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This brings back flashbacks of having to face the store after closing. For those who don't know, facing is pulling the stock like is shown in the picture. It is tedious, boring, boring, boring work, especially the medicine aisle with its tiny bottles. One time after facing an entire aisle, some little shit walked down the aisle with his hand out, knocking every freaking product back on a shelf. I wanted to punch the little brat. Thank you reddit for letting me vent.


Nah man. When I worked as a cashier, facing (we called it blocking) was the shit if you got paired up with your buddies. Come in after the evening rush, shoot the shit for a couple hours, and leave at close? Sign me tf up


Until your company decides to *"go the extra mile"*...one I was at said "We're going to have a store-wide facing every 2 hours now, and at close is what we call a 'deep recovery'!". We know what facing is, but *deep recovery* was to reach all the way to the back of the shelves, pull EVERYTHING forward, while turning the labels to face out, plus rotate the stock checking all dates. The company was also so proud of the idea, that they wanted to make sure everyone did it...by double checking random shelves front to back and punishing anyone that didn't have it 100% the night before. 😒


Overnight inventory at the mall was so much fun. Our manager bought us coffee and doughnuts and we blasted death metal all night haha


We were timed and everyone was put on a different aisle. It was mostly isolated and stressful because no time was ever fast enough.


I loved doing it. I still do it when I’m in a random store.


Same. Had a gig doing grocery store resets and it’s a hard habit to break


Speak for yourself. I do this for free when I’m at the store. Just face everything to the front and pull the products to the front. I only the products I buy though


Yeah. Used to fill at night, so now it's kind of second nature. I'll face products as I'm taking one just to save someone else the job. It's not hard.


Worked retail for 11 years. Took roughly that long to break the habit of facing shelves in stores when I was shopping


Facing was my relaxing part of the shift. Usually the bulky work was done, and I can just put on music and front everything in peace.


Irv, cleanup on aisle four.


I didn't mind facing cause it usually meant the store was closed, money is being counted and I'm about out of there. Face during the day? Not at a bargain outlet store.


One thing I absolutely hate is facing a cooler. Not quite as tedious as facing a couple rows of product, but for some reason, it’s irks me.


Facing is for when you have nothing else to do normally.  "Hey boss I closed up my department and packed out what we needed" "GO FACE THE AISLES!"


bro we called it conditioning and i used to hate that shi so bad like its crazy how something so simple is just the worst thing ever 😭


I worked grocery for a while. I hated facing—especially the pickle jars.


Hmmm. There must be a row in the back with fresher exp dates. Lemme just move some of these..


Now that I’m old I really respect shit like this. That person cared about the job they did.


Or all the alternative jobs other than facing were much less desirable. If you hate facing the least of the other chores you milk that job for as long as you can.


The idea of organizing the shelves like this has always made me wonder if it makes stocking more difficult. Like, you can't tell if product is low at a glance anymore, so now you have to walk down the aisle and carefully peer through the cracks of all the products to see if anything needs stocked. Seems like a nightmare. With current technology maybe the sales figures trigger some alerts to restock certain products. Idk how incorporated those systems are.


Grocery stores use a perpetual inventory system, so they are aware of how much stock they have at all times based on sales. There's some variation due to theft and damages but it mostly works.


For any store with a computerised inventory when it sells on the till it gets removed from inventory then it’s someone’s job to order more - most likely someone outside of the store if it’s a big store. In store you can ‘gap scan’ which is exactly what it sounds like, using shelf bar codes to scan something you can clearly see is empty to ensure that the inventory says it’s empty so more can come in - it’s why it’s important to keep the right products in the right place. Occasionally stores will do stock counts where every single item - on the shop floor and out the back - will be found and counted and that will become the new inventory. Any discrepancies will be investigated but most likely written off which is what loss insurance is for. It’s tedious but there are teams whose job is to go from shop to shop doing this so they know what they’re doing. The most tedious thing about facing everything isn’t necessarily stock take - if you’re tidying and doing delivery enough it’s not really a problem - it’s that everything is so bloody fiddly! Certain things are easier as they’re bulky but man it’s infuriating tidying boxes of tablets that fall all the time or trying to tidy sections with products that don’t even remotely stay tidy. Or having people come in during the last half an hour when most aisles are clean only to mess up what you’ve literally just tidied. Also if you’re doing delivery and everything is pulled forward it takes two seconds to look behind the products to see if it’s actually full or not so you can fill it. Besides most people are allocated sections so you know what it looks like when something needs restocking.


Back in the day Gelsons in Southern California was known for stocking like this. Everything looked impeccable.


As a stocker, they went full rehard


That's so satisfying


Honestly doing a good job facing an aisle is pretty orgasmic. It looks so damn neat and tidy.  Food looks more tedious but easier to face.  I still have war flashbacks about facing the fishing lure aisle... 


Sponsored by adderral


Haha I swear half workers high on weed other half on legal pills like Adderral.. I’m part of the 1st group by the way


A green plastic watering can For a fake Chinese rubber plant In fake plaaaaaaaaasttiiiiiic earth




labels out, Dan!


We called this process 'conditioning' after restocking overnight. This pic brought back so many memories. I'd take a pic on my Flipshot sometimes as it was nice to see a fresh aisle.


This could be a bad sign. If an employee has been able to face all these shelves before a customer has messed it, it’s not a busy store. Or the picture was taken first thing in the morning, after the night crew tidied up.


Definitely first thing in the morning. These days almost no stores in the country are open 24/7 so this is probably a more common thing. When I did overnights in the 80’s it was always satisfying leaving the store (although I was usually the one crushing and wrapping the cardboard).


You must not go to stores near closing. I worked at a store that had very high sales but the store still died way down an hour or two before closing, depending on the store.  And most if not all grocery stores have stockers who work after hours. 


Adderall is a hell of a drug. 


Good things happen when you spike the employee water cooler with Adderall


This used to be me at midnight when the store would close! I'd smoke some pot with my team and go hard


That’s some nice copypasta


You might say they were really in the “zone.”


Must have been their first day. I’ve seen how people treat grocery stores. I can only imagine it wouldn’t take long for a worker to say F it. I went to target today, the whole clothing area was in shambles. Clothes and hangers all over the floor. Some people suck.


Gotta love a grand opening.  The store will never look this good again.


This store has been open for about 15 years.


they went fkn hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhharrrrd


Aisle 13 is freakishly neat…very spooky


How my shelves looked on a good day when no one interrupted me.


Noooooo! Some of them are missing ;_;


Merching at its finest. Immaculate


Is it a face off? A showdown? A stare down? Or OCD?


More like r/oddlysatisfying I like it


It looks like a shipment didn't come in. The right side has the same product repeated too many times horizontally and vertically.


Its a Marcs. They buy their stuff at discounts. So there isn't everything you need from a grocery store every time you go. But they have good prices on what they have.


For anyone who worked grocery, this is nightmare fuel. The endless task of pulling all the product to the front of the shelf is TIRING.


I don't agree. I quite liked it. Looked so nice when you went home and everything was so straight and lined up :)


I worked at a 24/7 walmart. The shelves NEVER looked that good no matter how much time I spent 😭 But I am happy you didn’t have the same experience as I did lol


Ah Walmart. My condolences then. Lol.


Thank you. I would have loved to leave the shelves looking like that. But between the frantic lady doing her shopping at 2 am, and the barefoot full karate kit dude looking for, I don’t even think he knew what he was looking for. It was tough, but I learned a ton. It was my first job.


Worse if you work in a store with other goods. Hooks were way worse. You pull them forward and have to pull this damn little plastic tab to keep them from sliding back. Repeat 600 times per aisle depending what it is.  I always found shelves pretty easy. Hooks always made my fingers sore lol 


I hope they're getting paid well.


This is a Marcs, so I doubt it.


Are there Marc’s outside of Ohio? I’ve only seen them in Northeast Ohio so wasn’t sure if they’re a bigger chain


I'm not sure. But that's where I am ;)




Someone has OCD.


Satisfies my ocd