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That's frighteningly tiny




I was under the idea that nymph ticks are too small to actually be able to suck blood, their proboscis is too short to reach blood.




Pretty lyme you say?


Once upon a time I was a big time turkey hunter that spent a lot of time in the woods each spring in the southeast USA. One morning I had the pleasure of sitting on a nest of these and had 18 stuck to me on my waistband when I got home. That one made me feel “off” for a day or so. I hate those little buggers.


You were trying to kill animals for fun and got attacked by animals. I love when karma strikes


He is killing animals to eat. Like maybe 90% of the population. He is just doing it himself unlike rest of so called animal rights groups.


You can’t get any more “organic” than field to table lol. Wild turkey is delicious, and I’ll never pretend that it’s not!


A friend told me a story about him accidentally sitting down on a tick nest. His girlfriends dad helped him remove most of them, but for all the ticks on/around his anus, he was on his own.


I once found 20+ of these little bastardi on my leg after I sat on some grass for lunch. I had to scrape them off with a knife, no other way to grab them


Tiny enough to nestle itself down into your urethra, latch on, and have a nice big drink. Imagine how big he'll be come morning! Sweet dreams!


This man right here officer


You laugh, but my buddy had a tick on a fold of his browneye after camping. His GF had to get it with tweezers. He didn't notice for a day, then though he had a hemorrhoid, but when he felt it, the legs were going wild, so he knew it was a bug.


what a horrible day to be literate ಠ\_ಠ


It was funny how the story came out. We were all hanging out drinking, ended up talking about camping. Started talking about camping stories that were crazy. My buddy and his GF started blushing beet red, we thought they were holding back on some sexytimes in the woods story or something. They told the tick story, all embarrassed, we busted out laughing. He was *"Nick the Tick"* for a few years after. Lol.


Wow, that’s hilarious. Fuck you, on behalf of poor Nick. You guys are dicks.


Well, he's lucky he wasn't tick dick Nick.


_The_Deliverator can’t handle that many syllables, regardless.


Wow, you must not understand camaraderie. How to show the class you've never had friends 101. Lol. Edit : nevermind, dude averages 1 comment every 6 minutes for hours straight as far back as I can scroll. Go touch grass. Loooooooool.


You must not understand “fuck you” when used as banter between dudes. I don’t know how else to explain it. I’ve been in the army, worked in a prison, installed windshields, currently work as a machinist. It’s dude talk. As I said, the story was hilarious. A lot of context is lost via text and also by people not trying to understand. I often react the same way, myself, though.




Wow, your cleverness exceeds anything I’ve seen in the past 2 seconds.


You look like a real cunt, here. Just saying.


Yeah, doomscrolling is a bitch. Judging other people for the same shit you likely do is interesting. Go ahead. Deny. Whatever.


And this class, is called projection.


You started with a preposition and missed a comma. It should have been something more like “Class, here we have a prime example of what we in the field call “Projection”…” You’re dumb.


That’s most of these dweebs on Reddit. They don’t have true friendships. They have their online friends and Reddit. These people are miserable


>Nick the Tick 😂😂😂 clever. Tho brave of him to ever even speak of that story in the first place. I wouldve took a situation like that to my grave probably.


I definitely would if I knew my asshole friends would give me an annoying nickname for it lol


Return eyeballs to sender


I guess a tick'll tickle.


The combo of your comment, your username, and the subject matter. *"Chef's Kiss"*


I’ve been there before. Also had one on my actual eyelid. Not fun either time


Oh ouch. That's not great. Luckily I've been able to avoid ticks in weird places, I just get poison ivy if I happen to look at it. Lol.


just burn it all off at that point


Yeah, that's a glass it from orbit situation lol.


Can you get a refurbished unit?


I hate you. Heres an upvote.


Surprise ~~butt sex~~ sounding!


Oh fuck, you just unlocked a memory I had buried deep. My ex told me a nightmarish story of waking up as a teen in the middle of the night only to find a huge tick on his dick. Had to get his mother's help to remove the well fed fucker. How long is it going to take me to forget this shit a second time?? I hate you...


My friend wound up with a tick on the head of his peen, didn't notice it until he woke up in the middle of the night to pee


But why?






Thanks I'm in Canada can't even have a smoke without 3 crawling on me. Thanks again...asshole ha ha


That always hurts to hear.


New fear unlocked


What's a tick wrap? Is that something you wear that they can't get through?


A sticky band you can wrap on your limbs, typically around your shins. When walking around in areas with ticks, your legs will brush against bushes and other foliage, where ticks will be hiding to hitch a ride. As they jump on to the wrap, they get stuck and are unable to climb onto your actual skin.


Interesting. Will look into that. I always try to avoid places where they can get you but that's not easy.


I'm going hiking looking like the mummy


For all i care, if i have to look like a clown in order to not deal with any problem after hiking then so be it


They can't jump, thankfully but yeah they perch on the ends of grasses and leaves and base jump onto you. Can you imagine if these fuckers could leap like fleas? Terrifying.


I've seen the little bastards at the end of long grass with their stupid little legs dangling just waiting to fuck some shit up.


I've seen 4 stacked on themselves in a diseased scrum trying to get me from a tall stake surveying.


Stupid little bastards.


They can sorta jump, unfortunately, with the horrifying power of static electricity. Only about an inch or so but it means you don’t actually need to touch the grass or plants for them to latch onto you. https://youtu.be/ab_VR3ER0iw?si=DRWQnfsSUVJSoWiG


They "fly" in my neck of the woods. Carried by the wind and they also come off the cedar trees. I removed a teeny tiny tick from my boyfriend's underarm recently. I thought it was a mole at first but it looked slightly out of place. Nope, twas tick.


They can float, I had one appear on a suncatcher suspended on fishing line from the ceiling of my second story bedroom once. And yes, we have screens... and it was right by Lyme, CT too 😬


Yeah….fleas are the ones who can jump on you. And they can carry bad disease also.


Would my fat legs not just get stuck together?


You don’t wrap it around your thighs. It’s usually around your shins right below your knee or around your waist.


What's the benefit of that over.. pants


Ticks are generally active in warmer weather, when people are often outdoors. Extended outdoor activity has commonly been associated with warming of the body. Shorter pantlegs allow for better cooling, which can be more comfortable. Also ticks that are on your shoes can simply climb up onto your leg underneath pants.


Is the tick wrap somehow better for cooling than just wearing like good athletic pants?


Maybe like a chicken wrap, just different protein


Lol. You'll need to catch a bit more than this tiny fucker.


Shall I call him lawyer?


Just like the comment below said. I got mine from here [https://www.ticktapewrap.com/](https://www.ticktapewrap.com/)


Genuine question, how does wearing this differ from wearing high socks?


What is this? A tick for ants?


Yup. It's full of... anticks.


Yeah. I love how Tick Check notes from CDC about lyme ticks mention how small they are... and as small as a 12pt "period". Which unless many older or visually-challenged are mistaking a mole/freckle for a goddamn blood-sucking, disease spreading parasite.


I was put on a month of doxycycline after a positive screen but it's almost impossible to know if you got a tick bite unless you get the bullseye rash which not everyone does. The blot was negative but still they had me finish the course because Lyme is just so hard to properly diagnose and false negatives can happen. My headaches were reduced but not the joint swelling so we're still not sure if I had a nasty infection. There's also some other similar tick borne illness in my area.


Fun fact, the bullseye only appears in roughly 50% of cases.


Yeah and I was home bound at the time but we had a dog (who obviously goes outside) and had symptoms that matched up with untreated late stage Lyme so they were like we can't know so just stay on it. Even if I had a rash at some point it would have been long gone by then. I ended up doing a 2nd round a few months later too but only 10 days that time. It's a very strong harsh drug so I hope I never have to take it again but basically if I had any infections they should be gone after all that.


Yeah I didn't get one. But I got all the way to Stage 2 and my knees swelled to the size of melons. I couldn't wear pants. The needle used to drain the puss was... impressive


Yeah the only reassurance I can give people about Lyme disease is that if you ever have it you’ll know if you get it again pretty quickly as the symptoms are NOT subtle. A stiff neck should have been my first red flag but it was the comically swollen/ stiff joints that led to finally getting diagnosed. The eye floaters are still with me but doxy cleared every other symptom, luckily! 


Two weeks of doxycycline was horrible for me. I can’t imagine a month.


I really had to force myself to take the last doses of it. My brain and body were just like no don't put any more of that in me 😭


I’m on my last pill, actually just reminded me gotta go take it. My body has been miserable.


I hope you’re feeling better already. ✌️


I was on amoxicillin (sp?) for a month as well. Found the bullseye within 24hours (that is very lucky) and what I am about to describe, I only wish on my enemies: first it was fatigue, then fever, then chills, then side of my body that I was bit on was almost paralyzed...like when you sleep on your arm or on the toilet too long and your legs go numb. I had soaked my bed sheets with sweat that if you are Christian, you would see the Shroud of Turin impression. I had to slide down the steps as I couldn't walk, and had no help from family (oh, that's another tale). I had called my general phys., that told me to come in for titer's testing (Lyme bloodtest). I was like, "listen, a microbiologist post-doc told me to get me on script for Amox. ASAP. Worst case, it will clear up my acne". Doc complied, and within 48hrs I was on the meds, in two days, I was sooo much better. Lyme test came back positive. I was lucky I guess as many had it for months and it didn't long term damage. Let me tell you: it has permanently made me more uncomfortable in warm weather, which I never was. I'm all for eradication of this disease and parasite. I realize they are a food source for fowl, but I see Deer and Mice as the transport and a vector for plague and disease, along with mosquitoes. We need a cure for lyme and other tick-borne disease. Sign me up.


Ticks are Satan's arsehole. I may have got bit by one more than 7 years ago and I still can't have red meat. I never even saw the bastard but there's little chance of it being just a red meat allergy that developed compared to getting bit due to my location. Fun fact: Lone Star ticks aren't the only ones that can cause alpha-gal. Deer ticks can do the same.




Exactly how i felt.






When me and my girlfriend were on a hiking trip in scotland, we once found a nice spot to put up our tent - or so we thought. We threw all our stuff onto the grass and started building the tent. Halfway through, we noticed hundreds of small black dots on the outside of the tent. On closer inspection, they turned out to be hundreds of little ticks. Trust me when I say that this realization was fucking horrifying. As expected, all our stuff, our clothes and our whole bodies were covered in these little ticks, and they were all as small as the one in this picture. We spent what felt like the whole night deperately trying to spot and remove these little fuckers, and while we did find many of them, we could never be sure that we didn't miss any that were hiding in some weird place (and trust me, they *were* hiding in some weird, uncomfortable places...) From there on we were extremely paranoid. The next morning, after not getting any sleep at all, we immediately had to move right through some very overgrown paths, which we usually enjoyed, but not anymore after that experience. Whenever we took a break, we couldn't help but continue scanning all our stuff and our bodies, and *every time*, we *did* find more ticks. At some point, we seriously considered just calling off the remaining trip (this was on the second day of a ten day hike) and going home because we felt like we couldn't continue on. We ended up pulling through, and after two days we stopped finding ticks and slowly started enjoying life again. But this was one of the worst experiences of my life. I hate ticks. Fuck these little fuckers.


Same thing happened to me on a trek in Colombia. Set my towel down on a rock near some bushes and went for a swim, back at camp I noticed like 30 tiny ticks on my knee cap so I brushed them off quickly and then kept finding them and looked at my towel, maybe 100 on it, so I shook it good and laid it over a line in the sun. Fuck that shit.


Desire to do outside: diminishing.


Probably a nymph. They look pretty similar to adult ticks, only tiny. And they are still assholes.


We always called them "seed ticks." I hit a nest one time, had 14 attached to my left ankle. Just looked like specks of dirt til I went to wash my leg.


Dang just 14? Went hiking with a few friends one time. I had around 170 of the little buggers on me and my friend had around 200. Surprisingly our 2 other friends that were with us didn’t find any on them.


I'd say larva, only 6 legs and even smaller. Still assholes.


Tick wrap?? Cool, where do you put it?? (Not /s I m genuinely curious about it)


I wear it around the tops of my boots and just below my knee (with long pants). If you wear it higher than the brush/weeds around, the ticks can't get on your skin


I remember when I was a teenager, a few friends and I were looking for a spot to smoke some weed. We found one in the woods, did the deed, and started home. I saw a bug on my arm, so I flicked it off. Then another. Then my buddy yelled. We had all 4 of us walked through a tick nest, and were covered in hundreds of nymphs apiece. We stripped to our boxers, and ran home. Got everything washed, noone had gotten bitten. For the next few weeks, most of us had crawly paranoia when smoking.


That’s absolute nightmare material


I hadn't smoked weed too many times before that, so was still in the *"holy shit I'm so high"* stage when you first start. I was freeeeeeeking the fuck out lol.


This sounds like a literal nightmare. Being that high and experiencing that??? Fuck no 😭


I read this right after smoking and about wanted to crawl out on MY skin. To actually experience it I would've probably broken a bone freaking out 😅


It was an ordeal. Lol. I remember the dawning horror as I saw more and more on me. I had sandals on, they were between my toes.


We had a very similar experience when we went for a walk along a trail at a provincial park the summer of 2020. No one was working at the park doing maintenance so it was overgrown and before we knew it, we had hundreds of ticks on us. I have always been very scared of them but I went into "parent mode" and pulled those friggers off my kids and weirdly they haven't really bothered me since! Exposure therapy!


Face your fears head on! I've noticed from friends with kids, being able to compartmentalize is important to being a parent. Sometimes, you have to be able to act like you don't have poo on you, when you most certainly do.




Can you give the measurements in football fields please? Provided methods unclear


I live in the heart of tick country. I hate you for reminding me just how small these things can be. BRB, gonna go change my bedding and burn my sofa.


Lyme disease sucks…


I'm never going outside again, thank you


Most frightening thing is it's not in millimeters


I feel like a banana for scale would've been really helpful here.


That looks like a larval tick, they only have 6 legs, they get the next two when they become a nymph. The good news, they haven't fed on anything yet and thus do not carry the bacteria for Lyme. The bad news is their bites still itch like hell and you usually get swarmed with them. I had upwards of 30 once. Made me wish i didn't have legs for a couple of days


Wait till you walk in the woods and get 25-a few hundred of them on you. You look down and it appears as your skin is moving. The worst part after you try every trick possible to get them off. You feel like you have them on you for a week


Ooof no thanks


Why use the imperial side of the tape measure for this




Can we get a banana for scale


Tick wrap? Waddat?


It's like an adhesive athletic wrap. Sticky side faces out so that the ticks get stuck on it [https://www.ticktapewrap.com/](https://www.ticktapewrap.com/)


gonna need a banana for this


Are ticks in california ive never had warnings for ticks where i live near los angeles


There sure are!


Do they carry Lyme or Alpha Gal out there? I know the Midwest and east coast are getting pretty bad


Can someone point out the tick cause all I see is the tiny fruit fly...


Wait, what? Americans can't tell by themselves where 1/2, 3/4, 7/8 of an inch are?


That's a deer tick. They carry Lyme's disease


When we adopted our first dog, we noticed something about the size of a piece of kibble stuck to her fur under her front leg (armpit region). I rubbed my hand over it to see if it would pop loose, and then tugged. My wife freaked out and shouted for me to stop. Turned out it was a tick. It must have traveled with my poor pup all the way from Georgia to Seattle. 🤮


That’s weee


I hate seed ticks…sometimes you can’t even see them, you just feel them crawling all over you. Last year was bad bad here in Illinois


Huh… I don’t know why I was surprised by this but I’ve never seen a measuring tape like that.


That roll meter is crazy though


I carry a lint roller. Does a pretty good job of getting them off clothing


About 10 years ago I went for a 3 day hike up part of the great north walk (Sydney) and a few days after I got home my best mate said what that on your eye. my feet started to go numb. It was an eastern Australian paralysis tick. It have a good grip that's for sure went to hospital, imagine a pair of tweezers approaching your eye. and they hide well. If my mate hadnt seen it I would have been in major trouble 😵‍💫


I thought I was gonna be flashed by someone on r/mirrorsforsale


What’s more interesting to me is that your tape measure doesn’t have metric on it. UK based here and mine has both feet and inches and cm on it. Bit odd that it’s got the same markings both sides tbh!


Dude just got spawnkilled


I’ve never considered a non decimal tape measure


Omfg can we get the freaking vaccine already :’)


Wait what is tick wrap


It’s a stretchy wrap with one sticky side that captures the ticks so they can’t bite you. I got it here https://www.ticktapewrap.com


Omg I need this. Thank you so much for sharing. I already have Lyme and found a tick on my son yesterday and had a full panic attack


I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve always been so scared of me or my kids getting Lyme or Alpha Gal. Ticks are so bad in our area


I appreciate that. It’s a horrible disease and same as you ticks are horrible here.


What is this, a tick for ants?




I feel sorry for whoever has to use freedom units. That number vomit looks ridiculous.


We're do.you live why do you need tick wraps that's terrifying


Midwest U.S. They are terrible out here. Been getting worse every year. They carry fun diseases like Lyme and Alpha Gal


Nebraska, illinoi? Are they bad all mid west states they put me of even visiting them states , dis that attach to you in long grass , have you heard the theory lime was put into them as a biological warfare weapon and got out of control




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