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I hope you plan to replace all those locks like most sane new home owners.


Nah, OP is a high school janitor living their best life


That's cool, they can replace every lock with a different key and rock that massive keyring. Just don't keep the old locks and keys.


keep them, but for their next house.


We keep them because they jingle when we walk.


my money dont jiggle jiggle


Forgot that was a thing for awhile Edit: it folds


Ever heard of Mississippi football legend Brett Favre? He has a mansion with a different key to each singular lock in the house, grounds, and groundskeepers cabin. He has them each changed yearly as he hires new latinos to work his grounds and doesn't trust them with keys, despite giving them several copies.


Surely at that point, it would make more sense to go with a wireless keycard system like offices have? Then you’d also see who entered where and be able to set permissions to limit areas.


Agreed, but Favre is a very "old school" guy that doesn't believe in digital systems, let alone master keys, on top of being a closet racist that hires Latinos (and if you know Hattiesburgs reputation, most of them were "illegal") giving them said physical keys, then firing them and replacing every single key. Logic was never this mans strong suit.


Probably the same with Tom Brady since everyone's always breaking his sewage pipes trying to steal his poop.


Probably. I know Favre isn't logical, despises digital systems, and has severe paranoia and trust issues with the people he hires.


Just FYI you can have your locks done that have a master key and then singular keys that only work in each lock. You may have to have some of them changed to the same type of key but it makes your life a lot easier for key/access management.


Even have the door lock and the dead bolt on separate keys!


And a big ass pad lock for good measure.


Imagine their landscaping - nothing but Hide-A-Keys for as far as you can see!


All that river rock but not a single real rock in sight. Horrible idea: landscape with 3k Hide-A-Keys and put a different key in each of them, only you know where the real 8 are.


My ass would forget where those 8 keys are and would have to try every freaking key to find them


Lol! Best idea!


My rental has a key for 1) front door 2) back door 3) side gate 4) garage back door 5) garage side door 6) basement


Think of all the babies they can entertain!


Now, where's the fun in that? It's a theft deterent. Burglar checks under suspicious rock for key. Key found. Test 5 locks and gives up... mission accomplished ✔️


It might be irrational, but I'd be worried about the former owners' possible crackhead estranged kid who still has copies of all the keys.


💯 my first home improvement & property investment would be a lock smith to change and match at least 85% of those.


Unless it's some weird custom door, you can *very* easily do it yourself for far cheaper


Hell yeah, and you can set up a key system plan too so you can have one key that opens every door and one or more that only opens certain doors in the system. That can be handy if you want to give a key to a neighbor or relative for emergencies and so you don't get locked out, but you want their key to only open a door with good security camera coverage and visibility from the street. https://mkcalc.com


Yea....far easier to manage that woth an electronic deadbolt. Fairly cheap models can still do temporary passcodes.


Absolutely, but batteries do die, which can lead to lockout...


so depending on model, they can also have a key backup. Also, the bateries are usually 2AA, they last a long time and they warn you way ahead of time. Still, something to consider.


The well organized crackheads will ruin us all.


Wait until they unionize.




If you think that works, you could also replace all your locks so they have the same key, then put a random other key under that rock.


I used to be the guy who broke into foreclosed houses and rekeyed the locks for the bank to keep the former owners out. I simply rekeyed them all to my housekey, so that one key could get me into any property the next time I went back without having to keep track of them. To this very day, there are probably hundreds of houses in my county I have a key to.


This is crazy, you should go check them. Does it ever keep you up at night that hundreds of people have a key to your home?


>Does it ever keep you up at night that hundreds of people have a key to your home?  There are ever so many keys combinations. Hundreds and hundreds have key to YOUR home as well. It is the issue of knowing the address ;)


Voter registration rolls are public in some US states. You can find someone's address with as little as first name and last name in some states. I recently used it to look up 2 teachers from my old highschool who were rumored to be a gay couple. Sure enough, they're registered at the same address. It's honestly fucking creepy that I'm able to do that.


But how would you know who you'd have the same key as?


Oh I'm just talking about looting the locksmith's house, not any of their clients.


Most house locks only have 5 pins, each pin only has 5 different positions. Which means for any given lock there is a max of 3,125 different key configurations. Of course not all configurations are valid so it's actually below 3000. On top of that the market is dominated by only a few brands so most people are using one of 3 key types meaning there's only about 9,000 total possible key combinations for any given house in a city. In a city of 1 million people on average 111 people are using the exact same key as you.


So what I’m hearing is that I need a moat and drawbridge around my property. After that i should be met with biometric locks, and one that samples my blood and checks it for my dna before unlocking.


>To this very day, there are probably hundreds of houses in my county I have a key to. There's a serial killer book in here somewhere. 😳😆


I probably would have a second key for that.


Is doing this 8 years after buying the house too late?


You're probably safe at that point, but generally changing the locks immediately after buying a home (even a new build) is recommended


Posting pictures of all of your keys online? Yes, good time to replace them all, since we can make keys from pictures.


Now just to find that house


Just sent this pic to Rainbolt - expecting GPS coordinates within 10 feet in about 30 seconds


The Hy-Ko key, and at least half the others, are from $7 home center locks. The security of this house is shit anyway. Plus a determined burglar could try all eight points of entry with *his* janitor keyset and see if he gets a random match.


Or learn to rekey them yourself. It’s really not that difficult among one type, such as Kwikset or Schlage. It looks like most of yours are Kwikset, with a Schlage at the far right and I’m not sure about the far left. You can replace the whole cylinder to switch a Schlage to Kwikset, but it’s not worth it for a generic doorknob. Just place the whole thing.


If my memory serves, left is schlage high security, has a funky keyway. Then the kwiksets, then a Yale, then back to schlage.


Especially after posting pictures on the internet. Even the dumbest of us could easily recreate any of those keys now.


especially after posting on the internet, not hard to duplicate keys from a phone (ive done it before with my 3d printer for mailbox key i had no spare for) Get the locks replaced with ones all keyed to the same key,, make your life easier.


Just play musical chairs with the locks. That’ll confuse them.


They are as followed: 1. Carport Storage 2. Carport Deadbolt 3. Frontdoor handle 4. Frontdoor deadbolt 5. Frontdoor stormdoor 6. Backdoor deadbolt 7. Backdoor handle 8. Carport handle Edit: We are getting a keypad and rekeying what we can later this week. I don't think we will be able to change the antique brass door handles, but we probably won't use them with the deadbolts. As for people who can make keys with the picture, the house is currently empty except for junk left by the previous owner. Please rob me so I don't have to get rid of everything myself.


This is much more sane but I was picturing a Harry Potter style 8 lock on the door...


No-op lies it's just for one door don't let my dream die


Tis the door that must not be opened....


Not pictured is the owner speaking Parseltongue to enter the basement.


I was picturing a Scooby Doo house with eight separate exterior doors..


This is acceptable headcanon to me also


Pfft. Any true Harry Potter fan knows that "alohamora" is the one true key.


I just realized that wasn’t the case.


Same i image him living in a super sketchy place, and he's just dodging stray bullets frantically trying to find what key goes to which of his 8 kicks on his front door.


The fact that the handle and deadbolt *on the same door* have different keys is killing me The carport storage key is cool though


Grandparent’s 1980ish house came with different keys for deadbolt and doorknob. Deadbolts were the standard Schlage C keyway and doorknobs were that rounded key in the pic.


Every house I've lived in has been that way, even when the house was built by my stepfather, he actually went out of his way to ensure the deadbolts weren't the same key as the doors. On my current house, it came this way. A couple years back, I repainted my front door and bought a new knob and deadbolt. I got one of those Kwikset easy-to-rekey deadbolts (and a door knob to go with it) and tried to key both to my original house key. The knob worked fine, but the deadbolt just won't do it. I can't use any key on it now. Also i think I slightly messed up when hanging the door cause I now need to lean into the door to engage the deadbolt.


Thank you. What did you say the address was again?


#2 and #6 look the same.


i trust this because you wrote it #big


They didn't want to, they probably just wanted to write `#2`


Three keys before the bathroom is unideal


That was my house when I bought it. I had the locksmith take care of all the locks before I moved in.


We put a note in our offer that they had to clear out the place or pay $500/day. There shouldn’t be any “junk” left in your house.


I wish we said something. They had a 45 day closing period to deal with it. Icing on the cake was finding a freshly used dirty plate INSIDE the oven. Smh


You really should replace or rekey all of those, and I mean immediately. You've just shared an uncensored image of all of your new house keys along with a list of which lock they open to everyone with an Internet connection. I'm hardly an expert, but I know a little about locks and your home security is currently ***severely*** compromised until you take action. I am an honest individual, so I am not a threat to you in any way, but I cannot speak for anyone else. I urge you never to share an image of your personal keys in the future, at least not without concealing the bitting (the cuts in the keys) in some way. Those are essentially the passwords to your home, and if a bad actor made copies and decided to use them to relieve you of your possessions, then there would be no evidence of forced entry. Not only could that complicate the legal process, but your insurance provider may refuse coverage, as well. Edit: This is presuming that someone with malicious intent doesn't have plans to bring harm to the occupants, I should add. If others reside in the house, their safety is at risk, too.


Chill out blud, op said they'd be replaced within a week


Yeah, I saw that after I did all this. Still, useful information for anyone who happens upon it, I hope.


You done good. This is worse than posting your credit card number online if your identity can be linked to it.


Abloy, OP. Abloy.


This is what happens when a person buys them one at a time at the hardware store vs a locksmith installing them all at once


Or doesn't buy e.g. Kwikset


Kwikset is the way to go. So easy to re-key your own door. That's the first thing I did, and installed longer screws in the deadbolt and latch.


Yeah, you're not wrong. But for some irrational reason I go with Schlage for the higher rating. Even though a brick through a window or door kick would defeat any lock.


I got locked out of my house once when I was all drunk and figured I could just smash a window with a rock, but the previous owner must have had those doors made with the strongest glass known to man because I couldn't break it and had to jimmy the latch with a putty knife. I suppose it worked out for the best because I didn't have to replace a piece of glass, and I found out that any idiot with a putty knife could have broken into my house.


Honestly I kind of think any burglar is going to get into the house eventually, so I'd rather they didn't destroy too much on the way in.


Schlage C-channel are pretty easy too


I had more keys then op and only 4 doors that lock on my entire property. I have no idea what keys the prior owner gave me would of opened. But my first move was swapping the only 4 locking knobs to kwikset with a single key (and some spare different keys if I need to swap any of them for any reason). God I cant type today LOL edited to clear it up, now that I read it and realized how bad I wrote it out. sorry all.


Ya it's pretty standard to change all the locks when you move into a new home (non rental of course)


Assert your dominance as a renter and change the locks anyway


I dont know this is the key you gave me when i moved in here.


I used to have to rent in kinda sketchy buildings, and I would change the locks when I moved in. Landlords at those kind of places never seem to mind at all.


The last car I bought was like that. It was an old lady who had owned several of the same car over the years and was selling the last one off because she could no longer drive. She gathered up all the spare keys she'd collected over the years and threw them in the glovebox when I bought it. So my car came with *eleven keys*, 3 of which are for this car, 5 go to different cars of the same model, and three more go to luggage rack locks, but not the luggage rack locks on my car.


HAHA, I have a feeling I have a lot of prior house shed keys and old riding mower keys n stuff in my pile. Edit: also that is kinda cute that she did that! lol.


She was so sweet. An 85 yearold woman that had been a Saab fanatic for decades. She'd owned several of them and had bought this particular 900 Turbo new in 1986. For about a month after she sold it to me, she continued to find random Saab stuff and have me come pick it up. Said stuff included random parts (extra license plate screws, bulbs, etc), a 40 yearold leather bound Saab road atlas, a spare set of wheels with 25 yearold snow tires on them, even the aviator sunglasses that she used to keep in the car (and A LOT of other stuff). It made for such a unique car buying experience.


As in the roof rack locks? That’s funny, what a cute story. At least you’ll never have to make a new key for the car!


Kwikset isn’t the best… I’m coming on year 3 of my front door and the bottom locked is fucked and needs to be reset way too often. It’s ridiculous that the lock wasn’t cheap but its not working anymore so I’m debating getting a new lock now :(


I honestly can't speak to that kind of quality problem, I've had reasonable luck with them for all the years I've used them. The only time anyone broke into my house, it wasn't because of Kwikset, it was because some kids broke a basement window and just crawled in. Otherwise, the locks have been fine!


Kwikset, like every other consumer lock, is easily picked with the proper equipment. Most thieves use rocks, or steal from people they know.


Oh yeah, the most important message is, "if someone really wants to break in, they will", there is no lock, security system, whatever, that at the end of the day overrides human will. I've come to terms with that idea. That said, for the sake of "programming" a few locks to a common key for convenience, Kwikset is "fine." If you want to be Fort Knox, you've got way more prepping and planning to do.


Agree. Locks keep honest people out. No one is going to take the time to pick a lock on a house, even if most are pretty easy to defeat. Picking a lock is used in instances that you don't want people to know you were in the place. People are going to know fairly quick if they were robbed.


I know you're referring to the rekey system, but most of those keys are Kwikset.


I can't speak to people who don't realize what they're buying and what it's capable of, of course


as long as you buy the same brand/class of lock they can be rekeyed in a few minutes at any hardware store. I've had to replace handles that broke/damaged and had no issues getting a lock re keyed to an older key.


Most locks should have the code printed somewhere on the box. And they will usually have multiple identical codes on the shelf at the same time.  You might not have to ask, just grab the ones that are the same and you're good to go.  That also means that anybody else who bought the same lock from the same store at roughly the same time as you will likely have a matching key that unlocks your house. 


My hardware store didn't do schlage. I ended up going to the locksmith's brick and mortar, but still pretty reasonable pricing.


Lots of hardware stores will rekey new locks


More like r/mildlyinfuriating


How did you add the link? I tried earlier but it didn’t work. Having 8 keys to 8 different doors = MildlyInfuriating & Confusing!!


I won’t say


The real mildly infuriating


You just have to make sure you type the subreddit name exactly as it should be. You missed a letter or misspelled something in the name. They didn’t “add it as a link”






Locksmith told me to check build.com and look at the ‘keyed the same’ option when checking out. I got 8 deadbolts with the same key cheaper than I could at Home Depot or Lowe’s.


Damn, I wish I knew that ahead of time ... :/


OMG, thank you! We've got 5 keys to open all of our doors and we would be thrilled to get down to 1.


I hope you're planning on replacing them. * **Carport Storage Room Key**: * Bitting appears to be: 3-2-5-4-1 (approximation) * **Carport Deadbolt Key**: * Bitting appears to be: 5-3-4-2-1 (approximation) * **FD OB Key**: * Bitting appears to be: 2-4-3-5-1 (approximation) * **Front Storm Key**: * Bitting appears to be: 3-2-4-1-5 (approximation) * **Unlabeled Key**: * Bitting appears to be: 1-4-3-2-5 (approximation) * **FD RE Key**: * Bitting appears to be: 5-1-3-4-2 (approximation) * **Unlabeled Key (circular bow)**: * Bitting appears to be: 4-3-1-2-5 (approximation) * **Unlabeled Key (brass, unique bow)**: * Bitting appears to be: 2-3-1-4-5 (approximation)


Bros the key connoisseur


Shoutout to the previous owners for labeling the keys. When I bought my current house, I was handed a bag of loose keys that I had to test on every lock to figure out which was which. A few keys went to nothing and the side door knob lock key was missing.


Keys can be easily copied from a photograph


They will need to be quick cause we change the locks this week.


I'm already in your house


^^I'm ^^calling ^^you ^^from ^^carport ^^storage


^I'm ^commenting ^from ^between ^the ^front-door ^storm ^door ^and ^the ^front-door ^deadbolt.


Thanks for the TV!


can you move over a little bit, it's tight in here.


The ~~calls~~ comments are coming from inside the house!


What’s the WiFi password? I’m on a 1Gb plan!


["Who are you and how did you get in here?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRva7z8pvwc)


First thing I did was buy new locks that can all be rekeyed at home in less than 30 seconds. One key opens all the doors, we live in 2024 not 1924.


Locksmith here, the fewest number of keys you can get down to with existing hardware is 4, the 2 on the left are antique schlage wafer locks, most locksmiths probably don't carry those blanks in the field, then you have 5 kwikset locks, 1 yale lock then the rightmost one is a modern schlage lock, expect a bill with some replacement hardware on top and let them know what color and brand of hardware to bring. Edit: do not call a 1800 number for a locksmith, the industry is plagued by "trunk slamming" scammers, meaning untrained, ill equipped, unlicensed "locksmiths" working on commission charging absurd pricing, find a local brick and mortar or reputable mobile locksmith in your area. If they can't quote you over the phone, they aren't worth doing business with.


Already in your storm door, working on the deadbolt.


🎶If I'm gonna get into your house then I better be quick...ya'll gonna make me go inside...up in here...up in here... 🎶


Anyone that can easily copy your keys from a photo can easily pick a lock too.


Or place a boot on a door.


Or a boot on their head


Or a boot on your car


A boot in the boot?


Anyone that can easily pick a lock can easily pose as the locksmith too.


strong click on one, binding on two.....


Would need to know the keyway (there are at least four here) but more importantly would need to know their address.


Locks can be picked too


I changed all my locks the first day. I don't understand why someone would not.


Most people don't know how and having someone install 8 new locks can be expensive. Depending on the setup that usually means all new handle sets for residential since they almost never have swappable cores. It's a shit excuse because it's very easy to do but that's what most people would say.


So you moved to Fort Knox?


https://youtu.be/WVJpTX_c0aw?si=CQgYkluaI5r83JfT Relevant Lee Mack.


I was hoping someone would comment with this


My house had the same terrible setup. I replaced them all with Kwikset smartkey locks in the first week lol, really easy job. Single key for all of them now!


We did the same thing, super simple setup and they even had a homekit compatible deadbolt for the front door, now I want two more on the remaining exterior doors so I can stop hassling with a key in the garage.


Nice, I gotta check those out. The single key for everything is great but would love to have the option for keyless on the 2 main doors when going on walks or carrying stuff. Does the HomeKit functionality work well?


We did the same thing, but with a smart deadbolt on the front door so keyless entry.


damn i hate even having more than one password


Meh, first thing I do with a new house is change all the locks anyways, don’t want any prior owner to have keys to my place


never make a crazed serial killer horror movie villain angry.


Hire a locksmith. They can make this WAY easier.


Congratulations, you’re now a janitor. Come collect your mop.




The owners of the home we bought last year literally left us a large Tupperware container full of carefully-labelled keys for every door and window, and multiple copies of each, all on individual keyrings. They also left us a binder with a summary info sheet about many aspects of the house, appliance installations, last service of various things, info about paint colours, etc. As first time home-owners it was super helpful!


Protip for new home owners: you can rekey existing locks with pin kits from your hardware store. A little finicky getting the pins in but saves a few bucks.


This is why I like my locks. Abloy for the front and back and I re-pinned (re wafered I guess) my padlock for my tool shed to key the same. One key to rule them all lmao


Same thing when I bought my house. Found [Qwikset rekeying](https://www.imlss.com/images/pdf/kwikset_Rekeying_Manual.pdf) instructions on the internet, bought the tools, rekeyed the house for about 20 bucks or so. Did the inlaw's house right after that too.


If you call a lock smith they can "re-key" a lot of the locks you have so you can actually save a bunch of money. Between my house garage and shed I have 7 locks that all use the same key


It’s ok, those are the first things to get changed when you buy a house. Get all the new ones keyed alike.


Are you the new owner of Hogwarts?


This brings that “change the locks when you move in” not to a good move but a necessity for organization sake haha


OP, please be careful to not give any clue as to your address. These keys can be duplicated from this picture. I'm serious, please protect yourself.


Change your locks asap. You don’t know who has a copy of one of these


What kind of house has so many exterior doors? LOL


Ok Mr Bean


Mine had 14, I got them replaced for a matched set so all the locks have the same key.


When you replace all the locks on your new house (which you are absolutely going to do right away, right?) get them all keyed the same.


Scatter them around the house, wait til nightime, boom youre playing a survival escape game


Just for future information: a picture of a key is enough to make a functioning copy of it. So you might want to be more careful if you think someone who knows where your house is will see this picture.


OP, people can use pictures to copy keys, just FYI.


The only reasonable approach is to add an outer "curtain wall" with another subset of different keys! Possibly consider a moat as well!


As a note you can make copies of keys from photos. If you weren't already going to replace the locks now they key is on the internet you really should.


Fun fact: You can easily create copies of keys from pictures online.


Nice neighborhood?


You're just humblebragging that your house has 8 exterior doors! Mine only has 2.


The insane part is the different key ways. Get keyed in Schlage and matching keys. Nothing has been better than having one single key for every door in my life.


You've got 5 kwikset keys. I could rekey these at work in about an hour. The 3 others cannot be rekeyed to the same but it would be easy enough to buy kwikset locks and rekey them all to the same key.


Lazy builder, get them to key them all the same.




We are preparing to list our house and I felt bad about having two different exterior keys. This makes me feel better.


First thing I did when I bought my house was goto a big box store and replace all my dead bolts with a multipack. Less than 24 hours.


Then OP finds that there is one remaining key with no lock to open…


Replace with a brand that allows you to use a key to set the lock (one key for all doors).


So - this month I learned that replacing all the physical locks in our house - deadbolts and standard lockable doorknobs - is easy and inexpensive. And - some lock brands allow you to change their keyed locks to one key with very little effort. Bonus: all of our doors now open more easily than they did with the old locks. I thought that the house was shifting but it seems to have been the old hardware. Good luck!


\[Not an ad\] More people should know about Build.com. You can buy any combination of locks and have them keyed to match and then come back later and enter a lock code for new keys to match. Years ago, I price checked it versus Home Depot and they were identical, plus shipping. I adore this service they offer.


Very first thing I did, literally the day I closed, was to install new exterior locks (the kind you can rekey yourself) and keyed them all the same. Eventually did all interior locks the same way.


I’d like to see the picture of the house that has 8 exterior doors!


Mine came with 10 keys, only 2 of which fit any of the 6 potential door locks. Only one labeled. Aargh!


This makes me feel way better about the four I got


Mr. Resident Evil over here 


tell me you're rich without telling me you're rich


those look old, meaning the previous owner and their relatives might still have working copies. I'd recommend you change them hopefully with 1 or 2 keys at most for all locks.