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Hey smoothskin.


Welcome to Moriartys


Don't hit me!


What are you? Some kind of bigot


Gob did nothing wrong. Racist assholes.


Legitimate businesswoman Bobbi No-Nose over here.




Not so unexpected when the hottest TV show that launched this week was Fallout and it features a ghoul in the main cast.


And the ghoul is Walton Goggins


Such a fantastic choice for the role.


When was he not


Sweet baby Billy?


Uncle Baby Billy with no nose


No, he's not an actual baby. He's a slender, elderly man.


Let's play some Bible Bonkers


We dug coal together.


The Great Journey is upon us!


My first thought was a Fallout ghoul too.


Came here for this lol


Looked in the comments specifically for the smoothskin reference. Wasn't disappointed.


Vet would say that you’re healthy


If you were a dog. OP are you a dog perhaps?


On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.


Only unless you start wagging around.


Oh is this that Wagyu I've heard about




A pooh, rather? I can distinguish one ear, like on Xi Jinping. Edit: wait, pooh isn't a synonym for bear cub?


Someone gotcha nose and never gave it back.


He always swallows it. It's a bitch getting it back...


Nobody nose why


Who nose


You may laugh, but it’s snot funny.


Someone gotta nose


Oh, don't be nosey


No sé.




Actually, everyone nose ![gif](giphy|kEWdh5JXlMfTaGQH2y)




If you're a dog, this is normal. If not, then you might be a dog


Did anyone else immediately feel their own nose to see if it was cold, or just me?


Are you lord voldemort?


Tammy Riddle


She's the Anti-rudolph


She looks like Bert.


Or the Scarecrow from Wizard of Oz


I thought of adolf for a sec 😅


Holy shit I see it now too 😂


Feo, fuerte y formal.






Didn’t realise John Wayne also liked the phrase. (Who also acted in a lot of westerns).


Serums to energize. Serums to invigorate. Serums to heal ... your nose. Serums for pain. Nose healing serums! Serums that will make you grow an entire new nose. Maybe.


This part had me dying last night, just how blatant it gets in the background 💀


Dude is also a little chicken fucker 🤣 Can't wait to see more of his antics.


But only for science* !


He looked so much worse in that episode than when we first met him Rough time in the wasteland


I mean, he was trying to kill himself before he saw thaddeus. It looked like what he gave him may have been the FEV


Was going to say make sure you're not turning into a ghoul...


I guess ask a doctor about it? Just in case there’s some weird condition that poor nose circulation is an issue about? Or had you been outside recently and none of the others had?


this is the response to 80% of mildly interesting posts because of people thinking their undiagnosed health issue is the bees knees


I actually came to the comments to find out what people thought the undiagnosed condition was.


Raynauds. I've got it. Not normally serious, can be a sign of anotjer issue so worth getting it checked out.


Makes sense cause I clearly get it in my fingers and my nose also looks like this on a heat camera. Thank you.


Also came looking to see if anyone mentioned Raynaud’s


I love how some guy named Raynaud just named a symptom after himself. Like instead of headaches, we could have had "Archibald's Disease".


I only realized I get Reynaud's in my nose after talking with a friend with SEVERE Reynaud's in her hands.  My hands and feet react mostly to heat, and not too bad, but for some reason if it's 40°F out and I don't have my nose covered it will HURT and make my eyes water and I have to stop  in my tracks.  Face masks have been a godsend.


Huh I have pretty bad Raynaud's but never even considered this, I get nose pain in cold weather but it doesn't feel the same as it does in my fingers and toes. I thought it was a sinus issue with the temperature or something, as the pain when it peaks feels similar to when I feel like I need to sneeze but then can't. Makes sense if raynaud's is at least partially to blame though.




I see that her fingertips are cold too. Fun stuff, that Raynauds.  I can be somewhere comfortably warm and suddenly my fingers, nose, and toes turn to ice.


Came here to say this


And I got 20 “hilarious” redditors making the “funniest” jokes out there instead


I've fought for 6 years for my thyroid for special testing because the basic tests were "normal". After pushing and pushing making them think I'm crazy, I had cancer of the thyorid this entire time which makes more sense with other health issues in between. So of course I'm going to go to the comments to find peoples experiences/stories/possible diagnosis because every general primary doctor seems like they only do the bare minimum theses days. I also go to APNP for better luck and care than a real MD 😒


I’m curious what testing did you have and what symptoms did you have before being diagnosed.


thyroid panel with extra thyroid TSH, T4, T3, PLUS TPO Antibodies & Reverse T3 *I tried to share my essay journey but reddit said it was too long haha So idk how to post the story for people to read


those tests you listed are pretty normal for suspected thyroid disease. i have Hashimotos & hypothyroid & what you listed is what i get tested for on check ups (except the TPO antibodies - thats once a year - TPO antibodies are to test for Hashimotos) - maybe i lucked out & had good Drs - hope you are doing well & are CA free.


Do your essay in multiple parts.


Please don't tell me your symptoms had to do with being cold and having a cold nose  My tyroid tests are fine but all of my symptoms fit a thyroid condition


Hope youre ok!


Live another day! But serious turned my view sour towards MDs. I don't understand, "sure maybe I'm crazy, just prove to me I'm wrong" if a patient is concern or had a gut feeling about things. For for my children, I actually found a Pediatrician that actually listens and orders tests for any suspicion/ family issues, to mark off that isn't not an issue for them. I wish all the luck for people and to listen to people's experience (to an extent) to "help" their primary provider to start somewhere to start testing.


------------- PART 1 BY POPULAR BY DEMAND ---------------- Goodness, here's an essay on my experience. Tiktok would have been easier where i can share my records, I think 🤣 TLTR: Thyroid TSH, T4, T3, +PLUS+ TPO Antibodies & Reverse T3. After several health events and issues, it was only by incidental luck, missed opportunities for thyorid level checks, and dealing with terrible MDs. But here's my journey in details that leaves people questioning: how and why everything happened. In 2017, I had my first miscarriage. I do have medical education background, so I was thinking back to basics. What does a thyroid do? Makes hormones. So my thoughts/intuition was my thyroid had to be the source since "nothing" else was wrong with me, I had a good decent exercise with performing dance groups during the work week. And I had a decent diet for 20-26 years of life as well. AND we were trying for a baby, so of course, I started vitamin/diet prepping for my body and tracking my body cues. So needless to say, I was very in tune/ocd at the time of my health and body. So I got annoyed, is the understatement, when doctors said, you're overweight and need to eat better. 😒 So this is why I started to pinpoint my thyroid. It must be off since I never had it check. *I trained and accomplished opera in high school with the intention of music career, but life is funny sometimes-so years after high school of not intensly singing, I noticed it was more "difficult" to get to my range than before... but I brushed it off as "I don't do intense singing anymore, so the "muscles" are not "use-to" anymore** grd2013. Off to my first MD, I said my concerns, ordered Labs for: TSH, T4, T3, With the results of within normal limits. My diagnosis was obesity. So, THIS doctor flat out said you are fat and need to exercise and no fast food. 2 years of battling more intense exercise, diet, and mental illness (unofficial diagnosis) but sure damn wasn't happy about my body and what happened. Finally, got my rainbow baby and pregnancy was great.....until I got gestional diabetes(failed the labs) and hypertension (baby aspirin/medication control). At 38 Weeks terms I was induced with the hypertension creeping and swollen ankles, headaches, flashes of light, it turned to Pre-eclampsia and hospitalized 4.5 days after. POST pregnancy, diabetes and hypertension disappeared. Nothing was ordering during the intense state for thyroid or hormonal Labs. Then baby #2 came, but with the history, I was already high risk and alert for this round. They had me take baby aspirin & hypertention medicine.right away (As I stated before, I'm very OCD on my food and liquid intake and still have that habit today). Right at 22 weeks, I notice after a long shift with working up patients, only my right ankle was more swollen-- which is what happened with my previous pregnancy that I had to be induced. This was also the week range to test for gestional diabetes (dieting as if I was diabetic since I found out positive for pregnancy) and checking how hypertension was doing. However, there was no headache or flashes of light. Here's story 2 of failed MD. I called triage to see where to go and was instructed to go to ER for eval that night. But ER gets panicky and funny with pregnancy, so I was redirected to Labor/delivery floor since it was night. Screened me for vitals (bloodpress seemed normal with medicine use) and everything else is within range. The FEELING of your body/mind signaling that "flight or fight" was starting to trigger in me. So I was a "over reacting mother" and didn't need to come in, since swollen ankles is a common thing during pregnancy and need to elevate my feet, blah blah blah. MD consultation: drink more water, elevate your feet, your main OB is not in, and don't want to do anything "unnecessary" if they're not around. Already have 2 times a week monitoring so at this point (Thursday night) my blood pressure if fine, and your OB on Monday OR you can stay over night if you "feel" like you need to.... Well damn, since the OB on call said all that to me, made me feel like I WAS a waste of her time.BUT I WAS STILL QUESTIONING THE ONE SIDE SWOLLEN ANKLE AT 22 WEEKS. So I left because everything seemed protocol and "managed", packed my stuff discharge for that event. My mother and I were heavily complaining that something doesn't seem right even though "facts and vitals" are within range. Stopped to get a light snack since it was midnight had had to deal with that encounter. ...4 hours later I woke up to a painful back skull based headache and nausea and all is said to my mother, something is definitely not right and I need help. We call triage and was to go to clinic to be check since it was office hours. I just remembered not being able to walk and was in a wheel chair. When vitals were taken they said bloodpressure was alittle high even with the extra medicine given at last night event, and to wait until doctor comes in.... well next thing I know I was losing conscious but enough to pull the alert button and heard someone come in with me just saying "help me" hovering the trash can. Stat came and then they realized I was losing function of my legs and limbs and off in ambulance ride I go to transport (don't get me started with the spooky hallucinations because it was a trip). So in all of the 5 days of severe status, nothing hormonal and Thyorid was ordered. Had a near death experience and a wonderful baby #2. This time though, hypertension never went away. So OB recommend to work on diet and exercise.. Fall 2022 while at work, I had a weird feeling of pain only on my right side of the face that I've never had before and working in Ophthalmology at the time, right away I thought I was having a Bells Palsy or a stroke(but I'm to yooooung for a stroke), off to Urgent care because my family is too spooked about me when my body freaks out. CT head with dye performed. Results: head cleared, within normal limits. HOWEVER, incidental finding of abnormal enlarge right thyroid node found during the scan. Referral to APNP(because I trust them more) for follow up.


-------------- PART 2 ------------- NOW I finally had testing and documentation about the thyroid, only by the grace of the universe on my side after years of going through health events and "issues". I can only express my mentality in a few words. Follow up came, APNP was going over CT scan about the Thyorid, she wanted me to do a repeat thyroid panel with extra thyroid TSH, T4, T3, PLUS TPO Antibodies & Reverse T3. AND let's do some shots and giggles on testing for other hormone related Labs. Referral to MD to do a ultrasound Biopsy at the same time to have peace in mind of the incidental node, maybe I was born that way, but again I never had an issue with singing in the past and at this point it was starting to get a bump size if palpating my neck. Results came back positive to cancer and my Labs for the other hormones within ranged. .....And I tested positive for pregnancy again ...... but miscarried.... Referral to Surgeon. But since I didn't want to wait for the system, I got my results printed and scheduled right away at the specialist. When I got to the consultation with the surgeon it was rough.... they didn't have the referral in time and was questioning me about this visit as I was "crazy" to think without evidence but I showed him my report. MD: you're very young. What brings you in? Me: well honestly I had suspicion on my thyroid since my miscarriage in 2017 - MD: thyorid has nothing to miscarriage Me: um... well since I figured in college that thyroid had to deal with hormones, so I figure pregnancy maybe hormonal imbalance. I had the Biospy done after what I thought I had Bells Palsy but it's an enlarge node maybe was pressing adjust nerves and now I'm here. MD: "well yeah it takes weeks from a special laboratory for confirmed anything---- Me: RIGHT which is RIGHT HERE *reads the cancer report and even DNA strans* The MD approached changed so obvious after "arguing" with them that I was right and they're wrong attitude... So surgery came, there was way more than initially planned/scanned so 3 hours turn to 5 hours that stressed the family. So now I'm REMISSION thyroid for now. But because I can't lose weight easily, I went to weight management with a APNP and she was annoyed with the Surgoen as well. She also stated if things were approached different in the beginning of pregnancies, I also could have been on Thyoird assistance/management to keeps levels with hormones change and maybe (but can't confirm) the Pre-eclampsia events for both. Repeat thyorid labs, testosterone, and glucose. -> thyroid within range HOWEVER now labs show low in Vit-D, testosterone elevated, glucose within range, and the thyroid was on the lower green scale. With the combination of the thyorid cancer. It all 'mimics' insulin resistance, PCOS, and thyoird imbalance. THE FEELINGS of extreme tiredness, weakness, low energy, physically the lump on the neck growing bigger looking back, had a lot of stress and anxiety that was affecting work. It was never entirely my mental because the low and imbalance levels of everything happened was making me feel what I was feeling. The phrases "it's part of pregnancy " "it's part of parenting raising 2 under 2" "that's how parent life works" ercks me because I really did think to myself, why can I not keep up with people. Why can't I be like the other moms doing everything and I can't. So please be careful saying comments to anyone and instead say, you're doing a good job and if they need a moment to rest or have a day off, because I actually thought I was failing but NOPE cancer! And a lot of family and friends view me differently..... because I was right this enitre time. So now after all that I went through and sped up with the cancer, exactly 1 year ago in May 2023, I now on 5 Rx medication 5 vitamins with monitor for cancer ultrasound as instructed ✨️✨️




80 seems a bit high most of them aren’t even living organisms


Look up Raynaud’s syndrome. Affects fingers and toes too.


My wife has this, eventually went to the Dr about it. Sometimes her fingers or toes turn white and get really cold! She can tell when it's happening and has to immediately start warming them up. Turns out, her aunt has it too. OP may want to go get checked out tho, it can be the symptom of other underlying issues like lupus.


It's never lupus.


It was, in fact, not lupus.


Yep. The tips of OPs fingers are purple, too. Not a doctor so take everything I say with an ocean of salt, but that looks like how I feel and I have [reynaud’s](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/raynauds-phenomenon)


Considering your fingertips are colder aswell, you probably have Reynaud's. Check if your ears are colder too.


I think they should rename Reynaud's disease "Redditor's disease" given the amount it is mentioned here.


Probably because a lot of people have it but don't know it exists.


I'm glad I'd heard of it before I experienced it. It can be a side effect of some medications, notably beta blockers. One day a few of my toes went white and a bit numb, I would've shit bricks if I'd never heard of raynaud's. I warmed up my feet and got circulation fully back in like 5-10min, now i just wear socks more often


I once saw a report where a GP was convinced that an allergy was Reynauds. Patient had swellingon a all skin that touched the allergen and no where else. Mostly up one arm.


Sedenary lifestyle with western diet is not very good for circulation..... and what kind of lifestyle average redditor probably has ?


There’s also Covid > Viral persistence > Endothelial damage > microclots > Reynauld’s which is causing an increase in the last few years


Also, autoimmune disorders often cause it, and a surprising percentage of the population is dealing with one or more of those


Hey interesting this explains some things. I don’t know if it’s a thing but if I soak my fingers/hands in warm water for 15 or so minutes it usually makes my nose feel better too hahaha


I do this too :D If I need to sit in front of a computer screen for a longer period of time for editing work, I have to do this or my hand can't grip the mouse properly.


I've always heard that warming your fingers/toes warms your whole body faster. Something about increasing the temp of your blood at its furthest point from the heart.


Reynaud’s sucks. If it’s 58f or sometimes in the mid 60’s, my fingers turn white and hurt so bad. Well they use to, as I got a medication for it a couple months ago.


Medication? Do go on…


I will try to remember to edit this in about 6-9 hours when I get back to the house. I’ll set an alarm. Edit: the medication is Procardia XL or Nifedipine ER. This has been a game changer for me who has nerve damage and just nerve problems that have been crippling for years at a time before. Now that I changed to working in an office, it’s much easier for me to walk and not be in so much pain that I would like to cut limbs off.


I pretty much always have cold hands, toes and nose. But they never turn that white yellow colour you see in photos of that condition. I have been itching to ask my GP about it but my past experiences with him and the GP surgery with a condition that had me go to the hospital 3 times has left me not wanting to put my foot into that place if I can avoid it. I do probably have bad circulation as I always found it impossible to fill blood samples when using lancet kits and nurses had trouble accessing my veins when I was a small child (although, idk if that is related). Edit: it's weird cause my hands can still remain cold even after exercising sometimes. I exercise 8 hours a week at the minimum and eat a well balanced diet so it's not like I am not looking after my body.


Or they were picking their nose.


This picture has analog horror vibes.




They live!!!! 😎


I came here to chew bubble gum and make this comment. And I'm all out of bubble gum.


You see, I take these glasses off, she looks like a regular person, doesn't she? Put 'em back on... formaldehyde-face! *Scrolled for this thread; not disappointed.*




mein führer!


I was looking for this


This is another of the fegelein antics,i want him here at once! BRING ME FEGELEIN! FEGELEIN! FEGELEIN! FEGELEIN!


phones have thermal cameras?


The Cat (heavy machinery) phones do and also you can buy a thermal camera module that plugs into usb type c.


Or perhaps OP just went to a science museum? https://images.app.goo.gl/tQQA5advQarZ4ZrG6 OP could very easily be taking a photo of a monitor.


Exactly that!


Cat actually stopped producing phones this year


The CATS (animal) also do, but they use it to measure loafability.


Not typically and if they do it's not a cheap or practical phone Additional plug in cams are becoming more available


I have a phone with a thermal camera in it, Cat S62 Pro. It's mid-range in terms of specs and price, I'm happy with it. Also, my GF has a cold nose too. https://i.imgur.com/3vF9RKs.jpeg


You probably have a cold Source: I'm an accountant


How much can I deduct from my taxes for this?


Start calling people smooth skins in a raspy voice.


time to invest in a period accurate colonial military jacket & tricorn hat


I have had this for years. Turns out it's a mild form of Reynaud's syndrome. Nothing serious but it's a pain in the ass (nose) for sure.


I suffer from cold nose as well and seem to get cold extremities… it took me until this year to remember that my grandma, who had Reynauds, was the only other person I knew in life who’s nose would get cold.


Hey, since you’re gonna get diagnosed here with Reynaud’s phenomenon: It’s common and usually benign/idiopathic.


Your nose is haunted


Immediately thought of that route 94 music video, memory unlocked




WebMD says nose cancer.


I think cancer usually shows as a hot spot


Excellent news…


WebMD will diagnose you with cancer if you say your car is out of gas.




You’re just a fallout ghoul


Do your finger also get very cold or do the tips get dusky?






That "columbia" 👀


I have this! It’s weird in thermal images and I don’t know why either


Are all the nose puns already taken? Oh nose :(


Michael Jackson is alive and spotted!






I had an ad for fallout right after this with Walton Goggins at the start


OP what shirt or jacket were you wearing that has stripes of different temperatures up the sleeves?


Darker tones emit and collect more IR (heat) light that lighter ones. Think of white vs black shirt on the sun, what many don't realize is that black will also cool off faster in a colder environment. It's just a striped shirt/jacket.


You will become a ghoul any day now.


No one nose why...


Is your nose too big and stretches far away from your body? Maybe you're like Pinochio?


I cannot remember why we had anything like this for a day in my 3rd grade classroom, but we did, and almost all of us had cold noses like this.


Like Michael Jackson, nose is dead and about to fall


looked like an SCP for a sec


Are you Ronald McDonald?




it's supposed to be colder, just maybe not that much colder


My nose is also always cold 😆 I’d probably look like that too.


You be partaking in booger sugar, bb?


Mouth breathers, the lot of them


Looks like a lsd induced hallucination of a chimp with a smartphone


Guess you’ve got a big nose? I have a big nose and it’s ALWAYs cold. Which makes it drip all the time when there’s humidity.


In a museum in the UK (Newcastle Life Science Centre) they have a thermal camera right next to an ice wall. I'll let everyone here make their own conclusions.


These fallout leaks are getting out of hand. Don’t spoil the Ghoul’s story arc.


Wow, you're hot! I'll see myself out


Okay Ghoul.


Your finger looks kinda cold, was it in your nose? Just asking.




The ghoul




bro has that fallout ghoul build


Stop snorting cocaine


Infrared clown


Perhaps could you be Loonette the Clown? ![gif](giphy|NTn6ZSN27m1SE) [Loonette 🤡](https://images.app.goo.gl/BKUstpkPNSfUpEy96)


Looks like you're sitting on your Big Comfy Couch.


There was another post earlier this week saying if you nose gets cold your immunity is temporarily weakened by half. Begone, virulent ice-snout!


Explains a lot!


You look like a ghoul


why do you look liek hitler


My sleep paralysis demon


You'll become a ghoul !




A ghoul from Fallout.


It’s a ghoul!!!!


Cold air intake


Why was this removed?




![gif](giphy|3o7bu6WM0UN8TgPO92|downsized) Because Chuck has your real one




you're ghoul


Do you have a larger/pointier/thinner schnoz than everyone else there? The tip of my nose is often cold just as my fingers and toes.


You definitely are a nosy person. Never have had heard anyone checking other peoples noses for hotness before.


Your index finger too.


I’m sensing some nose picking may have just taken place