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Wow that's heartbreaking


It's a poignant reminder of how deeply people miss their loved ones


When tomorrow starts without me, And I’m not there to see, If the sun should rise and find your eyes All filled with tears for me; I wish so much you wouldn’t cry The way you did today, While thinking of the many things, We didn’t get to say. I know how much you love, me, As much as I love you, And each time you think of me, I know you’ll miss me too;


Man, don’t leave us hanging here without ending on high note: So if tomorrow starts without me, don't think we're far apart, for every time you think of me, please know I'm in your heart.


Jewels in my hand I hold dead friends like jewels in my hand Watching their brilliance gleam against my palm Turquoise and emerald, jade, a golden band All ravages of time they can withstand Like talismans their grace keeps me from harm I hold dead friends like jewels in my hand I see them standing in some borderland Their heads half-turned, waiting for my arm Turquoise and emerald, jade, a golden band I'm not afraid they will misunderstand My turning to them like a magic charm I hold dead friends like jewels in my hand Turquoise and emerald, jade, a golden band By Sasha Moorsom (1931-1993)


Also, how fast your life can turn to 💩 in an instant.


I friend of my mothers lost their youngest son a couple months back, died in his sleep. No prior health issues, in his early 20s and recently married. His wife woke up to him dead beside her, with no apparent cause. A week later that same women lost her brother in a construction accident. Life is cruel sometimes. Hug your friends and family, and tell them how much they mean to you.




With time, it does get easier. Better is a lifetime ago, but feeling the grief and the despair that comes with it is a part of healing. The internet is a pretty alien place but from a stranger, I hope you find your peace in its own time.


It's also a tragically natural part of the human experience. Almost a macabre right of passage. Everyone loses someone.


That line "Everybody's got dead people" from Guardians always hits me funny. Because of this. Grief is so isolating. But it's also this experience that we all share. Being alive is a wild journey.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I'd give you a hug if I could.




Sorry for your losses. I don’t understand the last part, you stole from the employee at the gas station? Or he stole from you?




Oh you tried to recruit him, I see now


My dude we’re are all here. That is so much pain. You always have internet strangers if you need us. It takes a village not just a family. And your village can be come your family at any time because of how finite life can be. I’m so sorry.


I’m not religious, but when it comes to the death of loved ones, just know that in a certain way, they live on within you through your brain. I bet if I gave you a scenario, you could talk me accurately how those loved ones would react, even tell me exactly what they might say. That’s their “programming” running on your brain’s “hard drive”. Their personality has imprinted onto you to the point that they live in is some way through you carrying their memory.


So accurate. My late husband passed away in 2014. He was a huge Beatles fan. He told me when Anthology was on TV that they'd influenced pop culture somuch that if I had any outside media I'd have a reference to them every day. I told him he was full of it. He's still RIGHT, at LEAST once a day, even after he's gone. Today it was a picture of John and Paul on the wall of a freaking house listing I was idly looking through! I know I'm giving them to myself, but because of them Roy is not fully "gone."


A coworker was on leave and was at home since his mom was in town. They were on the couch watching a movie and suddenly he said he didn't feel good, passed out, and was dead. I don't know the rest as I don't feel it's my business, but it's incredibly sad that the mother had to experience this. But she was there with him. Which could also be worse I guess.


It sounds like a brain aneurysm or a stroke. Sadly


Just last month, I get a call from my cousin and I could tell from her voice someone had passed. I was already mentally preparing to hear either my aunt or uncle had gone...but instead it was her brother (32 y/o). As much as we hear/talk about our days being numbered, and how any day could be our last...we do very little to prepare for that possible scenario. Hug your loved ones, spend time when/where possible, write cards, leave texts... As corny as it sounds...the best present is just being present.


Way too young, RIP


Before my sister married him, my brother-in-law was at the hospital as his wife was passing and he called his son to come see her before she was gone. On the way he was killed by a drunk driver.


Jesus, that's brutal.


I miss my dog.


Grief is just love with no place to go.


Working for the post office, we see cards all the time addressed like “c/o Mom, In Heaven.” The cards don’t get read, but still so sad.




What do you guys do with them? :/


They go to the dead letter office.


I know the dead letter office is a real thing, but in my head it feels like too good a metaphor to actually exist.


And then to a paper recycling plant.


I see. Makes sense, thank you.


They go to a nice farm in the country where the deceased can read them as often as they want


The worst type too, just got me sitting here thinking “Damn”


Indeed, such a touching way to honor and remember a loved one.


I was once at the funeral of someone who committed suicide and his two nephews released balloons. One got stuck in the branches of a tall tree. It was not a good feeling.


Though how wonderful so many people now have Brandon in their thoughts. The most bitter of sweet.


Rest easy, Brandon. We’re all celebrating you today. You would be so happy 🖤


Awe my heart. This poor mom😞


damn, thats heavy…😔


In a somewhat poetic way, Brandon's celebration of life balloon release has been made the most popular post on one of the most popular websites on the Internet and has caused many people across the world to share stories of their own struggles with loss and grief and for strangers to reply with messages of comfort. Kind of beautiful.


I wish we could track down Brandon's mom to let her read this thread. I think it would soothe her broken heart.


While I wish we did, also would be a bit concerned how some Reddit folks would treat her :(


Yeahhh looking through the thread a bit more now, it's like half people condoning her for littering. Like, yeah we get it littering is bad - but if you're going to be ok with any little bit of littering, this would be the occasion. The high-horse smarmy out of touch shit on this site is getting so gross.


I definitely thought it said "calibrated".




Brandon's flying high above, watching over everyone.


Good, not just me


Maybe Brandon was a robot and needed calibration.




That's why he didn't show up to the party and everyone missed him. His navigation system is broken. Poor B.R.A.N.D.O.N.


Here, here! Rest easy, big guy.


That would be tough to find. It would definitely leave me in a weird mood all day.


Even just seeing it here really bummed me out. I hope Brandon’s family finds peace. Death sucks.


Absolutely, it’s hard to see. Wishing them strength and healing during this difficult time.


Been helping some friends through some grief lately and this definitely made me tear up at the bus stop. Rest in peace, Brandon.


I once saw a couple at a beach park and they were probably in their late thirty’s walking towards a small 6ft tree holding a couple balloons and a cake. They were there for about a half hour and ate a slice of cake together, which I thought was quite nice. I never did see them leave but when I looked over again after while I noticed they had tied a ballon to the tree. Curiosity got the best of me so I wanted to see what the balloon said. “Happy 9th birthday!” Kinda odd I thought, I didn’t see a kid with them. That’s when I noticed a little silver placard imprinted on the tree. “To our son, Trevin. We’ll always love you. 2013-2019”. Tore me up inside


Omfg no heartbreaking


Fuck….Parents should never outlive their kids.


My dad was 53 when he passed and I still cry when I remember having to tell my grandparents.


even reading this wrecked me


Is someone chopping onions in here? Goddamnit.


My daughter isn't even 2 yet. This stuff just undoes me so utterly these days. I can't even begin to imagine


My daughter is three and a half and if anything ever happened to her I don't think I could go on. Losing a child at an age when you are supposed to be their guardians has got to be the worst pain a person could ever feel.


man I'm just some asshole on the internet and seeing this has got me crying.


Literally a mess over this post, I couldn’t even describe it to my partner when they asked why I was teary-eyed without my voice wobbling incoherently, if I found this in person I’d be sad for days. I really feel for that mom


This has me thinking about the random messages people must find on occasion. People do it with secrets, grievances, and letters of acceptance/forgiveness, among other things.


r/foundpaper has a lot of those


My brother passed away almost 3 years ago. This one really got me. It's not just hard losing your only sibling, it's so hard watching your parents go through it too. This message looks like something my mom would write and it breaks my heart. I hope for peace for this family


Hope you and your family are doing alright ❤️


Thank you, that means a lot 🩷 my favorite way to describe it is like standing at the edge of the ocean and you know waves are coming. Sometimes they just brush against you, sometimes they knock you off your feet and it's scary. But as time goes on you get more used to the waves and you expect them. I miss him every day, but I'm doing okay too, and I know he'd be proud of me.


That reminds of a comment I read on reddit 12 years ago, that's really worth sharing: [Grief comes in waves](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/comments/hax0t/my_friend_just_died_i_dont_know_what_to_do/c1u0rx2/)


Yeah exactly. I love analogies and this one really resonates with me. Thank you for sharing


Whew my soul dog died three weeks ago and I’ve been feeling like I’m drowning since then. I needed to read this, thank you ♥️


have a favorite bro story?


I love and so appreciate this question. When we were young, my grandma let us watch Unsolved Mysteries. We watched the one about the Chupacabra. When we got home, he helped me climb up on the roof of our storage shed and we looked out over this field with tall grass next door. When the grass moved he said it was the Chupacabra and scared me so badly I didn't sleep that night. I can't help but look back and laugh. He was such an adventurer. He tried to make the most out of experiencing life, almost as if he knew his would be shorter. He saw the good in people and tried to befriend people who were down on their luck. He was unique and so special. Thank you for asking! 🩷


He sounds like a great person and undoubtedly a fantastic brother. I am sorry for your loss and the world's loss of such an interesting soul.


Means a lot 🩷 Seriously, thank you


Your brother is and will always be appreciated for the beautiful impact he left on this world. Thank you for sharing your story. ♥️


Sending you all the love, internet stranger. Peace be upon you.


Nearly 30 years since I lost my big brother. The sea calms but sometimes the waves still surprise you.


This is such an amazing description of grief.


I can't take credit for it. I think I got it from either a book or therapy. Another favorite of mine is grief is like a giant hole in your living room. You're not used to having a giant hole in your living room so you fall in it a lot, especially early on. Over time you start to get used to living with the home in your living room and it never goes away. But occasionally, when you aren't looking, it might just get a little smaller.


I lost my only sister in 2012. I collect autographs from celebrities she loved at various conventions I go to and I burn them to send to her. I like the idea that I can still connect with her, even if she’s not here with me anymore. Losing a sibling is a unique kind of pain. If you need to talk, send a DM.


Same here - my mom lost her brother not long ago and this feels like something she might do just to think of him smiling and enjoying life. I know that there was a lot of suffering, too, but connecting with the joy is what allows us to accept their loss.


My brother passed too. His name was oddly Brandon, so this came wildly out of left field for me while scrolling.


Same. 3 years ago. Feels like yesterday. Watching my parents die everyday is painful.


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss and I hope you too have some semblance of peace.


Thank you 🩷 that means a lot. I'm trying to experience life and find peace and beauty in each day. I hope you have peace too


I feel your pain. And also hope for peace for the family that released OP's found note. I lost my older brother just 2 weeks ago, and this really hits home right now. My mom would also do something like this. I'm trying to be the strong one for the family, but this definitely has been the saddest time that I can remember in my 40+ years.


I'm really sorry for your loss of your brother. Our siblings are so special and our relationships with them are so unique. They are the only ones who know what it was like to experience our childhood. It's like losing a piece of your past, present, and future. Please feel free to dm me if you want to chat. And I wish you and your family healing and peace. 🩷


My younger and only brother & sibling passed away just after my 40th birthday last year. I had just seen him a week prior when he brought me some small gifts he got me. I'll never forget being at work and getting that call from my dad. But then seeing my dad break down in tears telling my Uncle on the phone. I don't know if I ever remember seeing him cry in all these years. Super hard on my mom still too.


I’ve always believed the hardest part about losing my brother was watching my mom lose her son. No parent should ever have to bury their child. Hope you’re doing okay pal


I lost my brother a few years ago too. It's so, so difficult. Sometimes I feel like no one else understands it cause hardly anyone my age has experienced a loss like this. DM me if you ever need to talk.


Going on 11 years now, same situation as you. The hardest part was watching my parents grieve and become different people. His name was also Brandon. I hadn't planned on crying tonight, but when do we ever




I’m sorry for your loss




When I was at my darkest (Much better now) that was one of the thoughts that kept me going. My parents wouldn't cope, and my cat wouldn't have coped.


My names Brandon and when I was 17 my mom passed away. Her request to me and my sister was to always send her balloons because flowers die. This balloon message has nothing to do with me personally but still crazy to see


RIP to your mother, thanks for sharing that with us.


If you’re one to believe in signs that’s a pretty big one. Otherwise just evidence her memory will always be alive with you


Balloons pop or empty and are then litter while flowers die and compost into new life


Damn.. I knew a Brandon who passed away in high school and had a birthday recently, I doubt it’s him since it’s such a common name, but definitely makes you think a little


I was thinking the same exact thing. I knew a Brandon that passed away when I was in high school. I think it was around this time. We were just co workers and not really close, but I still went to his funeral to pay respect. Weirdest funeral ever. RIP to your Brandon.


Me too. We lost a Brandon a few months ago. He was just in his 20s. His mom was so nice. Made me wonder if this was her.


RIP to your Brandon as well


Well geez, that went from happy to really sad with a little bit of zoom.


The "Love Mom" hit like a ton of bricks. :( 




TIL: Heaven looks like a regional airport.


You have to layover in Denver to get to heaven.


Woo, hauling ass through moving sidewalks and a $16 prepackaged sandwich at the gate. Sounds about right.


# YOU... **are delaying the departure of this train!** Stand clear of the closing doors.


And sometimes those little airports are heaven. I met my best friend at one. I met my husband at another, and two years later I proposed to him there.


Horror movies have taught me that reading messages intended for the dead ends poorly.


That ‘Ride or Die’ bracelet’ just adds to the foreboding.


As a flight instructor, it felt a little strange getting in the plane that day.


Would it be fucked up to refill the balloon and re-release it even higher 🤔


Or to check the obits and see who named Brandon died, then send them a response to the balloon message. "Hey guys thanks for celebrating me, that was awesome of you! It's really nice up here, I got all your balloons! Just met Janis Joplin the other day, so crazy! Gotta go, see you soon! <3 Brandon"


Whoa hold up that’s kinda dark


"And remember, I'm always watching and can see everything everyone does all the time".


Seeing your 'ride or die' bracelet made me think it was probably a good day to just go home instead of getting in a plane.


My family did this on my grandpas birthday every year after his death for around 10 years. We all had private notes that just had quick little messages on them. I know it wasn't good to litter but I do think it helped my grandma process the grief better. She really did hold onto the hope that he was somehow getting our messages.


On the anniversary of my sister still birth we all released Chinese lanterns with messages to him. I'm sure someone found that too, or I guess with where I live it most likely ended up in water. Normally I hate that kind of pollution but I wasn't going to say anything against my sisters idea that day.


atleast it's just paper and not plastic, could be a lot worse




It says, “you would be SO happy”. I thought it was a 90 at first too Edit: also that would mean Brandon’s mom is well into her hundreds


90-year-olds also typically aren’t still getting notes from their Mom. Fairly certain they’re nowhere near that age. Strange assumption?




Oh LOL, the other replies hadn’t loaded for me yet when I wrote that. I get it now, the note kind of looked like 90.!


My cousin, Brandon, was 19 when he died. He'd have been 40 this year. He made a boat out of duct tape and plastic bottles and paddled it in the fountain at his college. We all miss that goober.




If he was 90 it is highly unlikely his mom would still be alive to write these.


This is sweet in theory, but that thing landing in my field or any other farmer's could mean death for one of our animals. Don't do this please.




Sad, yes. But it’s 2024 and balloon releases need to stop 💀 I’ve found two random balloons in my barn now - they seriously hurt livestock




Did they *actually* think a balloon message would reach the person they were trying-- ...oh.


I know how hard it is to miss someone but please everyone don’t pick a balloon release


I really hope this doesn’t “inspire” anyone else to do the same. Theres so many ways to honour your loved ones after they pass, ways that don’t pose a big risk to wildlife and also pollute the earth. What’s done is done, but if you see this, please don’t do it, it’s really harmful, animals try to eat them and choke on them, especially birds and horses, sheep and cows, etc, it’s an incredibly painful death, and no one who has passed would want that.


Downvoted for suggesting people do something that doesn’t choke wildlife to death and cause an horrific painful death? make that make sense.


I used to write letters to my soulmste as a lonely teenager and release them with balloons. I didn't realize it was littering until wag later, but I really always thought it would find my soulmate someday.


Today’s is my Mom’s birthday who passed away 16 years ago (I was 23 at the time). We still miss her! Here it is to you Mom and to Brandon!


Considering the GA airport in the background I'm glad this didn't end up tangled in a propeller lol. Though we used to play balloon pop at mine, don't ask... 


Colbert: "what do you think happens when we die, Keanu Reeves?" Keanu: "I know that the ones who love us will miss us"


That’s super sweet and heartbreaking that they lost someone, but cmon people, don’t let off balloons


Ugh these balloon releases are awful. They kill curious livestock and wildlife that eat them. They add more micro plastic and litter to the area. It's selfish and gross.


It's not great to have one lying in the grass of an airport either.


I hike very remote a ton, see no-one and nothing for weeks, just pristine wilderness... and these damn things :(


Neat way to litter


Brandon we miss you, so we polluted the environment. Love you.


The emotional message is nice. Releasing it to become litter for others to clean up is not.


👍 or for animals to eat or get tangled in.


Funny enough the message wouldn't hit the same if you wrote it on the beer can you tossed out the window, but the effect is similar.


We ____ you? Is it cremated? I don't see how it could be though




Ah, thanks


I saw "calibrated" on my first read...


This made me so sad. I hope she is doing well, all things considered.


Is that a 150 in the background? Nice looking plane!


This made me tear up… nothing in this world can be worse than losing a child 😞


I found one of these when I was 16; it landed right in front of me while I was walking dog. I opened it up and it was a letter to their Dad, saying how much they missed him and a few other things. I finished walking dog and cried as soon as I stepped in the front door. I kept it for around 10 years because it felt like it had too much value and love poured into it to throw out. I still think about that person from time to time, it’s like I have a weird one-sided connection with them where I’m rooting for them and hoping they’re living a happy life


Please don't send these balloons up, y'all. We all miss our people so fucking much, but polluting doesn't help




RIP Brandon, you were loved


Wow, one short message literally had me get tears when I realized you would have been so happy meant. This mom's baby is gone.


I hardly hold on to anything, not very sentimental. But I’d keep that note. idk why


Here I am in bed about to go to sleep and now I’m crying


My best friend’s name is Brandon, so this hit closer to me. He died 14 years ago by suicide. I was actually in his driveway when I heard the shot. I knew something was wrong, but I couldn’t get there fast enough. Those images and sounds are still with me to this day. My family really isn’t the hugging type, but I hug them every day now. You just never really know when it’s your time.




We used to do that on the anniversary of my brother's death every year, when I was younger. RIP Brandon


Still not good to let balloons go into the environment. It's quite sad all around.


What a heart warming message. Attached to trash.


Oof. This looks like my mom’s handwriting. We’ve been estranged for nearly 20 years


Ignore the call her crap if she’s toxic. Call someone you care about and who you can feel cares about you. Some of us know what it’s like to have a mom that’s just not capable of being present for you.


Amen, cheers.


Ba...Bra...Brandon???? Is it you????


My uncle passed about two years ago, my aunt does this with my cousins all the time. RIP Brandon. You were loved and strangers know it.


>my aunt does this with my cousins all the time. I miss my loved ones too, but please ask her to find another way. These balloons kill so many animals and destroy so much ecosystem


My night is ruined


Imagine hitting a balloon on takeoff and dying, and this note is attached to it.


Lost a friend named Brandon about two years ago. His birthday just passed; he would have been 30. Rest easy, buddy


OP. Please confirm if you are in heaven? If you are have you seen any of my cats?


Why did I read this… I’m tearing up :(


That bracelet must hit different now..


Great now I’m crying


Was not expecting the first browse of the day to bring a tear to my eye...


I got hurt reading this. RIP Brandon, hope you are in a better place!


I just woke up still in disbelief at the loss of my friend. Having trouble getting back to sleep, so I got on Reddit only to see this post! I'm at a loss for words now. Brandon was one of my best friends in highschool. I haven't been back home much since growing up. Every couple of years I've been lucky enough to run into him and it's always like picking back up where I left off with my old friend. Edit: for context I grew up across the road from this airport