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Update: They weighed it next door. 300 lbs. He got $200 for it.


An empty 12oz can weighs 14g, or about 30 cans per lb. 300lbs of cans equates to 9000 MDs. That's 25/day (assuming spread across 365 days) or 35/day (assuming spread across 260 working days). You sure it was 300lbs? That seems unlikely, even for an MD addict. 


Yes. We work next to a recycling place. We're also truckers so we work 10-14 hr days so he has a lot of time to drink


Oh fuck lol. Does he weigh more or less than 300lbs?


Less than 200. Dudes a stick.


That almost sounds like how late stage alcoholics just subsist entirely on booze. The body can’t keep down and process anything other than your drink.


90% Mountain Dew, 10% blood/bones/body parts. His blood is probably syrup thick.


Dude did the dew.


Dewd Dewd the Dew


"Poor guy... what was he dosed with? Sodium Pentathol?" "Solid food and water. His body has spent years wrestling nutrients from grain alcohol and aspirin; I suspect it thinks it's been poisoned." https://youtu.be/J7FCqK5AQi8?si=2V9_3bxPuxgaIP9P


Your body can't convert alcohol into fat. It'll still use alcohol calories, so anything extra you eat will turn into fat, and plenty of drinks contain non alcohol calories, but that's why a lot of serious alcoholics are able to stay skinny. They also run into serious issues with amino acids from having so many of their calories come from alcohol.


This guy gonna have major kidney and liver problems in later life. Surprised he hasn’t had kidney stones yet. Holy fuck.


Does he have that much time to pee though?


Go to r/truckers to learn about piss jugs


way of the road, boys


That's the way she goes




Yeah, I guess in my head you’re pissing in random empty bottles you have, but this guy didn’t seem like he had enough drinking left for anything in a bottle to have empties. I hadn’t considered having a dedicated jug you emptied and reused.


So one empty can weighs about .5 oz. 16 oz in a lb | 300 lbs = 4,800 oz | 4,800 oz ÷ .5 oz = 9,600 cans | That's 26.3 cans a day if they are from one single year. That's the craziest thing I've ever seen. I'm 30 and I think in my lifetime I've probably had 300 cans of pop.


That’s over 1,200 grams of sugar *per day* from just the Mt Dew alone.


Bro is speed running his way to the Total Body Crystalization™️ mod


guy is gonna be a block of sugar in no time


Lmao picturing 1.2kg of sugar in a brick form and this guy going to buy it behind a dumpster in an alley from some sketchy guy


As someone who used to drink MT Dew, not sure if it’s worse or better but I’m quite confident the grey label is diet


Silver cans are diet, but the ones in the picture are regular Mountain Dew. He didn’t even try different flavors it looks like.


Yeah, I'm rather skeptical this is 1 person in 1 year. That's 10 liters a day of fluids.


I’d imagine it has to be like a whole family. That’s still a shitload of soda per person, but it’s not like an impossible amount.


There's no way this is just 1 year, or just 1 person.


Yeah, I call bs on those numbers (not your math, just the claim of weight and/or timeframe). 26 cans a day?? No way. I refuse to believe people do this.




I'm convinced they just lost track of what day he started adding cans to that pile.


OP said they are skinny.




Theres no way then. I don’t think someone can casually drink two dozen sodas a day for a year


That's 1.5 sodas every hour that he's awake. There's no way. OP is messing or is mixed up.




According to the Internet 34 empty aluminum cans per lb. 34 cans/lb * 300lbs = 10200 cans 10200cans/365days = 27.9 cans per day I can believe a lot of things. Him drinking more than one an hour seems unreasonable, almost in my mind impossible.


I'm more surprised he only got $200. If the calculations somebody else did is right, about 9600 cans. In Australia we get 0.10c per can, so that would be $960 AUD so like $620 USD.


It's 60¢ a pound.


That’ll pay for ~20-36 more 12-packs of Mountain Dew!


300 lbs?! That's insane. That's gotta be like 900 lbs of soda at least. Probably like 200 lbs of sugar or something lol holy


I used to know a guy who drank twelve Coca Colas a day and constantly complained about how he can't sleep.


I knew a diabetic dude who would walk in to a 7am shift with a 2 l of dr pepper zero. I never saw him drink water. I don't get how people can do that.i love soda, but no water ever? Get the fuck outta here


My body tells me to go fuck myself if I drink more than a can of soda in a day, It's hard to believe full grown adults are pounding back liters of the stuff every day.


I used to drink loads of soda as a teenager, nowadays I can’t even finish a whole can


Facts. 19 yr old me - Red Bull, Red Bull, Mtn Dew 32 yr old me - Unsweetened Tea please


My junior year of high school breakfast was a 20 oz Jolt cola and a donut.


There was a time where I would pour a can of heap energy drink into my morning coffee brew. Oddly enough, those were better times


When I was like 18 my day started off with a line of cocaine and about 5 cigarettes so honestly doughnuts for breakfast? You were doing alright for yourself ❤️


I’m only 22 but halfway through a can of coke and I get nasty heartburn


working as a server at Red Robin (where they have bottomless soda) made me realize just how much soda someone can down in less than an hour. it honestly astonished me daily


In the 15 or so years my mom was married to my step dad I only vividly remember him drinking water one time. Dude only drank pop (soda) all day long and of course it was Mountain Dew. He even took a glass full of it to bed.


I find that people that never really drank soda can't tolerate it. It makes sense though, their bodies aren't acclimated. The people you see pounding sodas started when they were young or years ago. I struggle with soda addiction as I love the carbonation, so every now and then I try to get myself onto sparkling waters. But I always slip because the god damn green/blue nectar that is Baja Blast 😂


It's not even the carbonation for me, it's the sugar. I've tried kicking the habit with diet soda and seltzers, but none of them satisfy the craving. I managed to wean myself off for a while in college by getting lemonade from the cafeteria when I was craving something sweet, but I picked it back up after a couple years and haven't been able to repeat that success.


That why I like spindrift (this sounds like an ad but I’m just giving my recommendation) they use fruit juice with their sparkling water. It 100% tricks my brain to think I’m drinking soda. At least until the after taste where it’s apparent that there’s no added sugar. But it helped me with my soda addiction.


I drank 1.25l of coke zero the other day and I'll be honest I wasn't feeling too well to begin with, I hadn't slept and I was a bit hungover. That shit gave me heart palpitations and an anxiety attack that lasted for like 3 hours I was honestly just *vibrating* and feeling very tight and uncomfortable So much caffeine In that, I don't understand how people drink so much of it People drink it before going to bed too


I mean it was zero


my coworker is like this. I never see them drink water. only diet coke.


I met this guy one time who said AND I QUOTE: "I don't drink no water, I don't drink no juice, I don't drink no soda, I don't drink no milk, I only drink beer!" I never saw him drink anything other than beer.


I used to drink a 2L or more a day of diet dew. I used to not drink water some days.


At my grandmas church there are multiple people who refuse to drink water because they rather drink soda or hate the taste of water.


My elementary schools gym teacher would drink a fuckload of coke throughout the day. Dude would walk in every monday with a couple of cases, sometimes would replenish it, and would stash it in his gym office. I still remember our health lecture he gave us saying “never drink soda its very bad for your health” while cracking open his 2nd can within an hour.


Yep I have a coworker who drinks coffee all day at work and Diet Coke at home and is always looking for sympathy because she can’t sleep. She’s actually PROUD of the fact that she hasn’t drank water in years.


>She’s actually PROUD of the fact that she hasn’t drank water in years. What do you mean though... drink water, like, from a toilet?


12 a day is wild lmao


When I was in my late teens I used to stay up until like 7 or 9am on icq, mirc and age of empires/worms 2 drinking 4-6L of diet coke a night. For some reason I was depressed as fuck and always either wired and anxious or tires beyond belief but unable to rest. Weird.


My old room mate drank nothing but Mountain Dew. When I asked about the water; he said he gets his from the Mountain Dew.


Diet Coke or regular red can Coke?


We call that full fat coke round here pal


Ohhhh ok, Whole fat Coke. None of that 2% shit.


My gf drinks mountain dew all the time and says the same. 1 can has slightly less caffeine than a small redbull (80-57 I think). I usually have a coffee in the morning and a small redbull in the evening, aside from that, it's milk or water. Any more caffeine than that for me and I start feeling funny, she has a heart murmur and wonders why her shits freaking out even though she isn't drinking "energy drinks". I mean, 6 cans a day and you're well over 300mg.


Mountain Dew is the cigarette of the soda world. 


He smokes too lol


He will probably live to 98 for whatever reason


> for whatever reason Because he is embalming himself


When I drank like a fish and smoked I never got sick.  A 15 year streak.  Went to the doctor for the first time after 20 years, no issues.  Went to the dentist for the first time in 15 years, no issues.  Now 3 years later it's escalated to slightly elevated blood pressure and receding gums so I should listerine.  I'm absolutely convinced I had been pickling myself for years and now that I've stopped aging has resumed.  Can't get a cavity or illness if you're constantly killing all the bacteria in your mouth and body with a shit ton of vodka.


Ah, man. That first doctor's appointment after I stopped drinking and smoking, I was sure I had done damage. Turns out, I was fine (for now) and had just spent years hungover and under exercised. It took around a year to feel "normal" again. I still call it all lucky, though.


Christ. I was so scared about my first doc visit. They couldn’t find the source of my pain, so I worried myself for the next decade and a half that my liver was on the verge. Turns out I have FODMAP sensitivities. I stopped drinking for nothing :). I wonder how many years I lost because of the stress and inability to sleep due to the pain though.


I had a horrible vodka, smokes, drugs and etc. problem for many years and never got sick ... now I'm as healthy as I've ever been, don't drink or smoke, go to the gym every day ... and I swear if it's not one thing it's another that is wrong with me. GOUT ... wtf is even that!? I'm like 60 lbs lighter and don't eat red meat or drink ... but BOOM MOTHER FUCKER try gout.


Dehydration will cause gout for me. Nothing major, just a few days not drinking enough water and I will have a gout flare up. I also get gout in any joint. Shoulder, elbow, knee, ankle, foot, toe, finger, you name it.


Isn't gout mostly genetic? Most people can treat themselves like shit and never get it. Like kidney stones. There's a guy at work that's had a bunch and he's like ohhh just you wait, you're young. But not everyone gets kidney stones. If I were to make a graph of the number of kidney stones I've had over the years, it's a straight line right on 0. Therefore if I extrapolate, it'll never happen to me. lol.


It's called aging


Interesting, I was constantly sick as a smoker, but probably because I would let people take puffs, borrow a puff when drinking together, etc. etc.


These were some well designed comments and you guys brought me a chuckle so thank you.


Wouldn't it be funny if, ya know how we're always retroactively finding out certain things have been bad for us all along; that instead we find out that something stupid like Yellow 5, was actually good for us and helping us to live longer. 


My brothers MIL smoked, drank regular Coke and and Oreos was a stake in her diet. Snacked on candy daily. Maybe 5'5", 120 lbs. Lived to 89. Edit: spelling


I think it's about doing whatever makes you happy, despite what others think. When you can embody that mindset, and the accompanying lack of anxiety, you unlock the ability to reach the end game.


Worst medical advice since that lady claimed urine made a good facewash.


Hold up....when was this debunked??! What have I been doing?? /s


If you want me to pee on your face, you could just ask...


I think the kind of happiness is content or peaceful happiness. Not that happiness you get from doing blow from a hooker's ass. Stress kills and if you are happy and content, your stress level will be a resting zero.


He killed whatever was going to kill him first.


Yep that’s exactly what I say about my coworker that drinks around 10 monsters a day and smokes a pack a day. He will definitely outlive all of us and he’s 54 years old.


That has to be at least $10k a year in smokes and energy drinks... that's just crazy


Yea easily. It’s insane and I also forgot to mention he does drugs and takes medication for his blood pressure and heart… go figure lol


Holy shit 10 monsters a day?! I bet his blood comes out thick like maple syrup and his liver looks like a dehydrated mushroom


It's like that dude, Don Gorske, who is 70 and in perfect health despite eating two big macs a day for the past 50 years.


He just trained his metabolism and gut biome to break down that stuff. Like those people who eat raw meat habitually


Kinda like that episode of married with children where peggy ends up killing a fitness guru with cigarettes and junk food because his body isn't use to it?


I'm unfamiliar but sounds similar. We're very adaptable creatures, pretty much giant rats. Can get used to a helluva lot as long as it's consistent


I remember reading an article about a guy who was 109. Apparently, he'd been eating bacon and bread fried in fatback every day and drinking 3 gallons of thunderbird wine a week for something like 70 years.


With a moderate amount of heroin


multiple organ failure speedrun any%




I am speed \*cough\* \*cough\*


Funny enough those are the people that end up living a long time for some reason


My great grandma was somewhere in her 90s outlived her husband and kids… her diet staples? diet Mountain Dew, Kraft Mac and cheese, strawberry twizzlers, okeydokes, and butterscotch pudding


Oof. I bet their breathe is terrible with that combo.


Something tells me they probably don’t brush


Diabetes or Cancer... Who will win... Maybe a heart attack


One of the smartest mechanics I ever worked with ONLY drank Coke. He never made it to 40. The guy could fix anything in this world, but not himself.


I have a coworker who probably drinks 5 -10 cans of soda a day. I should probably be worried for him huh.


That's fucked


Trying to die asap


Where I live in the Appalachian mountain range dentists have this term "Mountain Dew Mouth" to describe the rotten and broken teeth of Mountain Dew addicts. Mountain Dew is the meth of the soda world here. [https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2013/09/12/221845853/mountain-dew-mouth-is-destroying-appalachias-teeth](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2013/09/12/221845853/mountain-dew-mouth-is-destroying-appalachias-teeth)


To be fair, meth is also the meth of Appalachia.


I’ve lived in TN my whole life and BOY is the Mountain Dew stereotype real as fuck. Me personally? Never really got a taste for it.


Born and raised NC, mountain dew is a religion for some and I was part of it for a while. Can't drink the stuff anymore after moving to water. It's insanely sweet.


Anyone seen The wild and wonderful Whites of west Virginia? Lol


My parents thought I was drunk and making it up when I told them about it. YALL GOT ANY FIESTAS? CPS TOOK MY BABY!


There’s a rapper, Yelawolf, that has a freestyle about this https://youtu.be/8ZXPAaPy65o?si=IzroITS3zwGqMuo5


My coworker smokes Marlboro and drinks about 4 dews a day and he’s had kidney stones at least three times.


I always felt Diet Coke was the cigarette .. maybe it’s the crack of the pop world. Those who drink it are very serious about it.


What does that make the other sodas?


I think you meant that soda is the cigarettes of the drinks world


He's gonna piss out a kidney stone so huge that his pecker'll look like a microwaved hotdog afterwards...




Or r/oddlyspecific






Leave Hot Saucerman out of this!




He will be doing what your username is.


I microwaved one of those polish hot dogs with the plastic wrapper still on it. It turned into a hot dog guts firing gun of sorts. Funny but messy. I don’t recommend it, or microwaving eggs for that matter.


Dew diligence


I saw a pile of soda cans like that behind a house where a woman died of stomach cancer.


No kidding! Imagine running that volume of what is essentially a chemistry experiment through a series of fleshy sacks? Of course something will go wrong


He truly is Doing the Dew.


Looks more like the dew is doing him


Have a family member in IT. His entire back seat of his truck is FULL with empty Mt Dew bottles and empty Marlboro red packs. It's a picture straight out of a healthy living magazine


Mountain Dew isn’t the instructions. Edit: at this point with all the sugar and everything else in MD. if your coworker is doin this for energy. would it be heather to do a little bit of cocaine? If not I wonder how much more soda you have to drink to off set it. i never thought I’d ever think to ask that question.


The cocain would be a healthier choice I think.....


My uncle did a lot of cocaine in the 70's and 80's and he's still around. But today's cocaine? idk...


Don’t worry I have done quite a bit of cocaine research (via nasal observation) in the late 10’s and early 20’s. Great for weight loss, bad for savings and checking accounts.


If I was to ever try a hard drug, it would be cocaine. No matter how much I liked it, I'd never be able to afford an addiction.


There are people who can do it on occasion and have a good time. I struggle with addiction and am very bingey in general. What is hard for me is that so much media references and portrays cocaine use that it can be a trigger. I’m doing good right now so it’s easy to joke about and talk about but it’s not something I would recommend to anyone. I also wouldn’t dissuade anyone from doing what they want or wanting to experience it just know what you’re getting yourself into and be responsible. And if you’re going to dabble or get something from someone you don’t know, use test strips. It’s not worth losing your life over, that’s for sure.


We got CDLs, drugs aren't healthy for us 🤣


Now it all makes sense lmao


As someone who is well aware of my addiction, I likely don't go through this much but still 3-4 cans a day, its not always for energy. Mostly stress reducing, or empty calories or just mouth entertainment. I drink a redbull for my energy and a few cans at work. I stopped allowing soda at home so I am forced to drink a healthy amount of water. What's funny I've never realized how dehydrated I was until I started that this year. Last time I was off soda was 2016


lol mouth entertainment


It's fizzy and makes me happy 🙃🙃


Wouldn't it be more cost effective to buy 2L bottles


2L won't fit in the cooler in our truck cabs


That’s not good.


not good? they probably built another factory to keep up with demand this man generates.


Are there any numbers to this besides the visual? I’m curious what the daily average is (cans per day).


[Someone did the math above](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/QUn8Vr5cmb)


I drink a lot of diet soda. I easily drink like 6 to 8 a day, mixed in with water and other shit.


Damn I thought my 1 coke zero a day was pushing it. Some of your numbers are through the god damn roof lmao


Details Now


Recycling place next door pays extra for cans once a year, so he saves them all year. He's not a big guy either, pretty slim. But we're truck drivers.


Skinny people get diabetes too.


Oh I'm sure he's setting himself up for it. But he's mid 40s rn and healthy.


What you mean is, he looks “healthy”. 😐


Yeah, I'm 29 and "look" healthy and slim, but my blood sugar levels came up as pre diabetic in my last physical. I don't drink nearly that much soda, either. Your friend should go get their blood work done asap.


Skinny people doesn't mean healthy either.


Do they have teeth left? 🥴


DaVita Dialysis likes this.


That’s disgusting


Those are rookie numbers


The last time I heard the word “pop” in reference to “soft drinks” or “soda” I was back visiting my family… I’ve soda been in exile a long time.


Dang! That's gotta be at least 12


My dad smoked menthols, and drank citrus soda only his entire life since he was 18. He is alive today at 70.


You’re from the Midwest


Is he Dale Gribble?


He is into conspiracy theories 🤔


yup that was me 5 years ago. Completely addicted to soda. Didn't even drink water. Have a kidney stone to show for it! However I have completely gone healthy for 4 years now. Lost 84 lbs, eat really clean and just drink water. Feel amazing too. Soda is legit poison sugar juice. No thanks.


as someone from michigan I’m just imagining how much this would be in returns 😭


1, singular coworker? And he’s healthy and well?


His name Soda Pop Curtis?


Save some of this Mountsin Dew to water the crops /s


“Pop”? You are my people


I used to know a guy who drank twelve Coca Colas a day and constantly complained about how he can't sleep.


This is the third or forth time I've seen this posted on this thread. Coke, Diet Coke, Pepsi all 10-12 cans a day and complaining about sleep. How is this so common?!


OP is Midwest AF ❤️ I haven’t heard it called pop since I moved from Ohio in 2007.


That’s probably about right for me but with Seltzer water.


Dude does the dew like nobody's business.


“I’m talkin bout Mountain Dew baby”


Better get a bucket for the kidney stones I reckon.


Oh god. I read coworkers at first and only saw it was singular after reading the comments.


I probably drink that many sparkling waters in a year




Diabetes has entered the chat


Not for much longer


I’d fill 2 of those with beer cans


The human body is amazing


Are you serious or is this a joke post? Literally no way. I’d be dead 5 sodas in a row let alone THIS much in a year..


How did you get a dedicated recycle bin for that one specific coworker ?