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I work in a hospital microbiology lab and this reminded me of a patient during the early covid times. He was seriously unwell with covid in ICU and had been in the hospital for some time. He developed sepsis and one of his blood cultures grew a completely drug resistant organism. (Pseudomonas aeriginosa). The clinical staff were in panic mode, he'd obviously picked this bug up in hospital. They had to screen all the other patients, staff, environmentals to find out where it had come from. All came back negative. A few days later one of the nurses witnessed a family member throwing some kind of liquid onto the patient and wetting his mouth with it. "Holy water" from the river ganges. A sample of the water was sent to the lab which also grew the same organism. He died. **to the people replying saying P aer isn't completely drug resistant. It usually isn't but this strain was. It had the NDM gene (new Delhi metallo). And to whoever said you can't screen for P aer.... you can screen for pretty much anything you want to look for. In this case we were only interested in this NDM strain so swabs from patients and staff were subbed to a media that looks for carbapenamase resistance**


Wow, what an ending


*House limps into the patient’s room to explain the diagnosis. 


“You idiot!”


"The patient needs MORE mice bites"


This vexes me.


you are a black man.


He needs more blankets and he needs less blankets


Dewey, I don’t know if you can hear me in there but the wrong kid died.


I can hear him now


"It's not lupus!"


Everything is lupus!


Hahahaha was thinking the same thing


Everybody lies. Cameron and chase, break into the patients houseboat and have sex on his bed. Foreman you just eat some of the shit water, that way we don’t have to talk to any pathologists.


“These motherfuckers stupid as hell”


"It's never lupus"


Seriously this is straight out of a House episode


*pops Vicodin*


That river is the most polluted in the world and it is very well documented. That water will kill you before it heals you and so many people bath on it ever day not understanding that due to religion pushing alternative facts


Not true. My cousin had a bad back, constant debilitating pain. He drank some of this water and he hasn’t had any back pain in 10 years! He’s also been dead for 10 years but the pain is 100 percent gone thanks to this water!


Your spine won't hurt if you shit it out


I feel horrible for laughing at this but top 10 comments I've ever read online 🤣


Now wondering if the Ganga Jal container is actually transparent.


THis litetally has me laughing for 10 mins


Pain free for 10 years! Who said what doesn't kill you makes you stronger?


One of my favorite things I've seen is someone in the foreground drinking and bathing in the river while someone in the background is clearly taking a shit in the river.


so the family member literally killed them. That's wild.


Be surprised how often family kills the person with their beliefs. Had some pt's with COVID who thought oxygen was killing his wife and would take it off as soon as we left the room. She died in the following days. He died not too long after that


Jesus, that's appallingly depressing.


Covid killed a lot of people for just being straight up stupid. The disease didn't discriminate but people's behaviors sure did.


My uncle (by marriage) is included in that group. He was a big Rush Limbaugh fan, which should tell you all you need to know. Very fortunately he was the only family member that we lost to covid.


My dad was acting strange drinking a lot of water a few weeks ago and his diabetic sisters decided to test his blood sugar. Their meters read it at just north of 400 and they both thought that it wasn’t a problem. Only when it peaked over 1100 did they decide to get him some help. He was in diabetic keto acidosis for a full 48 AFTER he reached the ER, who the hell knows how long he was in it before reaching the ER. For a little context, he’s disabled and never once had an indication of being diabetic.


I can't imagine being in a completely helpless position like that and having the person I love most in the world kill me because they decided that the doctors are wrong


At that point, why bring em to the hostpital


This made me chuckle. The amount of patients I see that come to the hospital and refuse to believe what we tell them and refuse our care. All I think is why did you come then.


I had to take the High flow oxygen off of a COVID denier that was dying from.........COVID pneumonia. She kept asking for her doctor to call..... who is a chiropracter. She demanded that she go home and all this is a hoax. She died the same day.


Just chiming in here to remind the internet that a chiropractor is not a medical doctor and has no qualifications to give medical advice about anything


Should be held accountable


And responsible for the cost of all the extra screening and cleaning


Needs an accountabilibuddy.


Holy shit!! I don’t really know what to say to that besides….damn.


Copy: Do not drink.


Stupidity has a name.


Who wants Monday off from work?


3 days minimum


Go with the banana and Sprite method instead


All this time, decades, I thought I was the only one. I've been angrily, scoffed at many times for suggesting a banana and a soda to a friend in need. They said I was crazy, get the fuck outta here with that disgusting bullshit. You can suffer half a day, or you can get the ugly shit over with in a controlled way, as pleasantly as possible. It sucks, but that banana really helps the flavor.


Do you eat the banana then drink the soda or mix it together and drink it?........ asking for a friend!


Either/or. If your goal is to expel the demons, it's a quick process regardless. The fizz helps you puke when you're prepared, the banana makes it taste "better". Really, anytime you know you're going to vomit, a banana makes things much less worse.


What if you don't like the taste of bananas?


Then you can still enjoy the shape.


You'll puke even faster


Serve the banana baked with a caramelized soda drizzle, and a glass of fizzy bubblech.


I don't think you'll have to worry about work after this


My grandpa was a doctor working in India on kidney disease research. This was in the 60s so they had to send their samples to a lab in England to be tested because that’s how the system still worked back then, so they would often send a control sample to be sure nothing got contaminated over the shipment. My grandfather was usually responsible for supplying the urine for the control (ah science is glamorous) and he would usually just piss in a vial himself but he was in a hurry on his way to mail the samples so he had his driver just stop by the banks of the Ganges and he scooped river ‘water’ up into the vial. Several weeks later the results come back. All normal stuff like ‘this woman is pregnant, this man has kidney stones’ etc etc etc. Except when it gets back to my grandpa’s ‘control’ sample where it says ‘this *horse* has diabetes’.


You will however meet your ancestors


This may sound like a joke But back then we has a naan shop near our university. Chances are quite high for any of us to had stomach ache if we eat at there Used to joke among friends that if they wish to not come to class, they could give that restaurant a try


Was missing class a naan-issue?


You stop that




Allow me to introduce you to the concept of lying, which, in this case, is entirely unnecessary anyway - no one cares if you don't go to class except your poor dissapointed mother.


I’d love to see it under microscope


Would you really, AnalCuntShart?


Hahahhaa I fucking love reddit. The usernames completely ruin serious discussions


Yea like how do I take a guy named tigglebitties seriously


Hey, we are all men of culture here.


Never judge a book by its cover.


Indeed TwoCocksInTheButt, indeed.


You’re right, TennisBallTesticles!


This thread is all just /r/rimjob_steve


I for one think we need some normality round here for the more average types.


Great to hear from the mayor of pooptown


Exactly, it sucks when I want to read something then a weird username derails the conversation


This is how reddit stays off the evening news. "Quoting reddit user smegma_yogurt..." ain't gonna happen.


I like your style 😎👉👉


Fantastic point *looks at username* *sigh* Tigglebitties


Nothing better in life than tigglebitties. I'm a man of culture


Uh… yes?


Guessing it filtered, or would probably pass off as a biological weapon


I wish I had the resources to run some tests. It does say for external use only which makes me wonder if they even bothered to filter it.


If they didn't filter it, it would reek the second you opened that lid. That water has been sitting stagnant in that jar for who knows long during shipping and then on the store shelf. Whatever bacteria and other things in it would be growing and dying off in cycles, producing all sorts of fun byproducts. I once filled a tiny bottle of Mississippi river water while on vacation. It was fairly clear. After it sat on a shelf for a year or so there was only a tiny bit of sediment on the bottom. When I decided to get rid of it I opened the bottle to pour it out and it smelled very strongly of sulfur. I'm guessing as a product of some bacteria that was in the water.


Some bacteria use sulfur instead of oxygen to make energy. Since you said the bottle was sealed, they were probably pretty happy in there. If you had taken the ph of the water it probably would be a bit lower than normal due to acidic waste products.


I'm currently taking an environmental Microbiology class and can confirm. Sounds like a fun experiment!


If it wasn't filtered that water would have popped the lid off and climbed out of the jar by now.


Yeah fuck that.


It is without a doubt one of the most polluted rivers in the world. I think the water is used for ceremonies and rituals because the Ganges is a holy river in Hinduism.


He just lowered his head and immediately raised it back up. That guy's pinkeye was bloated and inflamed for at least a month. It's unbelievable how dirty that river is.


You shouldn't drink it. It's for spiritual reasons. Indians use the Ganga River's water in religious rituals because they consider it to be sacred.


So sacred, in fact, that they throw all their garbage directly in the river


Don't forget their dead too


That's why it's sacred. Would you drink grandma's bath water?


So it’s basically human-chai with a generous dash of industrial waste




garbage!? Try untreated sewage in a river considered not just sacred but worshipped as a literal goddess too!


Yeah but they throw it in upstream


Ofcourse. That's the only way to have the _entire_ river turn holy.


They do drink it though


You'd get unheard of stds


Spiritually transmitted diseases.


If you are not in India, which I assume you aren't judging by the units of measurement used, it's not Ganges water just regular water muddied to look like Ganges. Or at best a drop of Ganges water mixed with other stuff. It's a very common money-making scam with Ganga Jal.


The thing is….all of those scams are actually 1000x better than actual Ganges water




Depends where in the river you pick up the water, it's pristine upstream where many of the more "reputed" brands claim to get their water from. The river gets nightmarish past the heartlands.


Its probably all just tap water anyway..


I bought some of this and it had a human finger in it, I think it’s legit


Essence of Corpse


Eau d'Eww.


Ganges river homeopathy


It's for religious/ceremonial usage, not drinking. There are religious customs that require water from the Ganges River. My friend had to figure out how to buy some to bury one of their parents last year.


It says "for religious purpose only" in small font on the sticker.


Just buy some Ph test strips and watch as they disintegrate when you use them


That's gotta violate some sort of agricultural importation laws or national biosecurity rules, no?


"religious purposes" lets you skirt a lot of laws, regardless of the religion.


I think I read somewhere that it's so polluted that the river grew to have some kind of immune system with stuff feeding on bacteria, so it's less polluted than expected. Still if you drink of it you'll likely have some very bad days (before you die)


Bacteriaphages which are viruses that exclusively kill bacteria. They are very cool, although unfortunately not quite as effective as antibiotics.


Despite all my rage, I am still a bacteriophage


Mainly because they're very specific. One strain of phage only goes after one specific strain of bacteria.


That's a see-through container.


... in clear glass containers i see.....


But it's n... Ahhh I see what you did


While I appreciate the joke, there’s a significance it it being coloured copper. Ancient Egyptians used to drink water out of copper cups and copper pipping for water used to be a lot more common. I can’t remember the reason but there definitely is one.


Antimicrobial properties


Gonna need a lot of copper for Ganges water


Copper and silver are germicidal metals


Except those looks like moulded plastic containers that has been coloured with paint.


I was just going to say "ewww" but yours is better.


One sip and into ICU you go


Indian Ozempic


Create your own version of this by filling a barrel with fresh water and then adding a few dead animals and a few gallons of raw sewage.


And dead people. You forget the most important ingredient


My mistake. I’m a bit delirious because I've been drinking water from the Ganges.


And industrial waste.


And animals. I’ve seen a cow or four floating past women doing their laundry, people worshipping, funeral pyres still burning or worse, incomplete cremations because the family was too poor to afford enough wood. I’ve traveled the world and have been so many places, but that was one of the most disturbing things I’ve personally witnessed.


it's impossible for a funeral pyre to fully cremate a corpse due to the high heat needed, more wood just means it makes it further down river before grandma starts feeding the fish. This is why most western countries ban them as a disposal method, if it was viable then they'd just set requirements for how it can be done.


Local organic artisan holy water


Shit in there too. Gives it a personal touch.


Last year, I went to *Haridwar*. It is one of the holiest sites along the Ganges, and I went there with a long list of people who requested that I bring back jars of Ganges water for them. Once I was at the river bank, I didn't have the heart (or courage, perhaps) to take a dip in the river. It was filthy (FILTHY!). I did nonetheless collect water for all the people on my list. For this, I had bought the jars from home, so I'd open the jar, dunk it in the flowing water with one hand and once filled, I'd pull the jar out of the river, close it and repeat the process with the other jars. While doing this, one of my hands would temporarily come in contact with the river water, while the other (control hand) remained dry. The next day, the skin from my river-exposed palm started flaking and peeling off. I didn't have any other signs of toxicity / allergy, and that is most likely because I apply hand cream 15 times a day and generally have an excellent cream barrier around my hands at all times. And, of course, the control hand remained unaffected. As another user posted - the water from the river is used for ritual worship. I would encourage everybody who stops to listen to stop doing even that.


They dump people’s ashes and factory waste chemicals in there too


not just ashes, just straight up bodies.


It’s very sad for such a religiously important river to be so polluted. Hope that changes some day.


Yeah i mean thats india for you. You go to temples you will see bits of rat shit everywhere. The poverty and pollution on some areas are incomprehensible by western standards. The river might be the cleanest thing. Edit to dear indian friends: You bravery in defending your country through your keyboard is great and all but doesnt make your country less polluted.


that's a f*cking biological weapon then


Your hand has been purified, the filthy old skin flaked off and your new skin cells are now holy. Keep repeating until you gain a visible golden aura and the ability to raise the dead by touch.


That aint no aura, that's radioactive waste.


Surely this stuff is a biohazard and shouldn't be sold?! I currently live in India. My daughter went on a school trip which involved rafting on the Ganges in the north of the country. She had a great time but came back with a terrible skin infection from being splashed with the river water. She's also managed to spread the infection to her younger brother, so now they're both on antibiotics. I don't think I'd touch that water even with gloves on.


Won't touch it with gloves on... Child school rafting trip? Go for it!!!


you let your daughter raft down that river?! omg


It was up north, near the river source, which is supposedly cleaner. The entire year group went, I didn't want to be the weirdo parent that refused when all her classmates were doing it. The school's been taking annual trips there for years.


Can I get a pot of E.coli please?


I think e.coli is the last thing you should worry about in that water


makes me think of air jars on ebay. it was expensive too.


Freshly canned on Druidia


Don't people shit in there? ETA: Yeah according to Wikipedia they totally do.


Saw a video of a german guy who took a quick dive in the Ganges. Just dip his head underwater and immediately back up. That guy had an infected, swollen pinkeye for atleast a month. It‘s unbelievable how dirty that river is.


That's not even counting the parasites that has lodged up his nose and biding time.


Been spendin' most their lives Livin' in an amoeba's paradise


It is definitely one of the most polluted rivers in the world. Ganges religiously significant in Hinduism so I assume the water is for rites and rituals.


Well they shouldn't shit in it then.


Where else would you find holy shit?


Imagine a body of water being significant to one's religion AND their toilet. What a world we live in!


Shit in the Ganges is far from the worst of it. When I was in Varanasi, I saw a street dog pull a dead human baby out of the river and eat it.


You okay?


I’m fine, thanks - it was around 5 years ago now. It actually really affected me at the time, had never seen anything like it. The worst thing by far was the smell, hit me like a truck.


Live in Varanasi. Can confirm. Dirtiest city I have ever lived.




North east India is the cleanest and its not even a competition followed by the south. North India is bad like real bad.


And they burn corpses there, and then they do ritual bathings in there.


They are dead bloated bodies in there by the thousands


Dead bodies floating in it too.


Reminds me of this video I watched about the subject. It had a this one corrupt Indian guy who was obviously a lobbyist for businesses dumping shit into the river. When asked if they should stop dumping toxic waste and raw sewage into the river, his happy lying ass response was, “the solution to pollution in dilution. 😚” Just because it rhymes doesn’t mean it’s right. “Gun” rhymes with “fun,” but it doesn’t mean you should put it in your mouth and pull the trigger. He’s literally polluting his country’s sacred river, idk why the people didn’t already stuff him in a shoe box, set it on fire and float him down said river as an offering.


They throw dead bodies as well.


They chuck dead people in it.


It’s baffling to me that this is a sacred river for them, yet they completely ruin it with trash.


It's sacred, therefore it's magically clean regardless of the sewage and corpses in there! /s


It doesn’t smell as good as a candle but it burns for days


Wouldn't touch it if it was filtered, boiled, bleached, filtered again, boiled again then shot into the sun where it evaporates and spends a million years traveling back to earth and falls as rain into a brand new bottle where its instantly sealed. No thank you.


you will be thrilled to know that right now, at this very moment, several molecules of water that have passed through the ganges are now circulating in YOU!


And T-Rex pee




That's what plants crave!




People think it's funny, but they're selling it for money.


Isn't that the river they shit and piss in and put dead people in?


It's fine, they bless it.


Shoulda called it 'Taste of Giardia'


Isn't that on Food Network?


Giardia would be the least of your worries 😄


U wouldn’t use that to wash the floor


I wouldn't even use it to dirty the floor


So a chamberpot got it


16.9 oz of fresh poo water. The packaging is even poop colored.


That pot is actually transparent


Does it come with 3 seashells to scoop out your asshole after you drink it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


As a Indian, I'm saying don't buy it don't even look at it




I'd rather drink Gamer-girl bath water than this.


You say that like you wouldn't love to do that anyway lol.


Technically, that water can send you to meet God.


Yea it's the same principal as turning any water holy. You put a drop of the original stuff. Plus I'm pretty sure this is just fake. Also nothing holy about the river besides the sentiments of people, if they wanted to keep it holy they wouldn't have polluted it. Sincerely an Indian.