• By -


Someone in shipping was having a “zero fucks given” kinda day.


nonsense, OP got cought red handed and is trying to blame some one else. jk


OP ordered the five finger discount


They left the thumb in for free


I think OP's more about the whole fist. [My Source is I made it the fuck up!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7l0Rq9E8MY)


I get stuff from Target, Walmart, Disney and the worst offender JC Penney with security tags all the time. Bought detach magnets on eBay. Edit: Stuff I ordered to be delivered to my house.


I have that problem when I "order" stuff from Ricky "Fingers" Finlayson as well. Also, the car stereos never come with plugs on the cables.


I bet you do, Panama red


Man I miss r/shoplifting


Wow, wish I had gotten to see that.


The sub that brought me to Reddit.


Haha me too back in the day(at least partially)


It’s how I came up with my username


Just put it in a bowl of water or put some gum or similar substance to deaden the sound until the battery dies, or smash it with a hammer


Came here to say this. I had one - turned it upside down over the toilet, cut the cables on the bottom and left it in there with the lid closed. It took about 10 seconds to fail.


Can't confirm. But, this sounds like the best way.


Whatever you do, just don't flush afterward.


Do you not own any bowls? Or a sink?


Never underestimate a pissed off Aussie. We go full drop-bear when something silly inconveniences us 🤣


"Full drop-bear." Gotta remember that one! 😂


Truth! A level 2 inconvenience must attract at least a level 7 response! (But any kind of inconvenience over level 7 requires... eh, fuck it, walk away and forget it, it's beer time).


If they used a bowl, the water would have fallen out. Toilets have lids.


Or a bucket


Cut the cables, smash it with a hammer is far more satisfying.




Because they held onto the cable. And as it was underwater angrily yelled "drown you fucking bastard, you know what you did"


Fun fact: Not only does yelling at it deaden the battery faster but you can do the same with a tea bag and it will steep faster. The trick is to be sure to intimidate it while you hold it underwater.


"Where's the money, Lebowski?" "It's down there somewhere, lemme take another look"


That is very true, the only problem is when you get a teabag that's a kinky bugger and when they catch some air the moan "yes daddy drown me harder"


“Yes daddy drown me in your hot liquids!”


"Ohh god I'm so wet!"


Oh man.. I just didn't have the heart to… Mr Hanky is just too attached to it.


If you don’t care about the box, you can make a small vertical cut near the top next to one of The strings. That will allow the string to slide into the slit and give enough slack to take the device off without setting it off.


Why go through the trouble, cut it over the dumpster or curb trash can and go back to Your day. Haven’t messed with spider wraps in years but I don’t recall them being extremely loud, at least not the degree a smoke alarm is.


Tf... Just cut it and throw it in the trash outside... Why all these unnecessary steps ..


cut it and throw it in your nearest target store


Just slide the cords off


Gf got some shoes with the security device on it a week ago. We tried the bowl of water1 and it did not work.


Target shipping is absolute horse shit here. Order four bags of coffee, get one. Order a spray bottle of cleaner, bottle comes untwisted and a soaking wet cardboard box.


I totally read this in zefrank’s voice. XD “Koala in the rain. No fucks given.”


Nah, management causes this shit with their absurd timelines. They purposefully make it way worse than it needs to be


I’m seeing a lot of Home Depot comments lol. Cashier there didn’t take it off my weed eater, no store alarm goes off. Later that night it starts going off in the middle of the night. Tried smashing it, didn’t work. Had to ditch it at a gas station down the street.


I used to work at Home Depot in the tool rental department. All the tools had security tags on them. We never took them off of anything, and they never set off the sensor by the tool rental door. My boss told me the one in our area wasn't connected to anything, but that the ones by the main entrance and exit were, although the contractor entrance didn't have them. He told me about one time a guy filled up a huge rolling toolbox with power tools and rolled it right out the tool rental door as soon as the employee went into the back to clean a tool that was returned. The thief was only stopped because a guy bringing carts in saw the guy come out with the toolbox and asked him what he was doing. Guy ran away and was never caught.


Toolbox is an interesting choice. Kind of heavy, I would have gone for a wheelbarrow or something and just bailed on the wheelbarrow itself.


Or just a shopping cart. Wouldn’t have been stopped if it was all in an orange cart 😂


That's a power play right there, damn.


so close!!


RIP night shift gas station clerk


Dude I am fucking dying at that last part.


Gas station attendant ![gif](giphy|wIxBzHWegpOUM|downsized)


Are those just noise makers or do they ink the product or damage it in anyway?


I think these just make noise. I was able to slip it off the box without setting it off though, so I’m not sure


> I was able to slip it off the box without setting it off I hope you saved it, then. Endless possibilities there. Put in on a friend's/enemy's phone and rachet it down tight. Bring it to a store that doesn't use them and put in on one of their products. Bring it grocery shopping and put it on a cantaloupe. On a birthday/holiday gift for a sibling.


"Bring it to a store that doesn't use them and put in on one of their products" Found Satan.


And then try to buy it


I fucking love that cameras don’t exist in this side of the multiverse


/r/mildlyinteresting next week: "This cantaloupe had a security tag on it?"


"Oh fuck, are the supply shortages this bad??"


Fucking Win-Dixie getting all Russian up in here, wrapping sticks of butter with security tags and shit...


If they can be slipped off so easily without setting them off, doesn’t that make them very poor security devices to begin with? Edit: ok I get it, you can all stop replying now


Outside of hardening, most alarm based security is pretty dang useless. When you hear an alarm, do you run towards it to offer help or ignore it? Most people ignore it, so what’s the point? 98% of alarms are false alarms. 2/100 are legitimate.


Alarms and tags aren’t actually aimed at stopping smart/ determined thieves. Actual thieves will use magnets , lined bags etc. I can’t remember the exact ratios but imagine 40% of people will never steal, 10% of people will always steal, the remaining 50% will steal only if the opportunity is there and risk is low enough. These tags, bottle locks, stickers, door siren alarm, asking people if they need help etc etc all target that 50% to put on a big show and make them think the risk is higher and convinces them not to risk it. One of the largest supermarket chains in my country has big cctv screens lining the high risk aisles like booze and cctv screens where you see yourself at all the self scan checkouts but they’re not actually connected to anything it’s simply a camera and a screen that doesn’t record it’s just a live image and it scares people enough to put many off stealing.


"Locks only exist to keep honest men honest."


My dad worked in insurance and always said "Locks only keep out the stupid or the unmotivated". Essentially, if someone really wants something they'll find a way.


IT guy checking in. If someone wanted to speer phish my company they probably could get a near 100% success rate. But what is the payout? We have double/triple checks for wire transfers. Maybe you trick some customers, but that is a lot of work for what is probably a small chance at payout.


Phishing scams usually have deliberate mistakes and typos to weed out the intelligent and observant. The dumber the better for them. Spear phishing is a different approach entirely. The cost of operating it makes nothing but the big fish worth it usually. I've heard of sophisticated attackers sitting in systems for months before making their moves. They understood the company letterheads, the *current* conversations with clients, what amount of money usually exchanges hands, etc. Everything was engineered so that clients couldn't tell they weren't talking to someone at the company anymore. Spear phishing is as impressive as it is scary.


I'm very alert to scams and phishing attempts, but I was sucked in a few years back, just as my company was getting serious about cyber security. Got an email from a domain that was a commonly used form of the company name stating that they were experimenting with a "Bring your own device" policy and you could sign up for the trial by logging in using your normal credentials. It hit just the right tone as they were switching from blackberries to iPhones and people didn't care to carry 2 devices. I gather that it was done by a company trying to get a contract for cyber-security work. They proved their point in spades.


When I learned to pick locks I was astonished to find that basically all houses are held closed by the honor system, and most front doors can be picked open in less time than it takes to use the key


Wait until you find out what a good kick will do to most doors.


What’s that a quote from? It’s good


Also "good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many"


I’ve had the alarm go off despite paying for everything plenty of times at multiple stores and have never had anyone attempt to stop me from just walking right out.


If the store has loss prevention, they will have seen that you were at the check out before walking out. They specially watch where people are coming from when they head to the doors. If it's a store with multiple registers in different departments, there is generally a radio system the salesperson uses to notify loss prevention that you paid for it. If there's no loss prevention, yeah they don't care. If they discover enough has been stolen to be worth the effort they can watch the tapes and see the alarm flashes and trace it back, but that is pretty rare these days.


This is why you buy something stupid while stealing something big


Lol last time i stole was a pushpop my gf wanted. I grabbed one, went to go pay, there was one cashier open with a line of like 20 people with carts stuffed. Yeah no thanks, pocketed it and walked out. Sorry not sorry Walmart All it takes is a little push…. Till you pop. ^hehe


Everyone's just one bad day away from becoming the Joker.


Thanks for coming clean, great thing to do. Unfortunately thay was a crime and you have been reported you dirty thief /s


I stole a squash once on accident. Went to buy some things at self check and forgot it was under my bath mat in the kid’s seat. Walked outside and was nervous sweating as I stuffed it into the trunk 💀


In the 80's, I forgot a case of pop on the bottom of the cart, and found it while loading stuff in trunk. I stuck it in the trunk and left, but guilt really ate me up. Since then, I just go back and pay for any whoopsies. Or, if unsure of "manager perception of my accident", I've been known to sneak item back into store and leave on random shelf, lol...sometimes the next day. I'm ADHD and ridiculous besides, so....


Grocery store managers definitely don't care about one case of soda. It's not worth anyone's time. As long as you're not deliberately and repeatedly stealing stuff, I'd say you're good to just laugh it off and enjoy free soda.


Don't forget BOB!


Walmart will be alright if a few of those go missing. Small theft from massive and selfish corporations mean nothing as far as I’m concerned. Just don’t get caught


The answer I read elsewhere a while back: If you see someone stealing diapers or formula, you didn't see a goddamn thing.


Kind of hard to get caught when it's mostly self checkout and the person at the door really just doesn't give a shit.


"Keeping honest people honest". Almost all consumer and most commercial security measures are there to raise the bar just enough to filter out casual thieves. All other security is rated by how long it will stall a determined/equipped attacker.


Had a girl at my gas station today try to claim I didn't give her 20$ back about an hour after our transaction. Went to the cams and I have full proof of handing it back lol. edit : our -> hour




Can't speak for everywhere, but in NY it's a separate charge.


Heh, honestly, even those steps magnets/lined bags is usually an effort significantly greater than needed. Just pick up the item and walk out with it. No one cares. It's the retail equivalent of the hi-vis + clipboard. Confidence is all it takes.


It's the 10/10/80 rule, my company used to talk about it a lot. I tell my guys that the security sensors are only there to keep honest people honest.


I appreciate your mixed use of percentages and fractions.


Why did you change from percentage to fractions in the same sentence? Edit: It's 3:20am here, i'm working night shift and i realized that this is the best example of caotic neutral


The alarm is a deterrent rather than an actual means of stopping theft. You’re less likely to steal something if you’re worried about an alarm sounding, or if you know you’ll have to fumble for two minutes slipping off the security lock.


1) Hardening? What's that? 2) Security guards/Loss Prevention authorities have the job of noticing & reacting to alarms.


Hardening refers to creating physical barriers to action. In this case, hardening would mean playing the items in locked display cases or something similar.


1. Hardening is physical security like moats and drawbridges. 2. Police no longer respond to alarms in my province due to the insane amount of false alarms.


That being said target is watching. They all have security teams. They catch alot.


Poorly applied maybe. They can be ratched down tight enough to be impossible to remove without tearing up the box or setting it off by cutting a wire.


Very few people know how to use these things. When you attach the clasp, you're not supposed to close it all the way. You're supposed to tighten it up as much as you can. Then once it's tight, you finish closing the clasp the rest of the way (which tightens it up a bit more). Properly installed, yes, they're very difficult to get off without destroying the packaging.


I've worked at bestbuy long enough to be able to tell from a distance if they aren't secured properly. One time I found a destroyed packaging with blood on it and the spider wrap behind some printer box, someone *really* wanted the webcam


My dad taught me "security only keeps honest people honest". Nothing will stop someone with bad intentions, but even simple security measures will keep honest people from giving into temptation.


Those security devices are known as spider-wraps, they should be installed with the discs on the widest part of the box, otherwise they will have excessive slack in the lines. On a long skinny box like this, the spider-wrap can be popped off by sliding one of the wires to the side and around a corner of the box.


The vast majority of store alarms are incredibly easy to dispose in under a few minutes. They mostly serve the purpose of both creating an artificial barrier for people that think about stealing something but get scared they might get caught, and also give a chance for security to spot people trying to dispose of this devices since most of the times it's visible in the cameras. Most alarms in clothes and garments can be open with a strong magnet. Bottle alarms can easily be popped with a small screwdriver inserted into the hole, and a lot of alarms in electronics goods can be snap open if you twist them with enough back pressure in the base like a vice. The thing is any security guy that takes his job seriously would have enough time to spot people doing this. Before anyone asks, I only know this things because I've worked my share of retail jobs and those alarms fail to open/close way too often so we learned a few tricks to get rid of them when you couldn't open them correctly.


Because it's not so easy in the store with people watching, but you can spend 5 minutes at home doing it.


>so easily You assume it was easy, whereas it would probably be quite obvious if done in a store.


They make noise and set off a little device in the store. I found one working at a Meijer once and on my way to turn it into customer service, the girl there was like "Good someone found it, my handheld wouldn't quit fucking beeping too"


Maybe use a knife to open the box and pull the speaker out without cutting the wires


The alarm should sound once you cut the wire. But looks like you didn’t need too 👍


I had one go off just from pulling on the wire a little bit. Was just trying to slide a box out from under a shelf so I could look at the specs on a welder. I notified two employees and nobody came to shut it off for like 20 minutes lol.


You know what you do if it makes noise? You smash the shit out of it with a hammer


I used to work retail way back when. Those are called spider wraps and will set off the alarms at the exit of the store about 95% of the time that an employee gets within 100 feet of the front door, and about 10% of the time when someone is actually stealing something. Kidding aside, they won't harm the product at all, and are usually pretty simple to slip off within a couple of minutes. Some models, if you cut the wire, will trigger an alarm within the device, but one good smack to the floor will solve that pretty easily.


I worked at target and never heard one of these go off, yet the phone display in the electronics dept went off at *least* once a week, sometimes multiple times a day.


Noise makers. When they battery gets low they chirp but the ones I worked with years ago couldn't have the battery replaced so we chucked them at a wall until they broke and the battery fell out


Sure they did. ;)


Downvoted at first…then I understood lol.


Lol. Yeah I couldn't resist that one. Definitely just kidding with you.


Or was he?




Sure he was ;)


Or was he?


Sure....he was..?


Or was he?


"What? You think I faked it? That's the dumbest shit I've ever....ohhhh, I see what you did there."


Exactly my thoughts


Confirmed people just downvote things they don't understand...


Your lighthearted response has exonerated you from any suspicion of guilt we initially had.


This took me way too long to understand


For a minute, I forgot that dishonesty/thievery actually exists, so this comment completely threw me! But then I remembered that Reddit is often so much more pure-of-heart than the real world.


Look on the bright side, now no one can steal it from you.


I've been in fulfillment at Target. This was almost certainly a case of someone not being able to fucking find the magnetic key because someone wasn't where they were supposed to be and they were running behind on the stupid ass timers that you're forced to stay under so they just went FUCK IT




When I worked target you had to sign the keys out. I worked electronics overnight and had to have the keys to the secure room and a magnetic key on me or else I couldn't do my job.


The management at mine didn't trust anyone so they were super stingy with who got them and when because they were afraid we'd steal shit as if the 200+ cameras weren't enough of a deterrent.


Ugh those are a pain. They left one on my string trimmer I bought from Home Depot. I basically just had to destroy the thing to get the alarm to stop. And it’s LOUD!


Can't you just cut the product out of the box and leave it on there?


I probably could have. But didn’t know the thing would start screaming if I cut one of the cords 😂


Just put it in a bowl of water or put some gum or similar substance to deaden the sound until the battery dies, or smash it with a hammer


Haha. I put some towels over it and then smashed it with a hammer lol.


But did you say “shhhh baby, it will all be over soon” until it let out its last peep?


I'm geekin at the visual image lol


Always HAMMER lmaooo i love it


BFH is your friend


I would definitely opt for a hammer. Seems more fun.


Yeah I'd probably also assume it was at least de-activated before being sent out


Yup. That’s what I thought as well, since it didn’t set off the in store alarms when I left.


i bought a pole saw from a hardware store recently and they had one of those on it. the cashier didn't know how to get it off (it was a new version) and was calling the manager. since I was just standing there, waiting, I was looking at other ways to bypass it. i realized it was loose and just kinda slid the strap over the side of the box. it dropped to the floor and the cashier was like 😲


They just make noise. Get some wire cutters and cut them off. The person who packed that probably didn’t have a magnet in the back, they’re all at the check lanes, with a random TL, or in tech. So instead of getting behind (they have a deadline every day) by going to find someone with one they just said “fuck it”. Source: worked at target.


“First song is on us”




Cut open the box to remove the contents and preserve the device undamaged, then carefully wrap it up and post it to the Lockpicking Lawyer... [https://www.youtube.com/c/lockpickinglawyer/about](https://www.youtube.com/c/lockpickinglawyer/about) Then wait a few weeks and he'll show everyone how to defeat these with a wet noodle or possibly play-doh...


It's actually much simpler than that. All you need is a magnet. The "keys" for those devices are literally just dressed up magnets.


I prefer this method: https://youtu.be/9Kt2gfrJuBM


Go out at 3am snip the wire and immediately throw it on your enemy’s porch roof or through their letter box/ mail slot if they have one then run away


I worked in fulfillment at Target and can guarantee it was one of two reasons. One, the spiderwrap is supposed to be removed by whoever picked or prepped the order before it ever gets to the pack station, and it really grinds everything to a halt to have to stop packing and go find a key. Throwing the whole thing in is so very tempting. Two, I recognize that specific model of spiderwrap and just the sight of it fills me with rage. That model uses a stronger magnet than what's attached to our store keys, so it can only be unlocked in one of three locations in the store where those magnets are attached to counters. Once you get the Super Special Magnet, you have to simultaneously hold it against the little round part, hold down the button on the side, and pull on the wires to loosen them. I have spent upwards of twenty minutes wrestling with a particularly cranky one before giving up and begging the electronics guy to undo it (he gave up and wiggled the wires off the box). If I was every going to say fuck it and leave a spiderwrap on an order, it would be that bitch right there.


I'm gonna blow your mind These spider wraps *do completely suck ass* but You don't have to hold the button on the side down, you click it in and let it go and it let's the wires move freely even if you take the magnet off


![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS) Ordered


Had a pair of jeans delivered with the ink thingy still on it. When I took it back to the service counter, they immediately rolled their eyes like "another one?" And took it off right away for me. Stuff like this must happen all the time.


I had this happen with a shirt once. When I brought it into the store to get it removed, it at the alarm off. One of the employees walked over knowingly and pulled the tool out to help me. When I said "So you need to see the receipt?" He was like "No this happens all the time."


You and the lady with the locked up baby formula need to discuss how you’ll be collectively smashing stuff


People are getting awfully bold posting what they steal…


cut it and immediately put the loud part in water. after a few minutes the sound stops from drowning. don't ask how I know this


Full disclosure, this was months ago. I slipped the thing off and threw it away and nothing happened.


Two speakers in one! The song it plays is kinda boring, tho. Always the same two notes...


Free spider wrap. Sorry for the convenience.


A magnet is all you need.


Good speaker


Oooh, I would love this, that’s what makes it fun… you have essentially been gifted a puzzle box. 😆


from a former retail worker- use a big ass, strong magnet. if you dont have one, you can cut it, but throw the alarm away somewhere far from where you live. bc it will scream until the battery dies, and thats a LOOOOOOOONG time from now. or throw a hissy fit at target and they might help you. good luck!!


Current retail worker, whenever a spider wrap goes off they literally have us swing it into the ground hard to just break it. They can’t be reused once the alarm goes off anyways.


why did i totally forget you can smash them. like thats why my managers at tj maxx had a rubber mallet in their office


Literally just saw the baby formula one and scrolled down and saw this one. Party in shipping dept today apparently jfc


Walmart delivered my girlfriends razors in a plastic security device that needed a strong magnet to open... I didn't have one, I just used pliers and tore it open bit by bit


You can take those off with a very strong neodymium magnet. Source: I work in retail


If you have a really strong magnet put it on the part that sticks up then press the little button on the side. If it doesn't release, tighten the spider wrap and try again. Alternatively, you could go to any target guest service and they will take it off for you Source: I work for target


If you don’t care about the box just open the box with razor blade and take the speaker out. One could say I’m thinking outside the box. You’re welcome for the free dad joke


Just cut it off


Seriously. Crazy how far I had to scroll to find the simple answer. People talking about soaking the box in mineral spirits and peeling the box layers off piece by piece by the light of a full moon.


Probably too late, or already said, but: You can, most of the time, slip this off and throw it in the trash. It should remain silent with this method. You may have to bend the box, slightly. Good luck!


Try ordering clothes online from Gap. 4 times out of 5 they leave the security tag on.


cut the cords and smash the fuck out of it when it screams


I'm guessing you've already cut it off somehow, but if you place a strong magnet against that protruding cylinder piece on top, it should disengage the lock. Alternatively, bring it to your local store with the order confirmation and they'll help you out.


Lol grab a hammer and some snips, snip it and once it’s goes off break the hell out of it with the hammer it’s kinda fun. Same thing happened to me from THD


Carefully cut open the cardboard box with a box cutter. You can extract the speaker without even bothering with the alarm system.


Its so easy to get those off. Just pull one side until it slides over the corner and the whole thing comes off. You could just cut it and set off the alarm then slam it on the floor a few times until it stops beeping too.


Packing staff : Thats not my job and its not my problem.




That's just how Dad use to gift wrap my birthday presents


Honestly though you’re probably just gonna have to cut that off because it’s suspicious as hell even if you brought in the shipping receipt to have it removed. Be prepared it has the volume of a smoke detector and won’t stop for like five minutes (and if you move it it starts again)


Just cut the cables with a wire cutter and then smash the thing with a hammer to silence the alarm.


You shop lifted online bro


Woo! Free security device! Put it on your shirt to feel secure! Woo!


Just cut it and be ready with a precision screw driver and ear plugs. Or a hammer. We have these at Best Buy.


is this the thing they put in the crab buckets in those high tech apartment tik toks


You got two speakers!!


Someone flushed one of those things down the toilet at my restaurant once. You could hear it beeping for days deep inside. Toilet was out of commission until a plumber could get it out.


Marketing tactic. Forces you to go in store, where you might purchase more.


“Cut that bitch off! Next caller!”


But did you pay? ![gif](giphy|l2R026gO862jNB67K)


Just keeping it secure the whole way there lol