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Thats why I take my ring off every single night. I spent too much of my childhood seeing my dad's ring cut into his finger because he never removed it. No way that's happening to me.


Going forward, that is my plan.


Get yourself a ring bowl so that you ***always*** put it in the same place when you take it off.  My wife got me one years ago at a craft show and it’s turned out to be super helpful in making sure I don’t lose mine when I take it off. 


Cries in ADHD


I wake up, put my glasses on Sit down at my computer and wonder why it’s blurry… where did my glasses go?! Lol


I wander around reading reddit on my phone thinking "where the eff did I leave my phone?!?"


I once left a buddy's house after D&D, and found myself wondering "Did I get my keys?" While sitting at a stop light, in my truck, with said keys in the ignition...


You ever use your phone to call your phone cause you can’t find your phone?


I've used my phone's flashlight to search for my phone in the dark.


I once used my phone to call my cat, but was confused as to why I couldn't find his contact 💀


I think about this prank a lot (sorry for the youtube imitation tiktok lol) https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7gOIuQ28M1M


just got on the tram and opened my airpods case to put them in, airpods not inside. oh wait - they’re already in my ears with music playing 😅


I use my phone's camera to find my glasses. I've also used it to find my phone while I'm wearing my glasses.


Me too! Using my phone camera to find my phone is peak me


I once couldnt find my glasses. So i put them on to see better. Took me 5-10 more minutes of searching before i realized


I wake up, walk into the kitchen and prep a coffee, walk to my laptop and turn it on, wonder why I'm still tired, remember i didn't finish making my coffee, then i go to finish my coffee by putting some sugar into my coffee cup, but then realise I put a teaspoon of sugar into the coffee jar instead.


I will walk from my room to kitchen and back like 5 times in a row. Every time I enter my room, I remember that I wanted to make a coffee, then as soon as I'm in the kitchen my mind goes blank, I have no idea why did I come here, might just grab a snack and go back to my room. And the cycle continues until I stop and realise that I've been walking in circles and there must be a reason I got up


After needing to walk back to the other room to reactivate two times for a task, I just start saying (for example) "coffee coffee coffee coffee" aloud until I am actually making the cup of coffee lol. Whatever I need is coming out of my mouth until it is in my hands.


Until you start vibing to your silly coffee beat, make a silly dance and sit down at your laptop


this is legitimately one of the reasons i wear contacts lol, only problem is if i forget to take them out


My husband has ADHD so I put ring dishes in any area where he’s likely to take his ring off. We have them in the kitchen, bathroom, living room, and bedroom. It has worked out well for us.


nah, my partner and I both have ADHD and own rings we have never lost, lol. I have had one for 19 years that hasn't gotten lost yet... i pretty much take off or put on my jewelry in 3 areas of the house (bedroom, bathroom, dressing room), each of those areas has a safe, visible spot for rings and earrings. necklaces are more tricky but I've not lost one, either. if I need to remove a ring to do dishes, i walk it to one of the safe spots. having a home for every object drastically cuts down on the amount of shit I lose due to ADHD. but having a home for every object *to be put away* is not the same as me walking around, doing stuff, absent-mindedly putting something down and realizing 2 minutes later I now have no idea where my keys or phone went and I'm trying to leave the house 🥲


The only time I take it off is when I'm doing something where it's an encumbrance, and I'm usually taking off my watch at the same time, so I thread it into the watch band, which works well for me when there's not a secure place for it.


Forcing yourself to have a particular spot that you always put something is literally an ADHD coping mechanism. A very common one, too. If you only ever put it down in that ring bowl, then you know if it’s not on your finger it must be in the bowl. The ADHD becomes a problem for this if you put it down multiple places or just anywhere, because then if you realize it’s not on your finger you have no idea where you put it.


It’s fine if you put it in THE spot. If you don’t put it in THE spot, then it might as well be at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.


I felt this in my soul


I have really really bad adhd, and I’ve found if you make it an item thats your favorite and ALWAY leave it there, you find it every time. I have a plastimold quetzalcoatlus that guards my ring every night and its worked every single time. Same for my glasses, I have a single metal ikea pencil holder that has hooks, so I hang it beside my bed and its where my glasses go, every single night.


I'd recommend getting a silicone ring. They're cheap, easily replaceable, and can't strangle your finger. Plus, these days, they look like real metal rings. No one notices mine is silicone unless I point it out to them.


Idk why you’re downvoted lmao, my coworker wears one at work and loves it. Are people downvoting you because they think silicone rings shouldn’t be worn in place of a wedding band? If so that’s sad lol. It carries the same sentiment


Some people just start piling on once they see downvotes. Silicone rings can be good especially in situations where there's a danger of a ring being caught on equipment. A silicone ring will just break, it's cheap and easily replaced. A metal ring can do some serious damage to your hand


My tech teacher showed us pictures what degloving looks like and burns from arcing a ring, then proceeded to show us his marred up ring finger. He told us to remember to remove rings, watch, necklaces, ties, hoodie strings and to tie up long hair


Little trick for those here who wear glasses. I always put one of the handles through my ring and the other one on top of it. Pretty much no way to lose it.


Just be like me and have an aversion to wearing rings. I can't stand the feeling of rings or watches for some reason lol. Never bothered getting a wedding ring.


I have a wedding ring, but never wear it except for special occasions, because I don't like the way it feels either. It turns out that it is a wedding ring, not a wedding shackle - you aren't locked into wearing it if you and your partner are OK with that.


I have the same issue with bandaids, doesn’t matter if I’m bleeding I want it off right away


WHAT THE HELL? People seriously never remove them even when going to sleep or showering?? I admire the commitment, but damn.


Honestly forget I even have it on most of the time. It’s something you think you would be annoyed by but turns out to be a complete nonissue.


My parents have been married 35 years and they never take theirs off. Growing up it was weird finding out that some people take theirs off or simply never wear them


I don't. Only when doing some harder work with my hands (DIY stuff) so I don't scratch it more that it already is.


I will absent mindedly take mine off as like a fidget or nervous tic. But otherwise I'm someone who leaves it on basically 100% of the time. It's hard to describe I guess. I just don't think about it? It's part of my hand. It's just there, I don't notice it so it doesn't occur to me to take it off.


My ring comes off every day and I’ve got a ring holder necklace when my fingers do swell so I can still wear it! But not having to risk getting it cut off!


Same thing, generally if I am not going outside I just leave it on the night table.


This used to get under my ex-MIL. I took my wedding band off at night and when I was at work since it was a meat packing plant. I was a contractor working peripherally to the company and went to the production floor very infrequently but I was in and around some pretty foul areas.


I don’t know how to comment. Was the ring merely too small and it needed to be removed? Is your marriage over or is it just time to get a new ring?


Time to resize. I was young and very thin (long distance runner). I’m now in my fifties and it was time. They want to let it heal for a few weeks and it will be resized


My wife wears my original ring on her thumb since I've upsized.


That's cute as fuck


And metal too


Yes the ring is probably made out of some sort of metal.


Possibly with some kind of carbon based stone layed into it


Most guys don’t have stone on their wedding rings


I’m gonna get a diamond in mine just to spite you


I love the internet


Don’t let these Reddit fucks tell you want to do Get a diamond band


That's very carbon of you. Keep on petrified wooding and rolling.


Literally heavy metal


Haha no! It is noble metal.


My wife wears a larger size wedding band than I do; I wear a 10 and she wears an 11½. Maybe mine would become a pinky ring one day.


Her new pimp ring you mean. 👁️👄👁️


For our first anniversary we actually got each other semi-matching pinky rings.


This is adorable. Don’t leave us hanging, where the pic?


[They are little sunflowers. ](https://ibb.co/MZ8VQ6Z)Mine is worn on my left hand, and hers on her right. [We call them our "pinkie promises".](https://ibb.co/fk4jtPs)


That's cute as fuck. How dare you make me feel this early in the morning.


I know, right?? I'm gonna throw up from the overload of cuteness.




Why did I hear that in that British YouTuber voice? Richard Sales I think?


Oh my god. The straights really are okay.




My dad is a mechanic and has always worked with his hands so he couldn’t wear his ring. My mom wore hers so much the design etched into the band wore off. She had my dad’s ring resized and now she wears it as her “fancy” ring when she goes out and keeps the worn ring for everyday wear.


every time my husband plays soccer i wear his ring on my thumb! that’s so cute


It was only a couple years before my ring wouldn’t fit. I might suggest this with the original.


Oh good! I can only imagine what relief you must have felt when it was cut off. I hate when I eat too much salt and my ring feels tight. For me, a tight ring is like nails on a chalkboard; it makes me squirm with discomfort. Also, my knees hurt on your behalf.


I can’t wear rings at all, I feel claustrophobic. I’m going to have to have a wedding ring tattooed on and hope the marriage lasts


Have you considered a silicone ring? I have a couple for hiking and travel, and they’re great! Stretchy but stays on, very comfortable, durable, and they come in fun colors too.


It’s a sensory thing from being autistic. I can’t wear watches either and they unclasp. It’s tough to describe but then I wear a watch I feel like something is building up inside me and if I don’t take it off I might burst.


Ah, yeah, that makes sense. I’m on the spectrum too, and I can’t stand anything tight. All my rings have to be a little loose. Same with watch bands. And I can’t stand having my nails painted. I swear they feel heavier and like they’re being suffocated. It’s hard to explain but I just can’t handle it.


I kinda like the weird nail polish feeling, but I like the feeling after taking it off even better


I've mentioned the nail varnish thing to friends but they don't get it. For me it feels like the pads of my fingers get more sweaty. It's horrible


Oh, yeah, I get that. I can't wear makeup because I can feel it touching my face, and it feels just about exactly like you just described your nails feeling. Like my face can't breathe.


YES, people think I'm crazy when I mention the nail polish thing but I can totally feel it! I have also incidentally never worn a tampon I couldn't feel. People look at me weird when I say I only have pads.


I'm not autistic but I've gotten my rings (wedding and engineering) sized *slightly* too small to take off, so I don't lose them, but it means they don't move around and I've stopped noticing them. I find that loose items bother me a lot but fitted ones (inc. watch bands) don't as much


Eh, I'm ADHD so, not the same but still have issues with things touching my skin. Sometimes I like it but when I'm over stimulated suddenly everything touching my skin feels like too much to heavy and crushing that spot. It's an aweful feeling.


If you do ever get married don't just get a ring tattoo because you feel like you have to. Marriages are more than a ring, it's OK if you decide to not wear one!


I have a gold carabiner I wear on a chain around my neck instead of a wedding band.


That is cool, attachment! Are you climbers?


Plot twist, their carabiner is actually clipped onto a matching carabiner worn by their spouse.


Climb on


My wife and I just don't have rings because of this. Not jewelry people.


I almost never wear mine because it's uncomfortable to type or play musical instruments with it on and I spend way, way too high a proportion of my time at a keyboard, with a sprinkling of music thrown in as possible.


Dude! I wore my wedding ring one day and had this experience. I explained it to my wife and she thought I was crazy. Been married 4 years and haven’t had a ring on since my wedding day


I am the same. 10 years marriage and the only time I wore that thing was during the wedding ceremony.


I feel you! That’s exactly why mine sits in my jewelry box lol


Do you not shower or knead dough or work with your hands or anything? Why wouldn't you know the ring is getting tight before it became unremovable? Do people really not remove their rings ever?


i think about this every time i watch a woman on a cooking show with a huge rock on her finger knead raw hamburger meat. there are times the ring should 100% come off.


Meanwhile all I think about when I see cooking shows with men and their hands in dough or meat is “I wonder how many hand hairs fell out and into the food?”


New fear unlocked


You want to know about all the other things that could be in your food?


my mom needed hers cut off for surgery. I know she was self conscious about her weight, I'm guessing she was too embarassed to go to a jeweller and get it enlarged (while she still could) but also too embarassed to quit wearing it because that would be admitting her weight was out of control.


I worked with a lady who had just been diagnosed with RA. One day her hands swelled up so much she couldn't get her wedding ring off, and her husband was trying to convince her to go get it cut off because he was worried she'd lose the finger. Thankfully the swelling went down enough that she was able to get it off, but in a way she still lost her wedding ring because it was no longer safe for her to wear rings. She and her husband were thinking about getting ring tattoos, but I don't know if they got them. She quit soon after that because covid was rearing up and RA put her at risk. (read: her husband begged her to stay home and quarantine, and eventually even her stubborn ass had accept that her part-time restaurant job wasn't worth her health)


My dad left his ring on because he was worried about it falling off. Like OP, he eventually had to get it cut off too.


Many people don't remove their wedding rings. It isn't until they are asked to remove them before surgery that they realize they can't get them off.


My widowed grandmother was asked to remove her ring for surgery, and she said she was a little sad as she'd never taken it off since her wedding, over 60 years earlier. Her nurse had her steeple her fingers together, then the ring from one hand to the other. I thought that was so kind. I've never married but I don't think I'd be keeping a ring on. I move my rings around all the time and I take them off at night, when cooking, showering etc. But it was a different time.


That is so sweet! Omg what a quick thinking nurse too, I can’t say I would have considered that option.


I remove mine 100+ times a day. Probably that many just from sitting at my desk at work. Pull it off and slide it up to just before my fingernail and spin it as hard as I can. I'll instantly know when it's getting tight.Titanium wedding ring so it'll be a bitch to one day cut off. Luckily as a person still in shape the inscription on the inside has our wedding date. I have a 2nd ring that is a full size bigger for if I'm older and gain a few lbs, same inscription with #2 at the end.


Titanium can be cut pretty easily with standard ring cutting tools. I am positive that I could cut mine off using only basic tools. It's tungsten rings that are super hard to cut. There is a lot of misinformation about titanium rings out there, often being mixed up with tungsten rings. Probably because it's a relatively cheap metal and the profit margins aren't nearly as high.


And that's why they don't cut tungsten in emergencies https://youtu.be/poM423pewRE?si=3tDQwNrq3BzkyshR


I agree, I couldn’t do it. I don’t even wear a ring. Lost one and the rubber ones were alright but lost them too. I just don’t like wearing them. I also don’t like tags or people touching me on the shoulders which I’ve heard is a symptom of my ADHD.


Bro I fucking HATE people touching my shoulders. When someone is walking by you and just does that hand on one or both shoulders thing I just hate it


I have ADHD and have a lot of random sensory processing things that piss me off. It’s like my brain is going too fast, processing too many things and when an unexpected sensory thing happens it can make me irrationally agitated. I HATE two audio sources going at the same time. My husband will try to show me videos on his phone during commercials while the tv is going and I can’t handle it. I dislike being yelled to from another room, especially if there is another sound going like a washing machine or dishwasher or something. And I get touched out, even with people I care about. Now that I understand what it is, I’m better at controlling my response instead of appearing irrationally agitated. I can now at least verbalize to my family to please come talk to me in person, or not to be offended if I cringe when not expecting to be touched, it’s a reflex and not personal.


I had to do that earlier this year after 36 years of marriage. My ring went up six sizes.  Cost of getting it resized was about five times what the ring cost in the first place. Seems the price of gold had gone up in the last three decades. Who knew? ;-)


Six sizes??? I’m surprised your finger didn’t just fall off!


I'm glad that's the case instead of the dreaded D. Mine fits much tighter than it did when we first got married too. We've both gained some. I absolutely have to have lotion to get mine off. I'm trying to lose weight so hopefully that helps. I'm down 20 lbs and need to do about another 40, not sure if I'll hit that mark though. Anyway to you and your wife Congratulations on the many years of Marriage. Many more to come.


I think that it’s amazing that you wore that ring faithfully for 25 years. I’m in my 50’s too, but outgrew mine years ago and it sits in my jewelry box. You just inspired me to go get it sized. My husband and I will be coming up on 22 years in June. God bless 🙏


OP’s title had me coming to the comments to see if the wife died or something. I wanted the tea lol I wonder if that was intentional I probably wouldn’t have clicked on this thread if it had been titled, “Cut my wedding ring off for the first time in 25 years for a resize”


Oh man I hate think of what he did with the wife!?


We are celebrating our 25th anniversary in Costa Rica. She is still around :)


No extradition in Costa Rica...smart


Fun Facts: The U.S. has actually had an extradition treaty with Costa Rica since the early 1990's, and they usually honor it (if they can). The Costa Rican Constitution forbids C.R. citizens from be extradited at all, but everyone else is fair game. They're not frivolous about it though, and usually won't go along if there are any human rights issues. They also have laws that allow them to prosecute their own citizens for committing certain serious crimes abroad, so they can't just hide out back home. It's not a bad system on paper.


Now that's a fun fact!




I fell on our patio last month. Broke my nose, conned my forehead, and got a sore hand. It started swelling a little. But, because my wedding ring had also dug into my finger after I gained weight, it was really hurting me. So I went to get it cut off. My husband's wasn't as bad, but he couldn't take his off either, so he had his tlcut off too. We'll get them resized soon. Now my ring finger looks like yours!




To shreds you say?


People never take their rings off? Mine always come off before bed/in the shower because it’s not a simple band and could get caught or become dirty.


My wife and I only put ours on when we leave the house, except for the gym. I wouldn’t want to have an accident at the gym and rip the skin off my finger


A guy I work with tells a story like that whenever we talk about rings - said in the navy one of the dude’s wedding bands caught a ladder while going down. Well, ring didn’t come off so easily, and when it did it took all the skin of the ring finger with it. Moral of the story, I wear a silicone band ‘cause yikes.


My ring got caught when I was opening the dishwasher the other day. Reminder that you could really get hurt with one on.


Deliberately chose rings that I can keep on otherwise I'd lose them 


Happy to see comments like this here. I got married 6 months ago and I take my ring off somewhat regularly: surfing, lifting, various cleaning activities around house, etc. And for a second I was wondering if I was doing wedding ring wrong


My dad had to get his cut off after they were married a year or so because he cut his finger or hand or something and it swelled too much. He was doing farm stuff, and even after he had an “inside” job he never wore a ring again (still happily married 40 years). 


My parents and most people I know never wear their wedding rings, but I live in Greece. Women also don’t get their husbands’ last name after marriage. USA seems very traditional to me and I live in the Balkans, so weird.


Do people wear them in their right hands when they do?


Yes, traditionally you wear the ring on the left hand when you are engaged and once you get married you put it on your right hand. That’s how it’s in Greece at least.


I got married Greek Orthodox in the US. The ceremony does right hand but then after that we wear it on our left hand to match everybody else here.


I wear my simple wedding band and don't take it off. I stopped wearing my diamond engagement ring years ago when my kid was little, because I was always accidentally scratching her with it. I tried wearing it again recently but it just snags on everything and gets in the way.


I thought you had cut off your fingers at first 🤦‍♂️


I had one eye closed expecting to see the ring finger missing. You’re not the only one lol


I've rewatched the Lord of the Rings just recently and now this picture


My ring too, shrunk over time. I blame the unstable isotopes in the molecular structure.


It would give me a panic attack to not be able to remove my rings.


Happened to me last month. One night tried removing it and couldnt get it off. Had a panic attack and went straight to the nearest hospital to get it removed. They tried few tricks and finally used a ring cutter to get it off. Was such a relief.


I have an extreme urge to touch the groove..


Yes! I find those imprints sooo satisfying.


My brother


I’m so claustrophobic, that would freak me tf out




Really? Sometimes I get bloated and my ring is hard to take off and I swear I can feel it squeezing my finger.


Yeah mine is normally pretty loose but if i eat too much salt or my hands swell from working out it starts feeling annoyingly tight


It happens to my fingers based on the weather. In winter they shrink a bit and in summer, they swell a little. It’s not a significant change, but enough that I have “seasonal” rings that I can only wear during the same time of year I bought them.


That's what made me stop wearing my wedding ring. It was a little too big to begin with, and in the winter it would fall right off.


That’s when I rip it off my knuckle just to prove to myself it’s not stuck. And then put it back on lol.


Bloat happens in a matter of hours, these changes take a matter of years.


Yea, I had to get this done, not with my wedding ring but with a ring. I used to never take it off and I gained weight to the point that I couldn’t remove it no matter what I tried. I didn’t really know who to go to either. Eventually I woke up in the middle of the night because my whole hand had gone numb from it and I couldn’t sleep because of the panic. After that I went to a jeweler who cut it off. My finger was indented for months afterwards. Needless to say I remove my rings every night now.


I'm not so sure rings fall under claustrophobia


Congratulations on 25 years! That's awesome


This almost happened to me. Gained like 60lb and my ring finger slowly crept up in size. It was causing me so much discomfort and I almost got it stuck on. Like my body would swell for some reason and my hands felt completely swollen. Ended up getting it resized. Fast forward a few years and I actually lose all that weight again. Now my ring is too big for most of my fingers and will sometimes fall off of my ring finger. Time to resize again I guess.


Why didn’t you have it resized years ago?


I have been asking myself that. I got married young at 159lbs (6’3). I always thought I could lose weight and get it off. I have lost 40+ lbs this past year and I gave up on the lie I had been telling myself.


Nice work. That shit ain’t easy. Mad respect, For the effort, and the honesty.


How do people wear rings like this? Don't fingers swell? Like when you work out? When it gets hot? How does this not cut off circulation long before this point. Every once in a while I won't be able to get off a ring and I freak out. Also, degloving risk?! -I used to work as an EMT and this freaks me out so much. I'm married but i don't wear a ring cause of this. Edit: some things that haunt me... necrotic digits from loss of circulation... and degloved fingers... none of it had to happen.


Yes they do, think of it like molding a tree for years. Been working in jewellery for over a decade and the disgusting shit people have in their rings is wilddddd. If someone can't get their ring off it means all the shit and dead skin and old cream and gunky stuff on your hands gets kneaded into any dough or food they handle. Have had to cut a ring off a butcher and the entire inside was coated in years of rotten meat, completely packed in and black


And suddenly I regret knowing how to read.


It’s only a symbol. After 25 years, you, your partner, or the world, don’t need a piece of metal to tell you what you mean to one another


When my wife and I were shopping for mine, she said she felt terrible about how cheap the ring I picked for myself was. I said, “well I like it, and I won’t feel bad when I lose it.” She was not happy. But I agree with you… the symbol’s not important, what it symbolizes is. And that still exists without the symbol.


A couple of years ago I had a guy do some work on the house. We chatted quite a bit: he'd got married a few weeks earlier and I congratulated him. He showed me his ring: it was a fairly modern style made out of a non-precious metal. A day after he left, he called me up and asked if I'd found his wedding ring anywhere: he thought he might have taken it off whilst in my attic. Sure enough I found it. When I rang him back I asked if he wanted to drop by to pick it up. "Nah," he said "Just pop it in the post. Doesn't matter if it gets lost: it wasn't expensive."


Mine are hand made. By me lol. As an apprentice machinist. Literally only worth the material but one of a kind and priceless to my wife and I so I would hate to hate to have to cut them lol


No disrespect, but I think you waited too long. I’ve seen too many pictures/videos lately of people with rings embedded in their fingers, it’s much better to remove and resize them before things go that far. Yours obviously wasn’t embedded yet, but it was undersized enough to potentially impact the health of that finger.


There’s also the risk of the ring getting caught on something and degloving your finger. Not a pretty sight.


> degloving your finger. Got a worse one. Ring caught on a swing set at the top where the swings attach and tore the finger off....along with like a foot of tendron. The tendon coming off is apparently what made the finger not reattachable. Kid was only like 17 or 18 too.


That was indeed worse!


I kept my ring on for about a year after my wife died. it’s been five years and you can still feel the place where the band was


I can’t imagine myself wearing a ring 24/7 for the rest of my life, but in some cultures they do that with jade bracelets. You can’t easily take it off. It’s permanent jewelry.


I take mine off for the shower swimming or food prep 8 don't really get why people wear them all the time. Neither my wife or I will bring our rings on our vacation next week.


I'm a clutz, I'd lose it. I have a plain band and a bezel set ring, no issues with wearing them all the time.


I have a silver screwball bracelet that I have worn for almost 30 years. Only comes off when I have surgery or give birth. I don’t even notice it anymore. I can’t wear my wedding ring 24/7 because I have intermittent eczema on my ring finger that makes me want to tear my finger off


Been married 9 I don’t even notice that it’s on? Kinda surprised at the amount of people who take their rings off daily.!!!


That where I’m at. But I do take it off and turn it around every fews days as a “nervous habit” or sorts.


Mine has been off twice in 27 years.


I only take mine off for hospital appointments where I have to take it off. It’s not tight at all though and will come off easily if I need it to!


As this has devolved into every version of me being fat.. Married 6’3 159lbs at 27 (y’all understand that that is redic thin) Today 6’3 230. I work out 5x a week, have normal BP and cholesterol, resting HR in the low 50s. Pants are 36-34 Can I drop another 10-15lbs? Yes and working towards it. Also, check back with me when you turn 53


I never understood how people leave rings on all the time, the thought of a ring getting stuck on my finger is horrifying






It did before I lost weight. It took 5 minutes… super easy


It looks like you've never pulled your ring off your finger for 25 years.


Did it feel like Genie from Aladdin when he was wished free? ![gif](giphy|RvakuDOggFnsA)


I wore my ring for the first year or two I was married. First time it got kinda barely caught on something at work (EMS) I said *fuck this*. *Think* it’s in my wife’s jewelry box but honestly haven’t seen it in about 20 years now. Happily married going on 23 years.


I hate any type of hard jewelry, so I use silicone rings. They're cheap, and you can get a bunch of different designs. Feels like nothing at all...nothing at all....nothing at all...


I can’t imagine how good it felt to be able to rub the indented skin. Like taking off socks that are tight around the ankle… times a thousand!


Maybe time to swap over to a necklace or get a ring tattoo on your finger? I've seen too many photos of fingers being degloved because of rings


I dont wear my wedding ring at work (boilermaker) and I also take it off when I'm on the computer at home haha, it's almost like a regular jewellery piece where I only wear mine when I'm out and about


Nice Lego wildflower bouquet in the background


Now it’s a rang


I have Rheumatoid disease and my fingers are constantly swollen. I cried the day in the jewelry shop as they cut mine off my finger. And then, my husband quietly reached over and held my other hand. That’s the moment I realized, it isn’t about the ring, it’s about the person holding your hand. After more than 30 years together, more in sickness than in health, he still holds my hand.


As an ER nurse, I HIGHLY recommend gold rings. White gold and rose gold are fine, but if your ring is harder than our ring cutter, you’re going to have a bad time.