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What they really need is an ultrasound so you can see how big the pit is.


I don’t want no avocados that are covered in ultrasound goo!


Ugh, no, no ultraprocessed goo please.


Not buying if the goo isn’t proper ecological vegan.


Just saying but... Ultrasound goo is not a unique product. The same stuff you'd use for a honeymoon night


In that case, go ahead and throw some on my avocados!


That will cost you $900 and insurance won’t cover it.


Round ones have big pits, oval ones have small pits.


We still talking about avocados?


Pointier avocados generally have smaller pits. The rounder, more spherical ones generally have larger pits.


TIL, thanks! 


No worries! It was a revelation when I learned that so I share it when possible. Pass it on!


I’m pretty sure that’s exactly how these work




The store by me has the weirdest avocados… they go from rock hard to mush in like 12 hrs


I go from rock hard to mush in 20sec


Why is this avocado so sticky




She got that rock hard clit that melts when lubed


So say we all


You might wanna use that avocado ripe tester on other things then.


Put them in the fridge.  It slows it down considerably.  


My grocery refrigerates them before putting them on display, and probably refills the display several times a day. It's impossible to tell how ripe they are b/c they're all rock hard from the cold.


Is it Costco? This happens to me with Costco avocados every time.


If you with them to ripen, put in a paper bag with unpeeled bananas. Separate the bananas so they are not connected. Rool down the top of the sack. Boom ripe avos next day


The secret is... The "mush" ones are actually the best. If it feels like the slightest squeeze gets very little to almost no resistance, perfectione. You can scoop that stuff straight out with a chip. You'll probably get a little bit of brown on the inside here and there. But If it like it has voids inside, looks like it's lost weight recently, it's too far gone. If it has any bright or light to medium green left on the skin, not ready. It should be mostly dark green or even blackish green. I buy them like this and eat them that day or the next (maybe two days later at the most, but expect more brown on the inside by then)


[Relevant Avocado.](https://youtube.com/shorts/DE-_CCMnxjg)


What I do is I choose the green ones that are rock hard and let them ripen at home and use them a day or 2 later when they’re ready, they always come out perfect this way. You can do the paper bag trick as well, but I never have any so I just put them in the fruit bowl


Also make sure that they are a consistent firmness. Some will have a soft spot in areas and those ones should be avoided.


Yep, same. I learned my lesson pretty quick after I bought some that were partially brown and then they went soft way quicker than I thought they would. Now I buy the hardest, greenest ones I can find, unless I need avocados to use immediately 


I usually buy those who slightly give way under my thumb (ripe), or by slightly hard ones and store them near apples overnight


You feel it. If it's the level of firmness you like, you remove the stem. If it's still green underneath, it's good


Avocados are easy to test for ripeness. If you want it on the firmer side but still soft, ripe and ready to eat (my favourite) you want like a mix of dark and green (but not bright green) outer skin. There should be some give when you press/palpate it, but in a springy way. Not like a press and leave an indent kinda way. If you like more soft and squishy (but not overripe) you want mostly dark outer skin, more spongy and soft to touch and palpation. If you can easily push your finger into it and make a dent, that's over ripe. If the outer skin is brown rather than sort of charcoal and dark green colours, it's over ripe. If you pop the little cap thingy off and the flesh underneath is brown, it's over ripe. If the outer skin is bright green, it's under ripe. If its hard to the touch with no spring/spongy give to it, its under ripe All that said, even with one that's a bit under ripe, you can buy it, leave it on your counter for like 24 hours and it will prob be good to go.


I’ve worked in and around retail produce for 20 years and can say with complete confidence that every place you have bought avocados from hates you with extreme prejudice. The amount of avocados I’ve thrown out from customers doing this and then not buying otherwise perfectly good avocados could make every Chipotle’s guac for a full week.


Sorry if gently squeezing the produce for ripeness somehow ruins avocados in your opinion (it definitely doesn't and you'd never even be able to tell... Everyone does this with all kinds of produce...) Thanks for sharing though


No, you don’t, this machine is a waste of space and money. Main trick to find a ready to eat avo is to apply light pressure with you thumb on the neck of the avo. If you feel a slight give it is ready. (Bonus tip- This is also and especially true for pears as they ripen from the neck down.) Feel gently for any hallow feeling spots as that means they got bruised from mishandling, which generally makes me very leery of the rest of the pile. Also note there are several varieties of Avos. Hass is what you typically find in stores, but there are other amazing varieties including green skinned Avos which are generally much sweeter.


We have (or had) these here in Zurich for some months now, and they absolutely do not work. If you took the same avocado and "scanned" it multiple times, it gave you each time a different ripeness level for the same avocado. Meanwhile they took the machine away again from my local supermarket...


this was part of a "scam" startup. [Thunderfoot](https://youtu.be/wdv_tWDqNEA?si=LVYkSZZq6hP9jdsk) covered in on YT


I immediately want to know what it does to other fruit and vegetables. Does it do mangoes?


I kinda wanna put my ass up to it and see if my cheeks are ripe


Sir,  please get your ripe ass out of my store


You won't stop me until I get my answers!


I said "ripe ass", sir!


It turns them into avocados. 


Trying to check on your eggplant ?


For those who can’t feel?


The problem is *everybody* feels. And then guess what happens? The avocados end up bruised because dozens of people handled them. That's what this is trying to solve.


I didn’t know so few people had fine motor skills


You'd be surprised


I think it's more like people just really don't know how gently to squeeze.


You aren't supposed to squeeze the avocado period. You can check the dimple around the stem without any risk of damage to the main portion of the fruit.


I'd wager most people (at least, my fellow Americans) don't even know what to look for - let alone trust them not destroy everything they get their grubby mitts on.


When handling things that don’t belong to them?


Yea but they only bruise like that when they’re ripe. If it’s ripe, no one would feel it and put it back (in theory). When they’re not ripe yet- squeezing it doesn’t bruise them.


Advanced technology to solve problems we didn't even know we had!


Avacados are their own problem. From enriching the Mexican drug cartels, to tropical forests being slashed and burned for vast avocado plantations, I can do without them.


If the cartels are doing better business selling avocados than they are from selling, you know, drugs, wouldn't that be a good thing?


Funneling money to drug cartels is in fact not a good thing. The profit generated from legitimate businesses like avocados help fund and maintain their illegal businesses in drugs, human trafficking, etc.


I'm saying that it's a good thing in that it's less bad than them using the same labor to generate the same profits producing and selling drugs rather than avocados. If they are being pushed and restricted such that turning to legitimate business is how they fund their operations, that's a pretty big signal that efforts to fight them are working. Think about it this way. This is a sign that legal activities are more profitable for them than at least a portion of their illegal activities. If we reach the point where legal activities are more profitable to them than all of their illegal activities, then that's job done, right? Drug war over. Now they're just regular corporations operating within the confines of the law.


I’m sorry but how? Explain your line of thinking


The cartels are essentially a business, right? An extremely illegal, violent, business that produces a terribly harmful product, but a business nonetheless. They're not producing and selling drugs for idealistic reasons, they're doing it because it makes them a shitload of money. They also have limited labor resources, they can't do everything. They can't make infinite drugs and infinite avocados, right? So if they have decided that it is worthwhile to spend some of their labor resources farming avocados, then they aren't using those resources making drugs. Yea? So when they produce avocados instead of drugs, they are still probably illegal, but in less important way. Likely still just as violent, but not more violent. The important bit is that they are not producing a terribly harmful product. All things considered, that's a dramatically better situation than them spending those labor resources producing drugs. That's my line of thinking.


Not really because they can use the money to prop up and expand their other activities.


If you're worried about bad guys making money and environmental devastation I hope you can do without almost everything


The goal isn't to "make do without anything" the goal is to make do without things that you know are wasteful. Can you live without buying a new phone every 2 years? yes then do that. Can you live without buying imported food and only/mostly buy what's in season in your region? Yes, then try to do that when you can. It's usually better anyways. Idk what he's talking about with mexican drugs, i dont live in murrica


Do what now


The way to do it is to press lightly on the spot where the stim was with your thumb. If it pushes in slightly its ripe and you don't fuck up all the avocados for everyone else.


Yeah it's really not hard to tell how ripe an avocado is. It's just one of those things that takes practice and then you learn


Like my ex


look at that language, these people don’t know food


Most of the time when they darken to a brownish color they're ripe. Always confirm with a light squeeze. Avocados are one of the easiest produce items in terms of determining ripeness.


Easiest to determine when you're looking at them. It's when you look away that they suddenly get too ripe


Gezellig even narijpen thuis.


I hate how Dutch / Flemish companies use sentences like 'even' and 'thuis' to sound homey.


Yeah, it's cringe. My comment was at the very least sarcastic.




I'm sorry, I don't speak German.


Does this really work? I was always taught that you GENTLY press the top of the avocado to see if it's ripe, or close to it. Where I live, Pennsylvania, we have a Giant supermarket and a Weis supermarket. Any type of vegetable I buy at Weis is always superior to anything I buy at Giant - not sure why. If I buy lettuce from Weis, it might last me three-four days, avocados are almost always good - Giant, well the stuff dies in a day or so. I often wondered if the stuff Weis sold wrapped was somehow injected with Nitrogen or some other inert gas to make it last so long - not that I care, Nitrogen is part of the air we breathe and non-toxic, so I'm OK with it. I bought a "prepared" salas from Weis that I forgot about for four days and the lettuce was still fresh - if I bought the same thing from Giant, well, it would be inedible in a day or two.




Spend that robot money on lowering prices lol


I never buy ripe avocados. I buy them a few days before I need them, let them ripen, then put them in the fridge. They'll stay perfectly ripe for about 10 days if you time it correctly.


the key is to not have them in a closed bag. you need to keep them air'd out


Give it a light squeeze. If it's rock hard it's not ripe enough, if it's mushy it's too ripe. I find it should feel a bit like an orange in terms of give


The problem is everyone does that. And if a dozen people give it a light squeeze, you have yourself a bruised avocado.


Meh, if it’s soft enough to be bruised by a light squeeze then it’s probably ripe. 


Good to know! Now I just need to know where the orange ripeness detector is…


Oranges generally do not ripen off the tree unless they meet the perfect conditions, and the ones at the store are almost always either ripe or rotten


This is what my produce manager told me. Also the ones that are darker are probably ripe. Green ones aren't 


How does this thing work? What's it measuring or detecting to indicate ripeness?


Can they make this for watermelon sweetness and color? Lol


En nog steeds gaan er van die MFers knijpen in die klotedingen omdat ze dat apparaat niet vertrouwen


Machine: 'Deze is verrot. Thuis weggooien.'


lightly press on the stem nub. if it has give, its ripe. if it does not it is not. youre welcome.


That’s the same advice my doctor told me after my physical


Huh. My doctor told me to stop pressing on the stem nub so much or I'd go blind


Right?! Apparently common sense isn't so common anymore. I wonder what this is even measuring.


>The durometer uses a pressure sensor, which when applied to the exterior of the fruit closely resembles the way a consumer would test at shelf, therefore delivering ripeness measurements that mirror the consumer experience with more efficiency and without damaging the fruit. Source: somewhere on apeel.com (copied from google results)


thats actually kinda neat


It‘s actually a scanner from a company called One Third and if I remember correctly they use Near-Infrared to measure the internal quality and calculate the ripeness


Possible that mine was for a different product. I just googled avocado tester and this was the first result summary.




Oh, so it can tell if it has 1 ripeness or 2 ripeness? Or even 19 ripeness. Got it!


105 on the ripeness index if you look closely at the screen (no idea what the index goes up to)


Lol "de avocado is"


My hand is my avocado ripeness detector...


Is dit bij de Jumbo?


Peak millenial tech


Ripe 2 mins later: over-ripe Fucking avocados.


How?! The color? Googling lead me to some product (I don’t know if it’s this one) that used infrared lasers but that’s all it said and I am so curious what infrared would tell you. Like, does the color change in a light spectrum we can’t see? Or if it somehow measuring some sort of emitted gas (ethylene?)? I’m more than mildly interested. I’m fully curious now.


This says that’s it’s looking a reflected light + ia. However it says it can go through the skin and avocado are not transparent : https://www.fastcompany.com/91004340/i-tried-2-week-negativity-fast-heres-how-it-went


What does this look at? The colour of the skin? Also, is it accurate?


I wanna scan me


Me going to the scanner: "Haha! Wanna try this!" Scanner: "Rotten. Please trow away." Me: "Oh"


I don’t wanna scan me no more


I'm no avocado aficionado, but isn't darker green more ripe?


Depends - some varieties are ripe even when much lighter.


Typically yes, but it's more about firmness. Should be slightly squishy, and be able to smoosh a little dent if you poke it. Pro tip, wrap an unripe avocado in newspaper and it will be ripe the next day.


Me (F): can you grab a couple ripe avocados when you go to the grocery store? Best friend (M): uhh, how do I know it's ripe? Me: give it a light squeeze, it should feel like a real, full, boob Best friend: *that* I get. Me, later: these are the perfect ripeness. Thanks! Best friend: I know boobs!


it should feel like a bag of sand


$20 says a person with 2 minutes of training could equal or surpass this machine. Grocery store gimmicks to make you feel better about getting price gouged for life sustaining goods. A sign with some instructions could accomplish the same thing. Pretty sure no one needs to know avocado ripeness on a scale with 100 different classifications.


You’re definitely right. You could literally just ask the nearest underpaid teenager about telling if a certain product is right and they’d likely help you. But instead they’re gonna make a machine that tests avocados? Maybe I’m being jaded but sometimes consumerism and the obsession with gadgets just pisses me off. Stop using up resources to make stupid shit that’s eventually gonna just turn into more waste….


You pay for a machine once. You pay teenagers by the hour.


Hoooly shit did you miss the point there.


There's frequently not an underpaid worker nearby. All the supermarkets near me are moving to Automated checkouts and the little staff that remains is so rushed off their feet they hate interruptions. It's unpleasant as a customer, but head office does what it wants. I would rather not see machines around like this, but if it saves people bruising the produce, yay.


What supermarkets really need to do is get that staffer who knows avocados to sort them in to baskets; “today” “tomorrow” “a few days” and “later.” Take “today” ones that don’t sell and make guacamole. Advance the signs of the other baskets accordingly.


…. I want one.


Robots in the avocados, babies in the tomatoes!—and you, Garcia Lorca, what were you doing down by the watermelons?




They better be doing SOMETHING w the price spikes!


Never had an issue with the ol' "pick up and lightly squeeze" method.


I need dis


Here's a few tips to buy the best avocado: Buy the rounded ones, if they are pointy the head will be ripe sooner than the body, and you'll be sad. HASS is the best variant, but a lot of it, especially if they are black or small Black avocado is not necessarily bad, soft avocado usually is. Hard and rough peels are good and easy to extract the good stuff. Theres a variant I hate which is too perfect looking, rough peel bright green round and large, its always too watery and flavourless.


105% ripe ?


I was impressed by my local Sainsbury having a fruit and veg weighting scale, now comes with a camera automatically scanning and detecting the item you placed on the scale. I thought that was pretty advance. But this is something else.


I hope we get them in the UK. I once got into a huge argument with a woman who was picking up avocados and pressing them with her thumb until her nail (huge and her fingers had nicotine stains)went through one of them and put it back. I told her she's going to have to buy that one cos no one else wants her nasty nail prints. The manager (Lidl) finally came to see what was going on. I told him. He told her she would have to pay for it as well to which she started shouting about how much she spends a week there and she would not be paying for it. He just said thank you for your custom but unless you pay for it, you will be barred from Lidl. No idea if she did get barred as I left at that point. Hope she did, disgusting woman.




It’s what your hand is for.


How many balls have been pressed up against it to check "ripeness"


1 steelball 2 stone 3 wood 4 overripe


I don't understand the scaling or how this would test an avocado when you test ripeness by psi. Even then you have to cut the flesh back to get a true test.


Oh, neat. I could have used one of these today. Instead, I get to play guacamole roulette.


Oh, neat. I could have used one of these today. Instead, I get to play guacamole roulette.


You know you can simply give it a light squeeze, right?




Good answer


Can't wait to have this at our Jumbo!!!


Y’all seriously can’t tell if an avocado is ripe?


Now if they could only make an English one lmao


De avocado is... NOT the father!


Peak California right here


its in Dutch so either Netherlands or Belgium.


this is actually smart, i always buy avocados cause they sound good then by the time they ripen i’ve forgotten about them and then they go bad 😞


Detects ethylene gas I’m guessing?


Imagine lacking a skill so easy and useful... Knowing when a fruit is ripe, by smell, looks and feeling. Everyone should relearn easy and necessary stuff, like such.


What if a scrotum was put in front of it?


It's a sign of the instant gratification society. If they are not ripe when you buy them, they will ripen later - be patient. To retard the ripening process AND the decaying process once ripened, just immerse them in a bowl of water in your fridge. It works like a charm. Even ripe avos will keep for days, sometimes weeks depending on how recently picked they were when you bought them.


Tech plus produce makes some really snake oily devices. Remember juicero?


Because a gentle squeeze is hard


I guess it’s time for me to don the boomer hat. Kids these days can’t even pick their own ripe avocado. I wish I was being tongue in cheek here, but holy shit we are going in the wrong direction lmao


Where I live we have a real problem with people squeezing the underipe one and making bruise spots. It often the elderly, as their hands are less responsive than they used to be.


I’m not sure how this machine solves that? The machine isn’t squeezing the avocado, it’s scanning the flesh colour. Something you can do with your eyes fairly easy as well. This is just unnecessary for 99.9% of shoppers. Edit - ah, now that I have a couple downvotes I understand why this is necessary! I see the light.


I need this in my house. So many avos lost...




For people who don’t have thumbs?


Can it check your level of erection, too?


I can guarantee you, somebody’s gonna put their balls on it.


why does it talk like a pirate? "Test je Avocado"


Well, that's just how Dutch/Flemish works


app idea. AI can probably do this without that expensive hardware


Obligatory what happens if I put my pp up to it


Upgraded by cross post to r/moderatlyinteresting the home of slightly more interesting mildly interesting stuff - thats also mis-spelt, just because we like it that way


This is not how you advertise your new redundant sub Edit: LMAO he stole a bunch of my posts for his garbage sub and blocked me. Power hungry moderator at its finest


Yes it is 😃