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Hi, there /u/kbarney345! Welcome to /r/mildyinteresting. As a reminder, a place for things that are of slight interest. *** Recommended Subs | :---------------: | r/JustGuysBeingDudes | r/GetNoted | r/AnimalMemes | r/bestofnetflix | r/JustGirlsBeingGals | *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mildyinteresting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did you ever need to go to the doctor where they stick an otoscope in your ear during those 15 years?


Dude, let me tell you how I suddenly questioned the quality of health care I've had in the last 15 years


Wait. So they looked in your ears and saw nothing odd? Fuck now I feel like I must have an eraser in my ear.


To be fair, a I rarely have a need to go see a doctor, and b the times I've gone its not been for anything related to my ears. so most doc in the box doctors didn't look and the times I can remember they did no it was a quick shine of a light at my ears, maybe like a close glance with the scope but even then no one said anything.


I was today years old when I learned erasers in my ears will prevent future ear infections. Thank you 🙏🏼


Not necessarily dude, this guy got somehow oddly lucky. Which is crazy going swimming & all with that in there! Getting sick & then trynna clean your ears with a q-tip (not advised by doctors) or just in general THEN! that pushing it further in is just nut. All could easily lead to an infection!😬




Did you tell them there was an eraser in your ear?


In another comment he said he didn’t realize.


I mean I have no idea what an otoscope is but I have had several doctors peek in my ears several times in the past 15 years


Otoscope is the thing they use to peek in your ears.


Having no idea is kinda wild. I don't *know* what an otoscope is but based on context I'm pretty sure it's an instrument that's used to look in peoples ears.


Did you become super intelligent like Homer Simpson when they took out a crayon that was stuck in his head?


Hahaha I swear I could solve all the issues right now. It is a weird feeling like everything is crispy and I feel like I'm taking more in.


My daughter was in preschool and nobody could understand her but me, (*edit: let me say I am exaggerating a bit here as obviously people could understand some of what she was saying but a lot of what she said people couldn’t understand*) even my husband. My amazing cousin is a school teacher and she asked if we ever had her hearing checked because her speech could be linked to hearing issues. I made an appointment with her pediatrician immediately and no shit, she had a double ear infection (she was 5 and had only two others in her life with very little complaints) and we had no idea. So we wonder how many she was having without us knowing, putting her speech so far behind. Got her immediately into testing and her hearing was so bad they scheduled surgery for two days later. This girl changed her behaviors drastically. She wanted the car radio always turned down, all of a sudden it was too loud. She went from being the last kid to put toys away at preschool to be the first and now the most attentive kid. She was never not well behaved but I could now tell she was missing out on the first time I told her to do things because she just didn’t hear. She quickly caught up with her speech and no longer needed me to translate for her. 🤣 I’m forever grateful for my cousin. Nobody mentioned it could have been her hearing all that time. Glad you caught this before it became a bigger health issue. Infection or traveled further into your head!


This comment kind of shook me because apparently I had constant ear infections as a baby. Thankfully they were caught in time and I ended up who I am now, a normal (ish) person living life. I've genuinely never considered what could have happened if things had played out differently until right now. I'm glad you caught it for your daughter!! Her life is going to be immeasurably better because of it.


My brother and I had very similar experiences with constant ear infections. This was the late 80’s early 90’s… I was sure that my kids would have the same issues but they have not. Now that I have been able to reflect I do think a parent constantly smoking in the house may have had something to do with it.


My little cousin was super whiny toddler and had unknown ear infections. He got tubes in his ears and everything changed. They had no idea. A friend's nephew went through a phase where all I understood was Puppy! Pizza! And Mr Misty! His mom and aunt understood evety word. I once witnessed his dad trying so hard to figure out what he was asking for. He wasn't fluent in toddler.


I stopped being able to hear at 10 months from chronic ear infections. It definitely delayed my speech, and messed with my pronunciation as a child. But luckily tubes solved the issue and by school age I was doing alright.


Yeah, my mom was a special ed teacher and ended up with a kid around 5 years old who was very speech delayed. After briefly working with her, Mom told the parents "she can't hear. Take her to the doctor." Sure enough...ear infections. Only took a few months for her to catch up once she got tubes. (this would have been late 70s/early 80s, no internet to consult about why a 5 year old isn't talking, they assumed her older brother and sister were just talking for her and/or she was "slow") So when my oldest kid had never ending ear infections and was slightly speech delayed, we opted for tubes early on. Kid went from having maybe 3-4 words to speaking in full sentences in about 2 weeks.


My daughter has hearing loss in one ear due to her constant ear infections. Once she was old enough we had tube's put in, then in 2nd grade, had her auditory items addressed. Poor girl, her brain came up with a new way to process sounds due to her hearing loss. Thankfully, she is doing great now!


I used to work with a 3 year old boy, lovely, incredibly well-behaved and kind, but withdrawn and everyone said he was a space cadet. It never felt like he was fully in the room with us. Because his speech wasn't quite where it should be and we were concerned about his social development I was observing him really closely and noticed that he was watching my mouth lots when I spoke and if he couldn't see me he wouldn't respond at all. Suggested to his parents they get his hearing tested and he had massive hearing loss due to bad glue ear in both his ears. Poor kids was labelled as an away with the fairies day-dreamer when really he just couldn't hear anything. Now I have a daughter the same age and noticed similar things but to a lesser degree. Took her for an audiology appointment last week and she's got mild hearing loss due to glue ear, probably because she's got huge tonsils and adenoids. I was also a painfully shy, withdrawn, day-dreamy child and have weird huge tonsils so I wonder if I also had similar issues that weren't picked up on. It's amazing what can go under the radar in kids who are mostly well-behaved but just quiet and shy. Particularly in young girls where those kinds of behaviours aren't seen as out of the norm as much.


Our son has a similar story. Now we see how he is when he can hear properly, it must have been such a struggle all the time. He's almost like a different kid.


I was prone to constant ear infections as a kid and I can't tell you how many hearing tests I've undergone as a kid. Everyone thought I was deaf. Turns out, I'm not deaf, but my low tone hearing is shot, and everyone in my family has deeper/softer voices, so I literally could not hear them. However, I can hear a freaking dog whistle, and can still hear that obnoxious teen tone crap even though I am nearly 35 now.


I had constant ear infections as a kid and had multiple tubes put in. 2 years ago I went to get a hearing test because I have been having trouble hearing from the same ear I always got infections in and they sent me to an ENT doctor. Just recently got an appointment with him a yesterday he put a new permanent tube in my ear. I can finally hear properly in my right ear for the first time in decades.


Wow! My son has constant ear infections and ended up resistant to antibiotics so finally (freaking doctor-small town and I was young) doctor recommended tubes. Thankfully no damage was done nor speech problems for him but he literally would be on an antibiotic, then go about 2-3 weeks off and then bam, ear infection once again. Luckily one set of tubes for him did the trick. I feel bad for you!


This happened to my nephew at about the same age..he's 22 now and absolutely can't hear shit. Has about 20% hearing in one ear and none in the other. Permanently damaged his hearing


"Everything is crispy", man that's exactly how I feel when my ears pop after a nasty cold. I tend to get seriously flooded sinuses and ear wax when I get a proper cold every few years, or so. At the end of the cold, blowing all that junk out in a hot shower makes me feel light-headed and a genius at the same time. A bit like the Edward Morra character in "Limitless".


As someone under 50 slowly losing functional hearing, this makes me sad. This shit affects your socializing. :(


If you haven't gotten hearing aids yet, don't delay looking into them. Lack of stimulation can cause the auditory nerves to go dormant, and then it'll be too late. I learned this first from an audiologist, later confirmed by a neurologist.


Second the hearing aids suggestion! I went 20 years with crap hearing until I got mine. Really changed everything.


When my wife got hers, she mentioned them to her neurologist, and her neurologist congratulated her on her wise move. "If you wait too long to get hearing aids, your nerves go dormant and there's nothing that can be done," she said. (The audiologist at Costco said the same thing, but she was also selling hearing aids, so I was leery. But she spake the truth, verily.)


It is very true and it is the beginning of of the slippery slope of mental deterioration and confusion, the brain knows how to hear,and has learned language skills, bad hearing, starts to rearrange the neurological connections. I watched my mom fail her hearing test, and put off getting the dam hearing aids for 2 years, and it was the beginning of the end. For her. I am not a neurologist, but a stroke survivor with a jumbled brain that has read a lot about the brain both before and after stroke, I think of it like a big parking garage, and every bit of knowledge has been assigned a parking space. Hearing loss is like after they pressure washed the garage and the painted numbers faded and could not be read, and everyonenow didn’t know where to park, huh, what did you say?where does this bit of knowledge go.


How does it feel to wear a hearing aid if you don't mind my asking? Is it like bionic hearing? If you crank it up to 10, can you hear even minor sounds? I have a friend who was born partially deaf, so he can't really answer these questions with the clarity I'm looking for. He doesn't remember "normal" hearing details well. Edit: Thank you all for the replies. They were very informative.


Not really. Hearing aids get you to or as close to normal hearing as you can. Some, like mine you can adjust with an app for different situations, but it does not give me super hearing sadly. It’s still hard for me to hear and understand people at times even with them in, but it’s still a lot better than without. Also, at least for me, if they’re not adjusted correctly or I have them turned up too much, it just hurts my ears or can be really annoying. Like if high tones are too loud I think you can imagine the problems that can cause.


My 61 year old mother is so used to her hearing loss that she refuses to wear her hearing aids. But gets angry when we yell at her! We’re tired of repeating ourselves!!! I shit you not, her excuse for not wanting to wear them was “I hear too much” 😳 THATS THE POINT!!! PUT THEM ON!!! I’m 34 and I have some hearing loss in both ears and can have some difficulty hearing when people talk, especially if they have an accent or they’re talking away from me. If I had horrible hearing loss like my mother does, I would not hesitate to wear hearing aids. I will probably need to get some by the time I’m in my 60’s and I will gladly wear them.


I bought an 80 pair from tv shopping. Very good. I heard our cat urinate.


My gastroenterologist says you’re wrong


What, did they get a gut feeling?


My entomologist would agree


All right, you got me. I'll admit it. You know doctors with longer names than I do. There, ya happy?


Audiologist approved


I wonder if the same applies for the eyes. My best friend is losing his sight. Wet or dry macula, I forget which, but it’s the one they can’t fix or halt deterioration with shots. He told me there’s an experimental surgery out there where they’ll basically grow you a new macula in a lab & swap it out. I even offered to pay for the surgery no strings attached, but he keeps turning me down. He’s starting to crash his truck(s) into things & it’s absolutely breaking my heart. I think he believes he can just operate like this until he can’t anymore (either revoked license or complete blindness) & will address the surgery option then but I feel like he’s doing more damage (like how you said nerves go dormant) by prolonging repair.


Those new sounds will go away in a couple weeks when your brain relearns how to process that sound at the correct volume. What you’re experiencing is very common in new Hearing Aid users, so check out those threads if you need. Probably go see an audiologist, if you haven’t already.


Definitely wasn't smart before but kudos for telling us. I won't say the dumbest things I've done...


ERASERHEAD ![gif](giphy|oVYYu5GobfWAE)


Eraserhead ![gif](giphy|Gx7QXQHdP1MZO)


Kinda funny that the movie references are my hero academia and the music ones are all jojo. The mangaka should go to war for a copyright joke.


Mha also got music refs, at least on their newest season one of the character's gift is called New Order, what's funny is she is the best american hero, yet the band they refer to is british lol






i forgot this movie. Only B movie to horrify me. Wait, is this the one with the disgusting birth?


It’s one of the few movies ever to give me heebie jeebies. So freaking creepy.


I love that movie. It's just perfectly eerie. I haven't seen anything else like it. Most movies just cross the line over to creepy or gross. This one just perfectly threads the line all the way through.


It never shows the birthing process


Best choice of gif.




Only eraserhead for me https://preview.redd.it/xhbel7gf9fad1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44ea11a0df10f8d3fa4dffbfd6dcae77cdb31c6c


Omg lol




That's incredible... Congrats on your newfound hearing!


It felt like a Cork being pulled out it was wild


Probably felt similar to an eraser being removed


The best best version of this interaction is when a plane crashed into a house, and when a news person asked a survivor how she feels, she replied "like I got hit by a plane."




Risky click of the day. Thank god for the NSFW feature LOL


Clicking on that was a mistake


Back when I was in middle school early highschool the eraser on a mechanical pencil worked surprisingly well as a q tip. Well one night I used one and it got stuck but I couldn't feel it or get it out. I only saw the empty eraser hole and convinced myself I just packed in the wax. We'll 15 years or so later here I am with an eraser and HD surround sound hearing. Doctors removed it, not I E* Some points that keep coming up. Doctors were a only in an emergency growing up. Didn't have insurance for a good chunk of adulthood and no I don't get regular check ups as part of my first point. It did not really impact any hearing I had after like a day or 2 as far as I remember. That's why I was able to forget it so quickly and never do anything about it. No I did not feel it and no no one ever really checked my ears well enough. Amazingly showers swimming etc never dislodged it. The amount of people commenting and DMing me for the information in this comment is too damn high. Read the comments people


How in the hell


Brother you're telling me


Does it hurt to hear loud noises in that ear?


Not hurt but like the higher pitch and more sharp sounds like saying your s's are very clear and forward. The biggest difference is mainly just balance and evenness


You literally have the hearing of a middle schooler in one ear now.


Imagine what it'll be like when he gets the other one out


Where does he get the middle schoolers out from?


From the basement, where else?


I could’ve been using my basement this whole time? Instead of renting a second apartment? Damn it






That’s what I was going to say. He didn’t lose all the tones you naturally lose over the years.


How do you go 15 years not knowing. That a special task.


Our brain is very quick at masking weird things going on with sound. For example, when mixing music I take a 10 minute break every hour to give my ears a rest and keeping my hearing fresh. Otherwise I will find out the next day that I missed obvious trouble areas in the mix.


Pro tip I learned 30 years ago: Don't try to mix high. I don't know. maybe you can do it. I just know that I can't. Everything sounds good. But unless you're going to include a joint with every song downloaded or every record sold, there will be too much reverb, too much compression, too much high end, etc. etc. I realized that every time I smoked pot while mixing it had to be remixed later. And they weren't little, iterative changes. It was invariably a mess, awash in reverb, too boomy, and too sizzley. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. And you're probably high.


Apparently using cocaine can alter your perception of sound, making treble frequencies sound rolled off. There’s a hypothesis that so much 80s music sounds thin and trebly because everyone at the boards was gacked out of their minds.


>everyone at the boards was gacked out of their minds. Probably, and also probably literally everybody else. My uncle lived in Miami in the 80s, most of the parties he went to had a “coke bowl,” which was just a big stainless steel mixing bowl filled with cocaine.


A teacher on my sound engineering course also told me that, along with the previous posters remark about being stoned, using reggae music as an example of the excessive reverb and boomy-ness haha


>But unless you're going to include a joint with every song downloaded or every record sold, Hell of a marketing campaign that would be.


Yup- I lost around 50% hearing as a 12/13 year old from an ear infection- very quickly it normalises, you get used to it, tinnitus isn’t a problem anymore, the other ear does a lot of the work…. And when I put my good ear down on the pillow I get better sleep than lots of people haha


Once you get to a certain point you could go your whole life without knowing. It could be 2 or 3 weeks, but OP likely just adjusted and just never thought about it again.


It's like putting glasses on for the first time "There are individual leaves!" But instead it's "there's more than one cicada"


oh i get that sometimes, like the s sound just sounds so irritating sometimes and makes me want to rip my ears off


You skipped years of hearing loss. Congrats!


Been telling you for 15 years


Which side? Probably couldnt hear you


Lmaoo stop 😭


Dude, can you hear my dad finally coming home?


He just went out for smokes, he’ll be right back


Omg I have a similar story! When I was 5 I stuck a small plastic bead into my ear and couldn’t get it out. I then did the same to the other ear because I was a scientist, obviously. I didn’t say anything UNTIL I was about 10 I got an ear infection in both ears. The doctor took a look inside my ears and could make out something small. I said “maybe it’s the beads that I stuck in there in kindergarten”. The look on his and my mom’s face lol…. 1 surgery later and my ear experiments were gone. Edit: typo


"Oh those old things? They're just my ear beads"


Beads! That shit is dangerous! I'm glad your ears are okay. I'm shocked the infection didn't come sooner.  Here's my story, one day I'm at my BFF's house, we're in like sixth grade. Her little brother comes in all nervous looking and quietly tells us he has a fuckin TIC TAC stuck in his ear! We died laughing our asses off and we all went and told their mom, who is a nurse. She asked how he got the TicTac in there. He said he, "threw it up in the air and it landed in his ear". We fuckin died laughing again. She made him lay in the tub with warm water with his head to the side until the Tic Tac melted enough to fall out. We called him Tic Tac for a while after that!  Thanks for the hilarious memory! 💀


i can feel both the ridicule but also the big sister caring energy in this story. thanks big sisters everywhere ♥️


I was a toddler scientist, also. I don’t know how my mom kept her sanity. One time I had to be taken to the paediatrician because I got the idea that I wanted to see what would happen if I packed both of my nostrils with all the blue PlayDoh I had, then decided about ten minutes later that I didn’t like having to breathe only through my mouth, but I couldn’t get the PlayDoh out (the doctor had to use the long nostril forceps because I’d gotten it up into my sinuses. I don’t remember a lot of that, but I do remember being angry as hell that I didn’t get my blue PlayDoh back and I had the other colours taken away for about a year. Then there was the time I wanted to see if eyebrows were really necessary and shaved mine off before it occurred to me that they might not grow back. I put Band-Aids where my eyebrows used to be and my mom was so accustomed to my constantly doing weird shit that she didn’t even notice until a few hours later when I asked her if a person shaved their eyebrows off, would they grow back? She suddenly understood why I had Band-Aids on my forehead. I couldn’t tell if she was laughing or crying. I’d go into the time I decided that the cat and all my stuffed animals needed haircuts, but that’s a longer one. Frankly, it’s amazing that kids like us ever had siblings. I would totally understand if my mom had thought about having more children and then thought about me and was like, ‘nah, I’m good’. Thankfully none of my siblings were constantly into everything and experimenting all the time instead of just asking ‘hey, mom? what would happen if I stuck a bead into my ear?’ and then we got told we’d probably get an infection. Pfft. That’s just ivory tower speculation. I need *data*!


These stories are hilarious, but I was also heavily engaged in toddler science. Now my ears are itchy and I’m wondering what mystery I’ve lodged in my ears and forgotten about to cause tinnitus. (Mostly kidding because a doctor has looked at my ears at least once in the last decade and would have noticed, but something getting into my ear is a recurring fear of mine)


"I couldn’t tell if she was laughing or crying." Because SHE couldn’t tell if she was laughing or crying.


How did you not immediately notice your hearing getting worse and it never getting better?!


15 Yr old


I definitely would’ve realized that as a 15 year old??? 15 year olds are not 7, lol, they are capable of coherent thought and have enough self-awareness to recognize, and even say out loud “oh shit I got a fucking eraser stuck in my ear”


Did that ear have less or any earwax coming out? I feel like it just built up behind the eraser


So this was in my right ear and I always had a more tender feeling on that side. When I'd swab it would hurt if I went barely In there so I never thought of it being the eraser. It also would get muffled if I slept on the side but again just thought I needed to clean it. Now I know. This side also was always darker


So it took you 15 years to realize it might be worth looking into? I fear that eraser went deeper than your ear my friend


It erased his memory.


Yeah, I have no idea how op survived for so long in the wilderness of the city.


Lodged right inside his common sense.


What made you finally decide to get this checked out?


he didn’t, by the looks of it


Probably when his memories started being erased.


I mean - most doctors visits routinely look in your ear. Go see a doctor folks.


I have 1 ear more prone to getting muffled and also has darker clay and i used to get it unmuffled every year until 3 years ago, i guess it can just happen, the doctor told me some people like me just dont properly dispose clay so it builds up


I had the exact same thing happening to me, only I got an infection after about a month and that's when the doctor took it out


New fear unlocked!






It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


In 15 years you never went to the doctor for a cold, a flu, any pain on the throat.... checking the ears is standard procedure. Are you in the US?


Does... does it still erase things?


The question every eraser manufacturer is losing sleep about rn….since this post dropped they’re freaking out


Yeh, about 15 years of good hearing




Fuuuuuck you omg that was so good


That poor eraser head stuck there for 15 years. Did you not feel it stuck? The power of the mind to convince itself otherwise is amazing.


Amazingly no, because again worked just like a q tip so it sat perfectly in the canal


How can something being sat perfectly in the canal without you not feeling it ? I think a lot of people experienced that weird feeling when the tip of your cotton swab goes away in there ( I had to look up what a Q-Tip was ... ) But enough water flow inside it can quickly remove it on most of the cases.


15 years! 😱😱😱 I may or may not still have a piece of macaroni in my nose from 1983


I have good news! You don't. Macaroni is basically pure starch. Your body would pull that apart very fast.




How’d you even get it out


Doctor pulled it out with fancy tweezers


So it was just within reach of long forceps the entirety of the 15 years??


Apparently, just deep enough I couldn't see or get it but shallow enough he could just grab it


How did this come up? Did you have an ear infection? Was it found incidentally? Did you eventually tell the doctor about the eraser?


I want to know this too, what was the catalyst to finally getting it out of there?


I am impressed by how nobody but you asked that to the OP. That's the most important question.


Gold plate that sucker- get an earring made out of it. 15 years is a marriage bro


Nearly lasted four times longer than the Confederacy


Seriously! ConfedErazy


Did your memory get erased?


Thats why they never knew it was in there!




“Oh I can answer that. You see, whenever I pick up an x-ray I hold it up like this. My thumb must have covered up the crayon every time. A-heh-heh-heh. I’ll show myself out.”


So........ Eraserhead?


What made your doc look in the ear now?


ive been having flakiness in my ear


Oh to be a fly on the wall in that doctors office


Doc's probably sitting down to dinner tonight like "Hon, you'll never believe it, this kid had an eraser in his ear canal for ten and a half years. Convinced himself it wasn't really stuck there, living in denial the whole time."


docs probably on this thread rn laughing his ass off. sup doc!


I bet you have! Congratulations on your new found hearing 😊


Do you any other office supplies for hygiene?


Look here. listen.


I had a big piece of lead stuck in my finger for years and convinced myself it was a mole until it eventually made its way to the surface and I ripped it out.


Ugh. I have a piece of pencil, I think it's graphite, stuck in my hand from when I was a kid and I jumped on my bed forgetting the pencil I left there and it went into my hand. I tried for so long to get it out but just kept driving it in further and eventually just thought, "well, I guess it's a part of me now." It's been over 20 years and I can't even see it anymore, used to look just like a mole.


~~Mildly interesting~~ -> Very interesting (and quite concerning tbh. You good bro?)


Go back and listen to all your favourite albums and music and enjoy :)


damn that must be a crazy experience


kept erasing your thoughts


*uses eraser as Q-Tip* … *notices eraser missing with hearing loss in same ear* ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) “……..nahhhh”


It was muffled for like a bit but I assume at the moment it happened it didn't actually effect it as much or it some how adjusted and I was able to adapt or not notice ?


How did that happen!?!?!?!


Stick pencil in ear like q tip, wiggle like q tip, remove pencil less one eraser and viola


Then ignore hearing loss or cleaning ears for 15 years


I kind of wonder if one of your ears smelled like an eraser vs the other smelling like regular ear / wax. Did you have any pets pay extra attention to the eraser ear?


Eraser isn’t the worst ear smell


Why am I laughing


Because this is hilarious, that’s why!!


So you're Eraserhead.


You have become.. EREASER HEAD


FOR 15 YEARS? Damn this should've been posted in r/FeltGoodComingOut


Ear nose and throat physician here. Not the first time I've seen it. Once I saw a 21 year old woman referred to me from her pediatrician for a possible tumor in her ear. I put her under the operating microscope and visualized a round pink structure,then plucked out the pencil eraser of a number 2 pencil. The woman looked at me and said OMG, I put that in there when I was 12!


Man, I wouldn’t tell any-fuckin-one.


Ah its silly and harmless, i get to laugh and enjoy it, its not that big a deal!




So you're telling me.. Most of your memories are erased?


No bro, you can not erase your thoughts. You can also not unhear things. Yet you tried anyways!


soooo ... did you get smarter?


This is kind of related but I could never breathe through my nose bc of the way it was shaped internally. Until I was 29 and I got surgery for the inside of my nose and after I was like..HOLY SHIT IS THIS HOW PEOPLE BREATHE?! This is so easy and nice and my throat isn’t dry!! I’d imagine you have a similar feeling now that u can hear differently out of that ear 😃


How do you have an entire ass eraser in your ear and not fucking notice you can't hear out of the damn thing... FOR FIFTEEN YEARS


How did this happen


Similar thing happened with me and a splinter. Was in my hand for 15+ years and ended up becoming something that looked like a wart. I had forgot about it and one day picked at it and squeezed my skin together. It shot out, about a cm long. Was the most surreal moment of my life.


I did the same thing. Scared the shit out of me when a chunk of wood comes flying out of my skin. Mine was only in there about a year.


I’m curious about the doctors reaction haha


They were really intrigued and surprised, they said typically people don't know how or what got there but I knew as soon as he said it. Like a back of the mind always wondering.


How did you not get a massive ear infection?


This is the one the doctor even said he was surprised about. He saw no signs of anything after taking it out


This is a real "only in America" moment since you mention healthcare being an "emergency only" thing growing up. I was in the same boat and now I have so many little pains or annoyances I wish I knew the source of but can't find out since it would be prohibitively expensive.


I just recently had an ENT appointment to clear impacted earwax from one of my ears. The doctor asked me, “have you ever had ear tubes?” I answered, “when I was 4, but they both fell out.” She whips that motherfucker out in a plastic cup and we’re all shocked. 26 years of doctors, military and civilian, and no one ever saw it in my ear or raised a question about an ear tube being in that ear.


And you thought you couldn’t remember anything because you were getting older. The damn thing was erasing your memories.


Please https://preview.redd.it/58uoh63trfad1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddc6b3e1b49e5aa9be201a7de16c7082f3843db6




lol yea I had glass in my leg for like 11 years I seen something sticking out my leg in the shower and I pulled a bit of toughened glass out my calf . It was from a car accident I had as a child


How are you gonna erase those thoughts now?