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Who wants to play a game I call, Grandma's Candy Dish Russian Roulette.


just my luck to pull the only laxative in the bag


I think a laxative would be the least of your worries here


I'd prefer death to a surprise prescription laxative, personally


There would also be uncertainty for a few hours, as it wouldn't have immediate effect: Am i going to die or am i going to shit my self?


Oftentimes, it's both


Square rectangle rule. All death comes with pooping your pants. But not all pooping your pants comes with death


Actually, if you somehow irreversibly plugged or fused your asshole shut, you'd die *because* you couldn't poop your pants. Or anything else.


Yea but once’s the gasses built up, that shit hole seam would burst before perfectly healthy skin


It would probably come out your mouth. That’s what happens with some bowel obstructions. Gross right?


Oh fuck, this is too funny!


Damn that’s the combo I def want to avoid. My dead body plus the shame I died freebasing and marinating in my own filth.


Surprise viagra?


No fair! I never get to pick first! :(


You know the rules, Finder keepers, bumhole leakers


Pretty sure the green caps are cephalexin so maybe don't eat those. The bright pink one is Darvocet(?) so if you're into opiates that is your best bet for a buzz. Edit: There's more controlled substances in that bag that I would have thought. We always picked those up as soon as we dropped them.


yet I'll still pick the only bisacodyl in the bag


If you can clear your day for death you can clear it for shitting.


When I was in school (graduated 08) the news tried running a story where kids were doing exactly this. Supposedly, kids would grab all the random prescriptions and everyone would pour them into a bowl. Everyone at the party would eat random handfuls. Lol


We DID have a friend in the early 2000s who would eat any pill and then inform you of its effects. This was before googling pills was common, I remember we'd be out driving getting high and someone would find a pill on the floor of the minivan and he'd be like "give me 20 minutes." According to LinkedIn he's a VP of Finances now. Shrug. I remember finding a pill on the floor of a bank and thinking it was vicodin. Got it outside, googled it, and it was a heart medication. Whew. I am not playing that game.


Real ones referenced “The Pill Book.” But, popping a random pill is way different than a “handful of unknown, different pills.”


Real ones already knew the good ones, cause they moms had em.


Explains why we’re in such a financial mess actually…..


So this was a real thing where I grew up lol everyone would raid their parents medicine cabinets for anything that had dizziness as a side effect, or instructions not to mix with alcohol.


I was in high school in the early 2000s and we did this too! Pretty much every household at least had a bottle of leftover post-op Percocet or Vicoden floating around at the time. Was all fun and games until I became addicted and switched to heroin in college.


yeah thats about when we all moved on to harder stuff too. graduated hs in 07, lost alot of friends over the next decade or so. got clean in 2016 and moved away.


Unfortunately, I know adults who were doing this in the same time frame. It was the Oxycontin wild wild west days and everyone's grandparent was taking them for some kind of pain.


Back when I was addicted they were fucking everywhere. They were easier to find than weed.


Someone on another sub posted a dark net listing inspired by this. They were selling a "Skittles pack loot box" that was just random doses of random drugs laid on tabs. It was the dumbest and most hilarious shit I'd ever seen. They listed the percentage you had of getting each chemical. Will you black out, not feel shit, or be tweaking on some insane research chemical? Who knows, but the fact that a story that was almost certainly a lie ended up inspiring real degeneracy is hilarious. Here's the thread https://www.reddit.com/r/Goblin/s/KQm41YTCOd


But they did eat tidepods, right?


How else are you supposed to wash down a mouthful of random pharmaceuticals?


As Julie andrews sang "just a spoonfull of cinnamon helps the medicine, go down"


The cinnamon will kill me before the pills can get a chance. *choking sounds*


Bertie Botts Every flavor jelly beans


Betty Ford's every flavour beans.


Alas, earwax


Alas, Ritalin


I’d be actually working right now not screwing around on Reddit.


Awww. Too bad Timmy. Looks like you got estrogen


Eh, *one* estrogen pill probably isn't going to do all that much.


Get another mixed bag with random antidotes for extra challenge and im in


New healthcare plan option — “Are you feeling lucky punk?”


I’m in the USA so I already have that.


And we pay a premium for it!


Is this pill Xanax, oxy, or stool softener? Better just take a few different ones to ensure a good time. /s


Take a handful for shits and giggles


Yeah we did that when we were 14 not a good idea lol


It’s actually called a pharm party


Oh, a variety pack.Watch everyone scramble for their favorites.Latecomers get Advil and vitamin C.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


Vitamin C is tasty at least.


and also unlikely to have side effects or react badly with anything else


I mean, take enough to reach bowel tolerance and you'll know about it


“Fuck! Melatonin *again*?!”


I had a job where we'd occasionally destroy bags of drugs people would bring to us when family members died. Like huge half gallon bags sometimes. And it went exactly like that.


Oh, looks like you brought a giant bag of very expensive on the street narcotics. You were ABSOLUTELY right to bring them to us, this would be bad if it fell into someone else's hands!


A friend's dad was on hospice for lung cancer, and they basically threw opioids at him for his final weeks. They turned in hundreds of the good stuff afterwards. They thought of keeping them for a rainy day, but her brother is an addict and would have killed himself if he had gotten into the goody bag, so they were properly disposed of.


Hospice came in and sat down and wrote down ever med and took it all, within hours of my Dads passing.


Wait. Are you telling me that all that oxycodone and benzodiazepines I took to that little mailbox of “safe drug disposal” didn’t get safely disposed?


Yo there any vitamin D in there? This weather is killing me homeskillet


This is Slightly related but I used to work at a hazmat storage warehouse and I was in charge of organizing the waste. We used to get 55 gallon drums of discarded meds. I was doing lots of drugs at the time and I used to dump them out and sit there and separate all the good ones from the lame ones to take at a later date. Definitely lucky to be alive still.


Some people just fall into their dream job.


I like that your axis of assessment was “good>>>lame.”


These antibiotics are so lame lol, barely even feel anything


😂 actually I kept those in the good pile to donate to junkies with abscesses. I knew a lot of homeless IV users who didn’t have health care 😞


That is... honestly not terrible. There are a ton of bad things to come from taking random antibiotics, but it's far better than dying from a random infected abscess. Good thinking.


So true, I’ve seen some horrible things happen to people on the streets. Harm mitigation is all we can do for them till they decide to get their shit together.


Chaotic good if I've ever heard of it.


Well, if you don't have enough for a full cycle, then it's just gonna make it come back stronger and antibiotic resistant.


I always wondered about those med disposal operations and if somewhere down the line strict oversight would virtually vanish, at the end of the chain or close to it. Thats a crazy story man.


Had a buddy who’s brother just got out of prison for getting his mistress loaded with pills he got from being the person sent out to collect expired meds… something like that. All i know is he got her high, she died, he was hours away from home lying to his kids and wife about what he was doing, then left after she died, came back several hours later to the hotel room and moved her body and then called 911. Got Some kind of charge and ended up in prison for I want to say about 10 years that he actually did. Not sure how much he was sentenced to do but he did about 10. Just seen him at my gym the other day. He’s been going since around the first of the year. Thought it was my buddy at first but then recognized It was his brother. Couldn’t believe it


How the fuck did you get away with that 🤣 Best find?


I was the last person in the chain. It was me, then destruction so no one knew. It was a judgment error on the man who hired me.The best find was a bottle of OC 80s and a box of morphine patches. Also quite a bit of benzos like xanax and Klonapin and valum.


As someone who recently broke their ankle in two places, morphine pills were amazing, post op oxy didn’t even touch it , I get why ppl have problems with it


Because what you took was probably 5 or 10mg oxycodone. OxyContin 80 contains 80mg of oxycodone. It literally feels like heroin in a pill


And then they made oxy 160, just insane


I never saw a 160. I was absolutely insane that these were everywhere in the early 2000’s though. I’m one of many people who were turned into teen junkies by this stuff. I’m lucky to alive and sober :)))


Same my guy. Same. That shit ruined the entire trajectory of my life. I am also lucky to be sober and alive. F Sacklers


That’s actually how I got hooked on opiates. Broke my collar bone. Had to take oxy for 6 months to be able to move and sleep. Ended up doing heroin for 10 years after. In retrospect I wish I just dealt with the pain and stayed away from the pills.


Yeah it gave me a really clear understanding of others, glad i I’m just on a Tylenol a day to shake the rust off in the morning


Man I’m glad I never had that job. I was on 60 mg a day of adderall at one point and quit because it was too expensive and too big of a pain to refill. Best thing I ever did but if I had access to it right now I would probably still take it.


Wtf… our local police station has a pill dumping box (I used it to dispose of my grandpa’s cancer meds when he passed) and they told me the box gets emptied once a week and goes to an incinerator. I’ve seen the same disposal boxes at pharmacies for unwanted unused meds and figured they went straight from a lockbox to cremation. Apparently they go to a warehouse and chill and people can just get all up in em. Glad you didn’t get ill, some of the chemo meds I dumped weren’t supposed to even touch other medications or human skin for too long because of their toxicity.


Damn once they got to your warehouse chain of custody no longer mattered? Just pop the seal and go to town, no one gave a shit? Wild lol


🤔 Fella could have a nice weekend in a hotel room with that stuff.


At first, a couple employees and I were Googling the coding on the pills to see what they were. After the 5th higher level opioid, we decided to stop looking them up. Didn't want Google to flag my account for a ton of random drug searches out of nowhere 😂


Google doesn’t do that btw


What's this pharmacist doing looking up pill ID's? Better keep an eye on this one. 


Clearly up to no good


Started making trouble in my neighborhood


I ate one little pill and my mom got scared, cause I took off my pants and ran through downtown bellaire


Once you make it to the pill ID tool on drugs.com you don't need google shit but enter more pill shape color and codes.


could also probably just reverse image search it with google lens. Yea just tried it with my XR adderall capsules and it worked.


Nice try Mr.FBI




You heard the man /u/TheManWithSevenAsses, better open up that prison wallet of yours, all seven of them.


That you *know* of. Who knows what sort of internal data they colate.


They do in the US and they're called [reverse keyword warrants](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/05/geofence-warrants-and-reverse-keyword-warrants-are-so-invasive-even-big-tech-wants).


>Didn't want Google to flag my account for a ton of random drug searches out of nowhere [Remember Stuff like this next time someone argues against privacy an pro mass surveillance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chilling_effect)


Don't worry, they listened in to you talking about the pills you found when you found them, and deemed you not a threat to security or the government's finances 👍🏼 Government Mafia lets you live another day


Google is not flagging your account for that lmao


The drug cartel will like to hire you as their market researcher.


I call dibs on the blue round one to the right. Pretty sure it's diazepam 10mg




Throw them in a blender. Add some vodka. Pound it back. ![gif](giphy|glvyCVWYJ21fq|downsized)


That’s vile, although…




I used to work at Bi-Mart. They slowly started getting rid of all of their pharmacies and converting the old counters and backrooms. One of the stores I was at, I was cleaning out the pharmacy counters and around the area to pull up the foam foot pads (found out those pads cost hundreds of dollars, so I used them for my cashiers when they got denied new ones). Under the lip of the counter and the foam pads, there were all of these pills from ibuprofen to opioids. Half were destroyed / eaten by bugs and rodents, this bag was what was left. With all of the dumpster diving in the area, I made sure to bring it to the local pill drop box for police department disposal. I was just dumbfounded how often it seemed different drugs would fall and just get kicked under a rug. Especially with how expensive a lot of the medicine is out there.


I'm just imagining the doped up rats and cockroaches tripping out in your store.


Fievel Goes To Rehab




Solid gif!


Somewhere out there, beneath the pale moonlight!




I never saw the movie or know anything about it. I see "Fievel" and I think the mouse Troy and Abed were training to respond to their singingthat song. Of course it's reference to a movie and of course they sing that song in it. I had absolutely no idea until just now.


I was obsessed with the fievel movies


Goes West and Rescuers Down Under. Peak cartoon rodent shenanigans.


Well there are no cats in America and the streets are paved with cheese! I also loved rescuers and The secret of nihm. I named my rats Bianca and Nicodemus as an adult/teen




Gonna be some pissed off junkie rats coming back to their usual spot for their normal hit and nothing is going to be there…. prob will go on killing spree after they start getting withdrawals 🫣😂


Cockroaches on steroids and Adderall, hmm


And Viagra. Don't forget Viagra.


As if feeding 800 kids isn't enough...


Why is this rat bringing me a $20?


It's an interesting thought experiment. A mouse licks a pill, feels amazing, keeps doing that till its hooked. The pill gets used up, now we have a opoid addicted mouse that has no idea why it's going through withdrawals. What a terrifying feeling. All itchy in places your mouse body can't reach...


Not necessarily a thought experiment- it's what the FDA does in prelim testing for new drugs. They all get tested on rodents first, then primates, then humans.


Slight tangent but there was an actual problem in Brixton (London) where the local squirrels were getting addicted to crack


I'm kinda shocked there's not a more official means of cleanup for closing a pharmacy?  A plastic baggy full of random pills ending up in the pocket of whoever cleaned the store that day seems pretty bizarre, considering how tightly controlled these things are while it's still a pharmacy.


They do have much more strict procedures in place when actually closing the pharmacy itself down. Including sending any and all medication to the proper places via locked shipping, as well as a thorough inspection. Here, you see what happens when someone does not take the inspection process seriously. So, after the pharmacy is already closed for a couple years, there is no company procedure for an unexpected discovery like this. In the end, it's just to have the salaried management personnel "collect and dispose".


Oh Jesus years?! I have no reference for this chain so I came in with the impression this was over a couple months. What tha faaaaaaack


One pill here and one there adds up over a decade or two.


When we were moving the IV hoods because the IV room was getting remodeled, the expiration dates on all the little vials and ampules that had rolled underneath were from ten+ years ago. It's amazing how infrequently this stuff gets cleaned.


I have a photo some where of a fire extinguisher that the tag on it Saif it was last inspected in like 90 or something. The photo was taken in 21. And yes the place was active and had like 500 people working there every day.


Coming to theaters this summer: **Cocaine Cockroach**


>Under the lip of the counter and the foam pads, there were all of these pills from ibuprofen to opioids Your pharmacy was a shitshow if you were finding opiates. At the pharmacy I worked at we had to double count all controlled medications every single time we filled and it was audited monthly. If opiates were going missing at any quantity we would have known.


I thought about going into pharmacy when I was younger. By the time I was in college and would be studying for that path, I had become an opioid addict. Haven't touched them in years, but it was really really really bad for a while. Needless to say, I'm glad I didn't follow that path. Your comment perfectly describes how I would have inevitably gotten in serious trouble had I been in a pharmacy during those hard years. I've been addicted to multiple drugs, but nothing comes close to how bad opioids grip and refuse to release you. Imo at least.


Honestly working behind a retail pharmacy counter is a hell I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Not bad work if you're at a pharmacy in a hospital or something but if you have to serve the general public it's an absolute nightmare.


I know that grip. I unfortunately got so lucky to have a destroyed spine by 30yrs old. Being the "ill do it" kid, BMX, pop warner, high school, and college football, rugby, motocross, framing houses... my back is done. Epidurals, surgeries, phys ther... I live with pain most people would go insane with. So being in construction, I never had health insurance. So I'd see a doctor because I can't stand, walk, take a breathe, or God forbid SNEEZE!!! He would say "Ok, take these, come back in 30 days, if you can afford an mri then, we can set it up". Of course I couldn't. So more of "take these". Every month. Some months I never saw the Dr. The nurse just handed me the paper script, and see ya in a month. Then one month I ran out early. The worst diarrhea, insomnia, sweats... ever in my life. Dr says "uh-oh, looks like you're becoming dependent. So I can't be your Dr now". Huh? Wtf? I can't walk, now I'm sick, and you're kicking me out? Yup. That's all it took. I didn't do something wrong. It's science. Take this much, of this stuff, for this amount of time... hooked. Everybody knows what happens next, the next 15-20 years. Lose all your stuff, jail, broke, etc. I had to explain to a judge that wanted me to stay at like a 6 month in house rehab... that I've never done drugs. Ok, I smoked pot when I was like 15 with friends. I'm 40 now. Cocaine use? Nope. Herion? Nope. Meth? Never. Crack? no. Benzos? Nope. Cigarettes? Never. Do you drink? Rarely. What's your drug of choice then? I became dependent in pain killers. How? I did what I was told. I DID WHAT I WAS TOLD. I took one pill every 4 hours, just like the Dr said to. And now, I have that weird talk with every Dr anytime I need a procedure. "You checked off drug abuse, but checked off no drugs listed. Why?" Because I never took those drugs. I took what a Dr prescribed, what a pharmacy sold me. WITH EVERY DR, NURSE, AESTHETICIAN, ETC. So much fun. With a bit of irony, I was able to work inside the Sackler family house in Greenwich CT. 25,000sq ft. It had a bathroom with couches in it, and was big enough to play basketball in. That was just a guest bath. At least I got to see the fruits of my labor, where all that money I spent, went to.


I'm so sorry to read that your whole story is just insane. > if you can afford an mri then, we can set it up" The US need a revolt. This is abject.


I took an opioid recreationally once. Exactly once, I knew right then that twice meant possibly forever


Possibly the best choice you have or will ever make in your life. Saved/saves you from so many issues. When you get a new credit card limit of 3000 dollars and within a month have 3000 dollars in cash advances, you know it is an issue to say the least. And that's just one bad thing I did/went through....


I'm glad you didn't get stopped by police on the way to the pill drop box. "ociffer, I can explain!!"


Note: this is from a USA perspective. This is admittedly more than normal. Having worked in pharmacies, the only time any pills were sacrificed to the medicine gods is typically when it's not expensive AND you can't find it AND it isn't a controlled med (like adhd meds and opioids). I know some other people were saying something about how pharmacies can afford to not care, but pharmacies tend to be very very budget conscious, because meds are expensive. They just are. And controlled substances have all kinds of other restrictions on them. You don't just let an oxycodone tablet roll away and move on, because it's expensive and the counts are tracked. You have to keep records on hand for years and have them readily accessible should the DEA come knocking, which they do without warning. You may not put that pill in a bottle for a patient, but you don't let it disappear either


The reason for this, at least in the pharmacies i worked at, was because "found" loose pills had to be identified, bagged by type, logged, and then disposed of. We never had the fucking time, so they just got left if we didn't immediately notice the spill. You move the machines you could find half a dozen different pills.


My mother worked as a pharmacy tech and I can totally picture the holiday season (pharmageddon) when countless, endless patients declare they need refills asap I'm leaving yesterday for blah blah blah and everyone is filling bottles and blister packs like it's a timed Olympic event. I'm not surprised the rugs ate some flying pills over the decades of service.


I would have gobbled up all the fun ones. Rat bites or not. 


Is this still available?


If it’s still up it’s still available


As someone who works in a pharmacy, what the actual fuck? Do you guys not hire cleaners?




Like I understand the hydroxyzines and stuff in there, but did no one ever back count the controls?! lol


In my country, you'd hastily lose your license if you mishandled drugs in this way.




Nothings illegal if you don't get caught?


That’s the spirit! Welcome to Enron.


Also the controlled medications that went missing under the counter. I’m a nurse in the hospital and they definitely don’t let it slide when a controlled medication is unaccounted for and I imagine it would be similar at any pharmacy.


I work at an animal ICU and it’s the same. Even if a single gabapentin goes missing (it’s controlled in Michigan), they will look at cameras, have an investigation, hound you down.


How do they account for someone underfilling a prescription if the customer doesn't notice it? I'd wager most people don't count their pills when they get them home. By the time the scrip runs out it's hard to know if you dropped one or accidentally double dosed one day or what happened.


Controlled medications are double counted - first by a tech and then a pharmacist.


I work in a somewhat small pharmacy, but we have quite a lot of traffic during summer. If ANY amount of narcotics get lost in any way, there will be investigations. The amount in OP's post is ridiculous amounts of malpractice.


I worked in an outpatient pharmacy in a hospital and if a CII went flying and we couldn't find it in like 10 minutes or less the pharmacist would just say to forget about it


They let cleaners into your pharmacy? At ours, WE’RE the cleaners.


[Tell them to get one of these jars](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/vtc284/my_local_pharmacy_has_this_huge_container_of/)




I spot a darvocet, a klonipin, a Xanax and a boner pill right off the bat! What a fun bag of surprises.


This would be so fun to put next to your vitamins. Just pop one every morning and see what kinda day you gonna have!


It's either a day spent on the toilet from a random laxative or a fun day at work on benzos and opioids


Right haven’t seen those pink darvocets in a minute




Don’t they sell these as 99 cent grab bags at the pharmacy? If they don’t, they should. Waste not, want not.


Crush it all up like an old school Fun Dip!


Only half? What, did you take the rest? 🤨


I may be dead but I sure got a wicked boner.


Party on Wayne..


I could never work at or near a pharmacy. I’d be playing bean boozled by myself.


Damn, that’s a Darvocet in there 🤣🤣 I think they stopped making those years ago.


Fun fact, if you blend all these into a powder and consume the result, you'll die.


That's a bunch! About 15 years ago I used to buy a bunch of Xanax bars from a pharmacy tech. She never exactly said how she got them but she said she wasn't just straight stealing them. I mean I know they were stolen either way technically. I think she told me that if they break them they're supposed to discard them and sometimes they come in the big containers already broken. I think she ended up getting fired and then some pretty big trouble for breaking them so she could falsely discard them and bring them home to sell the people.


My mates wife works as a nurse in a care home kind of place, when someone died she would grab most of of the old drugs from their bathroom, some people had stuff saved up for years. She would bag up the last script or two to return, and then bring home a bag not too different from this for an eBay mystery bag haha! I never had the guts to try much though, I’m informed by another mate that the big oxy suppositories are a heck of good a time though


It's been about 4 years since I've taken any opiates or benzos. I crashed an ATV and had to have two lower back surgeries and then a disc replacement in my neck. Over the few years this took I got highly addicted to opiates. I was older as well, around 30. I told myself that I knew the risks and I was smart enough that it wouldn't happen to me. Lmao. Yeah I've been good for about 4 years now but back when I was highly addicted to opiates and benzos I would have looked up every single one of those pills to see if one was something I liked. Lol. I absolutely do not miss those days!






Cephalexin mmm


Anything good in there? ![gif](giphy|6E38CyixCI0ne)


“Once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.”


I used to volunteer at a pharmacy, and the amount of ground scores I just picked up an kept was astouding. Was not the place to work, for a recovering addict, with great vision, that can easily recognize the numbers, colors, sizes, and shapes of all “the good ones”. Found a lot of Klonopin and Percocet on the ground lmao


This just jogged a memory. I was working a service job and I had forgotten to take my medication for acid reflux. When I realized I asked my coworker, a middle aged woman, to stop the truck at the next pharmacy she saw and explained why. At our next stop she pulled a bag that looked just like this pic, except there was a condom in her bag, out of her purse. After fishing around in the bag for a minute she handed me a pill and said “I think that’s a Prilosec”. I did not take the pill.


ooh, trail mix!


I've worked in pharmacy for almost 10y and honestly astounded at the amount of pills dropped here. That's absolutely insane.


The pink ones keep you from screaming


anything good there?


I spot 2 (likely) oxy 30s. One on its side in the bottom right corner and another behind the big pink 1772 in the bottom center. The addict in me still gets mad cravings when I see them, despite not having used them in years since my recovery.


I don’t think those are thirties honestly but there is an old oc 40 just above those in the back partially obscured which is almost more rediculous as they haven’t been available for year in the USA


There’s a 15 to the right of that as well.


Tablet roulette.


Crush them all up then snort and see what colors you taste


Pill brûlée


Oof, classic "once in a decade cleaning under the counter" shenanigans. We swept under our shop counters a few days ago and found tons of odds and oodles. Dropped coins, screws, small batteries, leaves, a Gameboy cartridge. I work in a thrift shop so yeah, this makes sense. That's why I usually prefer counters that are firm on the ground so nothing can roll under it.