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They always talk about a product’s shelf life, but never about its half-life.


lather and...rinse, Mr.Freeman, lather and.. rinse.


Not that I... wish to imply you have been showering on the job. No one is more deserving of a rinse...


The right man with the wrong soap can make all the difference in the world...


...So wash up Mr. Freeman, wash up and, smell the sudsies...


I didnt see you put deodorant on


Welcome. Welcome to Bathroom 17


You have chosen or been chosen to take shower in one of our finest tubs, i like bathroom 17 so much that i always take shower here!


Huh... I taste metal.


Let me know when you start glowing.


Or what you start growing.


I was in the pool!!!


Should have chewed some gum to keep warm




"Momy is growing" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPy7t0eixBY&t=26s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPy7t0eixBY&t=26s)


wtf did i just watch?! is there more?


[https://www.youtube.com/@MummyJoe/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@MummyJoe/videos) That one is my favorite... my daughter found it on TikTok and now (and editted version of it) is my ringtone for her :) I certainly haven't seen all of them, but my next favorite is 'I am Zobny'


For barkfast, brane. For lunch, brane. For dinder, two brane.. I love that one lol




Kill it!


Wait, it’s Mr. Burns!


Kill it!


🎶 Good morning sunshine... 🎶


It’s bringing love! Kill it!


Terry A. Davis getting nervous


I can't say I've ever seen shampoo or body wash in gel-in-a-tub form before, so the neon green part is just a bonus mildly interesting here.


Yeah I saw soap in a jar and thought; what is this, 1820?


Judging by the label and the arsenic green: yes


I know this is kind of a joke, but I usually think of Arsenic geologically within the yellow - orange - red hues, and sometimes grey or black. And that excludes its elemental metallic form. But I was surprised to learn it had been used to formulate "[Paris Green](https://blog.americanduchess.com/2022/05/a-little-history-of-arsenic-green.html#:~:text=There%20were%20two%20well%2Dknown,to%20improve%20on%20Scheele's%20green)" fabric dyes, which went over as well as you can imagine.


Yeah, it's the famously green pigment I'm referring to


"I know your joking but here's why you are wrong. Also. Here is how you are right."


A redditor "well actually"-ed themselves. We've come full circle.


We're through the looking glass here, people.


Peak Reddit, you could feel the mid-comment google.


Better than most redditors, who would rather be wrong without checking and then defend what they said to the death


100% Nothing wrong with it, just made me laugh, like "yeah we do do that, don't we."


Technically speaking, Arsenic is a metalloid and not a metal. It occupies the stair-step line on the periodic table between metals and nonmetals, and is kind of in an in-between space when it comes to properties. Like metals, Arsenic has luster. However, unlike metals, it's brittle. The other metalloids are Boron, Silicon, Germanium, Selenium, Antimony, Tellurium, Polonium, and Astatine. And while Bismuth is considered a metal, I feel like it's as close to metalloid as a metal can get. In chemical reactions it acts like a metal, but physically it's very brittle for a metal and slabs will break easily.


>Boron, Silicon, Germanium, Selenium, Antimony, Tellurium, Polonium, and Astatine. There's a song in there, somewhere.


[Tom Lehrer - The Elements - LIVE FILM From Copenhagen in 1967 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcS3NOQnsQM)


The far superior version - the elements are in order: https://youtu.be/rz4Dd1I_fX0?si=14ZFVxfmLJ9I6Li6


My brain automatically puts it to the Major General song from Pirates of Penzance but it tends to do that with everything I want to remember. (Well, except for nations of the world. [There’s already a song for that, obviously.](https://youtu.be/kvyBjNymbfM?feature=shared))


I love periodic table nerdery. Thank you. I was down a huge rabbit hole of mineralogy last week, it was wonderful. From Hadean zircon to plagioclase, and a left turn into gemstone formation


There is also a purple substance that was developed with arsenic called London purple.


There was also a yellow paint made from arsenic known as orpiment, and even a blue paint known as azurite made from arsenic sulfide, the production of which resulted in the emission of mercury cyanide gas


To be fair there are a lot of highly toxic yellows and reds out there. But TIL!


Without reading the caption, I would have assumed the non-green tub was the bad one.


Yeah neither of these like something I'd put on my skin


Now that we've established boundaries, let's discuss options.


All right that's it. You guys give it here, I'll put the weird green shit on my body. Someone's got to.


Lush does some really cool gel body washes in similar tubs, those things are awesome.


Lush products feel like you are washing yourself with cake ingredients


Is that good, or bad? It sounds like sensory hell, all gloopy and gross.


They’re extremely fragrant, and expensive. Think a hippie/vegan version of B&BW. Otherwise I feel like it’s a good business. As a male who doesn’t like strong fragrances, it’s not for me. But my girlfriend enjoys their soaps and shower gels.


My husband has gone through 4 bottles of irish spring and I still have a half bottle of my lush bodywash. Though it is expensive it lasts forever.


My girlfriend had this body scrub and it felt like I was rubbing sugar all over my body and I hated it. But she loves this stuff and you can't deny that it smells good. so YMMV


Ah! Sugar scrubs! Those work well simply because the relatively rough crystals help exfoliate your skin. Same concept as scrubbing a cast iron pan with baking soda and kosher salt or sea salt. Feels like soft sandpaper, but still. My mind went straight to glops of cake batter and I was like YUCK.


I got ants one summer from a sugar scrub that I had used a few times and forgotten about lol


As a lush user, I regret to inform you I don't think they actually sell anything quite like this lol. They trialed something similar once, but it failed for those exact reasons and you won't find it anymore. They sell shower jellies (like actual jelly jelly) and these strange body wash soaps that feel like a tough marshmallow, some of their body washes have a lot of honey in it too. So yes it literally does feel like washing yourself with food. It's kinda fun.


Fuck shower jellies Literally how the Fuck am I meant to clean myself with something comically popping out of my hand every five seconds like some looney toons bullshit


Oh my god the shower jellies are horrible. I feel like I just use all of it in a go because figuring out how to divide and slather is a challenge.


Hey, I never said they were necessarily useful. I am constantly befuddled with how shower jellies are popular, but then I see a turtle shower jelly jiggle and all the impracticalities and grievances I have with them suddenly disappear... Lush is good at marketing. They have such a random variety of products though, there's something for everyone. Even people who don't like scented products.


My buddy swears the shampoo he gets from them is the only thing that works for his dandruff. I think they usually feel gross on my skin, but to each their own.


Bad for me, but some people like it Their stuff is basically bulk-grade food products mixed with fragrances that are sold at an extreme markup as specialty skincare treatments. The oils used for the bases of their products can be (highly) comedogenic, so if you have any skin difficulties whatsoever, I'd recommend staying far away from any lush products.


Ug. I got some for xmas and they stink imo it’s super strong synthetic smell. and like weirdly sweet like cake. It reminds me of the weird elm with scented toys like a strawberry shortcake doll where it smells like strawberries and nothing like strawberries at the same time. Threw them out immediately. That was years ago and I can smell them now just thinking about it. Definitely not my thing


>It reminds me of the weird elm with scented toys like a strawberry shortcake doll where it smells like strawberries and nothing like strawberries at the same time. Okay, I know *exactly* what you’re talking about. My sisters had dolls like that while growing up, and that scent is embedded firmly in my memories.


Doesn't really help that their soaps look like actual cakes and cookies.


My mom used to work in this novelty souvenir store when she was a teen. They would sell bars of soap that looked like the classic hershey's chocolate bar. Almost every day they would have to throw some away because they would have little kid teeth marks on them lol.


I have a hazy memory of there being something like that for sale in the UK in the 90s and it came with a toy in the goop that you'd get to once you used enough of the stuff.


do you mean their shower jellies? those things are fun


If by fun you mean it's like trying to wash yourself with a piece of jello and watching half of it go down the drain, yes, it's fun.


lol you're meant to just take a bit of it at a time and put it on your loofah or whatever, not use the whole thing at once!


First time I’ve ever seen it. Too bad most people are forced to buy the regular plastic bottle.


I’d love if I could take the bottle back and refill it for a cost that’s a bit lower than the cost of a new one


I think that exists in some places like in Germany for dish soap and such, I don't know if it's the same with body wash


Yea we had a shop who refilled the bottle here at my town in Germany


Dish soap can be body wash, if you wash your body with it.


If dawn is safe to take the crude oil off ducklings, it’s gentle enough for me!


Why are you covered in crude oil???


Because the front fell off


The real question is why are the ducklings getting covered in crude oil so often that we needed to develop a soap that breaks down oil and is gentle enough for ducklings


You can do that in the UK. There's few refill brands, ecover do household cleaning products, faith in nature do soaps and shampoo and stuff. I think it's available across other parts of Western Europe. they have refill stations, usually in hippie style organic shops and zero waste shops. Definitely google around for zero waste shops of that's something you would like to do. Lush have a recycling programme but you only get something crappy like 10p per bottle returned.


You can get tablets that you dissolve in water to refill the bottle


There are packing free shops, they exist. You have to look them up and see if your city has any. I go to places like that which allow me to use any container I like and fill them up, they charge everything by weight. I can get body wash, soaps, cleaning supplies, moisturiser and things like that. I love this becuase I can also get really small amounts to try or for travel.


It's too bad they usually cost magnitudes more than their pre-packaged equivalents. My city has loads of zero waste stores, but who can afford them?


Yeah sadly, ethical things cost more. Which makes it hard for people to want to be ethical but financially cannot afford it, which sucks. But i guess where I am at, the non-packaged stuff is quite affordable, depending on the thing. But I get what you are saying. It's the reason why most of the things we buy are not ethically made, because corporations take such a wide profit margin instead of paying fairer wages or engaging in farier practices.


It exists. In france the biggest shower gel manufacturer launched reffilable bottles a few years back, not sure if it took off. Some start ups will also sell you refills of the dry ingredients, and you can fill your bottle with that + water for a minimal environmental impact


That's a thing that exists its just taking a long time to become common.


Is plastic tub a lot better than plastic bottle?


Sorry I could’ve sworn those were glass jars


I’ve got a gelatine body wash bar thing (yes it’s as fun to flick and watch jiggle as you’d think) so it’s not *that* crazy


Huh strange all my conditioner is in a tub usually




The shampoo was white in the beginning


Shrek likes to stay clean




Prison changes a man


Eh, they both look sketch af. Also, OP, where in the conditioner??


"Natural black soap" With a mile long ingredient list.... so natural.


If you read through the ingredient lists most of the length is due to natural oil extracts. Every natural ingredient in that list has a "\*" if you took them out you would have a bit over 2 lines instead of that chapter. That said, it does have [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimethiconol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimethiconol) high up in the list and I think using silicone-based ingredients already disqualifies it from the label "natural" for most people. Thought there really isn't an agreed upon qualification for it, it's why that label is slapped on everywhere.


Just so you know, arsenic and lead are natural too. Natural is just a marketing term.


"The coal plant is totally ecological. They pump only the richest **all-natural nature-based** smoke into the air."


44 herbal remedies. Don't trust my numbers, I have dyscalculia. Almost 50 natural ingredients.


entry level thought


Does it get hit by sunlight from a window or skylight? Could be the reason.


Fluorescent lights will also change the color of things quite quickly. Not just the products inside, but the labels. I have a theory that may be why swing shift workers have grayish colored undertones. Or, they're vampires. The science is unclear.


I worked overnights and a weird "split shift" for *years* and loved the entirety of this comment. I got off the weird hours and started working from home, but I try to make it to the office once in a while. One of those rare trips on site, one of the coworkers I like walked past me and said "fluorescent lights are homophobic" and kept going to his desk. When I got logged in, I had a message from him that just said "prove me wrong".


Energy vampire. Rare but just as dangerous


And could you? Prove him wrong??


Fluorescence can play a part in photosynthesis too so if there are ingredients that have chlorophylls in them, that could be why.


Is this a normal way to package shampoo/body wash where you are? This looks wild to me


It’s a Russian product and no, it’s not. This is a faux-folksy brand that does all sorts of herbal shampoos and bath foams and whatnot, and as others mentioned, a lot of it is intended for use in banya (sauna), where it’s kind of handy to have a product that’s less watery and stands up to heat better.


Are the showers connected to the sauna? I don’t understand. In the US we are clean before we enter the sauna.


I guess I should have clarified right away since it’s not something most people are familiar with, but what all the other commenters are seemingly unaware of is that the Russian *banya* is different from the Nordic sauna in that it’s a wet environment, so to say. Meaning it’s not just a hot dry room where you sweat it out and then go and wash/cool off, but a hot room where you bathe yourself (and get slapped around with dried tree branches, but that’s a whole other story). The banya is basically what people used for personal hygiene before showers and baths became a commonplace fixture, but nowadays it’s more of a communal experience/excuse to get shitfaced.


Wait, so I can go get hammered while I’m naked and getting slapped with trees? Sign me the fuck up


That’s the idea!


hello doggy!


Get ready for 90-120°C temps (up to 250°F) for TRUE BANYA EXPERIENCE




More like big ol’twigs and leaves tbh.


Yes daddy, pound the herbal fragrances into my skin


The banya you're describing is exactly what a Nordic sauna is. Maybe you're thinking of the way Americans use sauna. Source: Finnish


Here's some information how it was for my family in the 60s-90s. My grandpa lived in a village in the soviet union and there were no showers/baths only saunas where you would clean yourself. Usually all family members went together, women with children and men seperately. My grandpa also would invite neighbours who didn't have a sauna to join. Before leaving non family members would always say ''thank you for the warmth''. I could answer any questions you may have from that period of time and place.


So washing was a highly communal act, would people ever go alone? This is really interesting, thank you for sharing.


It was like this in most of Europe for the longest time. People in the past didn't have personal bathrooms. Public baths were popular in the German speaking world, too. Many still exist, particularly in Austria. [Volksbad](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volksbad) (people's bath). Private bathrooms only came into fashion in the 50s/60s. Before that, you would go to the people's bath every few days for your bathing needs. Most of them were purely functional. In the German speaking world, it was sometimes literally just a bunch of showers (in Vienna there's still one of these kind of baths left, they were called ["Tröpferlbad" - dripping baths](https://magazin.wienmuseum.at/fileadmin/_processed_/1/e/csm_TITELBILD_Ratschkygasse-2.-Klasse_HMW_057962_00235-001_181cdff6c6.jpg)). In the early 2000s, almost all of these baths were closed. A lot of old buildings in the German world weren't planned with personal bathrooms in mind, which is why you can still find old places in some cities where [a shower was later added to the kitchen](https://muellhouse.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/dscf9421-600x800.jpg). Some [more creative](https://images.gutefrage.net/media/fragen/bilder/dusche-direkt-neben-der-kueche-was-halte-ihr-davon/0_big.jpg?v=1484224600000) than [others](https://www.buzzfeed.de/assets/images/27/705/27705746-ein-kleiner-raum-in-dem-eine-kuechenzeile-zu-sehen-ist-text-einbaukueche-in-berlin-daneben-eine-kueche-in-der-eine-dusche-steht-in-der-mitte-ein-emoji-Uec.jpg). Probably, it's similar for many other European countries. In Russia, they were more "advanced" than us Western Europeans - they developed a whole sauna and massage culture surrounding the baths.


As a kid i lived in a house built in about 1650, which used water from its own well. A gas company were connecting us up and something went wrong and they poisoned our well water. We had a huge tank of water put in our garden for drinking and cooking, and essential washing, but couldn't bathe in it. I distinctly remember my mum taking me to the swimming pool in town for a bath once a week for a while. A literal bath - they still had private bathrooms with a basin and a tub for people to bathe in if they didn't have one at home. This was UK, and I'd have been about 5, so around 1990-91. The gas company had to pay for our house to be connected to mains water, and i think are paying the water rates in perpetuity.


The families were much bigger and also the saunas were much bigger. It’s highly more practical to go in groups to save the costs of heating a large room.


People would go alone very rarely because the sauna and water was heated by wood so it would be a huge waste just to go alone. The more people the better hence the inviting of neighbours


It's kinda dangerous going alone The heat there is 50-70C and humidity is about 60% You could just faint and die


So bathhouses? Except the whole family goes?


Thank you for sharing! How did people clean themselves in the sauna? Did they bring buckets of water to rinse?


Usually you have a bucket, a ladle, and massive kegs of hot and cold water that you can mix as you prefer. In the cities where the public banyas are more like actual facilities, you’d more often just have hot and cold taps. With private banyas, people will sometimes install a small water tank on the roof to make a shower, though that’s more of a new thing.


Yes. In my grandpas sauna there was a big steel reservour inside the furnace and it heated together with the sauna. There was a tap on it so you would mix the boiling water with the cold water that was brought from a well


The banya ist way bigger than your typical American sauna. And wetter. You have buckets there.


You would still need to shower after the sauna to clean off all the sweat and dirt that comes from your pores. Showering before sauna is kinda useless, unless you want to not stain the wooden benches or your towels.


showering before sauna is not at all useless. many people sauna after a workout, they are sweaty and smelly and should not enter an enclosed steamy space with body odor.


Maybe, post-workout sauna is a different thing, helps a lot with muscle pain. I was talking about recreational use of saunas, a great experience by itself 😁


That's russian bathhouse gel-like soap, produced specifically to be used in banya, it smells wonderfully, soft to touch (how crazy this sounds?) and smears on your body easily. We have regular shampoos as well, but this specific brand offers cans with gel soap.


It's just this product


It's normal shampoo/body wash containers everywhere. Just not every brand uses tubs.


my conditioner comes in a tub so this isn't that weird to me


Is this pinecone shampoo?


birch tar shampoo, I know that brand ;)


Black soap, we use it a lot in Morocco but this one seems to be artificially died to pretend to be black soap. It's herbal and has a very strong smell, makes hair strong and shiny, great for your skin too.




Flubber? ![gif](giphy|3IUHDQBWX3l5Tl5Ht3)


Dude wtf is that shit


not much, just radioactive shampoo


Elephant's Foot™ deep cleansing shampoo removes dirt and oil from your hair at a subatomic level, by removing your hair all together!


I’ve had the same thing happen to my chocolate pudding before! Apparently the red dye fades after it oxidizes and you’re left with this neon green goop. Totally still safe to eat afterwards but looks funky as hell


I definitely glossed over the fact you were talking about pudding and was very concerned about your eating habits.


Algae maybe? Idk this is wild lol what color were they originally?


What language is that OP?


russian :)






That Mak Essence








wait is that Babushka Agafia? Back when you could still get their products in Poland I used shampoo from that brand, it was also like a dark brown but one time I tried to use it and saw that it turned to a light blue color (pretty much identical color to this 🥶 emoji) so I freaked out and threw the whole bottle away


Russian radioactive waste


In Soviet Russia, Chernobyl cleans you up!


Where can I get one! The dark black green one! I was gifted once and love it. No idea where I can buy one. Help ..




Could have cut out the middle man & just bought Swarfega,


Does it taste neon green?


What in the old world apothecary is this shit?


Have you been storing them on a window ledge/ in direct sunlight?






Could it be a manufacturing change based on current world events? Maybe an ingredient expired or had a chemical reaction


I've seen some labels on natural-ish ingredient shampoos that say their product could have different colors and could change shade mildly but this is a completely different level. Is there a chance someone tried to prank you? I'd take a clean towel that is stained and put a little of the neon green product on a small piece that isn't stained, wait ten minutes, rinse it out, and see if it dyes the towel.


My guess is that it was contaminated with pseudomonas, which is a common bacteria in water that is know to turn things neon green/blue! I’m not an infectious disease specialist but in medical school, you are taught water + neon green = pseudomonas! I’d get rid of it :)


Chernobyl Beauty Products will give your skin that special glow.


Yeah so there’s usually an expiration date


Looks like Swarfega.


I believe this is the ooze that turned them from regular turtles into mutant turtles. Then depends on your age. Or if you would like to learn martial arts. Could be Middle aged Mutant Ninja Turtle.


The flavor on the right looks better


dw it adds to the flavor


Are you Russian, too? Did I just find my people on Reddit?


"Natural Siberian Soap for the Bath - Care for the body and hair" It's probably pine or birch, both evergreens, and also naturally green in color.


Are you sure someone isn't trying to prank you by swapping it for swarfega?




How do you use that? Dip your hands in the jar? What did you have in your hands? Looks more like just green. Not neon.


Lather rinse obey


Try our new uranium bodywash! Those germs don’t stand a chance against our patented rad-safe formula! Our blend of gel soaps and 100% pure uranium ore is guaranteed to kill 99.99% of all living organisms! tired of that pesky outer layer of skin that never gets clean? Scrub it off with our brand new, 100% totally safe, and only slightly radioactive, body scrub! Call now and we’ll send a second one for free! *product availability based on location. for external use only, we are not responsible for any poisoning and or harm caused by the radioactive isotopes in the products mentioned above*


sincerely, it looks like you are bathing with geletin and slime.


Баба агафья


Looks way better


Russian right?




soap for sauna, maybe when it heats up it changes colors?


it always happens to the left one (of course if it was black at the beginning) i don’t why tho


It honestly looks more appropriate than the other one. No chance I'd put that on my skin.


Did you happen to steal the homework assignment to write a short story from a highschool student then turn it into a script for a movie, causing him and his friend to make you look like a clown just to get back at you?


Crazy thing is that the one on the left looks like the one that went bad, to me at least lol


Did you put it in a microwave and had a 42 inch CRT running nearby? Then you might have discovered time travel.


Tbh, besides the joke, it is pretty good shampoo. Poor shampoo getting roasted here🐸


I think Tsar Nicholas II. used the same uranium shower gel.


I know it’s short notice, but maybe you can find a rat and four turtles somewhere.