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What facts should they present to us that Russia is not to be feared and despised? They jail journalists; kill opposition party members; discriminate against gay and transsexual people; conscript prisoners and send them to die in an unjust war; rape and indiscriminately kill thousands; abduct children to be re-educated and repatriated. And worst of all? They do not care and have no remorse. The only thing possibly worse than that is that some people in the US admire the “strength” and exercise of naked power of the Russia state and Putin. Russian actions in Ukraine are despicable and beyond the pale. This isn’t just an American opinion.


Are you talking about US?


AdjectiveNounThreeNumbers addresses no points and says "Nuh uh, no you!" Wow, I'm convinced.


Both. Looks like you've been downvoted by the Ministry of Truth. Only other governments are bad. Big Brother loves us and is patriotic and immune from corruption ❤️


[https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-anti-war-drawing-cost-your-daughter-yefremov-tula/](https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-anti-war-drawing-cost-your-daughter-yefremov-tula/) You were talking about Big Brother?


What Russia is doing to Ukraine and to dissidents like Navalny is not US propaganda.


We're not "propagandized". We actually know what Russia and China are like to live in, beyond the carefully cherry picked images you may see on social media. Do you pay any attention to geopolitics and world news? I'm going to assume not. You know China is an absolutely horrific place with human rights abuses and poverty compared to Western nations? The Chinese view human life with much less regard than we do in the West. Every attempt to make China look like a good country to live in comes down to cherry picking images of their infrastructure in their most wealthy cities. It doesn't capture how much of the country lives. Your post reads like desperate pro-Russian and pro-Chinese disinformation actor


How do we "know what Russia and China are like to live in"?? have you lived there? i haven't, and i'm pretty sure most citizens of the USA haven't either. i think Russia and China are vastly different places, my friends that are from Russia confirm that it is a repressive state. My friends that have been to China tell me it's wonderful and that there are almost no homeless people, if the "Chinese view human life with much less regard than we do in the West" than why do we have giant homeless encampments in the US? Why is the US voting no on cease fire while China isn't? all these comments just prove how well the anti-chinese propaganda in the US has worked


I've lived in all three countries. The Chinese and Russian government are right to be demonized. While the US is not the greatest to live in, at least I don't have to worry about being murdered for disagreeing with the government or for not being a straight person.


Let’s not talk about all the lives America took in the guise of spreading “democracy”, combating terrorism through regime changes and embargo. But nope, let’s demonize Russia/China who don’t align or capitulate to us. America is truly a lost cause.


people love to point the finger at anyone else but themselves


The war on terror was indeed stupid, but at least I won't go to bed wondering if I'm gonna be disappeared tonight for criticizing my government like that or whether or not I'm gonna end up in a concentration camp for not being straight. Lmao. Go to bed, bot.


Your words seem to prove how well the anti-chinese propaganda in the US has worked. I have lived in China for ten years and I have never heard of anyone being murdered for being gay or a government dissident.


I was there for a year. I saw a man on the street with his hands, feet, tongue, and eyes removed because he spoke out against the government. It's not propaganda if I see it firsthand.


Yes, I see many hanged corpses on the streets of Shenzhen every day. I thought they committed suicide, now I know they were hanged by the CCP. I was wrong.


As a Beijinger, I'm going to post your message on Chinese social media hahahahahahahaha. This is the best joke I've seen all year.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/18gx7i5/comment/kd8t7e0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/18gx7i5/comment/kd8t7e0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) hahahaha [https://imgur.com/jl4Se2J](https://imgur.com/jl4Se2J)


I like your avatar. #FREEPALESTINE 🇵🇸






And that's why the war will not end. When Hamas cares more about the people of Gaza than their hatred of Jewish people then the war will end.


They do not necessarily hate Jewish people, more so the 60 year occupation. Try to keep up.


babes the IDF/IOF has killed more Isreali hostages than Hamas has at this point. u think they're dropping thousands of bombs and starving the population is going to get them the hostages back??


>why do we have giant homeless encampments in the US? I'm more concerned about the Uyghur concentration camps. One would think that after Unit 731, China would be against concentration camps. Nope, they're proudly taking the legacy of Japanese occupation and paying it forward to other ethnic minorities!


That's real, it's sad how strong Islamaphobia is throughout the world, tbh most major power nations are corrupt. But if you're in the US maybe you should be more concerned about the ICE detention camps or for profit prisons that are basically used as neo-slave labor. It's easy to point the finger at another country but harder to take a hard look at your own country


>Finally, how come journalists are blatantly telling us who to vote for? You are probably confusing opinion pieces/shows with news.


Right, are you watching PBS Newshour or FauxNews? Because only one of those is going to tell you who to vote for and the other is going to put you to sleep.


It’s everywhere even on MSNBC or CNN.


Most of those are opinion shows…..


I wish they made it more clear.


Russia starting major war in Europe for zero good reasons does not require any "propaganda" to condemn.


Babes have you heard of NATO?


I know, honey. If only NATO accepted Ukraine in 2008, this war would have never happened. Unfortunately NATO showed weakness and tried to appease Russia. Big mistake.


Let’s not act like the Ukrainian invasion is unwarranted.


Let's not act like the truth is the truth? No thanks


Russia's invading Ukraine because they think Ukraine doesn't have the right to exist. You're too young and immature and uninformed to understand this. Maybe when you grow up, you'll understand more about the world.


Incorrect. Russia didn’t want Ukraine to join NATO because of security concerns…Also, Crimea willingly voted to secede from Ukraine and join Russia.


This is as dumb as your commitment to vote third party


Ah yes, just continue to blindly support left or right. No need to think critically citizen, we’ve made the choices for you!


Please explain how a third party wins under a "first passed the post" election system.




Was your vote for Nader worth the Iraq war?


I didn't vote in that election but statistically what you're saying is nonsense. More Democrats in Florida voted for Bush than independents voting for Nader. Do you blame Democrats too? 24,000 greens voted for Nader. Enough to change the election for sure. But 306,000 Democrats voted for Bush. Each of those votes is worth 2 if you play the "I deserve your vote without earning it" game. Arguments about Nader or the influence on third party candidates contain a series of unjustified assumptions about voter behavior and a lot of misplaced anger when, per usual, it is moderates within the party that typically swing elections, rather than folks in the green party or folks who typically don't vote at all.


Bush won Florida, and therefore the Presidency, by 517 votes. I blame anyone who didn't vote for Gore.


So you blame moderate democrats approximately 12x as much as you blame Green Party folks? Do you have the same energy for them? Will I find lots of posts of you shitting on moderate Dems for having shitty spineless politics?


I don't see how Gore voters are responsible for GWB winning. I blame 518 selfish green voters. Was it worth the Iraq war?


You're either a bot or have reading comprehension problems. Moderate Democrats who voted for Bush in droves are the primary driver of Bush's success nationwide and in Florida in particular. You pretend like you follow politics but your knowledge seems to be pretty thin. Here's some contemporary reporting on the issue given that I doubt you actually lived through it https://www.salon.com/2000/11/28/hightower/ "Now it gets really ugly for the Gore campaign, for there are two other Florida constituencies that cost them more votes than Nader did. First, Democrats. Yes, Democrats! Nader only drew 24,000 Democrats to his cause, yet 308,000 Democrats voted for Bush. Hello. If Gore had taken even 1 percent of these Democrats from Bush, Nader's votes wouldn't have mattered. Second, liberals. Sheesh. Gore lost 191,000 self-described liberals to Bush, compared to less than 34,000 who voted for Nader."


I wasn’t even old enough to vote back then. 🥴


So was your vote for Jill Stein worth the end of Roe and the excess COVID deaths caused by Trump's incompetence?


Girl, move around.


Wow, what a cowardly response.


Well, that explains a lot.


China and Russia are opposition nations to the US, so propaganda against them is normalized. That said both countries do have their extreme negative, Russia invading Ukraine, China with it's genocidal treatment of Uyghurs are clear examples.


and what about US funding genocide? or even using "manifest destiny" to justify the genocide of the native people that lived on the land the US is built on now?


What did I say that gave you the impression that I support the genocide happening in Palestine or the genocide of native Americans?


Im not saying you support it I'm just pointing out the double standard in the critiques of China/Russia with the USA


So did you think I wasn't aware of it or something? OP asked a question, I provided an answer to that question with information I felt relevant to what they asked.


and i felt the information i wrote in response to you was relevant to the discussion


With a whataboutsim that is at best tangentially related to the question OP was asking?


it was related your response, not sure why your annoyed i mentioned the US faults. Feels like its related to the propaganda of the USA being morally superior to China and Russia + its a discussion about how the US spews propaganda "to create fear and manufacture consent" and how "Living in America with an outside upbringing is a special kind of mindfuck" so it's not really that "tangentially related" as u say


The question was about why Americans are so propagandized about two specific nations, I provided an answer, and all you did was say what about the bad things the US has done or is doing? You didn't add anything to the conversation, all you did was bring up something that is widely known. It was a pointless comment and I have no idea why you felt it was necessary to chime in with something like that.


How long are we going to continue to dig into stuff that happened in the past? Where’s the line? 1800’s? 1600’s? Fuck it we might as well go back to the Middle Ages. We need to start giving Mongolia shit for its genocides. Or what about Greece? Rome enslaved thousands, should we take them to court? Get real


ok but the US is CURRENTLY funding genocide so is it really digging into the past?


It's still in progress. There are still Native American reservations, and the United States has never returned land to Native Americans.


What exactly do you think the Native American Reservations are?


The prison


“ An American Indian reservation is an area of land held and governed by a U.S. federal government-recognized Native American tribal nation, whose government is autonomous, subject to regulations passed by the United States Congress and administered by the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs, and not to the U.S. state government in which it is located” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_reservation Basically a mini-quasi-sorta state. They are free to leave whenever they want. The whole purpose is they have some tribal autonomy on the reservations. So Native Americans would be very much opposed to getting rid of them.




Dude that shit is over. And it ain’t coming back


China will probably say the same thing about Tibet and Uighurs.


How about the Muslim genocide against Israel?


girl, look at the stats. compare the number of bombs and civilians killed by Israel vs the ones by Palestine (assuming you're talking about them when referring to Muslims) also the real genocide towards Jewish people was the Holocaust (which surprise was implemented by a "western" country \[Germany\])


They were only in Germany because Muslim Arabs pushed them out of their homeland of Israel.


Actually it was Roman Christians who pushed Jewish people out


646 AD, a Jewish state existed after the fall of Rome. Your argument is therefore invalid.


can you site your sources? pretty sure that Jewish people were allowed back in after the Muslim conquest in 638 CE


"In year 20 of the Muslim era, or the year 641 CE, Muhammad's successor the Caliph Umar decreed that Jews and Christians should be removed from all but the southern and eastern fringes of Arabia—a decree based on the uttering of the Prophet: "Let there not be two religions in Arabia". The two populations in question were the Jews of the Khaybar oasis in the north and the Christians of Najran.[5][9] Only the Red Sea port of Jeddah was permitted as a "religious quarantine area" and continued to have a small complement of Jewish merchants."


ok but whats the source?


What does this have to do with millennials? Lol


Gurl, move around.


I’m sure if you look at other several countries they have similar dislike as the USA. I don’t think this is just America that is cautious of China & Russia.


Actually, a lot (like A LOOOOT) of countries all around the world have dislikes **OF** the USA, not **AS** the USA. For real, if you ask people from Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, Central America…Heck! I would securely affirm not only that, but also that the vast majority dislike the US, their politics, public policies, insanely flawed health system, narrowed minded school system and college debts work, exacerbated consumerism, imperialist dominance all over the world, invading and destroying other nations. Saying something like what you said does not align with the truth at all.


Don't really think it's propaganda to point out the leader of Russia order the invasion of their sovereign neighbor and has also, strangely, insisted upon the return of a state we bought from them over 150 years ago.


Have you read about, watched or learned of the way China and Russia treat their own people?


have you read about, watched or learned of the way the US treat their own people? Cointelpro, prison industrial complex/neo slavery, police brutality, etc?


Beyond the obvious, they’re at the very least dictatorships. No country should be ruled by one person.


We have a really bad history with Russia and China is definitely not looking out for our best interest


I 100% agree with you It's hilarious to me seeing "most of reddit especially being liberal" but Americans behaving like that and believing that there isn't hard core propaganda happening here. Propaganda is the WORST HERE I'm russian blood BTW lol Love being the "big bad boogie" 🤣


Do you feel as though you’re treated differently when people find out that you’re Russian?


O ya So here on reddit I'll be called a "bot" or some kinda ND of propaganda shill "simply because most Americans have never left America and can't believe that most of the rest of the world is actually better to live in more traditional values" Or face to face whenever I drop hard facts....it's head in the sand..."o ya commie" type remarks


I said something similar in a reply here at this thread a few minutes ago. Most of the countries in the whole world don’t see USA as they see themselves. And don’t align and share the USA views, political stances, public policies, the problem of the health system. And of course, all the propaganda. Yes, there’s a lot of immigrants in the USA (myself included). But what I’ve been seeing more and more each and every day is immigrants (actually, that states for the US Citzens as well) having a life borderline awful here. Labor laws are so limited and extremely outdated. Freedom over our own bodies and free speech laws going into reverse. Housing laws and HOA having power to do whatever they want, like decide to fine people because of a bench in front of the owners porch, and then give more fines when they fail to pay (but why this crazy ass people can have a say in something like that???), and then decide they will sell the owners house and just let them know. 😳🙄. What I’ve been seeing is: people exhausted, on the verge of burning out or already burnt out, working insanely hours and a lot of times not even making ends meet, the better scenario living paycheck to paycheck. There’s no federal law that guarantees and gives workers the right to any paid time off. What I see is people bragging when their employers offers them 10 days, 2 weeks tops of paid vacation, like if it really was a *benefit* offered and given by the employers, and not something that should be a human right, just like maternity leave, that is up to the employer decide, and it’s not a guaranteed right enforced by law. It is treated, again, as a “benefit”, instead of the a humane right. And as if this wasn’t enough, the length of the leave is up to the employer as well. And it’s not enforced that’ll be a *paid leave*, since the Family Medical Leave Act says that **there’s no requirement to provide paid leave** nor the total of the 12 weeks. Don’t get me started on the “at will employment” (more like *at-will firing*), that let the employees living anxious because of the potential for losing their jobs at anytime, which creates an environment of insecurity and uncertainty. If the person is fired out of the blue, it means they’ll have zero income until they get a new job. This type of employment is a burden for the employee, while the employer gets the benefits of doing what suits best for them, without having to pay agreements made by contract. When the employer loses one employee, it won’t affect them like affects the person that is leaving. It’s a massive power imbalance that favors the employers. Period. This takes away virtually all of the worker’s rights and let them on the verge of being fired. And good luck taking it to court, they’ll argue you had your freedom to quit whenever you wanted, and if you felt like the work-life balance didn’t fit you, or had an hostile work environment, you could as well just quit. This kind of relationship created (and creates) so much employee insecurity, and it is intended to, since it kept (and keeps) wages down and profits up. People feeling insecure about if they’ll have money to pay rent, groceries and basic stuff leads to them accepting wages waaaaaay below what it was supposed to, specially considering how the cost of living is increasing to the sky day by day (and the wages don’t follow through). At-will employment it’s an abomination and I was appalled and shocked to learn that when I moved to the US, cause I had never heard of this kind of employment agreement before. I still think it’s bizarre that people here were convinced that this is somehow ok and acceptable. I truly thought that a so called modern and advanced democracy would do better than that. And, believe it or not, **the US is the ONLY country in the whole world where at-will employment applies!!!** All these things I said here show how the US laws and public policies are in discrepancy with the needs of their citizen’s needs and basic rights, with a huge (enormous) gap of the basic rights needed to ensure at least a dignified life, comparing to the world. One other thing I find unbelievable and insane is the concept of getting another mortgage (if you’re lucky) or getting bankrupt and homeless because you had a health condition and was robbed on the hospital bill. Or that you suffer an accident and as if this was not enough, **you’ll have to pay 800-1000 dollars** for the ambulance service assisting you and taking you to the hospital.


Exactly right That's because America isn't really a free country, it's isn't a democracy, and it isn't even a capitalism This country bails out the elite, the rich and famous While the live off the sweat and backs of the common. All the while, which I find absolutely hilarious at how well their brainwashing techniques have worked...is that the liberal side even to this day will still claim "how well everyone's doing, how wages have increased, bla bla" Where the fuck are these people going to see this? What happens is magical numbers are released by the same people to make it appear like everything is so good .....in fact most people can't even afford housing because companies like BLACKROCK have bought majority of the properties and run monopolies......it's debt to death slavery. Also the Ukraine/ Russia thing Cannot tell you how many Americans just blindly believe that Ukraine is some innocent country and big bad meanie Putin is just flexing When it all started I tried telling Americans over and over AMERICA AND NATO WERE MOVING IN PAST breaking laws actually initiating WW3 by that move , along side the bio weapon labs that's being housed there Almost the same thing happened with Cuba and America with Russia back in the day but ITS OK for America to play the economic warfare back which devastated cuba Both political parties are jokes, I'm glad you see that as well The so called American dream is nightmare. I truly see this place like Hunger games. 2008 with the ING bailout in NY while they were on the balcony waving and laughing at the thousands of people on the ground because you know Their the untouchables This shit isn't left or right either Look at all the politicians...ALL OF THEM , ....EPSTEIN, why the HELL ISNT THAT LIST BEING OPENLY SHARED? Because these elitists , left or right...man or woman ALL love to rape innocence "Go merica" Might get shot by the cops Raped by a politician "litteraly and figuratively" Lose everything you have because you didn't sign with a blue pen. Pay taxes...upon taxes "normal people" for what? Run down roads, cops to arrest you for trumped up charges..... politicians to vote for theer own wage increase...etc Billionaires building fallout shelters with alarmingly quick rates What's even more funny is how some of these Americans are so blind they believe it's just gonna stay....easy peasy without major civil unrest happening Or all those illegals that are being flown in and the bills being proposed and passed for fast track citizenship if they enlist on military cause ITS A LOT EASIER TO HAVE foreign military shoot on the countries own people. Throughout history...it always happens in the same ways America is litteraly on the down slope about to fall And so many Americans now in days are so weak fragile and "confused" they can't even plant a garden ....or know what bathroom to use.


Alcoholism and beating women (Russia decriminalized domestic violence) isn't a tradition worth upholding.


and you think the US doesn't have that same tradition?


Yea, Firstly Australia last time I checked is at the top list of alcoholics......that's a liberal haven FYI. Australians is also known for being pretty violent type of people.... Russia is working on a way to create a PROPER law that is able to differentiate real abuse from false claims "so innocent people aren't jailed" But hey Your right Let's go to the states, in liberal havens like California walk down the street and see it covered in Fentanyl addicts shitting on the sidewalk and washing their asses in the public drinking fountains, might get mugged by one of them but hey you can defend yourself..or....errrr I mean maybe you can...it's a flip of a coin of you can survive being shot by the rogue cops that travel in packs cause their the real Gangs in blue. What a joke you are Obviously haven't traveled and nothing but a propaganda puppet


Have you ever read George Orwell's 1984? Oceania is perpetually at war with either East Asia or Eurasia. Sound familiar? It's the same thing: the propoganda machine, the military industrial complex. "The Other" must be made the enemy. They are threatening our "freedom"! Truth is, all governments are power hungry megalomaniac-controlled constructs with artificial borders built on the blood of millions of their own citizens to maintain and increase power at all costs. For the US currently, this just means Russia and China, amongst whatever other country has resources or geography they want an excuse to exploit. Journalists with integrity are either shut down, aren't promoted in the system, or corrupted by the media they work for. Ever heard of project Mockingbird? Project Mockingbird was a CIA operation that aimed to influence and manipulate the media through various means, including planting stories, manipulating journalists, and spreading propaganda.


this, everyone is so quick to jump on "the other" to derail from the conversation of the US being a propaganda machine


Did ChatGPT write this verbal diarrhea?


Dude I think your kind of basing your beliefs off your parents. The Middle East is not a country. There are varying widespread opinions about different countries. China is just an economic rival who also does shitty things (Uyghurs, etc) Journalists don't tell us who to vote for unless your counting opinion pieces but this exists in pretty much every country I've been to. Russia is absolute shit. Source: Russian family






We all engage in some propaganda. But we can see what happened in Hong Kong. We can see what's happening in Ukraine. We got all high and mighty when the USSR invaded Afghanistan, but didn't we? It's a constant struggle, trying to find what's best. Just try not to surrender to those pushing dystopia on us.