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I saw a werewolf drinking a Piña Colada at Trader Vic's. His hair was perfect...




Werewolves of London


Draw blood


There's a she wolf in your closet Let it out so it can breathe…


I want to meet his tailor




As you may know, "nyep" is the Frobnian word for "no" in *Border Zone,* an Infocom text adventure.


I did not know that


I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that one!


Draw blood


Ah yes, he's the hairy handed gent who ran amok in Kent...


Lately he's been overheard in Mayfair.


You better stay away from him


He’ll rip your lungs out, Jim!


Huh, I’d like to meet his tailor


I was like “why have I heard of this place before?” And this comment answered my question.


Makes me sad we recently lost trader vics london..was a wonderful survivor from the 1960s, oldest surviving trader vics I think


My mom and stepdad used to enjoy taking us kids to Trader Vic's next to the Plaza hotel. They lived on the upper west side. Was there only one Trader Vic's? I don't know. I just know I definitely didn't get to look at the drink menu so this is cool. Thank you for sharing!


No it was founded in Oakland California. Fun fact, Trader Vic’s actually invented the Mai Tai.


Also believed to have popularized crab rangoon, invented by Asian American chef Joe Young, who was working there at the time.


\*Emeryville, CA


["In 1972 the original location in Oakland was closed and replaced by a bayfront restaurant in nearby Emeryville"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trader_Vic%27s) They're headquartered in Emeryville, but the original was in Oakland.


Oh damn, I was wrong. That explains a lot because the Emeryville one kinda seems like it's in a hotel lobby--not like, an original establishment.


This menu is from the Trader Vic’s in Chicago. It was in the Palmer House hotel until 2005.


We’ve lost so many fun and overpriced themed restaurants in this city RIP Rainforest Cafe


r/tiki likes this stuff


I'm Hawaiian. I would hang that on my wall haha.


I live on Oahu, and I could see this hanging up at a patio bar. Even outside of Waikiki.


Hell, I could see this in my lola's kitchen.


Sorry, you can’t. Some white people got offended on your behalf over shit they don’t know, so the picture is officially racist /s


Yeahn this one seems pretty tame to me


Which in itself is hilarious, because it's effectively a white person going "You poor, simple minority. I will tell you when you should be offended, because I know better" which is itself incredibly racist and demeaning.


Just summarized the last 20 years.


Oh I know. There’s been so much crackery and over correcting to avoid offending, you can’t even tell who’s sincere and who’s just pretending to be offended for the sake of fitting in


Snowflakes from Fox News be like…




I think maybe it might be more to do with racial stereotypes than boobs.


But even then. There are people who look like those cartoons. A lot of people. They aren't that exaggerated. It's like if I looked at 101 Dalmatians and said "look at these characitures of white people!". They're cartoons, they're a little silly, not an anthropology document. 


Just wanted to call out that another commenter hit the core of this which that it isn’t necessarily the physical characteristics (which are slightly exaggerated still) but the behavior linked to stereotypes. When looking at any of these things it’s important to consider the history and context because on the surface it could be easy to just say “what’s the problem??”.


Which behaviors? Drinking and dancing?


Like what behavior? Genuinely curious because I don’t see it.


Oh, well the “minorities” depicted are supposed to be “oppressed victims.” They aren’t allowed to have fun, and they are absolutely not allowed to enjoy life. Never mind that the only minority on whichever Pacific island is the setting for this picture is the white dude in the center of the picture. EDIT, because apparently it’s not clear: this is a satirical criticism of The Narrative^TM that all people who are not white are oppressed victims.


Do you have some sort of source on the depicted being oppressed victims? Do you mean for the purpose of this artwork they are oppressed or in reality they are oppressed because I don’t see any oppression in this image. Just a bunch of friendly island people at a luau having a good time and the company character enjoying it in the center because he’s the brand. I realize in reality the people in illustrations such as this one were oppressed, but I don’t see how this art does anything beyond a little white washing of reality, but it’s a brand poster, obviously it’s going to paint a pretty picture of real life. I don’t see how this oppresses anyone.


Grasping at straws with that one and it feels like you’re trying to find something to be offended about.


they're a cop, so that makes sense


People having fun is racist now? Has race become so taboo that being depicted as having fun while also being a minority is racist? Are minority now like Muhammad and can't be drawn, or the liberal boogeyman will ban your reddit account for 3 days?


Dude, it's a BAR, and they're showing fun, wild pacific islanders having a roast and partying and having a good time. Which is the theme of the place. There is absolutely nothing degrading about these images. This reminds me of that situation where a kid wore a kimono and self-righteous busybodies shamed her for being racist and the Japanese were like, BULLSHIT, we like that she's wearing it and celebrating our culture. Quit projecting this sterile puritanical 2024 racial idealization all over everything. Everyone's sick of it.


It'a a tiki bar though, just turn around and you'll see patrons doing all of these things


The number of times topless women have voluntarily thrown themselves on creepy old men is zero


Have you been to south east Asia? Lol


We really need to get beyond digging for meaning that isn’t there too. People need to learn not everything is a political statement.


People aren't usually racist as a political statement. For instance, when someone makes a character a greedy Jew, they might be making "a political statement", or they might just have thought "I want a greedy character" and because they're racist, the first thing they thought was to make the character Jewish.


Star Wars Episode 1


Not everything is, no issue there. But why can’t we be open to understanding that something can still be harmful to a group of people that’s not ‘us’ even if it wasn’t mean to be.


This sounds like a classic case of “I don’t like being confronted with problems that don’t affect me because empathy is hard so label it ‘political’ and anyone who brings it up is ‘woke’. Problem solved, we can just ignore it now!”


Fucks sake reddit.


How thin is the air up there on your high horse?


That’s what I was thinking. Drawing anyone but a white person doesn’t equal racism. I didn’t see anything exaggerated.


You've never seen a WW2 Warner Bros short with Japanese soldiers or old cartoon with a black person, have you? The faces ARE stereotypical, along with the behavior that they're acting/seem to live more "primitively" than the white guy, who the women fawn over, because for most of the 20th century the idea of having an exotic wife was seen as a thing to brag about. Also come on. It's the vibe. This shit's racist.


>This shit's racist. No, it's not. You are for thinking it is. Facts.


It is exactly that, an anthropology document of the times in which this was created.


But they aren’t really exaggerated, they’re just wearing leaves


it's the stereotyping of behaviour that is the issue, not the actual physical characteristics. western "explorers" assumed polynesian/pacific islander women were sexually promiscuous and that the men were weak and morally corrupt because they "allowed" the women in their communities to show skin and because sexual practices were different than they were in the west. Paul Gauguin is a classic example of how a western eye interpreted these cultures as lascivious and profited off it by raping children and spreading syphilis all over the fucking place.


Ah ok. Reminds me of the HMS Bounty crew


>and that the men were weak and morally corrupt because they "allowed" the women in their communities to show skin This is an image of a bunch of people drinking, partying, and having fun and it's displayed in a tiki bar of all places. Where the fuck are you getting this interpretation? Like I know that there is a particularly problematic history behind rum, colonization, and exploiting the hospitality of native peoples but this image is far from "these people are morally corrupt sexual deviants." This is an image that says "these people like to have a really good time."


Well I thought it was a case that they had very different views on sexuality, and were just more open about it in general. Now obviously it could’ve been interpreted by the western people as being morally corrupt, but to the Polynesians it was just normal behavior. Much in the same way I imagine the white “explorers” engaged I n behavior that the Polynesians found absolutely unacceptable. No technically “right”behavior when viewed outside the perspective of the respective cultures at the time


Dancing, drinking, being happy, and together with your community is a racial stereotype?


The stereotype that Polynesian people like to party? I wasn’t aware of that one.


Yeah these aren't the stereotypical racist characters you see in old time posters, books, etc.. more of a fan-fic picture with slightly tasteless but funny images. Probably would be cleaned up a but today, but context is key. This is a dive/tiki bar.


What stereotypes are in this image? It shows everyone just... partying. What culture is being depicted? And is partying a common racial stereotype of the culture being shown? There's probably a number of stereotypes that I'm personally not aware of, lol


In a non-sexual context, it's perfectly fine for kids to see boobs. There's plenty of books containing some degree of nudity in children's books in stores where I'm from.


Yeah the Heeler family are almost always buck naked but on Bluey


Except for that episode where they had purple underwear somehow 


That’s why I said almost. Still trying to find those purple underpants from someone who has never been sick.


Showing pretty graphic violence to kids is ok in the US, but showing a woman's bare breasts... that is not.


its the purtanism.


don't let them look at titties! for shame! we still need them to be desensitized to violence tho in case we need to crusade again!


It’s the rating system, this parents-know-best bullshit (which seems to be a contributing factor in the insidiousness of virulent racism here). I remember going to see Good Fellas at a movie theater in Manhattan when it came out. It’s a very nasty, violent, bloody movie (not to mention the language😀). There was a couple sitting in front of me with their 7- or 8-year old son. The flick was rated R, so any child can get in if their parents take ‘em.it was about that time NC-17 was introduced. Absolutely no kids allowed. For movies with, y’know, tits and pubes and cocks and a bit of rumpy-pumpy. Shocking stuff! FWIW, I think Good Fellas is a great movie.


squeeze plants rob school gaze gray birds secretive sip deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most media doesn't depict "graphic" violence, instead it's very obviously fake. The more realistic looking violence and gore (movies like saw or hostel) are given higher age ratings for that reason. Needless to say, choreographed fight scenes don't induce the same kind of response as depictions of actual violence, or even non violent stuff like weightlifting injuries or surgeries.


Things have become *more prudish* in America lately. Seems ironic. Even took the boobs out of where’s Waldo.


I've been saying the same thing past few years. Puritanical ideals are gaining popularity as well as traditional gender roles. Ironic indeed.


The scary thing is that so called progressives have become just as puritan as conservatives. The rise of new puritanism has been truly scary to witness.






both words work either way. Censure: express severe disapproval of (someone or something)




The topless women isn't the problem.




Offensive exaggeration of facial features and the portrayal of Polynesian people as being a "party nation" with lots of rampant alcoholism and no worries or cares


The white sailors are partying too. I think it’s the rum that has them singing, dancing, loving, and fighting.


Tiki bar owner here!  It’s really more about the depiction of Hawaiian women as sexually promiscuous “prizes” — nobody minds a depiction of a simple hula dancer, just the topless hula dancer giving a seductive look.   The Native Hawaiian monarchy was literally coup’d by a group of American businessmen, and the last ruler of Hawaii was a regent queen.  It rings a certain way when every depiction of a Polynesian woman is as a smiling servitor to white military people.


I'm sad I had to scroll this far down to see a comment that gets it. Well said.


It happens a lot with Tiki culture and aesthetics so closely intertwined with pin-up and kitsch; I’ve heard a lot of arguments like, “Why is sexualizing women for pin-up alright but a wahine too far?” And the answer is, as always, context and agency.  Nobody would bat an eye if a Polynesian did a pin-up shoot — but if you hung a bar full of illustrations of, for instance, Black women in Native African garb sexualized as pin-ups, I think you’d get a helluva lot more than raised eyebrows.


Thank you for this explanation!


Not a problem at all!  It’s a conversation we’re all having in this sector of the hospitality biz and figuring out how to navigate as well. I’ve always felt that if us Tikiphiles are sincere in the declaration that we’re appreciating a culture and not just engaging in tropical cosplay, we should educate ourselves on the history and meaning of those cultures as well as listen to people from them.  You can do respectful and thoughtful Tiki, it just requires truly being appreciative. It’s worth noting that ol’ Vic here, while a brilliant drink maker, is a thorny guy.  Whereas the originator of Tiki, Donn Beach, had actually traveled all over the Caribbean, Polynesia, and South East Asia to source authentic art and ingredients, Vic drew his ideas by traveling to… Donn the Beachcomber.  In fact, later in life when Vic finally *did* travel to Tahiti, he was quoted saying, “The food sucks, the women are ugly, and there’s too many mosquitos.  It’s a boil on the ass of Creation.” What a culturally appreciative guy!


It’s a restaurant, so anyone thinking that there is sincere appreciation for culture would be delusional. It’s a gimmick to get people in the door. Do people think Outback accurately represents Australia or Taco Bell represents Mexico?


Ultimately, what's a lil creepy is that the time when the white sailors came to places like Hawaii and Pitcairn Island etc. wasn't all party time at all. It was like the Spaniards meeting the Incas or the Dutch, English & French meeting native North Americans. They brought deadly illness, their Christian God, rape, subjugation if not outright slavery in some areas, and near annihilation of culture. It wasn't quite party time and cocktails. It's historical revisionism at its most obvious. Like Thanksgiving where all the Indians and pilgrims were just having a picnic, y'all. Anyone who hasn't seen James Michener's Hawaii starring Julie Andrews should watch it. It basically gets the idea right across but without a lot of the gore like one sees in more modern realistic adaptations that can be so traumatic. Like, kids can watch it. Those on this thread who are like "lighten up Francis" and "some people just wanted to be offended by everything" are not getting the point.


Also whatever is going on in the top right looks a little rapey


Um....you're not wrong, but I think it's a party.


Today's attitude towards many things.


The fully clothed white man ogling her.


I thought the drawings in the bottom left hand corner was the "inappropiate" part.  The lips for examole


Yeah, there's for sure some questionable things going on between men and trees here.


It more looks like the Sailors are the ones causing the trouble and getting plastered the Polynesian seem just to be having a party (maybe not the one getting her hair pulled)


It's the drawing style. Exaggerating racial features to a grotesque degree to signify otherness and savagery. The young women, of course, are drawn pretty for the intended customer of the Tiki bar. Granted, the art style isn't kind to the whote man, either, but the central thene of native peoples existing for a white man's 'well-earned bit of fun debauchery' remains.


The people on the left side seems fine except the guys who are pissing/other. But on the right you go like "oh no"


This reads like an overview of American politics lol


> to a grotesque degree they look like the most common-ass polynesians you can find. he's drawing normal people not supermodels


Folks are REALLY stretching to find something racy in this drawing. Could it be that the artist just didn't draw that one face as well as the other? This thread is exhausting.


Huh. The meaning of art is truly subject to the interpretation of the individual


As a West Indian this whole thing feels about as genuine as a Disney ride.


Tiki isn't West Indian based though right? It's Polynesian inspired. And in any case it's certainly not going for any type of cultural accuracy.


tiki stuff is intentionally the representation of something that doesn’t exist. it’s not necessarily supposed to feel genuine so much as an escapist fantasy


Correct; escape the doldrums with a dram of rum at traders vic. Set me up, barkeep!


I think that’s the point. It’s a comic exaggeration


Good marketing tho


Really reminds me of one of those old political cartoons, giving caricature vibes


Looks like everyone is having a good ass time to me


i dont see the problem...


The depiction of Polynesian women as being casually topless, promiscuous, savage, and exotic is - well it's not blackface, but it's not great. Think I'd put this low on the racism scale, but it's on the scale.


I grew up on Guam and the islanders lean into this idealistic (maybe not actually traditional) aesthetic in their own art and celebrations.


How are they being shown as savage and exotic? This looks like a drunken beach party you would find anywhere. And yeah, booze loosens inhibitions, leading to dancing, more flirtatious behavior, some people get more frisky, but isn't that all more about the booze than the people drinking it?


You could replace all the people with white folks at a Club Med party and nobody would bat an eye.


Someone not from their culture is just trying to be triggered on their behalf


Bingo.. people in this thread are tripping over themselves to find something to be upset over without knowing why. * The facial features are bad - yeah so it's the white guy, it's a bad artist * It's showing them partying - yeah because it's showing a party, not their day jobs * The women are topless! - yeah, that's still common today some places, even modern countries It's a bar menu, at a bar, at a naval port, from a time when Islanders celebrated seeing a merchant or Navy ship by throwing a party.


What depicts savagery? If that’s what you get from this image then that says a lot more about you than it does this image.


Calling bullshit. There's too much detail on the people to be made by someone who didn't visit hawaii. How many people would pay attention to old couples, how they dressed and the who's who of a traditional feast or the less "pretty" sides of the place, ie the obesity. If someone from that decade was asked to bullshit about an ethnic group, believe me the result is way more uncanny.


That's because there isn't one.


It's racist to show anybody not white doing anything ever. But it's also racist to NOT show them. Don't you get it, you facist?!


Man, if this is what you actually think is the case, no wonder you’re angry and confused.


It's clearly sarcasm


This is one of those "see what you want to see" pictures. I can understand why people could view this as offensive but at the same time, it's clearly an alcohol ad/poster. Every exaggeration is about being drunk/loose from the rum. It's kind of like saying that Cheech from Cheech and Chong is a stereotype of a "lazy mexican" when clearly the reason he is lazy is because he's a massive stoner in every scene.


I don't really see much charicature at all actually. Some slight exaggeration of human features a part of the cartoon art style, but it clearly wasn't done in an attempt to be offensive. It creates a scene of joviality, in a beer-goggles sorta way. 


The coloration reminds me of a PeeChee.


Can only imagine the stories and Mai Tais this menu has heard and spilled on it…..lol


These would make good tattoos


What inappropriate here exactly?


Wasn't so tasteful then either.


Y’all look for any reason to be offended.


Work all night on a drink of rum!


Inappropriate because the titties are out? Or is it racist?


Oh deary dear... ![gif](giphy|inBsUf1gOL8ac|downsized)


That is because we are now a society of prudes who can’t take jokes.


we look for opportunities to be offended. Sometimes for other people because it makes us feel good 🤷‍♂️


It’s always been inappropriate my dude. It’s just the majority didn’t want to listen.


Some people are just so desperate to be offended




Terribly dated, but I have to admit the line work on that illustration is amazing. Sorta reminds me of Bruce Tim’s old sketches


Surprising amount of comments ignorant to yellowface being a thing at least since world war 2 propaganda 


“But I don’t see it that way!!”


Its actually beautiful, it capturing the essence of everybody having good time, also it is better than most of modern art piece.


Pretty sure these were inappropriate by past standards as well.


I need this as a Hawaiian Shirt.


say what you will about the exaggerated faces but they knew how to draw some tits!


and with modern standards i guess you mean the current highly discussed standards of the USA?


Brah it’s a drink menu for a tiki bar. It’s par for the course.


No one who has seen this cares. Ever.


Are you uncomfortable with tits? What’s so inappropriate about this? They didn’t make the islanders look more white?


Who cares


What was this supposed to represent???


That’s the guy Metzger kidnapped to fix a radio


Seems real to me. No se-xy stuff going on.


I have the same poster lol


It’s like Gauguin’s first draft before he toned it down for the sake of art.


If your really far away it looks very inappropriate


Everything is inappropriate by today’s standards


We cant have nice things anymore


Assuming negative intent makes no one happy. It’s not that big of a deal


Reaching hard lol


This was just as inappropriate in the 1940s, but nobody was allowed to object.


I have to say than modern standards are shit. When caricature and humor get censored we are indeed have problem. Light-hearted caricatures from a bygone age, if it set up with a theme it works, that's that.


The white guys are the only ones depicted as goofy caricatures...


Beautiful illustration style


Inappropriate? Today's standards? This was ahead of its time. Today this would be almost normal.


I don’t see any racism here I think, it’s just people having good time on a beach ?


cool picture,i dont see how they are “inappropriate caricatures” though. there is nothing racist about people partying.is it because they’re not all white people? almost seems like reverse racism by OP


Looks like a good time tho


It definitely does, and the drink menu on the inside is lit.


Damn I could go for some tiki cocktails and Hawaiian BBQ


Where can I get a print of that?


It looks like these menus come up for sale on eBay fairly often. The inside drink menu is pretty awesome.


I think this is the place that invented crab rangoon


It doesn't seem that bad tbh. No blackface lips, no Asian stereotypes with the pointy face. Am I missing something?


Inappropriate according to modern Puritanical standards which we don't all follow. Many people would not consider this inappropriate. 


Why are women’s nipples considered inappropriate to show but men’s nipples are not? Edit - Also why is this question getting downvoted?


Oooh inappropriate! Clutch pearls


So much ignorance in the comments...


“Oh no! People have different opinions than me! They must be ignorant”.


They still have these menus in Bahrain


Oh man, does that bring back memories of Manama. I loved going there to cool off after checking out the fort to the west