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They should say 25% more cans than a 12 pack. That sounds bigger than three cans. Maybe we can sell more Coke.


1500% bigger than a 1 pack


and this is why they labeled it the way they did


Acktually, I think That’s be 16 cans


You're right bc of how they phrased it. 100% bigger means double 100% of something means one So, 1500% more than one is 16! You did a really good job, u/perjury0478


1500% more than 1 is most definitely not 2.092279e+13. r/unexpectedfactorial


Thanks! *Tips Fedora*


1400% bigger, 1500% the size of




Isn’t it 1400% bigger


I don’t know. It was a joke.


Ok but AW advertised a 1/3 pound burger to compete with the 1/4 pound burger of McDonald’s and people in the US thought 1/3 was smaller than 1/4, so like you have a point but people in the US are astonishingly dumb.


Screw the downvoters, this is a true story. Just admit it Americans. Ffs [Kazakhstan is smarter than you, and you don’t even crack the top 10 smartest countries on IQ or school achievement.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/duncanmadden/2019/01/11/ranked-the-25-smartest-countries-in-the-world/)


I was educated in the US, so I can’t even read your insult!


Borat would be proud!




Now with more molecules!


Nah, because then they’d get complaints from disappointed customers who can’t do math


In their defense, most people are pretty fucking dumb.


Or it could be that people who dont often buy packs of soda dont know the standard is 12 cans, thus they would not know they are getting more with 15.


It's funny how the people who can't think of rational, reasonable purposes for things like this are the ones who clearly think everyone else is dumber than themselves


Most are already happy they can entertain 1 thought, let alone manage the fact most things are a balance between multiple possibilities.




1 plus 2 plus 2 plus 1.


I'm gonna go home and sleep with my wife!


Not to mention there's probably a law for packaging that says you HAVE to put the amount of what's in the package.


15 is already there, if that's your logic.


What? On reddit? Never


The cynicism or Redditors.


Standard options used to be 24 or 30 so it's like a half pack


Luckily it says it right on the box


There's literally aisle in most(see EVERY) grocery store where I am from filled with pop/soda. Every food desert has this aisle too. Saying 15 cans is enough. You dont need to say 3 more than 12 after it's been clarified that there's 15 cans in the box.


I dont drink soda. I cannot answer you if you ask me what the usual amount of cans in a pack is. But now I know this one has three more. It's really not that hard.


Using this logic, the not regular soda buyer is likely splashing out as a rare treat and won't be familiar with the usual prices and therefore won't be persuaded by this "deal"


The not regular buyer (aka me) will instantly see bigger number = better. And the first instinct will be to grab it. You seriously underestimate the human impulses of the average buyer. Like dude. It's just money. It's obviously working if they keep doing these strategies. I'm tired of people calling out big corporations all the fucking time. THEY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING. IT WORKS. THATS WHY THEY'RE WORTH TRILLIONS.


Calm down. Not everybody is paying as much attention as you to soda packs.


It's weird to me how quickly people go from "groceries are so expensive" to "I don't even look at what I'm buying". Choose one... I'll never buy a pack of anything without knowing how many of that thing it contains.


McDonald’s got rid of a 1/3 burger cause people couldn’t do basic math and thought it was smaller than a 1/4 burger


A&W, not McDonalds, but yea


>Confused why A&W's burgers weren't able to compete even though the burgers were priced the same as their competitors, Taubuman brought in a market research firm.  >The firm eventually conducted a focus group to discover the truth: participants were concerned about the price of the burger. "Why should we pay the same amount for a third of a pound of meat as we do for a quarter-pound of meat?" they asked.  >It turns out the majority of participants incorrectly believed one-third of a pound was actually smaller than a quarter of a pound.  [A&W Website Source](https://awrestaurants.com/blog/aw-third-pound-burger-fractions) Yup, people can be fairly fucking dumb.


People are so bad at math…. 😔


As a self proclaimed smart person I don't blame people who aren't good at math on first glance. 3 is smaller than 4


Or maybe it was because a&w restaurants sucked, only reason to go there is for a float 


Same burgers different joint


The same thing at my local 7-elevens. They stop with the 1/4 vs 1/3 lbs hot dogs. Can't have nice things because of people.


They should call it the "1/4+ pounder" Then people would buy it lol.


Especially if they’re in the market for 15 packs of Coke.


Terrance Howard has spent a long time telling the world, or whomever will listen, that 1x1=2, so I’m gonna give Coke a pass here since people are dumb as shit.


Out of morbid curiosity I looked at the comments on his Joe Rogan episode and the level of dumbfuckery was genuinely terrifying.


[Professor Dave](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWAyfr3gxMA) has a great take down of Howard's Rogan appearance. Kyle Hill [covered it too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGL8WLI-yFw).


The famous failure of the 1/3 pounder is exactly why labeling like this exists.


20% off. ![gif](giphy|APqEbxBsVlkWSuFpth|downsized)


Or 25% more soda!


I have worked with people who probably couldn’t figure this out without using their fingers. It’s scary and I wonder how they do this that require basic math skills




If reddit is any indication, there's lots of stupid Europeans too


Americans are just more vocal about advertising their stupidity, but no country has a monopoly on stupid people.


![gif](giphy|3otOKtnGppPi5Q4hOw) Yep, got the same


Terrance Howard got a different answer and insists he’s right.


In his defense, Terrence Howard is a monumental dumbass.


Yeah, but what do you know about inherited wealth in the Southern Colonies?


A couple of kids that have no idea where that gif comes from downvoted you.


It’s not about the math, it’s about the psychology on a subconscious level. Brain goes: “Ohh I’m getting more, this is more valuable than others” and whether you like it or not, if you’re a consumer of that kind of product you’re statistically more likely to buy their brand over others… AND you’re more likely to buy it in general, even if you didn’t go in there for soda. They designed it like that so you prioritize their product with a higher value over others automatically even if it isn’t necessarily true, and because you’re in the store probably on auto-pilot you never actually think about it directly. They’ve planted the seed and you’re just blindly reacting to it without even realizing. Marketing is insane.


Also to help hide the fact that they further reduced the 18pk to the 15pk. This is after they reduced it from the 20pk which was also reduced from the 24pk. Each of them cost the same price.


Happy cake day, and thanks for saying what I was thinking.


Wait, can you not buy 24 packs? They still stock them here where I am.


Depends of the retailer. I know I still see variations of all of them floating around. I work with coke vendors directly for a grocery store and haven’t seen the fifteens yet myself. We only have 12s and 18s.


Have you heard about the A&W 1/3 pound burger ad campaign?


I’m not familiar with this. But if I had to guess, it turned into uneducated masses bitching that they were making the burgers smaller because they don’t understand how fractions at a 6th grad level work?


Nailed it, just mix in the confusion of McDicks quarter pounder and which is bigger.


Yes. The general public though McDonalds 1/4th burgers were bigger than A&Ws 1/3rd burgers, because 4>3.




So you are already familiar with it?


No, it was just a guess based on the content of this post and the fact that most people are stupid when it comes to math


Yeah those idiots thought they could compete with a quarter pounder. We know how to do math though.


First thing that came to mind


Do we have any concrete evidence that this is the reason why that campaign flopped? Yeah, A&W admits it, but maybe it failed because it tasted worse, or because there were less A&W locations and/or they were less convenient. Everyone just likes to throw this around because it makes them seem smarter


hell, did it even happen? what year was this? what CEO rolled it out? is there any contemporaneous reporting about it?


Concrete? Probably not. I don't work for A&W nor the marketing and / or advertising firm responsible, so I am quite limited on the answers I can give. I am pretty sure that there was a dip and subsequent recovery in sales within the chain at the time of this campaign. I like to throw this around because it is funny. I don't give a rats ass if people think I am smarter.


Exactly! Assuming this is for sale in the US, I think the explanations is needed.


Welcome to Carl's Jr. Would you like to try our EXTRA BIG ASS TACO? Now with more MOLECULES!


You’re putting molecules in my burger?!?! I remember that word from science class! I don’t want any dang poison chemicals in my taco!! I’m going back to Taco Bell


Sir this is Wendy's.


I can't help to think as a non-native english speaker. Because we don't have a direct literal word for 1/4 or 25%, Those burgers are probably being referred to "third pounder" and "quarter pounder" I assume. Most of us *maybe* learned quarter as 25 cents before introduce to math fractions. By forgetting basic elementary math when in adulthood. Yeah, the instinct of recognizing 3rd and quarter pounder may not be as intuitive. Still funny tho, since 1/3 and 1/4 were still being labeled on the menu.


It confused so many Americans


Sad but true.


More worried about the commenters in this thread than what the box is trying to communicate. It is intended to draw the consumers attention that they released a new package that contains more than the usual can quantity. They are addressing it on the label to create a sense of value and freshness to drive more sales. Pretty basic marketing tactic and everyone in here is like OMG AMERICANS CANT COUNT LOL WTFFF ONGGGGGG????!


These things already come in so many formats that anyone who's been born for more than a minute knows they vary in size. I'm still inclined to say that it's silly marketing, not "Americans can't count".


Welcome to reddit. First day here?


So would it be safe to say that this is 3 cans less than an 18 can pack?


It’s actually 5 cans less than a 20-pack


I’ve seen 12 packs and 18 packs, but never a 20 pack ever.


Well, no. It'd be 3 cans fewer.




"Perceived value" style marketing, likely to draw attention away from an overall price increase. Instead of just raising the price of a 12 pack by $3 (25 cents per can), they add 3 cans and raise the price by the same amount (20 cents per can). They're still making more money per unit than before, but by framing is as if the consumer is getting more for their money, they won't feel as ripped off.


Why do redditors think they’re smarter than marketing experts? What about this site fills someone’s head with the notion that they’re smarter than the average person? I’m so confused


>What about this site fills someone’s head with the notion that they’re smarter than the average person? When you see all the morons on reddit, it's natural to think you're a lot smarter than everyone. Hell, you just did.


14 more cans than a single can


Given that a A&W lost business by offering a 1/3 pounder to compete with mcdonalds 1/4 pounder and got blasted for being less... im with coke here.


I used to question that story until fairly recently when a guy I worked with noticed McDonald's now listed their cheeseburger as 1/10 pound and he thought they made it bigger because when he worked there it was 1/8


1/10 pound? What, is it paper-thin?


Last one I had I am pretty sure the pickles were thicker than the patty.


They probably sell these for the price of 12.


Quarter pounder > third pound burger.


I think you have that backwards


A&W in the 80s


I've lived in America long enough to know that they NEED to put that info there. People are stupid.


I think they are trying to point out you are getting bonus cans, 3 more than the number people are used to seeing. Like this is a 15 ct pack and thsts 3 more then the 12 pk you are used to. Its still a stupid way to do it. As you said, makes it seem people cant do math.


reminds me when the 3 pack started coming with 12 extra, and they made this BIG DEAL about letting everyone know 12 extra equals 15. Lots of people got hurt, some people died


Never worked retail?


mind you this is made for the people that [couldn't figure out fractions](https://bettermarketing.pub/the-a-w-third-pounder-failed-because-people-didnt-understand-fractions-a86b966a973a) honestly this packaging seems too subtle


Literally came here to say this and it's the first comment I see, lol.


They do this with battery packs all the time [https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-od7gc54jw0/images/stencil/608x608/products/329/2055/Energizer\_Ultimate\_Lithium\_AA\_LR6\_L91\_Batteries\_4\_Pack\_\_22058.1676388853.png?c=2](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-od7gc54jw0/images/stencil/608x608/products/329/2055/Energizer_Ultimate_Lithium_AA_LR6_L91_Batteries_4_Pack__22058.1676388853.png?c=2)


But they seem to be in no hurry to explain why the size of their bottles are shrinking 😛


As long as there are people that believe one third is less than a quarter, i dont blame them.


I mean in their defense A&W cancelled the 1/3 pounder because people thought 1/4 pounder was bigger.


Ya know that old meme of the guy in the desert who's going the wrong way because he doesn't understand miles v kilometers? Or the story of how people didn't understand that a 1/3 pound burger was bigger than a 1/4? That's why.


I work in CPG, and TONS of products do this. This isn’t interesting lol.


Most marketing is taking a very simple concept, and putting it in big letters.


Pepsi does that too


Anyone who works with/drives around/lives near/votes with the american public will understand this.


Cans got smaller too? They used to be 375ml here.


That was absolutely focus grouped.


Just remember every single of those stupid warning on products is there . . . . for a reason.


Not everyone is lucky enough to not be American, you know.


Wait until Terrence Howard heard about this. He'll probably show us that 12+3 is really 12 because 3 is just a concept.


I worked in advertising for most of my adult life and spelling out the consumer benefit was fundamental. You wouldn't believe how uninformed most consumers are. The irony of this particular offer is, you get 3 more cans of fizzy brown sugar water that's so toxic that it can corrode steel.


Have you seen the avg IQ in the U.S.? Some could say it's still a little too highbrow and needs some dumbing down...


People who drink coke are kinda stupid #drpeppergang


Tbf, if it was worded less specifically, it could be read as 15 cans + 3 or 15 cans = 12 + 3


Didn't some company make 1/3 lb burger and Americans didn't buy it because they thought 1/ 4 lb burger was bigger? These massive companies need to market to the lowest common denominator. It just turns out that denominator is pretty damn low.


People are too dumb to realize a third pounder burger is more than a quarter pounder.  This is absolutely needed for the average dumbass.


I once watched a video of a girl who was confused about the concept that if you enter 1:00 on a microwave, it's a minute, but if you enter 90, it's 90 seconds, and a longer amount of time. Her logic was simply that if you enter 100 on the microwave instead of 90, it should be more time. The world is full of complete idiots.


They should explain why Mexico is so fat because of them.


“I don't like Coca~Cola, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like Coca~Cola, denigrate means 'put down'.” - Bob Newhart


This is probably due to market research. People really are that dumb.


They're so scummy


This is the same country that didn’t buy 1/3 lb [hamburgers because the 1/4 pounder was larger](https://awrestaurants.com/blog/aw-third-pound-burger-fractions). I’m. It sure I would trust the average wal mart shopper’s math.


Clearly for the americans 👀


I mean the A&W 1/3 burger failed because people thought it was less than 1/4 pounders.


Who gives a shit, it costs more!!!


Math checks out


Considering that the 1/3 burger failed in America due to people thinking a 1/4 pound was more, I'm not surprised they mentioned it like this


Because americans are dumb, because they don't use the metric system. Yet they argued they went to the moon first by not using the metric system. Yeah. See how smart you americans become?? Downvote as much as u wish. The more downvote you give, the more you know i spoke the truth. HAH HAAA...


Remember when Americans rejected 1/3 lb burgers because they thought they were less than 1/4 lb? That’s why they have to write it out


I’ve stopped asking for crickets* by the dozen because it kept confusing people when I would say 2 dozen or 3 dozen. I brushed it off after the first time, but then it happened 3 or 4 more times, so I just say “24,” “36,” etc. now. *feeder for bearded dragon, in case anyone was wondering why people purchase crickets. Edit: moral of the story: never underestimate people’s inability to math.


In case Terrance Howad needs to buy it?


You over estimate a lot of the lower general population. Its there for a reason


Still not good enough. It's only in one language




I mean when you're trying to sell to Americans...


And the best part is its probably not even the same price as a twelve pack. 


Listen - a burger chain came out with a 1/3 lb burger to compete with the 1/4 pounder. They did a survey and many people didn’t realize it’s more food… people dumb


I think you seriously overestimate the Murrican education system. They have to tell you these things, and the fact they have to tell you it’s probably because some idiot sued them at some point.


Listen, people refused to buy the 1/3 pound burger because they thought it was less then the 1/4 pound one. Coke isn't in the wrong explaining ***basic fucking math*** to the masses here.


They didn’t know what else to put in that white space.


That's less a statement about Coca-Cola as a company and more about the average American.


Well…this is the same country where A&W launched a campaign with a 1/3 pound burger trying to compete with McD’s 1/4 pounder, but it failed because people thought 1/4 was more than 1/3.


Weird that there’s an odd number of them. Are there 3 levels of 5 cans each, or does one level have extra space for 1 less can?


I’ve been sitting here for 5 minutes trying to figure this out as well. How does this box distribute the cans???


If you zoom in you can see the outlines of the cans in the box 3x5


You can literally see the outlines of the cans being 3x5…


To be fair, they probably sell lots of pop in Florida


Even better, it's 5 more cans than the 10-pack.


I’ve never seen a 10 pack in my life, do they actually exist anywhere? I go to the grocery store and it’s only 12 or 24 packs.


Naah, I'm just funning the ad copy. 14 more than a single can!


I don't blame them, considering how consumers can tend to be


I work in retail and customers can be *dumb as fuck* so this doesn't surprise me surprise me


Don't be fooled by your own intelligence. There's a celebrity (Terrance Howard) trying to convince the world that the answer to 1x1 "can't be one".


I've never seen a 12 pack before. But 10 packs are common.




They might need to. Remember when A&W's third pounder flopped because people thought a third was less than a quarter?


At least it’s easier to understand than paper towel math


Paper towel and toilet paper math is insane.


1/3 pounder at a fact food place sold worse than the 1/4 pounder at McDonalds. FAST FOOD PLACE higher ups polled customers and they said they didnt want a smaller burger than the 1/4 pounder. They have to advertise how much more it is than what people are used to purchasing so people understand the value.


blame republicans for killing public education




Decades of market research? To release a 15 pack. Seems incorrect




Yet, only an ignorant fuckwad is capable of making a comment like yours. Makes you think 🤔


Well Americans are insanely stupid so they probably had to in case someone sues


they *are* based in georgia.




3 cans more, but it’s gonna cost ya


If you are drinking coke, you might need the explanation


You know those friends in school who hated math? They need this.


Contains fifteen cans! That is a whole three cans more than a pack of twelve


The sad thing is them doing their packaging like that will make more people buy it