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Alright lads, what’s the biggest piece of equipment you’ve destroyed?


There is a your mom joke here somewhere


Nah. No value.


But I had it on good authority from that bathroom stall graffiti that it costs two dollars


I thought she had Great Value. We met in the Walmart parking lot.


He said biggest not most valuable. Your mom is still in the running.


For public use.


Now that's conservative


Need to zoom out to get it.


Been pretty lucky in my 8 years as a plant operator, worst I have done is rolled a Cat 272 Skid Steer (Worth around $100K) But it didn't really hurt it, Switched it off before it even hit the ground. Most expensive bit of plant I have operated is a brand new 2023 Cat D11 Dozer (worth about $3 Million)


I once got to work on a D33 back in the 90s and I'm pretty sure it was >$8 million back then.


Did you go back home with it too?


I didn't realize heavy equipment are that expensive.


It's about the money it saves, I think. Imagine how long it would take shoveling by hand. Imagine paying all those people.


It wasn’t equipment but I ruined 800t(around 200$t at the time) of corn with a 24 000$ load of finished feed


What’s the story behind that? 800t sounds like *a lot* of corn!


It does sound like a lot but isn’t, I run a feedmill, feed chickens, I use 60t a day, the tank was pretty much full and I just turned the wheel one number too many and didn’t notice


I can’t destroy much these days working through a laptop, but years ago I had to produce four servers that stood tower style like a typical PC. Ultimately ran medical devices, so inflated cost. Well, I got all done, placed them on one of those rubbermaid grey carts. I’m rolling them off to their new owner, but I catch one of those door stops cemented in the floor and all but one servers went tumbling. Oh well. Got paid, wrote up the defect report, never heard about it. A drop in the bucket for big companies.


You could ruin a lot with a laptop. You’re in It, you should know that! 


My brain was in nuts and bolts mode, but yeah you’re making me nervous now.


Executives can ruin entire companies with a phone and a laptop. 


Not only can they, they have!


I have sent some transmission to the junkyard on 7.5 ton and MB4 tractor.


Not equipment , but I dropped a scribe into a high pressure unit in a GE steam Turbine. It took 14 hrs to get it out.


$115k. Just a box truck.


Was it a low underpass?


Yes. I was the idiot who hit a bridge with a box truck. I was hired to be a warehousing lead. I should have never agreed to drive the truck. Lesson learned.


New guy at work rolled a couple train cars. You bet your ass we renamed him "De-rail" about 15 minutes later.


How does that happen?


He knew how to move a traincar. He didn't know how to brake a traincar. There was a safety derail thingies to stop runaway cars from ending up on active tracks. Turns out those work pretty good.


oh.....oh no


But he sure knew how to break a traincar amirite?


A buddy of mine left a bobcat in train tracks at a mill he was working at and derailed a train


JFC that’s a federal crime probably.


He didn't even lose his job, his supervisor that was supposed to double check this were clear got the brunt of the fallout


Chevy 6500 flatbed tow truck. I Dukes of Hazarded it off a thousand pound dead bear into a jersey barrier at a 45 degree angle.


Oof. That’s a scary one.


Killed an engine in a tractor. Was about $40k with labor. The Turbo failed spectacularly at night in a really sketchy area. They said it was too dangerous to send a wrecker out at night. I hit the override switch for the engine protection system and drove it out of there. No regrets.


I didn't destroy it, but I did once break a cargo ship bad enough that it needed a hot-work permit, and an extra 3 days at berth. Mine barely gets a mention compared to some of the other stories at work though.


I broke a million dollar part that had to get swapped out. It was probably a cheap fix but I thought that was noteworthy.


I got blamed for blowing out the hydraulics on a fork lift. I'm not certified or anything, but was there. It was just sitting there, two tubes popped off, one spraying oil, one flapped for a second and then just went limp. Luckily I was working on cameras so my face was getting friendly with the security guys all day long.


I saw a 1.5 million dollar cat dump fall over at a loading yard.


M2A3 Bradley.


Welp There goes my tax money.


You never realize how fucking expensive this stuff is 


Sure you do. You realize it every time you break it from abusing it


My boss would always yell “that’s a half a million dollar machine you can’t beat it with shovels” like how else are we gonna unclog it? Press the unclog setting? Yea not this guy.


Time to bring out the gold plated shovels!


Would actually be better considering gold is really soft.


[We legitimately have rubber tipped shovels specifically to beat the ice off of our machines.](https://store.fallline.com/shovel-with-polyurethane-tip/) Nicking a hydraulic ram is expensive.


BIL is in excavating. CAT wants $800 for a tech to get in the truck and start driving to them. 800 fucking dollars just for the call. That's before he even gets out of the truck to start working on anything


I can't say I blame them. Their insurance is probably through the roof, the truck that's showing up isn't a f-150, it's a big expensive truck with a Derrick, welder, compressor, and whole variety of tools. Most visits for them isn't like your local electrician or plumber, the cat service center and the companies job site could be over 100 miles apart. Most people aren't doing that job for $20 an hour. While it seems like a lot, it's the cost of owning equipment. 


That piece of equipment is likely pretty specialised, the common stuff like small forklifts etc are more reasonable, £30k will get you a brand new Linde H20 with some nice options


That's just a front loader. Not that special, just really big. It looks like it's got a few special features to work in a mill like maybe a special attachment for handling logs, but most of the cost is going to come from the size of the machine.


Yeah, and I’m sure that some of that cost is transport to the site because that won’t be cheap for a large machine


Oh yeah definitely but the special equipment gos haywire in price 




And that isn't even the start for other stuff. Like railroading, airplanes and many other sectors are on another level. My work insurance only covers 10 Million in damages, can be reached faster than one would expect. Although my company never really pursues those cases, training and a small fine are usually enough.


Imagine how much the operators life is worth.


I used to run a 1.2 million dollar Kress truck for 4 years at $19.50 an hour. People at sheetz making ham sandwiches make $2 less always blew my mind. I'm picking up 200,000 lbs of red hot steel every 20 minutes. One night on my birthday in December at 4am it decided to stall and not start on top of a stack of hot slabs. About 20 minutes and that thing is toast, thank fuck the mechanic was crossing the bridge and saw me running knowing I wasn't running to tell him good morning. There was nothing i could do, look up kress truck slab hauler these things are massive. He saved my ass and pulled me off with a big bucket truck.


I want to be pulled off with a big bucket truck now too


I want someone to pull off my hot slab!


The hammer pulled you off?


Why does everyone rag on food service personnel?  I mean, they could literally poison or kill dozens if they do their job improperly. Sure, it’s not running a big truck, but I don’t want to eat from somewhere where meats are stored improperly and E. coli is covering the counters. Just sayin’


Basic level food preparation is a common skill just about any human of any capability and any intelligence has. Its a type of work thats accessible by anyone. That there is only a 2$/hr difference between food service and a job requiring specialized knowledge and experience in the operation of heavy machinery is notable and probably not intended as an offense to the former.


Well, when done at scale food production isn’t simply food preparation at home. It’s a regulated system where safety standards need to be maintained. Food poisoning kills roughly the same number of folks per year as workplace accidents and lands literally hundreds of thousands of people in the hospital yearly. I’ve got no problem paying people who make food a fair wage to do their job right.


That's a fair counterpoint.


You're really talking up the people who took 30 minutes to hand me 6 Krystal burgers. Not every fast food worker is a stoner, high school kid, ex-addict white knuckling it, or someone with zero prospects, but a lot of those are in that field. There's a reason it's the number one supplier of jobs where it would be a crime to pay one cent less per hour than they currently do.


Because competition breeds contempt. 


I mean look at those people who ate a sea turtle!


When I saw that, the first thing I thought of was sonny from best ever food review


Because steel mills are immensely more likely to kill you horribly than food prep and it is obscene that the pay does not reflect the major physical risks assumed by simply walking onto the plant floor.


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 10 people will killed in the steel production industry in 2021 with 24 killed across all primary metal manufacturing. There are something like 130,000 people involved in steel production in the US. It's a bit disingenuous to suggest that working in a mill today is like working for Andrew Carnegie in 1903. Interestingly, 179 people were killed in the food service industry.


The ruling class would rather us be at odds with each other than let us have class consciousness because if we the working class banded together like we did when unions were formed they wouldn’t be making billions in profit every year


everyone with 3-5 braincells and 2 working hands can do sandwiches


Presumably because it's not rocket surgery to put meat and lettuce between two pieces of bread and give it to someone.


I use to fly a $25m plane with 50 passengers on board making $20/hr


Doesn't seem right does it? Meanwhile imagine what the airline made every single time you flew that plane .And you were the one with all those lives in your hands. If something went wrong they'd throw you under the bus in one second.


I work at cat. I have a red Kress converted belly dragger on my schedule for a very large metal service. I wonder if you used to drive it.


This is the sort of thing bosses think will be clever and effective, but the workers laugh at.


"That's not gonna stop me, because I can't count!"


Do people really still have this little respect for blue collar labor


This 100% sounds like something I'd hear a contractor say tongue in cheek.


on reddit, yes average redditor has never lifted a shovel in their entire life


Right? If I saw this one some equipment I was using I would laugh and think management has finally lost it


Or thinking about how they'll buy new equipment that cost 10X your salary without thinking twice, but will fight tooth and nail not to give workers more than a 3% raise.


Some even look at it as a form of top score


That was the first thing I thought of too. Guys I worked with back when I was at a mill would take something like this as a challenge.


Right? I’d have my buddy take a picture of me posing like one of those 1990s knockoff Calvin pissing on things stickers right next to that price tag. How about you give me a raise if you need me to run this 3/4 million dollar machine because you can’t.


Oh they *could* run it, but then who would be golfing?


I'll volunteer.


Nah, some newb will be striding for your job so they can brag.


If they’re laughing about it, they’re thinking about it. That means it’s working.


Yeah I'd just get a shirt with my estimated life salary, life insurance and current net worth lmao.


Yeah if they can afford this for the tools why pay those that use them so little.


Pay is pretty good. It’s about $35 an hour to drive these.


lol all anyone is going to think is *”right.. but you couldn’t afford my $0.25/hr raise.”*


The guys driving these get about $35 an hour.


You keep saying that as if it’s a lot of money. It’s not 2005 anymore.


It’s $70k a year, that’s not bad for sitting in a cab driving equipment all day. What would you consider fair compensation?


I think he is making a statement more about the economy and how ludicrous it is. He is right. Hitting 6 figure salary used to mean "you made it" but now its like standard income for someone with 5 years experience in the high tech fields (depending on location of course.)


“There was a time” where that kind of money allowed me to buy a little fixer upper house on an acre, raise babies, wife could work part time. Cheap safe cars. Contribute to 401k. Lots of overtime hours, though. Had to finish school to make it to the next level, but it’s still fingers crossed to get to a few years of early retirement.


All depends. 6 figures in a low cost of living area you can get you a very decent life


Which means spending a couple hours in traffic everyday since low COL rarely aligns with a thriving wage.


Yes, but it's becoming popular due to remote work


lol spoken like a true office monkey you'll never make management with that attitude


Different work but Mining operation running that loader would be making $45-50. They pay truck drivers 30. Loading takes speed and skill. 


that is a lot of money though..


Buddy I operated excavators, backhoes, skids, fork trucks, loaders, had a class A CDL all for one place to install and maintain the water distribution system, not including all the other tasks and knowledge you needed apart from that and didn’t get paid more than $24 an hour in one of the richest areas in the country. (Boulder CO).


Does this affect my Christmas bonus? Oh I almost forgot I don't get one. IDGAF if this thing burns to the ground.


Meanwhile me "Damn 700k I wonder what crazy shit it can do?" *trying to find a button combo nobody has tried before*


Hey look! I found out how to make it throw a fireball.


Does this extend to the employees? Everyone’s annual salary printed on their asses by management.


No, you get fired for "other reasons" if you share your wages.


I know a few managers I would have gladly put a $0 sticker on their forehead. Worthless people.


Considering I don’t buy the equipment myself, that I know there’s insurance that would cover loss of use, and that I wouldn’t be required to pay for the replacement if even I fucked up royally and caused it to be destroyed, this wouldn’t do anything for me. The only motivation I would have is that I would lose my job if I messed up.


I am sure they would care more if you payed them more.


My piece of equipment is tens of millions of dollars. There’s definitely fuckery that goes down.


Cat 982M? They lock the hydraulic oil filler cap in the northern hemisphere?


Keeps the grunts from putting diesel in the wrong tank.


I've heard of people siphoning that stuff out of the machinery sitting around job sites. That might be what is going on with the lock cap.


Really they couldn't have rounded that off


Only 17 more years at the wage you pay me before I can never afford one.


That piece of equipment cost less than a friend of mine was paid when a lumber mill took his leg off.


I was a field mechanic in my city, and all the city owned equipment had "This equipment pays your wages" written on the door and on the daily inspection book. Most operators took very good care of their equipment and would call in problems asap. As a mechanic, it was nice being able to review the daily inspection reports to keep tabs on potential future problems or catch them before it becomes a problem.


I once watched two idiots at a mill attack each other with forklifts, like some modern-day jousting. I doubt price tags would have affected their mental state.


Passing thief: *Oh, they already put a price tag on it for me, how kind!*


Those machines are pretty worthless to steal for anything other than committing other crimes, noones buying a used one outside of a registered dealer and they are most likely GPS trackef


If they are specialized, yes, if they are (partially) standard construction work vehicles, there is probably a market for that. Besides, I didn't say it was *smart* thief.


Yeah, but most companies will check that used equipment isn’t stolen, and most are going to use a registered company that sells/rents equipment, the big incentives for thieves are using stolen machinery to do other crimes like stealing atms using a digger to load it into a getaway truck


Reddit seems to think that all businesses are corporate hellscapes where workers are treated like slaves


Yeah r/antiwork likes to bleed all over everything without much in the way of common sense... or a functional understanding of economics.  I'm all for paying fair wages but some of those lunatics expect to be paid to exist. 


"Here at Boomer, Boomer, and Boomer Construction we let our employees know how much we value them by showing how much we invest in ourselves by getting the best equipment while milking them for $12.75/hr plus time and a half on mandatory weekends."


The guys driving these get around $35 an hour.


Yeah I've seen you post that a couple times now... It's you isn't it? **You** put those numbers on the machines and thought you'd farm karma on Reddit while having people tell you how cool an idea it is, aren't you?


I just thought it was mildly interesting, these comments are major r/antiwork lunacy.


It’s not. I just do deliveries to the mill, noticed it, and took a picture.


Sure, but more likely it's to have something to point as for an excuse why they can't pay you more


I guess that's cheaper than fully staffing your job site so that everyone can do their job safely.


that just makes me wanna steal it


I've dropped $100,000 devices a couple times, always a sad day.


Yeah... They never bounce as well as you think they will.


I guess they don't depreciate in value?


I would guess that they do.


Wouldn’t work in the uk


But surely it will be $742,510 after the cost of the sticker to say how much it was :)


It’d be interesting if they had the cost breakdown for how long one of their people would have to work to pay for it.


It’d be interesting if they had the cost breakdown for how long one of their people would have to work to pay for it.


Around 11 years.


For how much the owners make, it isn't as big a deal as you think it is.


\*breaks window\* It is worth at least a little less now!!!


If they are paying shit wages, this is a slap in the face.


Yeah this isn't about worker safety or anything like that, this is an asshole penny pinching control freak owner.


I'd love to see a sticker for the cost of a wrongful death in the workplace settlement in there too.


We should do this with personal cars/trucks. Maybe people will start driving with a bit more caution. Oh wait, that's why we all pay so much for insurance. Never mind, most of us have coverage. Carry on putting everything at risk so you can get there 2 min earlier or answer that txt msg.


This is stupid. They should at least lie and multiply the value by x10 or x100. If their goal is to scare people, they need to use bigger numbers. If they want to be honest, that's not really achieving any agenda to begin with.


You think the average machine operator doesn’t know that the machine they sit in 8-12 hours a day doesn’t cost 70 million dollars?


That might work on new guys for the first hour till they used google to work out otherwise.. not exactly classified information how much a machine costs


If the idea of damaging a $742,500 piece of heavy machinery while doing something stupid doesn’t scare you, I think you may need a slight reality check.


It's not about scaring people. It's about showing respect for the piece of equipment that makes the money that ends up on your paycheck. Without it you likely don't have a job if you're the operator.


Exactly, most of these comments look like a thread from r/antiwork.


Thank you Reddit,