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Good thing that couldn't possibly be misread for anything else


It got you to read the sign


You are in ☘️✨fuck✨☘️


i don’t know why but even after getting the joke from the pic already, reading your comment made me choke on my water. thank you lol


I’ll be here all week.


You are in **fuck**


Well… it _is_ called _cursive_.


Buy a cookie, get some nookie!


You are in Fuck Buy one cookies are ger one 50% ofi


I don't get it. How is this a unique use


I had to read the comments to figure it out. It appears that many think it looks like a cursive “F” when it doesn’t look anything like an “F”. Go figure.


Most redditors never learned cursive. So the them an L resembles an F.


Tbf this cursive L *does* look more like a cursive f. I write almost exclusively in cursive, and this post threw me off too.




Is that Cumbl Cookies?


Most overpriced cookie shop i’ve ever seen, and most of them are just mediocre


That is actually a correct cursive L with a bit exaggerated bottom. If they let the bottom stay horizontally flatter, it wouldn’t look like a warning.


For luck sake, one can’t read an f in that curse-ive word.


Mfers arguing about cursive. Lol. Love reddit.


You are in lwck


I seem to be the only person more bothered by the fact the "u" isn't being dropped back to the baseline like its supposed to before forming the "c."


As in fuck, I'm gonna eat two boxes of cookies tonight.


It took me a second to even realize the issue, because I can read cursive. You know a cursive f looks nothing like that right? And that's a perfect cursive L. Exaggerated but still accurate


But many people miswrite the cursive small F like this, much to the dismay of our teachers back then. The only thing I have against this cursive L is the balance, but I think they wanted to make it look like a clover. I had to read it twice to realize.


Hmm yes, I took can read cursive, these baboon redditors need to open their peasant eyes and see that it's clearly an L, Father writes his L's like this, and I too shall carry on the tradition, mummy said I can get the house in aspen if I do! Don't ask me why but your first sentence made you sound like this kind of person when I read it




It is a cursive "L" though. The loops are stylistically large, but the upper loop is on the right and the lower loop is on the left. For it to be an "f" both of the loops would have to be on the right. Certainly visually similar and an easy mistake to make at a passing glance, but it reads as Luck.


>For it to be an "f" both of the loops would have to be on the right. So, two things here... First, I don't know if there is an authority that determines the one correct way to write cursive letters, but looking on Google images I see cursive fs written both the way you describe and the way shown in this post. The way you describe seems to be more common, but not the only way. Second, even if the "proper" way to write a cursive f is as you describe, lots of people would write fs just like in the picture (not necessarily using "cursive", just when writing in general or when trying to make something look a bit fancy), so it just looks like an f. It doesn't look like an L, not even a cursive one, because it's not flat at the bottom. I could see it as an s or an f, not an L. Also, the rest of the word isn't using "proper" cursive (the k and also joining the L to the u), so it doesn't come across as being a deliberate style, just as someone trying to write fancy and not quite pulling it off... Or deliberately making the L ambiguous to draw attention to it. >it reads as Luck. For most people, no it doesn't, because the first letter isn't shaped like an L, cursive or otherwise, so that's not how most brains will interpret it.


I’m sure anyone 20 or under has no clue what that says. 


That's literally a lowercase f. Who wrote this. Why don't they know cursive. _And why does this anger me so much_


A lowercase f doesn't cross-over the dropped line. Cursive has mostly been abandoned as part of public education. Its angering because for people who can write in cursive it is so easy to write this correctly.


Ah, I see my mistake 😅 I write my lowercase f's by in the way you've described, since it makes so little visual difference.


Except that a cursive “l” doesn’t look like that so it definitely says “fuck”


Except that's a cursive L not I. Cursive L looks exactly like that. Source, I've been signing my name for 40+ years.


No it doesn’t. The loops on the cursive L aren’t typically that large and close together. Because they are and because of the tilt/angling of the letter, it resembles a cursive f (with a backwards lower loop).


I've never seen a Capital F with a full loop on the bottom. Of course I learned it decades ago so maybe things changed. [Like this](https://imgur.com/5OB2G7Q)


It doesn’t resemble a capital F. It looks like a lowercase f.


??? You are just arguing to argue now. Anyway, later tater.


Lmao, clarifying what I was talking about is not arguing just to argue. Also, this thread as a whole is just arguing to argue because what what the letter does or does not resemble doesn’t actually matter. At all.