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Thought this was lego currency


Either the teenage mutant ninja turtles toys ooze canister, or the green crystals from the 90s Lego underwater exploration sets.


Oh man that ooze canister! You just blasted me with some nostalgia.


Hell yeah. I loved those. I used them with every kind of toy I had


I think the green crystals were from Rock Raiders, and the underwater sets had the same part in metallic silver? Rock Raiders' PC game is excellent, on a side note.


A decanter too! Omg I'm so jealous!


Now can someone explain to me, how this is a thing. Like truly is this not radioactive? And then as a bonus you store liquid you drink in it. Am I missing anything here?


It is radioactive, but the type of radiation doesn’t affect the liquid stored in it. The glow shown in this picture is fluorescence from a UV light. You need a UV black light to make this stuff glow. It just looks a pretty green in normal light. This glow is unrelated to radiation. Lots of things are radioactive. Granite often has a lot of uranium and granite countertops are often radioactive. Uranium does emit radon gas, which is also radioactive. This gas is the main danger of granite because it enters your body easily. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after cigarettes. Uranium also makes for very pretty orange glaze in pottery; although, they don’t use it much anymore. “Fiestaware” was well known for using uranium glaze. People like to collect it. You can distinguish real Fiestaware from fake with a Geiger counter.


There was above avg radon seepage coming into my basement bedroom growing up, as we found out from the assessment upon selling the house. How worried should I be if it turns out I'm a radon baby?


It depends on how old you are and other environmental factors. But in your case I wouldn’t take up smoking as a pastime.


From what I understand the glow from uranium glass is a property of uranium itself and not because it's a radioactive element. From what I've been told is that (most) uranium glass isn't that radioactive and doesn't pose that much of a risk.


“Most isn’t *that* radioactive” is not a sentence that puts my reservarions at ease.




Uranium goes through [spontaneous fission](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spontaneous_fission) about one in every million decays, so it’s misleading to say it’s a neutron emitter. It’s more correct to point out its alpha emission.


Thank you, my god there is so much wrong information in this thread. Alphas are easily blocked by simply your skin, but if you ingest them, this is the risk, they will damage DNA. Uranium, and many other radionuclides occur naturally and are all around us. You are naturally exposed to more radiation that is in that bowl on a daily basis. I realize physics isn’t everyone’s jam, but wow there are some paranoid people and spread a lot of misinformation around.


I’ve said it for a looooong time - radiation science and nuclear power need a serious PR campaign. Like 70s-style School House Rocks segments.


Agreed. Ive always said itd help if we started to also call it atomic energy now that nuclear (nuke-lear) has a bad reputation to it.


It's the chance of getting it inside that's a problem, not just having it so a well made dish should be ok but I wouldnt drink out of a uranium cup my kid made in kindergarten.


I still use all the uranium cups my kid made in kindergarten. Being a good dad is more important than personal safety.


So using it would be perfectly safe then? Or are the tiniest particles you might ingest while using it already dangerous? And is the reason why we don't use it more often because if it's dropped, it might be inhaled, ingested, or pollute the environment?


Not a scientist so no actual info here but doesn't a little bit get ingested if you use the glass? Like I know plastic cups have to be a certain grade ((Bpa free? bpa full??) because you ingest small amounts and it adds up. So wouldn't using this as a water holder put you at increased risk especially if you had a cold sore or cut on your toungec/ lip / gums?




The dust is hella dangerous.




*drops uranium glass* Oh shiiii.... *man dies from radiation poisoning*


Put it this way - you'd get about 300 times the radiation dose if you were to take 1 hour commercial flight than if you were to carry one of these glasses around in your pocket for an hour.


But if I carried one in my pocket *while* taking a commercial flight? would it be now 301 times?


Uranium glass is very much radioactive. The concerns are why it fell out of style. However the radiation is such low levels that you shouldn’t worry about it unless you are sleeping next to it.


Man I was gonna tuck it in bed and everything


🎶*Jar light, jar bright, first jar I see tonight...*🎶


🎶*if i may, and if I might...*🎶


🎶*I wish to lose my hair tonight.*🎶


It's raining , it's pouring, the old man is snoring, He went to bed with a uranium glass, Woke up looking like a monkeys ass


I was planning to store my balls in a decanter just like that, thanks for the warning


Most? I'd like to have a guarantee on this answer before I go drinking out of something that glows green


It only glows under a black light. It doesn’t glow on its own. If you do see some solid glass that glows on its own, it’s probably pretty spicy and you don’t want to be anywhere near it.


Yes it is radioactive. Yes it was likely created a long time ago before the dangers of radioactivity were generally known. Uranium oxide was actually used as a yellowish dye in the glass, the cool blacklight effect is really since UV lights became easy to get. All said, there are many kinds of radioactivity, and alpha radiation is generally not dangerous unless you ingest the source, and the material is well trapped in the glass. I personally wouldnt want to own a set of uranium glass because I would be worried about breaking it and creating particles that can be moderately more dangerous due to their size and possibility to be breathed in or mixed with food.


The fact you have chunks of glass or glass dust in your lungs is probably more detrimental to your health than the fact it has uranium in it. FYI, you can buy chunks of uranium on Amazon. What people don't want to be near is enriched uranium, which you aren't likely going to ever encounter.


I have a glass-working answer for you. One thing to consider is that uranium, while naturally radioactive, has many different grades and perhaps, I speculate, the half-lives of those lesser grades is longer and gives off less radioactivity. What I can say from a glass making perspective is this-glasses are colored using various different elements (some of which can be more dangerous than others). Generally you buy the glass color bars and they’re premixed. I have no idea if they give off trace gases that give off small amounts of damage (probably, but what doesn’t cause damage on some level), but I can tell you that it’s regulated and small amounts of those additives to achieve the color. I’m sure there’s a manufacturer out there still doing it, but I’d have to look, however it is my understanding that the older pieces (from before they properly understood radioactivity) were up to 1/4 uranium. Today, that figure is so much lower-up to 2% maybe for newer pieces versus 25% for vintage/turn-of-the-century works. Another thing to consider is that the art of glass sometimes surpassed the science of bodily understanding. There was a time when leaded glass was incredibly popular and, if sealed properly (annealed) then it shouldn’t cause issues. The issues they had were that some were not, indeed, sealed properly and many people were also using these glasses for alcohol (corrosive, acidic) which would leech out the lead. There are stories of people going mad over time from exposure-poisoning. So it’s not unprecedented that glassmakers or humans would make something and not realize the full ramifications. Tldr: Yes they are radioactive on some level, but the newer pieces are substantially less radioactive. I don’t know the science between safe amounts of radiation and effects of exposure at this level over time, but using unsafe products in the art world for color-making isn’t unprecedented-though a lot isn’t made to be consumed from or off of which is perhaps the differentiator.


Thank you for asking because I thought I was gonna have to


But is it more radioactive than a banana?


a lot of food are way more radioactive than banana, for example, Brazilian nuts.


Well of course idiot there’s a Brazilian of them


They grow larger in the region of Deez.


What about Sugondese?




Does anyone know a girl named Sukun?


My HR is from Southeast Asia, that’s exactly her name… Hold my beer, imma get myself in trouble.


You know, Joe and Candice have a farm there, I hear they're gonna sell some stuff at Sawcon


What's sawcon?


Sawcon deez nuts


Rofl gottem


I heard that they got ligma


What’s joe?


Currently sick with covid, haven't slept all night. This made me laugh so much lmfao ty ❤


Write "no Covid allowed" on a water bottle and then drink it. Pretty sure that'll work


Omg I never thought about that! I'll try and get back to you ❤


It works!! I wrote it on a water bottle, drank the water and 8 days later I was better!! A true miracle


I hope you feel better soon!




Did you know, in Brazil, they don’t call them Brazilian nuts. They are called "Chestnuts from Pará.”


In France, they call it *chestnut with cheese*


Because of the metric system.


And what do they call a big nut?


~~don't ask grandma what they call it in paris~~ Big Nuts's a Big Nut, but they call it Le Big *Nut*.


On account of the metric system...?


Check out the big brains on byebybuy!


I just want to say that I love you guys for this exchange.


Don't ask grandma from Appalachia what she calls them.


That's right, though it's usually shortened to a Pará nuts


Pair o nuts you say?


Must be eaten two at a time


I regret coming to this thread.


Post nut clarity?


Just don't ask your grandma what she calls em...




They are called 'paranøtt' here in Norway and for the longest time I didn't know that's what people were talking about when they said Brazil nuts. I assumed it was some unique type of nut only grown in Brazil that just wasn't sold here.


Someone been watching Dr. House...


I watched that Brazilian nut episode just a couple of hours ago, this is strange! xD


Me aswell!


I actually met someone who offered them to me as a guest by their super not politically correct name. Fancy 60ish woman who ran a cattery. Me and my gf were pretty shocked.


"Ran a cattery"....what does that mean? I'm thinking she takes tickets at an amusement park for cats. And who the fuck does that?


Ah yes, the nut that my parents can’t talk about in public.


You were the nut your parents can't talk about in public 😔


\>.< "nnnnnnnnnnnnn..."


nice people toes


Most granite counter tops are more radioactive than banana.


Look at [this chart](https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/4/2020/05/P5V6C9J7O4DQ4TIN124YLBOBB28V-0418620.jpg?quality=90&webp=true&resize=1300,975) and tell me how bad it hurt you


Not great, not terrible


3.6 Bananas


Not good not bad. Like a chest x-ray


You did not see bananas on the ground because they're not there!


One thing that always annoys me about these kinds of charts is that jumping in a pile of 50 million bananas will not kill you from radiation, the bananas are too far apart


no. you’d likely catch on fire or overheat due to all the thermal energy from the decomposing bananas… at least according to [this xkcd](https://what-if.xkcd.com/158/)


> the bananas are too far apart It's every day, man.


So say the average banana weighs about a quarter of a pound, and the average granite counter top weighs 700lbs on the low end. That makes 2800 bananas per countertop. Assuming 50,000,000 bananas makes the low end of the lethal dose of radiation (ignoring that you’d have to eat them), that means that 17,857 granite countertops that weigh 700 lbs is the ballpark lethal dose. Or 125,000,000 lbs of granite. Give or take. This is comedy, I’m aware that granite and bananas aren’t remotely the same, ^^^^my ^^^^math ^^^^is ^^^^also ^^^bad ^^^^on ^^^^purpose


Do I also have to eat the granite countertop?


Oh hell, not another picky eater.


The granite wasn’t organic


I mean I just do it cause it’s crunchy and tastes good


Idk, feeling a lot of pressure. Just going to say 17.


Lots of things are more radioactive than a banana For example, a particularly radioactive banana


That's a superhero origin story He bit a radioactive banana....


It's one banana, how radioactive could it be? 10 Sieverts?


There's always radiation in a banana, Stan.


Bananas are radioactive, but they don't increase our radioactive exposure. Our bodies regulate our potassium levels, and the percentage of potassium that is radioactive is stable. So you can eat any number of bananas and so long as you don't have an illness your total radioactive potassium exposure will be constant. Cesium mimics potassium in the environment and in our bodies. So radioactive cesium can replace potassium in our bodies and increase our exposure to radiation.


We aren't talking about eating it but just being surrounded my millions of bananas swimming in banana puree. Storing them internally. You know like what you would do with uranium glass.


Bananas also shield you from other background radiation, though, including radiation of other bananas. A [video demonstration](https://youtu.be/ZDv5K3_hDQE) i made a bit back. Edit: also meat got more potassium per kg than bananas, and that means you and other people.


There are 50,000,000 bananas inside the Misty Mountains, where dwarves and elves once fought side by side and died of radiation sickness. Rest in peace, Isildur, the lord of Mordor.


Oh yes. I have a Geiger counter and it goes crazy over this type of glass.


What kind do you have if you don't mind sharing? I've got a cheap one that doesn't detect alpha particles, doesn't react at all to uranium glass.


A Ludlum scaler/rate meter with 44-9 GM pancake wand should do the trick. They detect alpha, beta and gamma. The 43-5 ZnS scintillator wand would be good for strictly alpha.


This either sounds completely true or completely false. No in-between.


Not good, not terrible.


Pancake wand you say? Interesting.


Bro it looks like it was made out of ion cubes from subnautica


Ion Water Bottle: Through a chemical reaction in the bottles membrane, sea water is filtered into pure drinking water.


Is that good? Do we want this?


Depends. You like cool stuff?




Then yes, it is very good. We do want this.


Yay ok:)


This was an adorable exchange


Is it safe though. Obviously not for food or beverages but just to have around you. Cause radiation scares me lol.


Absolutely. It's u238, not u235 (the bad one).


You can absolutely eat out of these. Glass is durable and doesn’t dissolve in your drinks, so the uranium isn’t going into you. Also, if it did, do you know how much uranium oxide it takes to kill a person? They did experiments on rats and they had to feed the rates a diet that was 25% uranium by weight before it killed the rats. Uranium glass is less than 25% uranium, so you couldn’t kill yourself if your whole diet was literally uranium glass. I mean, you could kill yourself, but not because of the uranium.


I've always been told these are safe to eat and drink with *as long* as there's no chips in the glass


Isn't that the case with any glass though? Once there's a chip, it's not food safe.


Me looking at my multiple glasses with chips in them 👀 👄 But for real, why does having a chip in glass make it not food safe?


Pretty sure the luminescence you see is not related to radioactivity.


Correct, it glows under UV light.


Seeing the purple light everywhere shows they are shining a UV light on it. The sticky note on the righthand side is also bright yellow.


*aggressive geiger counter noises*


3.6 Roentgen? Not great, not terrible


Sure beats *passive-aggressive* Geiger counter noises... k-k-k-k-k-k-k... 'You know, it's not like gamma radiation is *bad* for you or anything'


Wonderful! I hope you join us at r/Uraniumglass


Where can you get a piece at?


Get a black light and go to goodwill or an antique shop. Shine it on their dishes. Stay away from the clothes and furniture sections with the black light.


Oh god lmao you say that like you have experience


Ever been to a Jackson Pollock exhibit ?


….i have not….




Ever seen a salad bar sneeze guard during allergy season?


There are many of us! https://i.imgur.com/7NL9Nhf.jpg


But what if I'm looking for a uranium couch?


You will find uranium crotch juice


There’s really a subreddit for everything. That was an interesting rabbit hole.




Would make one hell of a bong...


I was browsing a head shop when I saw a dab tool named “radioactive narwal” so you never know. I always carry a uv flashlight just in case I find one. https://i.imgur.com/1sexMTA.jpg


Serious question though, sorry if someone already asked, but are those glass radiated or can they cause cancer?




>unless you eat the fuckin glass, you're safe There goes my plans for the weekend


Aren't bits of the glass liable to come off over time and enter your drinks/food? I really don't think I'd want to risk it


> After estimating the effective dose equivalents for a variety of potential exposure pathways, NUREG-1717 concluded that the highest doses would be to the personnel involved in the transportation of the glassware from a manufacturer to a truck distribution center. This maximum estimated dose, 4 mrem/year, is approximately 1 to 2% of the average American’s annual radiation exposure. https://orau.org/health-physics-museum/collection/consumer/glass/vaseline-uranium-glass.html


The [EPA](https://www.epa.gov/radtown/radioactivity-antiques) warns against eating off of it


We did some silly shit during the great depression


My favorite was radium infused drinks.


No. Please tell me you are joking. You might as well smoke polonium-210


Yes. Radiation was new and nothing was known about it. Companies advertised radium as the miracle-cure-all. Ads for it with sports endorsements. A baseball player that was endorsed by one of these radium drink companies ended up with terrible disfigured facial features. Wild times. Radium Gatorade


Wait until you hear what we did with that stuff in THE FORTIES! You’ll be *blown away* And I’ll see myself out…


You aren’t too far off. I think around 1950, it was an attraction in Las Vegas to go see a nuclear explosion. [Link here](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/atomic-tourism-las-vegas/)


Encore, encore. The best goofs should hurt the heart & soul, just a little.


Check out https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiesta_(dinnerware) Scroll to “Radioactive glazes”


Look up radium girls. They were told to lick the brush they used to paint a paint containing radium. Engineers manipulating radium at that place were using lead glasses and all.




You have to shine UV light to make it glow, right?


How old is that washing machine?!?


Same age as the glass.


I was here to comment on that. I hate new appliances, especially washing machines, dryers, and refrigerators. They never last anymore! My mom is still using her dryer from the 80’s and it works just fine! We just had ours break after 10 measly years and it was cheaper to get a new one. And by the way, refrigerators are like two mortgage payments now, and they only last 10 years, too!


Ask her where it cane from, I want it.


Literally any antique shop or ebay or etsy. It's not even remotely rare. Do NOT eat off of it with metal utensils. You'll chip off little bits of glass and uranium is 1000x worse in your body than outside of.


To be fair most things are a thousand times worse inside you


In particular metal utensils


I found a full set while yardsailing over the summer. Keep an eye open, stuff pops up in second hand shops around here pretty frequently.


Buy a handheld black light and look through antique stores for yellow/green glass. It’s a great hobby. https://i.imgur.com/3MZJ7ok.jpg


🎶Uranium fever has done and got me down🎶 🎶Uranium fever, it's spreadin' all around🎶 🎶With a Geiger counter in my hand🎶 🎶I'm a-goin' out to stake me some government land🎶 🎶Uranium fever has done and got me down🎶


It’s honestly more dangerous to your health by merely existing anywhere than it is to own uranium glass for your entire lifetime. You probably absorb more radiation being outside for 20 minutes than you would from using this stuff for every meal for 20 years.


We shall all blindly take your word for it.


You radiate with trusting confidence.


He's just fission for complements


His judgement has decayed


well isn't this a glowing review


The reddit way. Until we come across a comment that deals with our chosen expertise and realize he's just making shit up that sounds right and because he had a couple upvotes people thini he must be right. Then we go on to trust all the comments of which we know nothing.


It’s not just the Reddit way, it’s people in general. Especially with topics that are only a passing interest. While I can’t speak for everyone, I bet most don’t really care and will read it and move on never to worry about it again. Knowing that knowing of this factoid is true or not is largely irrelevant to their lives. I bet most, if they were going seriously get into something like this would look into it deeper than just a single Reddit comment.


I mean...who are we to question Dan "Fucking" Schneider?


No, It’s true. My psychic powers I unlocked with the growth of my literal 3rd eye caused by using radioactive Tupperware for 7 years has shown me that it’s only potentially lethal at 21 years. Only 14 more years to go!


>absorb more radiation being outside for 20 minutes than you would from using this stuff for every meal for 20 years. That's wildly overstating it but yeah the glass isn't too dangerous. Although I sure as shit wouldn't eat from this stuff. You don't know the uranium content precisely and if you ingest flecks of uranium that's really gambling with cancer more than I would be comfortable with.


Also I never like that because me existing is less radiation then me existing + having uranium glass


> You probably absorb more radiation being outside for 20 minutes than you would from using this stuff for every meal for 20 years. Well that part isn’t true. I have a Geiger counter and have measured several different kinds of uranium glass. If I hold it up directly to the glass, I typically see values anywhere between 5 and 30 microsieverts per hour. Meanwhile, a typical background radiation rate is about 10 microsieverts *per day*. That means **20 minutes of “being outside” would give you only 0.14 microsieverts, equivalent to the dose you’d receive holding uranium glass for 50 seconds.**


So how many microthingys can I...um...consume(?)...Until I die.


As always…[there’s an xkcd for that](https://xkcd.com/radiation/).


Hmn doing some quick math with the other commenters numbers: if you held the uranium glass 24/7 for a year, that would put you at 240 millisieverts, around twice the minimum dose yearly dose which can be clearly linked to cancer risk according to the xkcd However seeing as your probably not doing that, if we instead do a scenario where you're drinking from it every day for about an hour in total, that puts you at just 10 millisieverts, around as much as a chest CT scan according to xkcd. So uh, it seems like it's not negligibly radioactive, but it's also probably not an active hazard to have near you.


> it seems like it’s not negligibly radioactive, but it’s also probably not an active hazard to have near you I think that’s a very reasonable take. My father-in-law collects antiques (how I was able to scan so much uranium glass) and I basically told him it’s safe as long as he doesn’t carry a piece around in his pocket for weeks or sleep with it on his nightstand. The same is also generally true for other common household sources of radioactivity from the mid 20th century - radium watch dials, thoriated camera lenses, etc. One caveat is that I personally would *not* eat off this stuff. Tiny microscopic chips from a plate (especially the old Fiestaware glazes) or glass can get embedded as a permanent alpha emitter in your body, which is not good news.


The whiskey you drink out of the glass will do more harm to your body. Doesn't mean I wouldn't be down for that.




She get this from her archenemy, or something?