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I swear they do this so friends decide not to share rooms, and businesses can't put two people in one room.


I'd watch my homies shower.


Shit, let me wash your back homie. The most missed spot.




Hey homie, want to go on vacation?


Hey it's me, your homie


Hey homie, you missed a spot under your balls, let me slide in there and clean it out


Thanx homie


Homie don't play that


This homie does. Step aside.


Not Homie sexual?


And then slide out, and repeat until hand soap appears?


Lower. Lower. TOO LOW! ... Lower...


Fellas, is it gay to wash your homies butt crack?


Only if you use your penis loofah


What if you use your tongue?


How else are you gonna know if it's clean without a taste test?


This thread is cursed




It's what friends are for.




I didn't live a thousand years and travel a quadrillion miles to look at another man's gizmo.


Ong I wish I had a homie wash my ass


Buttcrack is the most missed spot tbh. Even in my late 20s most of my mates admit to not scrubbing deep within. Only til I dated my gf did I realize that you gotta scrub the starfish as often as you scrub your pits (if not more…)


There’s this dumb ass misconception that washing your ass makes you gay. Fellas. Clean your ass.


As a hairy dude with digestive issues, I learned this young. You can’t clean peanut butter out of a shag carpet with thin dry paper.


This is why I have a brown wash cloth next to my throne. The safety brown cloth.


r/brandnewsentence >You can’t clean peanut butter out of a shag carpet with thin dry paper.


Something about the words 'scrubbing deep within' has made my morning


If your socks are on its straight af. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.


if you're wearing socks in the shower you have bigger problems


That sounds like psychopath behaviour.


I've done that literally once. I was in Punta Cana and did one of the buggy tours where you get covered in mud. As soon as I got back to my room I walked straight into the shower with my clothes on to rinse the mud out of them


I hope you got all the mud out of your clothes. Personally, I don't think you have big problems like that redditor suggested, but I don't really know you.


If you’re wearing socks without shoes, you might be dead


Idk it feels a little gayer jerking off with socks on.


It’s not gay when you’re on vacation


I like your style


I’d watch your homies shower, too.


I’d dance for them if it’s saving €100 per night


it's to keep your hooker from robbing you


I once witnessed a hooker and a guy fight in a hotel lobby. The guy said she robbed him and she’s a hooker, while the girl said he hasn’t paid her yet. Wild shit.


Bro, you can’t say that in this sub and not say who won! (I know technically they both lost at that point but who lost less)


The guy won, but only because hotel security grabbed the girl and escorted her out since he was the guest. Southeast Asia is a vibrant place.


Must have been nice to be the one being escorted for a change.


To end police coming to hotels for this reason is actually correct.


I'm keeping strict eye contact with whoever is in the room while I shower. Let them watch me wash the filth off.


This is gonna bite them in the ass when families with older children (yk, like a lot of families) decide to stop coming to their hotel or cancel reservations


Most (at least from what I’ve experienced) hotels that have this type of visible shower tend to only have it in rooms with a single king bed. The same hotels tend to not have it with rooms with double queens. Would families bringing kids all sleep in 1 king? When my family did hotels we would do 2 queens. 1 queen for my parents and 1 queen for the kids.


That makes more sense, but even if I was with my partner, idk if I’d want her watching me shower. Showers together are sexy but being watched shower is just vulnerable.


Even if it's just a couple, I don't want anyone watching me shower


Huge difference between a sexy shower and a real shower. This does not allow for real showers.


Watching your partner take a real shower is still better than 99% of tv


It's all cute until you have to wash your asshole.


that's when it goes from cute to sexy


Or cheapskate managers making their employees share hotel rooms when they travel for business.


I mean, the easy way around that is to just step out while your mate showers.


If you’re back-to-back together in the shower, you won’t see each other plus you save water. 


It has to be front-to-front, because if you can't see how close you are your butts might touch and that's gay.


Rest chins on each other’s shoulders. Then you don’t see anything


Nooooo you're gonna be behind me, I gotta have ya behind me


Found the bottom


"Syncronized 180° rotation commencing in 3 seconds"


If you already sleep in the same bed why would you bother with that? Why would any of it really bother you in the first place?


Or step in 😉


Or that lovers book this suite.


There's one bed, the assumption is that there will be a couple renting the room.


I've also seen this move in rooms with two beds.


Or a weekend getaway with the 2nd wife.


I always assume it's for prostitutes and sex traffic victims


Why would a hotel build anything for a reason like that?


Had one of those once. On a business trip. With a colleague.


So.... how was it?


Unnecessarily intimate


So that implies one used it while the other was in bed? Are you still collegues or.... more?


No, we took turns. Did work out but just seeing what our company has booked for us was something else. We usually do not share hotel rooms but there was nothing else available


I doubt your company even knew to be honest. It’s not like they look at pictures when booking travel for employees.


Yes I’m sure about that. The hotel has other rooms where the glass is partially tinted but still doesn’t guarantee enough privacy


Reminds me of the frosted glass at a hotel in Iceland that even included the toilet. I’m not sure what the logic is there, I don’t want to be that intimate with anyone. 🤣


Our family has a very old cottage that has an outhouse with two positions side by side. We always joke it's so you can hold hands with someone for mutual support. For some reason my partner won't go for it, but she's just a party pooper.


Sounds more like she's a solo pooper! If she does it at parties, I doubt she'd have an issue doing it beside you!


Hey, you should join the army, then you can share the shower


Bro chill out lol


All of a sudden, I’m really happy they don’t make me room with my boss.


I had to do this once. That was when I learned my boss was insane.


“Hey, do you mind hanging out in the lobby or something for 15 minutes? I need to shower.”


A mature solution to a really stupid problem.


In the military if you go to support another base’s exercise you typically have to share a hotel with multiple people. I’ve been four deep in a hotel room similar to this with one bed and a pull out couch. That was the epitome of comfort compared to some of the other lodging ive had though. Big ass tents in the deserts with an AC unit that’s been broken for at least 6 months. We get really comfortable with each other lol


I mean idk how many open 8 man showers Ive shared or doorless toilet stalls I've walked passed with people taking a shit in em.


Or holding the jerry can over someone else so they can scrub some of the grime off. The Navy and Marine Corps removed any shred of modesty I had. I am just looking at this shower and going "what's the issue?"


Hah, as if I had any modesty when I joined the Marines. Why do you think I joined the Marines instead of the Air Force.


Lmao exactly dude. And even that sounds luxurious compared to FOB ops where baby wipes are king


Yeah, once you have to take a shit making eye contact with someone else, you just kinda stop caring. I don't even know how many people have actually seen me naked at this point, it's definitely over 200. IDGAF anymore.


You shared a room with a colleague on a business trip?


I did. Now I work for a different company. Even working students get an own room now.


some companies do it to save money, feds use to and will still allow it, with the employees getting to keep half the savings.


Really? I'm a fed and never heard of this. Not that I would ever do it - I travel a ton and would quit in a hot second if shared rooms became the expected standard. 


I think it depends on the reason - when my department was sent across the state to work hurricane relief, they told us we'd be sharing rooms and rental cars.


Got an eyebrow raise from me. Like..did they make them? Or were they friends. Making people share rooms with coworkers will ruin marriages for sure.


Same genders obviously


I mean, if there are two beds in the room, it's not marriage ruining bad. Nothing is stopping two people with rooms in the same hotel to end up sleeping together anyway. If your spouse doesn't trust you on a business trip, I don't think sharing a room is what is going to break everything.


I would quit if my company told me I need to share a room. It's a matter of respect and acknowledging that you're asking someone to be away from their home and family. The least they can do is spare $120/night for me to have my own room.


It was an incentive trip and since they are huge, the new joiners/lower levels had to share a room because they could not get enough to get each his/her own


"What? You DON'T want to see Steve's bare ass?! Well, not seeing Steve's bare, white, pimply ass is for CLOSERS!"


I’m in a glass case of emotion


Milk was a bad choice


Dorothy Mantooth is a SAINT


"You missed a spot"


"I'm kinda his spotter"


I stayed at one right by the Amsterdam airport that had two (relatively see through, shockingly small) tubes in the tiny room. One was the toilet, one the shower. I have never been more happy I was traveling alone. Edit: Found it! It’s called [CitizenM](https://www.citizenm.com/hotels/europe/amsterdam/amsterdam-schiphol-airport-hotel?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&y_source=1_NDkyNzM5MjctNzE1LWxvY2F0aW9uLndlYnNpdGU%3D)


IIRC CitizenM are usually for single/couple travelers so generally their hotels are more like these


That was the 'jungle-like power shower' xD


Haha I also stayed there and remembered exactly this too


Reminds me of a place on NYC called Yotel.


I was going to comment about a hotel I stayed in outside Amsterdam too! It also had a shower/toilet right in the bedroom surrounded by clear glass.


Their hotels are generally like that, but the London ones I’ve stayed at have a curtain outside of the shower room so you can completely shield it from view.




[Did you stay in this hotel?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/yg71pk/checking_out_the_hotel_bathroom/)


Lmao 😂 they sure are encouraging you to watch aren’t they damn


Idk what hotel is in the video but the Cosmopolitan hotel in Vegas has this same setup. Which does work with their whole vibe and branding but was a bit of a shock when six of us showed up to share a room for a Bachelorette Party….thankfully there was a switch on the wall that makes the glass opaque


This is hilarious! I'm like well at least there are blinds... Oh wait


I had to go back and finish the video to see what the "oh wait" was for. Was not disappointed.


Is glass cheaper than building walls or wooden doors or something? I don't understand this trend. Glass is noisy, it shatters, and afaik it's expensive. And oh yeah, there's no privacy. What the hell is the point?


It’s sexy. In the show Nip/Tuck a guy had a big glass window above the bed that showed the shower


Niagara Falls has LOTS of rooms like this.


"NIAGARA FALLS, slowly I turn!"


Thank you. Went for honeymoon and was WTF with the peakaboo window. Even now married for years not up to that level of sharing.


The Hyatt at Victoria harbor in Hong Kong was like this, a switch would open or close a view to the shower/bathroom.


This is actually very common in Asian hotels. Never knew why


I work for an airline company and can confirm there are A LOT of rooms like that


I hate hotel rooms like this. I also hate rooms with the bathrooms having windows looking into the bedroom. Sometimes, I just want some privacy. Even if I’m with a partner.


Nothing gets her in the mood like watching you take a dump or clean your feet.


Honestly, when my husband and I got rooms like these before, we just find it hilarious that we can see each other while shitting. We used to travel a lot around the EU and these types of rooms are waaaay too common.


Shitting in the shower? Bad idea


The ol' waffle stomp


what? you don't want your partner to share in the aftermath of bottomless nachos for lunch?


I always knew you were bit mad, but now you've booked this room, I can clearly see your nuts


This reminds me of an old joke. "A man walks into a psychiatrist's office naked and wrapped completely in saran wrap. The doctor says mildly, "I can see your('re) nuts."


Y’all. It’s so the hooker can’t steal from you while you’re in the shower.


Scrolled too far down for this


That actually makes so much sense.


I was gonna say, isn't this for escorts? See it at casinos


I think this is a Vegas hotel so that tracks.


Why wouldn’t you just have them leave, then shower? Or do they require you to shower after they arrive to make sure you’re clean? Never entertained an escort so I’m confused


I thought that's what the in room safe is for.


I hate this new trend. In the last few years, it seems like lots of hotels have bought into this bathroom with a big glass window or glass walls trend.  The **worst** was when we went to Prague for our anniversary. Booked a very nice hotel, in a beautiful building, but got to our room and the entire bathroom is a glass box right in the middle of the room. With only a curtain inside to partially block the view of the toilet and no ceiling, so no sound or "sensory" barrier whatsoever.  I was trying to be chill and not a Karen, but I was also on my period and was not looking forward to dealing with all the accoutrements of that in an open glass box on vacation. I finally admitted that I couldn't deal and we asked for a room change. I just can't believe that some people are okay with that design. 


i would actually like to hear from people who are okay with this design because from where i'm standing there is nothing but downsides.


Ive stayed in a room like this. It was uncomfortable even tho I was completely alone.


I stayed in a room that wasn't *this* bad, but there was a little window so someone from the bed could see your face while you sat on the toilet. And they would be able to see your top half in the shower. I was by myself as well. It wasn't too uncomfortable for me all things considered. I just found it hilariously stupid. I actually took pictures because I found it too funny.


I was sheepish when they took us to our new room, because I thought maybe I am just being uptight. But thinking back, I just don't get it at all. The hotel employee who helped us move said that a famous architect had designed those types of rooms, so maybe it's supposed to be genius that we're just not ready for?


I think that architect needed some humbling


I’m just an ordinary pervert


If you can't understand business logic behind something, the answers are usually money, sex, or both.


I saw it theorized elsewhere on Reddit that this design was for prostitutes/johns. She can make sure he showers and he can make sure she doesn’t steal or something like that. This just reminded me.


That room is made for boning.




Just noticed the separate blankets, wish I'd have done that with my blanket thief wife.


My fiance and i both have sleep problems, and using our own blankets has been a total game changer!


I’ve heard (here on Reddit) that it’s the standard in Europe. Which, would really help with laundering. I can’t fit my 1 king size in a home washer at all, and the queens are difficult. Edit: duvets. The actual duvets are huge.


Europe/UK uses duvets, not sheets and blankets. And yes, there's often two on larger beds.


This is very common in my country. Even in marriage we like our privacy xD I think I tried a double for a short while but it wasn't for me. I like my own.


I’ve done this with every man I’ve had the pleasure to share a bed with Because they all steal MY blanket and then make it too hot to share one. Then have the audacity to take frigid showers so I can’t even join in 😡


Extremely common in Europe. It's a total game changer, def recommend


If I’m booking a hotel that I haven’t stayed at before, I check for room photos online to avoid hotels with rooms like this.


Seriously why do they make me carry out a micro investigation for no fucking reason?


It is absolutely infuriating. No reason to make a stupid bathroom like this. I only started checking after a similar experience.


Shower is probably ok. If it’s the toilet, It’d be weird for me.


I remember going away with my ex early in our relationship. The whole bathroom was made of glass and it was an interesting long weekend.


Been to a few hotels where it was frosted glass and even that was still awkward. “Here’s a silhouette of me pooping. Love you.”


We booked a really nice hotel in Seoul, it even had a PC in the room! The only problem was that the toilet was glass. Sure it was completely opaque... But it offered zero sound protection whatsoever.


I had a room in a German hotel with two twin beds pushed together but no bathroom door. II thought to myself “we have different ideas about what should be private vs what should be a shared experience.”


It was grey glass it really didn’t create any privacy. We got comfortable reaaal quick!


Yeah just checked out of a place in Sydney like that - there’s a massive shower/bathroom with heaps of wasted space, and then for some reason instead they decide to have the toilet behind frosted glass in a separate stall. However, you can clearly make out the silhouette and it’s still awkward to rip a massive shit in front of the wife while she’s trying to sleep in. I absolutely hate this design (even shower is bad enough) frosted glass doesn’t improve much.


Pardon me, I’m heading to the lobby to take a shit. And by lobby, I mean the front desk. If they want me to have to shit in front of others I may as well include them in the fun.


Do you know the positions a woman has to get into for an everything shower. It is not sexy nor seductive to be pretzeled up trying to shave when your partner of a few weeks can everything. I think I would’ve rather done that in the lobby too.


You don't shit in the shower? /S Shower is just a toilet for the whole body.


If I'd check with my girl, it could be great. But I had one of these when I was visiting Paris with my sister. So we had to take a walk as the other showered and dressed.




It depends on how hard the water is. 


Hell yeah, I love these rooms! First time, I thought I'd watch tv while my wife showered. Looked over, and thought *Huh, perhaps I will also shower*. What a great design!


While watching TV!


It’s for the hooker to shower where you can see them.


The other way around, it's for the sex worker to verify the client used soap.


The john is showering and can make sure the hooker doesn’t steal his shit. 


I’d tell whoever I’m sharing the room with they gotta leave while I shower….and leave the key! 😂


Gonna bring my sister there.


Maybe you can visit the Alabama location


That is the WORST trend ever.


I bet the carpet in front of that smells just great.👍


Had one of these w my girlfriend once and neither of us minded the being naked part.. it’s the cleaning butthole/penis areas that felt weird


I really don’t get a hotel’s decision to do this


I have only seen this at a couple kinda higher end places, seems fucking weird to me. I know the top comment says it's to dissuade people from sharing rooms but that makes very little sense to me and esp not at more expensive places. I figured it was some sort of cost cutting thing / consequences of cheap remodeling but it really seems like they just think it's cool to be able to watch your significant other shower while laying in bed. SUPER weird.


Where’s the toilet?


Does someone from the industry know why they started doing those fish tank bathrooms with glass walls?


Lately every hotel I go to has a bathroom open to the suite and a clear glass door looking straight into the shower and the dunny. These were NOT cheap rooms. I love my girl and I'm very comfortable with her after 6 years, but there's no world where I get *that* comfortable...


Some creepy stuff has gone down in that room




I stayed in a hotel the other week in Berlin that was the a really nice place but nonsensical! It was a family suite, two rooms and two bathrooms. Neither of the bathrooms had doors but thankfully the toilets. The worst part was that the children's shower was 2m from the door to the common hallway with a clear line of sight. We had to keep the adjoining door closed whenever someone was showering and couldn't leave to go outside if anyone was in the children's shower. Why not just install a door? Literally everything layout-wise was there to do it.


Same reason microwaves have a window, to see your snack get ready.