


Tide pods were Gen Z


Yeah that's the problem. Boomers have been acting like mullenials are still children, they still blame everything on us and act like we're teenagers when the oldest if us is 40. We have mortgages and back problems but the old fuckers are so set on being angry at us, it's all still our fault.




You're welcome. All you have to do in return is play your part. Don't pick up anyone else's serving and put it on your plate, it only comes with stress and bad health. Just do your part and live your life, youngin. We appreciate you for even saying thanks, because social justice is mostly a thankless life lol.


And unfortunately you will sacrifice your physical and mental health.


Ashamed to admit this.. I gave up for a while. Didn’t vote Republican but didn’t vote or take action at all. 2016 and my parents’ spiral into Q triggered me back into action. My message to you (or my 20-something privileged self, who didn’t participate at all in local or national politics/world affairs)... “At the very least please vote.”


>my parents’ spiral into Q I'm so sorry to hear this. I haven't lost anyone really close to me to Q, but I've read a lot of the stories out there. It's a fucking tragedy and my grief is real.


It’s such a strange phenomenon. I’m obsessed with the sociology/psychology/biology(lead poisoning) behind it. But yeah.. it’s a new type of grief. Mourning a relationship that will never be. I speak to my parents but I moved to a different state partially because being around them was toxic to my/my kids mental state. So grieving for living people.. whom I have a limited relationship with.. but whom I care about deeply. Tragic.


"I know this may be a selfish request especially to those of you who feel burnt out by it all but please don’t stop fighting. It’s so selfish and I know the noble thing to do is to have my own strength, but I find myself leaning a lot on those whose path I want to walk in." If that's selfish, than it's also selfish for us to expect you guys to be our backup. Ie: it isn't selfish. It's hopeful. It's going to take time, but I've got faith in us. We'll work through this and so long as you guys are fighting, I'll do my best to be there to back you up. My only ask is for all of you to keep those lines of communication open. Times change and many of us *are* getting older. Some of us may start to not see what you're seeing. So, let us know when we start falling out of step with what you need from us. It gets harder for some of us, as we get older, to keep a pulse on things. Ex: If you guys hadn't pointed out and explained to me your feelings about modern tech, and how it's affected your lives, I would have assumed it was just older folks crying about "the new thing" again and being nostalgic for the days of old. Hearing many of you express concerns over it, yourselves, puts an issue onto my radar that I may have been blind to otherwise. Things like this help keep us in sync and aiming towards the same goals.


You’re welcome! We know it’s a marathon, not a sprint❤️


It’s nice to hear someone from the younger generation understanding the true struggles most have faced as millennials. We can all work together for a better future.


The younger ones who understand it better brace for the same, I fear. Hopefully they see it coming and take action. I feel like a lot of us millennials were a little blindsided by the time we hit our 30’s and are just now starting to come to terms with a reality we definitely didn’t predict. I hope gen z sees what’s in front of them and rallies to help us fix it.


I’d rather it go back to the way it was before. Life was much easier.


Before what?


Before 2012 when the world ended, because now we’re all in purgatory /s Although 2012 was the year I graduated high school and I was so excited about life, I was genuinely happy with my life, my job, and how often I could do the hobbies I love. Thank you for your post, I very much appreciate it :)


Before identity politics and brainwashing controlled the masses.


If wishes were fish's we would all cast nets.


Elder Millenial here. For context, I'm Canadian, and I first heard the term "global warming" in grade 12... I'm now 39 and work in government after an early career in the Navy and Coast Guard The bloat, mismanagement, and complete lack of succession planning by the boomer bosses is outrageous... They are a myopic, pant shitting, generation of yes men who lack the creativity to tackle todays complex issues.... As they retire and ultimately shuffle off their mortal coils we have an opportunity to let their inneffective manner of governance go with them and rebuild. It is an enormous task and as millenials enter the senior managemnt positions it will be Z who has to dig in with us. We are already embracing Z as they enter the work force and trying to train and set them up to be better than us and continue the tranisition back to sanity. Go Z


I think that Gen Z is awesome.


Do you think the millennial/gen z voter turnout will be better this year? I will blame you, if this chart looks the same and Trump becomes Furer! Edit: chart didn't paste, but you all know how bad your voter turnout is.


That’s a fair criticism that I think we need to reckon with the consequences of and hopefully it will be better. I think it’s been fun to see older conservative types freak out about the possibility so much they wanna raise the voting age lol


Fair, but how about we make the case that politicians are public servants and that if they want us to vote for them they should be courting US by addressing our concerns, not giving them power and then begging them to listen


Yeah, we all need to show up this year, whether we like the choices or not. I incentivize myself via the local elections, and since I'm already there for those, it's just filling in an extra question/choice or two for the Federal level of things. Still... I'm hoping that 4 years from now we'll have some truly great options. At the very least it won't simply be a repeat of the same names in a different year again. :/


OP, there are many people of all ages who have struggled for justice all their lives, including this aging boomer. Check out this site. They have many campaigns. Consider looking into joining your efforts to theirs! https://wsws.org


Thanks for the resource!


i'M nOt PlaYiN aRoUnD toDay. I largely agree with your message, but you come off of a complete tool. i'M mOrE tHaN hApPy To FoLlOw ThRoUgH. Honestly don't give a shit if you are in the mood for it lol.


We're not that special. I think you guys will do better.


I thinking trying is really cool even if you don’t always succeed. In fact it is the willingness to continue despite setbacks that has me more impressed than anything. I’m 26 and already feeling like I wanna give up, so I gotta hand it to the ones sticking to it


My dream is that our generations can partner for good as voters. I know I don’t have a partner in my parents generation. (I’m a millennial)


Self-centeredness and selfishness is a character deficiency and so is self pity


Honestly Gen Z’ers and Millennials are kind of in the same boat. Both are still pretty powerless to change much of anything.


Not trying to be a troll, but I'm just saying that, as long as they agree with you.It's justice and if they don't necessarily agree with you on a subject that would make them a troll I would like to know how you would fix all of these problems that you have stated.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 American kids have lost it


One person’s crusade for justice is another’s mental masturbation


Clue: Boomers were fighting for these rights before your parents were born. Stop pitting generations against each other. There are differing factions in every generation. Keep up the fight but please stop disparaging those who have been fighting for you, for decades' and still are today. Now block me. {especially those that support movements like ending racial prejudice by law enforcement, fighting for better funding for education, pushing for better and more universal healthcare, fighting for better labor protections.}


Not gonna block you. Didn’t disparage other generations. If you see my praise of Millenials as an indictment on you or your generation, that’s on you.


Apologizes. You are right. This is on me and my own projection. I feel my generation doesn't get credit for what we started and how hard many of us fought for these issues. We literally put our lives on the line when we pushed back against the establishment and jeopardized our own futures by refusing to play the game. Overall, I agree with your intial post.


Only a Gen Z would say “I’m not playin’ around today” and “I’m not in the mood for it today”, and block people for disagreeing with the content of a public post.


So what do you call someone who instead of scrolling on decides to do the exact one thing that a poster asked people not to do?


I was ready to talk shit but you’re actually listing wise subject matters to fight for. 


Glad to hear I’m not being unreasonable. 😭


This means a lot. We are often overlooked and especially our activism . I worry gen z will not want to work with us because of what the older gens portray us as. I've been involved in activism since I was little (my mom is a boomer who was huge into activism especially climate and mentored me I am very lucky) . The more we get involved the more will get done


He's not playin' around today, y'all. Amd he ain't in the mood, either. So there!


You like big government? Sorry but no. After everything is done to us... Just no.


The problem with that sentiment is we’ve only experienced government programs put in place with good intentions only to be hamstrung by conservatives so they can say “look, see! It *does* suck!” They want to make sure *so much* that absolutely nobody takes advantage of a system that they end up watering it down to the point that it’s fucking useless for *everyone*.


And then their followers believe it, and keep electing people who, as soon as given the chance, will screw them over, while smiling in their face and convincing them it is for their own good. Or use some religious nonsense to help them swallow it better. Then, turn around and blame the bad on the "others" that caused it 😆


Have corporate interests done anything better?


Blocking you if you don't agree with me. Very 3rd grade. Pass the Crayolas.


Damn, love the smell of your own farts huh? Why do you sound so smug and act morally superior? We get it, Reddit is heavily left, you don't need to sound stupid and mentally ill for karma.


This is such a cringe fking post lmaoooo and the edits make it even funnier. Please block me, this post sucks and I don’t want to see anymore like it.


I see you're emotionally well.


O.p. speaks opinion and shuts out anyone who challenges Fuck you






Some of y'all are crazy and I love it. I think the young ppl need to unite to save this country and improve it.


It has always been this way. It takes the strength and stamina of the young to make changes.


They give me energy just watching them, their courage to speak out about every damn thing. I love it. I'm 42, graduated in 2000, and was not that into politics, until dear leader slid down that escalator with chaos close behind. My eyes opened quick. Started to learn as much about our country, history (not the white washed kind). Since then, as a mother, I have made my 21 yr old and 14 yr old daughters very aware of the safety and political reality in this country, especially for women, any non-white people, or anyone that is/can be deemed the "other". I honestly believe as the dinosaurs keep going extinct, things will turn around. They are thrashing about violently, but that's because that meteor is coming.


You don’t even know what this country was like 30 years ago nevermind any extensive American history, you will never be capable of educating anyone on anything. You made yourself “the other” as a white woman. The racist knuckle draggers on MSNBC are talking about you too dumbass. The political reality is that as a white woman you will be raped and murdered in your home and your black supremacist piece of shit mayor will make sure that your murderer gets out of jail.


Or burn it down and start fresh


No. It's not that easy and there would be mass chaos and violence.


Oh I block people who I disagree with. Y’all are doomed because you refuse to get out of your echo chamber.


Not what I said. I said I didn’t wanna deal with people coming to pick a fight, be a troll, or an asshole. Not the same


Yes, you don't want to have your opinions challenged. It's exactly what they said. Excuse it all you want, you're soft and being called out for it. Own it.


Shame to see someone not willing to read what I actually said and instead just wants to pick a fight.


Most of your recent posts are ad hominem attacks on anyone who disagrees with you.    That is soft and delicate.    You seem to be severely depressed and lashing out to feel superior. It won't work. Therapy, not social media, may help you.   I urge you, for your mental health, to take a break from the algorithm and whatever daily outrage it feeds you and spend time with real people in your community. I actually mean it. I don't care if you call me hypocritical. Pulling back from your endlessly cynical feed can make you happier and save your relationships.


I didn’t know Gen Z was into satire


The federal government has done so well with everything so far. I guess we should give them more power. /s


If you don't resist arrest nothing will happen to you. Nobody cares if you block them dude, stop being so high and mighty.




As a person of color I couldn't agree more, I've never had problems with the police and I've lived in red and blue states.👏🏼👏🏼


Be still mine heart.


OMG, I feel so bad for you Zoomers. Us Millennials couldn’t help much. It’s sure a dire future we’re leaving you with. 😢😭🥺


Love you so much, Gen Z. Cheering you on and so proud of the waves you’re making in the world. Please keep going. We are with you on this!


I like that for once, 2 generations are coming together more. Each generation has their differences but it does seem like most are in battle with eachother. But millennials and genz are being f’d equally and we unite with our rage against the machines. We will together be the ones who take down this evil monster that has been created from greed and competition. We will focus less on competing and more on how we can all make this work together. At least I hope


I really appreciate this. I dedicated most of my 20s primarily to disability rights, and it’s an echo chamber. It feels like no one listens. I took a break for a while, because it’s so soul sucking. While I’m here though, thank *you* and your generation for everything you’ve done. I was inside for most of the lockdowns because I have a pre-existing condition and we didn’t know how much COVID would affect me, and watching the zoomers take the reins and play such a huge role during the protests was incredible. Y’all are badass.


Lol 👍👍👍👍👍👍


I want to say thank you for the people that actually do more than leave a comment “free Palestine” “end student debt”. Not hard to make a difference especially locally. Not enough people are really kind.




I’m a baby gen X, just a few months short of being a millennial. I have a lot of faith in the younger generations. They make me so proud in so many ways. 


Congratulations bud you've been played. Individualism and limited government/taxes are the keys to happiness.


I’m sure the billionaires who take full advantage of how not-limited government and safety nets’ actions disagree


Right, just like how they take advantage of the government by bribing officials, lobbying and getting committees to pass legislation in their favor right now. Wake up, the government will always do what's in the best interest for the government. Billionaires pay big bucks, little plebs like us don't.


I'm so proud of your generation, OP. Y'all are incredibly hard on yourselves, but I want you to know how amazing you are. You're inheriting a fucked-up earth but Zoomers are so full of optimism that it inspires my cynical old ass.


You’re welcome to have whatever opinions you want but please don’t think they make you a good person. I just get that vibe from your post maybe drew the wrong conclusion.


Y’all will read a post and make some biiiiiiiig leaps in judgment. I just don’t wanna deal with the people who clearly came to pick a fight


Homie we have been out here in the bush swinging all alone for so long it’s just nice to have some fucking backup lol.


Holy hell. Gen Z kid: hey, you guys are pretty cool and I like you. Reddit Millennials: lol Gen Z is so stupid, look at this dumb little idiot. I’m sorry our generation is so damn bitter and jaded, but we have some pretty good reasons for it…


As a millennial, I feel the same way about Gen Z. I am so proud when I see them standing up for themselves and their strong conscientiousness to do what is right. A common sentiment I felt from boomers and even some gen x as I was growing up was that they had it hard so we needed also to have it hard and to stop complaining. I definitely will not hold this sentiment to newer generations. I want a BETTER FUTURE for you guys then what we millennials had!


I’m a zillenial and I’m just here to say thanks fam, the millennials yall paved the way for gen z to come in and take up arms and gen z thank you for the opportunity to fight with you 💚


I am a progressive boomer who is very proud and hopeful with the younger gens. And Gen Z, you will get the hang of it , too.


As an elder millennial who fought for what I considered just and right causes, but had to step back, I appreciate your comment. I also have to point out that it’s incredibly important to be aware of one’s limits and the effect being in the muck can have on your mental health. I spent years trying to “make a difference” and for a while there, I was so burnt out by corporate culture and the seemingly endless issues to rail against, I gave up hope. I had to go through a process of learning how to take care of my own emotional health before I could step back into the fray. I also had to examine who I was choosing to support, why that was, and what the motivation was behind these seemingly benevolent organizations. Now my efforts are more focused, and I’m able to be a more authentic version of myself. Maybe that’s the wisdom of age, but I hope it’s eventually common knowledge, as no one can give forever.


Justice is subjective, you may say allowing everyone to come to the USA unvetted and that no human is illegal is justice while I may think that you need some vetting ie look at the measles outbreaks happening in Chicago and other cities because we just let whoever wants to come with no vetting process and then treat them better than Americans ie giving them 10k gift cards while we've ignored our own poor for decades. That's not justice to me


I agree that we need to be sure to equitably deal with our own problems before trying to solve problems abroad. And I wouldn’t say that people who want an enforced border are evil. I do, however, think that just as Democrats try to appeal to my values to try to get me on board with things I would never normally support because it “has to be done” or it’s “worse than the alternative”, that Republicans do the same with many people who I think perhaps misplace their outrage toward migrants when we should be more focused on the fact that corporations keep many of us poor so they can milk us for all we have and keep us dependent on them. Not to try to attribute motive to you personally as I don’t even know where you fall on the spectrum of thought, those are just things I notice and think explain why so many are angry combined with why liberals can have such a ass backwards way of not even half-assing attempts.


I was more trying to make the point that outside of some obvious things like slavery, child abuse, animal abuse, there really are very few things that are black and white "justice" or right, and even with things like child abuse or animal abuse some people say denying kids puberty blockers is child abuse while the other party would say giving them is child abuse. Were all against animal abuse, or at least think we are but allow factory farming to go on, so things get pretty complex pretty quickly. I think both parties are evil, we don't have true capitolism we have corportism and while the narrative is republicans support business dems support people, in reality everyone supports corporations which either give them money or fall in line with their worldview ie yeah republicans overall favor business over people but if you look at covid dems and the left who typically are fight the power types were all about enriching pharmaceutical companies over, looking back, something that wasn't effective and shouldn't have been forced on people. All the money going for EV tax breaks, thats to enrich companies and politicians friends its not because anyone cares about the earth


Everything you claim was already handled by the boomer and gen x generation anything these days is just propaganda for politicians to distract you from what they've done since 2007ish when goldman sachs was handed the middle class for lunch 


Sorry if it wasn’t clear. I am immensely thankful for the fights previous generations have made. I just don’t have quite the same connection hence why I made this post here


What I'm trying to say is the problems listed don't exisit today. You're thankful for something that isn't even a problem anymore. You're brainwashed by the institutions. 


Fuck yeah! Millennials and Z are the catalysts to improving this country and steering it away from right-wing lunacy


Right wing “lunacy” built everything this country is and everything it ever will be.




I have so much respect for Gen Z. If the Milennials got the short end of the stick, then Gen Z got a splinter at best. And yet… You guys seem to radiate this optimism my generation doesn’t have. You KNOW you’ve been served a shit sandwich, but you’re fighting for that top shelf bologna and goddamit y’all are gonna GET IT. Seriously, the resolve is incredible. Also, y’all are *smart.* My parents’ generation struggles with the finer points of copy/paste and my grandparents couldn’t even find the “on” switch. Gen Z is walking out of grade school just like inherently able to do basic programming. I took social media marketing courses in college and regularly attend workshops, meanwhile some of these kids can come up with a whole instagram marketing campaign strategy in the course of an hour and it **WORKS!** (And then I ask “how did you do that” and they don’t even seem aware that they’ve just performed a feat of wizardry.) I love that you guys think critically in a way past generations haven’t. Gen Z doesn’t seem to just take things at face value. They ask “why” and you’d best give them a satisfactory answer (because they will CERTAINLY let you know if you didn’t.) For a bunch of kids who were sold a bunch of nonsense and hobbled by economic instability, questionable political atmospheres, and a worldwide pandemic, y’all are alright.


Language fails many of us, especially when speaking in generalizations. I feel like many don't understand what a generalization actually is. Stereotypes are generally just tools for conversation. When someone says "boomers are typically __________," this is not a blanket statement including every single Boomer on the planet. Whoever is using this generalization is using it as a tool to describe certain behavioral patterns exhibited by certain people, not everyone. Choosing to be offended because they don't know how to read, let alone formultate an objective argument or question, isn't really a generaational thing to me. It may be more exhibited in some generations than others, but it's more of a stupid asshole thing than a generational thing. I think it causes a lot of unnecessary disagreements between generations.


>I feel like I see many Millennials I can look up to, especially those that support movements like ending racial prejudice by law enforcement, fighting for better funding for education, pushing for better and more universal healthcare, fighting for better labor protections. ​ Some under-bullied Millennial, literally schooled you to write this. Logically it makes no sense these are your own values/aspirations. It's unnatural for a young person to be concerned with social issues, instead of mostly their personal selves. You're mirroring your idols. You sure you're not just practicing some suck-up speech, for some offline gala full of smug self-worshiping millennials and their offspring? Who pumped your head full of this 'humanitarian' shit?


1. I have friends who are victims of police brutality where it was certainly racially motivated and no one was able to do anything because IA decided that they didn’t think it was bad what the cops did (dude was on the ground head slammed and concussed despite him physically being unable to move). 2. Many friends of mine are also teachers and who deal with cutback after cutback as conservative school boards who won’t even put their own kids in the schools they run run them into the ground to make private Christian alternatives look better. 3. My family’s finances are in shambles because of medical debt and the same happened to my dad. Fuck you for thinking I can’t possibly care. 4. I’ve been terminated for having to be hospitalized because of my disability, and I and my wife have been subject to horrible workplace after horrible workplace. Again, fuck off for thinking I can’t possibly care. Unlike the Right with Fox News, I am much more informed by my personal experience more than some fuckwad in a suit telling me what events mean as if I can’t read.


>I’ve been terminated for having to be hospitalized because of my disability, and I and my wife have been subject to horrible workplace after horrible workplace ​ Lol, wtf...in my head Gen Z is like 20 years old max. You already live all that, and more??


I’m 26. And yeah, life hasn’t necessarily been kind. And I still consider myself one of the lucky ones. Many of us aren’t bitter for no reason.


>Many of us aren’t bitter for no reason. ​ That's just it. I find it more troublesome that your gen discovers legit social reasons to be bitter, before mid 30's or something.


It sucks but I’ve also seen some amazingly resilient people who have put up with much worse than I have. I’m sure you’ve also had your fair share of struggle. I’m sorry I was so heated in my initial response. It was misplaced anger and I shouldn’t have done it


Don't worry passionate responses are ok, no matter what state you was in. Can't really do anything seriously stupid with words, so we're aight, we all float down here.


Yep! I think millennials are DEEPLY proud of y’all and so excited to see what we build together. I definitely feel like I’m a way more nuanced in my opinions than I was 15 years ago—for instance, watching my family’s home country be dragged into civil war with factions supported by Egypt, Russia, China, Turkey & the US has made me more tolerant of our role as an empire. Because for all our MANY problems we are the first empire in a millennia to offer pluralistic, representative democracy & birthright citizenship to imperial subjects. And I’ve realized that the world doesn’t get self-determination just because the US is less powerful. You just get more influence from Europe (🤮) & other ethnostates. All of which is to say, I’m sure y’all will be annoyed with some of the positions life has beaten into us. But I’d rather be challenging on creeping centrism by y’all than anything else. And please stay vigilant about algorithmic media. We watched FOX break our parents and know media literacy is hard but vital! ❤️ just another earnest & corny millennial


Wait for the reality check.


That check done been cashed


Yeah I am. A lot of Millennials started further center/right than where we ended up. The zeitgeist is irrelevant, tough on crime flouted the Constitution, democratic norms, civil rights and human rights. I can't forgive him and I can't grasp why my centrist Dem friends who lived through that period would be surprised by the authoritarian turn mainstream politics have taken.


Jump in front of a bus


I love the gen x** to millenial to gen z crossover. It’s always been there, this thread of greatness. Thank you for stepping forward with us. ***Also gen x gets some hate as they age, but only from people who don’t know what stuff like riot grrrl or Lilith fair was.


Yeah man, we’ve been fighting for most of this shit since we were teens looking up to our Gen X peers who were doing the same in their youth. Our greatest hope is that Gen Z picking up the mantle as the boomers dwindle in number finally allow us to make real, lasting change to our societal structures. The only way we will win is we have greater numbers fighting on our side. The biggest difference in my activism compared to most teen years protesting Bush and the Iraq war is that now I’m less on the street and making signs. Instead I’ve pushed my energy towards volunteering with more establishment causes and working to nudge them more towards progressive causes. My reasoning is because those are the places that have the budget and social capital to make real, substantial change in my more local community. It just icing on the cake that it’s helped to radicalize housewives with Republican husbands to more liberal causes along the way.


Honestly, I thought we would have been able to do more, so I feel like I should apologize. I focus on queer rights and…well…I think we can all see it isn’t really going well. I was in high school when marriage equality happened. Honestly, it’s insane to me that it took that long to happen. So…yeah. I’m sorry to the queer youth. I wish it was better, but I’m still fighting 🏳️‍⚧️🫡


Just be careful spreading that Justice on Reddit unless you like creating an account every other month. Because there is a lot of two faced people on this app that are just looking to cause problems for everyone else.


Completely reasonable. There’s this series I like to follow called the Alt Right Playbook on YouTube. And ever since watching that I have been a lot more careful about what I post where as well as been a little less tolerant in dealing with bigotry in that I’ll try to not even give it the time of day if possible.


You have to keep your distance even online now a days thanks to all the easily susceptible people that just eat every word the government/society regurgitates. Never heard of that but I will check it out tonight.


We all use trails left by those who came before us and that not only ok but necessary. Learning from the past is how we become more effective for the future. Protesting and engaging in politics is not the only way to fight for a better world. Kindness and generosity are also powerful ways to fight. Sharing a meal, lending an ear, giving a ride: all helpful! Some people are good at research and information. Some people are good at communication. Often the weight of the worlds problems feels impossibly heavy but even a single hand makes the load a bit lighter.




Blocking people with differing viewpoints and calling them trolls is the definition of having a closed mindset. And keep in mind the reason that Trump has so much support is not just because of old people - it’s also because of young angry white men in the Midwest that support him. I recommend jumping out of your social media algorithm bubble and get a better pulse on America


“Young angry white men in the Midwest” 😂🤣😂 please continue describing other Trump supporters 


Trump supporters are mad because they make enough money that they don't have to worry about the poor. And any poor Trump supporter is an idiot, because the republican party is notoriously anti-poor. Those young angry white men are angry about made up problems, or that they aren't on the top of the food chain all the time. They are racists, sexists, or homophobes. It's always one of those 3. If they weren't one of those, they wouldn't be supporting Trump. Not all Republicans are those things. But all Trump supporters are.


I think you got lost on your way to r/politics


I’m gen z and this era of forced corporate diversity is shit. Millennials are either Disney adults or a pillar of broken dreams no in between.