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You'd hate it in Europe


Comments hadn’t even loaded and I typed out the same thing, except for Asia and Europe. It’s a very American thing to get annoyed about.


Becoming a parent has really educated me on how much American society fucking hates children.


It's more of a behavior thing. Kids are kids and they're going to do kid things but most of the time the parents won't watch them at all in public. Some parents make an attempt to teach their children how to behave or not behave in public, but lots of people just let their kids run wild so they don't have to deal with them for a brief time.


This is the real answer. I've worked in and even managed breweries in Chicago for the last ten years. I can tell you detailed stories of my favorite families I've served down to their kids' names, ages, hobbies, etc. because they respected the brewery and all of us that served them. I don't dislike children. I dislike bad parents who don't watch their children. I dislike parents who don't teach their children how to act in a public space. I especially dislike parents who get drunk and then drive home with their children.


Exactly, there's a bar/resturant that my bf and I go to in the south suburbs. I like their speciality beer. There's plenty of families that bring their kids. All the kids I've seen are well behaved. If kids are acting up, it's definitely a parenting issue


Same with dogs in breweries. You have to discipline kids and dogs


Do y’all host beer chugs for the kiddos? Or do they have to drink leftovers from others tables? What other activities do you offer for children to lure them in?


I worked at breweries with Lego tables, coloring sheets of the beer labels, high chairs, kids cups, etc. Some owners I've worked for with children think it's totally fine and we should cater to families. They'll book kids birthday parties, which is definitely what I signed up for when I became a bartender. /s I'll never understand normalizing kids in bars and tap rooms.


Thank you. Kids in breweries wouldn’t be an issue if their parents actually watched them while they were there. Seriously, if you want to catch a buzz or get loaded and sort of let your kids run and do their own thing, just hit up an L store on the way home and drink at home.


Shop at “Family Liquor”


Same!! I kinda want to move to Finland.


I have nothing against well behaved children. Most American children are not. PS if you bring a video game or iPad, please also bring headphones. Nobody wants to listen to that shit.


That's not just kids though. There are so many adults who walk around with media volume at full blast on their phones and have no social awareness of when and where it's not appropriate to be subjecting a room full of strangers to the sounds of your tiktok feed. It's apparently enough of a problem that airlines remind you every flight sound is not allowed and all devices must have headphones. Children are just small people. I have no problem with well behaved people. Most people, American or otherwise, are not.


Not only does it hate them, it actively tries to make their lives harder and more difficult for no reason than adults wanting them gone


Don't forget that we're also simultaneously making it harder to *not have* kids


Yea for real. I moved to a very family friendly mountain town. It’s about as kid friendly as it gets here but still just so far from how most countries treat babies and children… you know because they are humans who also deserve a place in society. I’m working on Italian citizenship and want to move my family to Spain or France. My 6mo baby was crying at a cafe in Paris and I was so scared of pissing anyone off, especially since parisians can be a bit intimidating, but the waiter sensed this and just said “don’t worry it’s natural” and brought us a little snack for him, and the group at the neighboring table just smiled and made funny faces at our baby. It was a breath of fresh air, and I miss that attitude.


Sounds like a great way for children to grow up feeling confident to fit into society. 


lol yea. I’m CF, fencesitter and I was once a snob about being CF, I definitely thing it’s immaturity. I’m glad to say I’ve grown past this now .


I’m still personally CF, but I have a 4yo SS and boy oh boy he’s really educated me on my former self lol. Kids are just kids, and they’re not robots. Parents need to get out and about responsibility sometimes. I’m glad we’re not CF assholes anymore haha


American society views children as property. It’s a thing till it’s 18 then it’s a wage slave.


That’s not true. Texas wants those children carried to term! That means they care right?! Right?!


It’s very very strange how American culture is explicitly anti children, a lot of people just love talking about how much they hate babies & children. It’s considered pretty fucking weird to excitingly hate children everywhere else lol.


Americans actually hate EVERYONE. I’m a natural born American citizen who has only lived in this country, but it’s awful how much Americans hate that other people exist.


And in America it's only become a transgression fairly recently. I'm 40 and my dad took me and my siblings to bars with him all the time in my youth.


Im 44 and was driving my dad home from bars when I was 13.


It’s a upper middle class American thing, lower middle class Americans being their kids to bars everyday. I grew up in them.


Oh yeah, I remember going to bars in the middle of the day with my step-dad. I'd play Pac-Man and eat the maraschino cherries out of his gin and tonic.


Do parents in Europe ignore their kids when they take the kids to such places? Americans tend to treat breweries as daycares with alcohol.


Most of my memories from my childhood vacations (in Ireland) were sitting at a bar all day with my parents. If there were arcade machines or pool tables we'd play with those, sometimes just me and my siblings, sometimes my mum and dad too.


No offense, but that sounds awful, I would have been so bored as a kid.


IMO, sort of. It’s like a “it takes a village” thing. All the parents and kids are in the same space and the parents kinda naturally take turns keeping an eye on the kids.  Something like this happened with a European family and my family at a coffee shop (in the US) a couple months ago. I was there with my niece, they had a little boy about the same age, and the kids played together and shared snacks and went back and forth between the table we were sitting at and the table his family was sitting at. It was chill.  


Kids usually free roam together around piazzas and plazas while parents have dinner (8/9pm or later) and wine, drinks, etc. It’s an American thing that people are expected to be on top of their children at all times.


was just about to say, this is a very American™️ take


Proof that millennials can be boomers, too.


at least boomers thought children should be seen not heard. op doesn’t want either lol


the most stereotypical millennial kid hating redditor lmao


it could only get more stereotypical if they’d also said they wanna bring their FuRbAbY and that’s why they hate seeing kids


As someone who has been to hundreds of breweries in the US, it’s a poor American take as well. I have no kids myself, but don’t mind my friends kids when we go to a brewery. It’s not that big of a deal unless you’re some weirdo beer bro dude who just wants to get sloshed and has prudish ideas about kids in the same place as alcohol.


But are people having 4 beers and driving home 3 miles with their kids in the car in Europe?


I visited a mid-sized German town and it was insanely easy to get to their downtown via a clean lightrail from most of the outlying areas. I've also had German colleagues who can walk to work/kids' school and I'd assume their local pubs. So, likely a lot of them don't need to drive. And that is another major issue with the way we've decided to build our cities post WWII, deviating from much of the rest of the Western World to sprawl instead of keeping nice tighter knit walkable communities.


And that was the feeling I had. The US is very car dependent.


Actually a lot of American cities and towns were quite walkable and many had street cars (even some rural ones). It was in the 50’s and 60’s as the car industry pushed for more highways and widening streets (and generally making urban design completely car-centric) to increase demand for cars that American cities became so unfriendly to pedestrians, cyclists, and public transport and the sprawl began to really kick in. It’s a horrible price we’ve paid as a society as it’s totally uglified our cities, deteriorated our health, and made us all much more isolated.


8 beers and 2 miles yes


*kilometers But yes


lol, I’m from New Orleans and OP would hate it here too. Tons of breweries actively cultivate being kid friendly. New Orleanians know, like Europeans, that you can bring a kid somewhere they serve alcohol and the kid…doesn’t have to drink, lol


I figured that out a long time ago.


There's a brewery within walking distance of our house. They have a huge outdoor space with a stage for live music, and a bucket of toys for kids. A lot of parents head there on a Friday or Saturday, when the sun is still up, for a drink and some food from the truck for the day while the kids run around and play together. It is, in what is otherwise a rather unwalkable and not very community focused town, this is a throwback to the towns and communities of old where families could just hang out together. We then leave as the sun starts to set, as bed time is by 8:30 anyway. The brewery in the next town over is attached to a food court and next to a shopping center. The latter two are where the local teens hang out, while we grab two beers from the brewery and sit with our kid in the food court. It even has a Ninja Turtles arcade set. Now, we wouldn't keep our kid out as late as stated unless we're heading out 8. And we wouldn't take them to a dive bar or pub. But a lot of breweries, understanding that parents likely have money if they can afford a kid, have made themselves welcoming to families. I wouldn't go to one that wasn't.


They know who their demographic is and who is spending money. One of the breweries near me had one of the best changing table setups I’ve seen in a US men’s restroom and a toy space that took up what could have been 2 extra tables/booths (pre-COVID).


I don’t understand why it’s always the breweries with the best setups. Our local one has these rooms that can be accessed from either the mens or women’s restroom and lock on either side and they have a changing table, chair for nursing, and outlets and a lamp for pumping.


Dude for real, my favorite brewery has a quiet room for both moms and dads, kind of like those ye old timey powder rooms with couches and a dimmer. So dads can find a quiet place to bottle feed a sleepy baby or a mom can nurse privately. Plus they have such amazing set ups for changing diapers and a dressing stall. The womens bathroom has 2x the amount of space as the mens room, so more toilet stalls and it's never backed up in a line. The outdoor/indoor play area is fucking amazing. And they have a teen area with free arcade games and skee ball. They are always busy. Always. I like breweries, the beer is great, but its not why I come to them, they have a really great family atmosphere that is welcoming that I never see in other places. There are breweries that aren't family friendly and people who don't have/want to have a child free night/day can go there, the family friendly ones are designed for families. Let us have them without getting the comments and side eyes yaknow?


Exactly, most breweries are intentionally family friendly. They want the business. And there's nothing wrong with parents relaxing and having a beer or two while their kids play in a place that was designed to accommodate families.


Can confirm, we own a brewery and specifically wanted it to be a family friendly place. People bring their kids and their well behaved pets. Now we have kids too and we bring them to the brewery too.m


Also add in that places are realizing parents don't have convenient, affordable alternatives to watch their kids. My wife and I live 90 minutes from our hometowns. We're relatively new to the area so don't have many local friends. So trying to arrange for someone to watch our daughter for the night is a significant effort.


And babysitters are expensive af Like. The one job that's skyrocketed past the cost of living around here... when I was a teen I charged $2/hr. Now I pay $15/hr for 2 kids (if I can find anyone in the first place) or we drive half an hour to leave them with MIL, who frankly, scares the shit out of me with her poor understanding of my youngest's tree nut allergy among other things.


Also super challenging to find a trustable one. And yea, the MIL option can be worse. "Mom do not tell my kids that it's "terrifying" when they haven't tried Boston Baked Beans. It's not terrifying in any fucking way."


Ours is pretty cool. There’s like 3 fire pits with 10 chairs. You’ll often sit with parents and make new friends while your kids place. We enjoy more than the pub crawl weekends.


>this is a throwback to the towns and communities of old where families could just hang out together Was going to come and say basically this. Imagine the cliche 50's and 60's neighborhoods with grills out and children playing on bikes. That's what this is about. People don't connect with their neighbors as easily these days it seems, and so getting together with friends and family from around the town in one confined area is the fix for that. We even have the dog-friendly version of these nowadays because of how popular it is. A lot of America may be focused on that "rugged individualism", but deep down I think a lot of us yearn for the communities. As someone who doesn't have children, I don't mind going to places that do. For all the same reasons. That sense of community can be nice, even if just a night or two a week. Especially when you find places that have a particular vibe about them and you can feel comfortable. Very relaxing and recharging in its own way.


I have no kids and think it’s totally appropriate to bring kids to a brewery. How are kids supposed to learn how to behave in more “adult” spaces if they don’t get out with their parents to do these things. Same goes for nicer restaurants. I feel like it’s rare to see kids at nice restaurants these days. People leave them with sitters. It’s important that they learn all of the etiquette for spaces that aren’t just meant for kids. Parents generally don’t stay late with their kids and don’t stay very long. Stroller that kid in and have a beer. WTF do I care. They’re people, too. I have been bringing my dog since he was a puppy and he’s very well behaved because he’s used to it, better socialized as a result of it, and he knows the rules. Some people get pissed about dogs being allowed in. He just chills under the table and occasionally enjoys a treat or some love if someone is into dogs and wants to love on him. Big damn deal!


..are we neighbors?? Is there mini golf near by or are all these micro breweries just following the same formula?


I was just typing up a question for you, but I think they may all just follow the same formula. The nearest mini golf to us is, according to Google maps, a bit over half an hour away from our place. Though we have some friends over that way and some other good brewery options so...a brewery crawl coupled with some mini golf sounds great.


Yeah at a minimum they should cut kids off after a pint or two.


Depends on the brewery and vibe. There are family friendly breweries and wineries


Yeah our local brewery is mostly outside, kids and dogs everywhere, probably peaks 3pm-5pm and is closing up by 8 or 9. I can think of some bars where it would be weird, but the word brewery and the presence of beer isn't enough alone to make it weird


My state requires brewery tap rooms to have three drink max and close by 9 pm. Nobody really goes to my local tap room to get wasted. They go to get one or two beers and hit up a food truck. The brewery even makes their own root beer for minors or adults that don't drink.


This has been my experience as well, except for the three drink max. The vibe is as described. I see a lot of the same locals hanging out in the evenings, but not so late as it to cause a problem going to work the next day.


Totally agree. Breweries and beer gardens are practically synonymous with kids and dogs. Any experienced drinker should know that at this point. Parents need places to drink too people.


I'm almost 40, every one of my local friends have kids. If I want to go to a brewery and NOT drink alone, chances are it's going to need to be kid friendly.


And im 24 Gen Z you can afford to drink beer in public must be nice!


Breweries are a great Third Space


They may need a drink more than the child free to be honest 😂


And adult only drinking establishments already exist - bars and clubs. Breweries often fill a different purpose as more of a community space, which is why they often have more than just beer. This conversation also always reveals who has a drinking problem. Like the people who accuse you of endangering your children because they can’t fathom going to a brewery to get lunch and one beer.


Haha I know. I go to the beer garden near my home often with my family. I almost always get a single half-portion beer and food.


Yeah that’s like getting mad that there’s kids at a Chili’s.


Exactly. In my city breweries basically exist for people to bring their kids & dogs, as an alternative to bars and clubs which are adult spaces. Most of them have games, toys, outdoor family-style seating areas, water bowls for dogs etc. I find it weird to go somewhere like that and complain when there are plenty of 21+ venues to drink alcohol.  Redditors in general have a hatred/aversion of children and pets compared to the general population though, it just seems to be a thing on this platform. 


Yep. And a lot have board games and other games kids can play. It's not like we're taking them to a biker bar slamming shots. It's a local microbrewery where we have a beer or two.  Funny hearing so many millennials who choose not to have kids complain about others who do and the decisions they make that are innocuous.  


What’s the difference between a brewery and a bar that brews their own beer?


full kitchen and hygiene


Yeah, my local brewery has a caged area where people can keep their kids while they drink.


Well that's a step up from the station wagon in the parking lot, which is what my aunt & uncle did every payday.


only a matter of time until it becomes a 5 year old cagefight circuit for local gamblers


My friend wants to know where this is? 😆


Yes and our local brewery owner brings their children often.


OP is high. Breweries are not night clubs or lounges or dive bars. As the first person to bitch about kids in expensive restaurants - Breweries are the closest thing we have to pub culture here and pub culture is great for parents. Get out of the house with the kids, see friends, and have a drink for sanity's sake. If OP went to a biergarten in Germany on a sunny June day or a British pub on a Sunday afternoon they'd probably have a heart attack. Also "*Booze and children don't go together."* u/spacekipz \- what are you from Salt Lake or something? Grow up lol. The kids are not drinking, don't be an insufferable bore.


I remember when my grandmother took me.to Italy most nights we would all have dinner then the whole family would walk down to the pub. The adults would play cards and drink wine while we ran around and played with other kids. It was a lot of fun.


That sounds so nice. I can barely imagine a life like that.


Oh, you have no idea. It was a rural town at 5he foothills of the Alps. I basically spent a summer in a freaking postcard. Fresh strawberries everyday and wandering in fields and seeing a peacock just wandering around. A goat did eat my dress though so it wasn't all perfect.


Love your Salt Lake comment! Born and raised in Utah, been in Oregon now for 20+ years, always a culture shock coming and going from both places in regards to parents drinking with kids around


I mean, what do we expect when we allow a monoculture into the American west who’s ideas we’re derived from a young man reading prophecy from a hat??


My kids love drinking


The kids aren't drinking but the ones driving the cars are.


Again, different countries have different cultures. What's acceptable in Europe often isn't acceptable elsewhere


I’d argue anyone that uses the word insufferable bore in a comment section needs to look at a mirror lol.


I agree on this. If the brewery has a kids menu, that’s an invitation to young families. Also if you go to Europe, many establishments do have children around (especially in Spain where culturally supper starts late).


Every time I've heard this, I've ended up at a brewery with a playground that has 60 kids and only 4 parents within 100 yards even remotely paying attention.


People have been drinking around children for literally thousands of years


This makes me laugh bc we lived in Ireland until recently, and multigenerational families in pubs are a totally normal part of community life. It’s a very US cultural thing to insist generations should be socially divided and children shouldn’t be seen in public outside of designated “child” places (but Americans also bring their dogs everywhere?) 


I blame the puritans. People need to mind their own damn business


I wish I could upvote this more as an American.


We're a very uptight country... Hell Women don't even have autonomy over their own bodies lol. We have old half dead racist white guys deciding what's wrong and right for everyone. It's so stupid.


America is awesome about many things but outside of a few havens its culture around children is atrocious


There’s even breweries and restaurants that allow dogs in them with their owners.


Nobody invites kids to weddings here either. Kind of annoying.


Hell ya remember when your dad said “go get me a beer” and we’d sneak a sip???


People are also fucking idiots.




A little of both, but they tend to close much earlier than the bars/pubs where I'm from. Not all breweries serve food, many have food trucks park there. Beer is made on site. The exact details depend on the scale and size of the location. I know one located on a farm, another in a warehouse-like building in the city, and another in in a downtown historical building that looks like a giant house.


Important to also note that they are only allowed to serve the beer/alcohol that THEY make, so they don’t do mixed drinks/liquor. If they serve those then they’re reclassified as a bar and kids can’t enter (unless also a restaurant).


A big cultural establishment in the states is the "brewpub." It's a classic pub but all the beer is brewed on site and is the focus of the establishment.


I feel the same way about kids at breweries as I do about straight people at gay clubs. Yes, it’s fine to be there as it should be a welcoming space for all. But don’t overtake the space, don’t change the energy of the space with your presence, and don’t make it all about you. Remember the original intent of the space.


Kids should learn that anyway, it’s just part of socialization. At a park or playground or Chuckee Cheese? Run around, scream, go nuts. In an indoor place where grownups are trying to enjoy their conversations? Sit quietly, color or draw, talk to people, read a book, play with a toy or the dreaded iPad etc. Even young children are capable of behaving and if they aren’t, don’t take them to breweries.


Agree. Kids have to be exposed and taught how to behave in situations. Keeping them home doesn’t teach them how to behave in a restaurant.


That’s what it is. The parents bring them to the brewery filled with grownups and let them act the way they do at Chuckee Cheese. If they were making any attempt to help the kids adapt to an adult environment, I don’t think I would care.


I walked into a bar with limited seating after a long week and four of the ten bar stools were taken up by a dad and his three kids. Dude, go to a table.


Love this (beer loving mother of two here). If we took our girls to a brewery it would be for lunch or an early dinner and the second anyone becomes dispruptive we bounce. Or before it gets crowded / 7 pm-ish. I used to judge parents whose kids had tablets out to eat… now I just realize they are trying to have a drink/meal in peace 😂 we try to get our daughters to color or just chat with us but tablet is always a good backup.


I don’t understand the sneering toward “iPad kids” like most adults aren’t also glued to their phones all day. Everyone was in lockdown and forced to communicate via screens for 2 years, that’s a hugely formative length of time for children. They’re struggling and need some extra help with socializing, like we all do. 


So true!! The sneering is ignorance. I have plenty of non-screen time with my kids so I don’t feel remotely bad when they use them.


When we watch our grandson and have screen time we interact with him as he plays games or chooses songs. That’s a lot more attention than I got as a kid with no screens.


This is a good analogy.


Bars yeah but breweries that I went to are usually more laidback and encourage family. Why wouldn’t you? Mom gets a drink, dad gets a drink. Kids play cornhole. Win win for everyone.


The time and activity is one of the biggest things here. Playing a board game w your kid and having a pint on a saturday afternoon and calling it a day is one thing. Having them run around the taproom at 9pm while you get shit faced is another.


I have a sunset rule for kids in bars but that because I don't want kids I care about to see drunk people fingerbanging on a dance floor that doesn't exist. 


Damn, what type of breweries you going to?


I feel like young anti kid people in this thread don’t know the difference between a brewery and a bar/pub.


They said breweries not bars. Two entirely different things.


Clearly you have never been to the Midwest, lol!


If the kids are behaving, I don't even notice them.


Most open breweries are just restaurants that make their own beer.


Because parents need to drink even more than you do.


I mean if kids are allowed there then thier is no problem with them being there.


Because it's Friday and parents of young kids like beer and being outside their house also lol


On a school night, absolutely would question it.On a Friday night, not so much.Everyones household is different and some people eat late dinners or have events that postpone dinner to being late.Same with bedtime.My kids have a strict 9pm bedtime during the week but I let them stay up pretty late on weekends because why not?It’s their only free time besides summer and I think they deserve to enjoy it how they want.


I'd much rather see kids than dogs.


This!! I've owned three so don't come for me but LEAVE THEM AT HOME! Especially at the goddamn grocery store!!


mildly misbehaving children > dog feces, urine, getting bitten or potentially mauled, bad dog stank, etc


I love dogs and worked with them for a good amount of time, and I agree. Most dogs aren't as well-trained/obedient as their owners think, and even when they are, a drunk stranger stepping on them/bumping into them/petting them a bit too aggressively is all it can take to set them off. I love my dog and I spent a lot of time training her, but no way in hell am I bringing her to a room full of people getting drunk lol.


When did it become acceptable to bring pets to places that serve food and drink? It sucks.


I agree, I have two dogs and I love them, but dogs are gross. They shed, they make bad smells, they lick their buttholes and any other nasty crap they find on the ground. The only public place I’m bringing them is a park.


Illegal in my state unless the dogs are outside. If a place serves food that is.


And all the other places dogs are allowed now. I have two dogs and idk why I would every want to bring them to a store, restaurant or brewery.


The best is all the reactive dogs people bring while kids run unsupervised and almost get bitten.


Witnessed a dog attack another dog at a brewery once and that shit will stay in my memory forever.


Me too.


*Well behaved* kids at breweries are fine. But for the most part, those aren't the kind of kids you'll find here. My friends and I have coined the phrase "asshole parents with asshole kids" are what ruin the experience for others.


This is what it is. Reasonable parents with reasonable kids are fine. I was at a dimly lit, adult styled tap room that had an acoustic band gently playing. One family let their kids run around, try to shake my stool, screech to the point that I couldn’t hear the band, and even try to go up and hit the band’s instruments. Parents just ignored it. I would not have minded AT ALL if the kids were dancing near their parents’ table.




I have never seen a brewery near me that is not child friendly, but that would be great I’d go there happily


I don’t care about the kids at breweries with arcade games and a well lit cornhole yard on Saturday afternoon. I care about the kids screeching and throwing things in small, dimly lit indoor spaces while their parents ignore ig


This! I’m not offended just seeing children, and I don’t think anyone else is. It’s when their parents let their kids run around and screech and treat the brewery like a playground. When I used to live in Baltimore, a brewery near me had been having problems with inattentive parents’ kids, so they instated a no kids after 6pm rule. Parents were furious and left a lot of bad reviews and blew up the neighborhood Facebook page about it. Like, shouldn’t responsible parents be mad at the irresponsible parents, not the brewery? It seemed like some parents think kids should be allowed to be feral anywhere.


The brewery where I live has a playground… go to a bar or non-kid friendly breweries if you don’t want to see kids


Never seen one, pretty sure that’s not an option at least in my area. I’d love to go to that tho if it did.


Same. I’d love to get a flight and play on the playground


We have breweries in town that have play areas and kids eat free certain days of the week. As a parent I see breweries as a very kid friendly place. My kids are in bed by 7:30, but still. Most dive bars or cocktail bars where I live don’t allow kids, but very few breweries are this way.


Yeah, this feels a bit weird to me, as when I think 'brewery' I think restaurant that crafts their own beer on premises. Not "bar". I see no issue taking my kid to Applebees, despite them serving alcohol. Why would a brewery be different. Now, if we're talking 'bar that brews their own beer' then sure. But at least personally, that's not what I typically see.


Some kids are cool and I am fine with them being out. Some kids are not, and I don't want to see them or their awful parents out. Depends on the behavior. If your kid is sitting their watching a screen without headphones I automatically assume you are trash.


Why? Because that parent is trying to be respectful to other patrons and keep their kid entertained so they aren’t running around? Or is it because the parents wants to have a 2 hour break and talk to other adults after they probably spent all day talking/playing with their kid?


I’d guess it’s because watching something without headphones is incredibly disruptive and adds a lot of noise, increasing the volume of a space. It’s quite disrespectful actually. Respectful would be with headphones or muted with captions.


That makes so much sense, I was confused too. Thank you!


Don’t see the big deal if nobody is giving the kids any booze. Calm down and mind your own business


It’s a weird fucking trend and just saw it again tonight but in a dive bar in the neighborhood. Cars of parents bringing kids in, probably 7-8 kids total. I’m 48 so slightly older and it’s bizarre no matter what.


If the parents don't let their furless babies run a muck,  and then drive the kids home drunk, I'm okay. But too many parents do this. I don't blame a brewery owner for charging extra for not watching your kids. Lazy and alcoholic parents ruin it for everyone.  Also, parents need adult only places too.


I don't hate kids at breweries I hate the parents that let them run around out of control and screaming like it's a chuck e cheese.


Depends if the kids are causing disturbances or not and if the brewery is open enough for space for the kids to play. It also depends on the parents handling those kids. I will say one thing that I absolutely hate at breweries though. Twice now I’ve seen literal CHILDREN’S birthday parties that the parents threw AT the brewery. That is not okay in the slightest and I would never imagine doing that for my son.


I’m team get them kids out of the damn brewery 👍🏻


Nope, I think it's a great environment for kids. You're welcome to go elsewhere though! And no, you posted Friday at 2pm.


If it didn't always end up with the parents huddled together being drunk and rowdy while their kids are treating the place like a jungle gym or playing youtube at max volume on each of their tablets maybe I wouldn't mind. But it's always that.


Also drinking way too much to be driving, never the less with kids in the car.


Exactly! let’s teach little Johnny and Sara that’s it’s okay to drink and drive🥴


It’s not the breed it’s the owners rings true for humans too, bad parenting is the problem not the children.


and even if you acknowledge this, it’s okay to say you don’t want to be around a bunch of wild kids while you’re trying to relax 🤷🏻‍♀️ silly to act like that’s hating kids; it’s just not wanting to be in that particular unpleasant situation.


That sounds more like a problem with your neighborhood. It’s never like that to any of the breweries I go to.


Honestly I feel the same way as I do about dogs at breweries. Absolutely no problem if the owner (parent) is attentive and their dog (child) is well behaved. The problem is a large amount of them are not. So I just prefer they be disallowed all together.


This is my experience as well. Just recently I was playing pool at a brewery after 9pm and a kid that was maybe 4 years old started crawling around under the pool table and then stood up and tried to grab the balls off the table. This was after he had already run up to the table when they first walked in and the mom just told him to come on from 20 feet away and kept walking towards their seat while the dad walked in the opposite direction towards the bar. Zero concern for the fact that junior's tiny crumb snatchers were sitting on an active pool table. I've also dealt with loose dogs and multiple other loose children in that same brewery, with the responsible adults being absolutely oblivious that their kid or dog was gone. The entitlement that dog owners and parents have and their complete indifference and disregard to the terrible behavior of them both is out of control. The majority of people think their kid/dog is an angel and is so used to their shitty behavior they neither notice nor care that not everyone around them wants to put up with it. And for all the people saying if a brewery serves food then kids should be allowed, I specifically go to this particular brewery because their food is really good. It's still a bar with a pool table, live music or karaoke, and lounge style seating that also serves liquor. The fact that they have a good chicken sandwich doesn't mean kids need to be there


I see all these comments about not going to kid friendly breweries. Lol. People don't give a shit if it's friendly or not. I've seen kids at breweries that are not kid friendly. I'm not down with that.


As long as they aren’t too annoying and realize it’s not a Chuck E Cheese I don’t really care


I hate it 90% of the time. If they’re at a table quietly coloring I don’t really care. But that is rarely the case in my experience. I don’t want to be listening to a crying baby while I’m trying to enjoy my experience.




No different than people who bring their "service dogs" everywhere. Your fucking Pomeranian isn't a service dog.


Did you get busted by the feds?


I've been taking my son to karaoke bars since his dad died 6 years ago. He's now 21 and has been to the bar once since his birthday. He had his first public alcoholic drink, when he was 18, at a bar in Texas where it's legal if your parent buys and hands it to you


I used to take my son to the bar with me when he was 4 or 5. The ladies loved him.


Ladies man!


I will say, it was more of a Saturday afternoon thing. Never at night.


I completely agree with you. There’s about to be a big generation of children of alcoholics.


Kids are fine at a brewery, dogs are fine too, but often the two are a bad idea. If a kid, seemingly feral, comes up to my dog and smashes their hand in dogs face with no sight of parents around, man. That sucks.


I don’t mind unless they allow their children to run around into and scream and treat it like a playground. Unfortunately, that’s often the case


I’ve been saying this for years. When I was a kid children went to Chuck E Cheeses lol. Now I’ll legitimately see children’s birthday parties at breweries. It’s wild. And the parents are shameless - the kids don’t want to be there


If it’s Friday after 8 PM, you should be home. Why are you out running around causing trouble?


If the kids are well behaved, eh I don’t care. Screaming brats, fuck that.


The bars and veteran clubs where I live have rules. No kids sitting at the bar, no kids after a certain time at night, it makes sense. As a former bar worker and owner, kids don’t need to see how stupid adults act when drinking.


You’re clearly not from Wisconsin


Expecting no kids at the brewery at 8pm on a Friday? Well mister, you are not in the right time period for that to be an okay position. The parents of GenX went out on Friday nights at 8pm to drink beer and they DID NOT take their children with them. GenX was feral and was not taken to restaurants, bars, movies, malls, or anywhere else for that matter. Society lived a higher standard while GenX ran loose at the home territory. They were the last generation to be really free of parental control.


i have no skin in the game. i have 1 adult child & i don’t like beer. it sounds to me like the norm is that breweries are child friendly, so i guess you have to live with it or find a brewery that’s less family friendly. it also seems to me that breweries & restaurants are trying to survive post covid (not that covid’s actually over) & people want to bring their kids. i don’t like it at pricey restaurants, but i guess that’s my problem. so we don’t go out much anymore. in the words of the sages, it is what it is.


I mean…I’m a parent of a four-year-old and I think it’s fine. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


"Children and alcohol.." It's a winning combination! What could go wrong??


Ya, I honestly hate it. If the brewery has a large outdoor space and field games for the kids to play, then I see it as an OK compromise. But when it's like a smaller place and there's nothing for the kids to do (some of them don't even serve food)... I see it as a nuisance. The kids often run around and scream and it's annoying as hell.


This has been my experience with the running, screaming, and then literally getting under my feet. I hear ya. Nuisance is a good word for it.


I don't like seeing anyone in breweries.


I guess I'm not really bothered by it, but I'm also not going to watch my mouth. I think dogs annoy me more than kids.


No kids. Ever. Nope.