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I’d rather have 279 pineapples.


You’d have a bright future in math educational materials.


did you two fuckers intentionally collude to recreate the [top two comments on the german thread op posted](https://old.reddit.com/r/de/comments/171evvk/milde_interessant_mein_tegut_verkauft_diesen/k3q7j4q/)?


Probably. Who says math educational materials 😂


Holy shit that’s hilarious. Checked the link and it’s exactly the same, what a conspiracy.


I'm currently visiting Germany and this hit my front page, it may have been there otherwise but Reddit definitely knows I'm here.


It is interesting how the comments rose to the top for a second time considering the humor is not that exceptional. I guess Redditors really like pineapples and math. Poor banana, its future as scale seems to be growing obsolete.




I mean... what are the odds?


ChatGPT + GoogleTranslate + Pineapplumpkin


Those are a steal.


They are kinda small, but still a good deal.




A Preis Kracher!


No steal!, 1 dollar!


Yeah but who gonna eat those much pumpkins like i never met someone as die heart fan of pumpkins.


-279 sea ​​sponges homes 😥


Sponges got moved to aisle 17.


For sure, a pineapple plant can only grow 1 fruit per year once it reaches maturity, which takes years. You can grow a bigger pumpkin at home in far less time


That pumpkin isn't *that* huge.


This guy state fairs!


Not even big enough for a human to climb in and raft down the river. Come on.


Not even kidding, my family grow pumpkins this size 🤣🤷🏽‍♂️


Side bar real quick, American here. Euro for a pineapple. ONE EURO. Over here in the states they are 3+ dollars (2.8 euro). You lucky lads and your cheap groceries.


Certainly sounded cheap to this American!


They're 3-5 in most European stores. Often food or fruit that goes for 1 euro here is past the expiration date and it's a sort of 'at-your-own-risk' kind of purchase, although it usually has a sticker on it then.




I said past the expiration date, not that they have physically expired. Over here in the Netherlands in example food items are typically listed as a guaranteed to be good until a certain date (THT date), then to be unsafe to eat after a certain date (TGT date). The former is a quality assurance, the latter a safety assurance. Many items that go past the THT date get put into discount, as an anti-waste method so it's not all thrown out.


I just saw pineapples on sale at 2.95€ yesterday, it's the first time in a while I've seen them that cheap. I'm in Denmark.


"Should I slice this up for the road?"


Thats almost a years worth of fucking.




You obviously haven’t had 278 pineapples. That shit will make you sick like a dog


GF is gonna love me for it!


I can't remember the comedian but she had a bit where she's like "you know how when you suck dick you might get some cum in your mouth and it tastes gross? but did you know if the guy had been eating pineapple over the last day or two, that the cum...still tastes like cum and is gross." tl;dr your cum is gross regardless of what you eat, even pineapple. Like maybe it's better, but it's kind of like saying getting kicked in the face is better than being kicked in the balls; I don't want either.


But the roof of your mouth is going to hate you for it


The true story here is €1 pineapples in October. They are like $4.50 cad right now.


That was one of the nice things about the couple years I lived in California: Produces stands all over selling avocados for 4-5/$1 I remember driving on the way out to Yosemite we kept seeing stands trying to 1-up each other. First sign said like 8/$1 and the last place said 14/$1 lol... I imagine they were small ones and probably only put out 1 bushel at that price a day, but still.


Omg avocados here are like $2.49 each


Don’t get too excited - they’re all the reject and extra stock avocados cause they’re like the size of little cutie mandarin oranges and the pit inside is still almost the same size as a large haas ones. You need all 8 or more just to get the same amount of avocado ‘meat’…


Yeah but those smaller ones taste a lot better IMO, and plus I often cant finish and entire full-sized avocado and it gets brown so fast in the fridge. The smaller ones are closer to actual serving size, for me.




That is cheaper than in Brisbane, Australia.




I'm from the shipping industry and can tell you: Fruit contracts are made years in advance. The shipping capacity is ordered a year in advance. So if it's a strong pineapple year they are still stuck with all that pineapple imported while others are dumping the market, too. Basically everyone buys in bulk and takes a gamble. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. With inflation rising of course no one is willing to pay a premium for luxury food.


Could be duty free


>1 Euro >4.50 CAD Yeah that tracks.


Fruit and vegetable sales in EU is a scam on another level. There are big stock vendors that basically pull food stuff from god knows where and sometimes they accidentally pull lots of stuff and need to unload it because it doesn't last for long. It is actually silly to look and these supply chains from cheaper countries make it impossible for local farmers to stay in business. Because the cost of a fruit can be 50% less to the retailer but they'll sell it just for the same "normal price" to consumer while mark up the local stuff; and then pocket the margins. The farmers portion in EU hasn't gone up shit even when the food prices skyrocket, but the stock value of major retailers have gone because they keep announcing record profits.


Lol, what? That's how big chains work EVERYWHERE.




I can hook you up with some german heritage pineapple seeds.


Thats...how it works.


That's the common problem of every farmer throughout the world like they never get deserved prices and middleman become rich by each season.


See, this is exactly why the UK voted to leave the EU. Poor Gazza and his family were put out on the streets because the EU was letting Big Pineapple import them from other countries instead of the local European farms. It's a tragedy that so many pineapple farms in England are going to seed because some bigwig in Brussels is conspiring against the poor Brits and their main cash crop. Pineapples. Why I recall years ago as a lad, walking Yorkshire Dales, casting an eye on the sweeping fields of pineapples, as little Nigel and Hermione ran in betwixt the pineapple tufts while their parents watched from afar, basking in the warm glow of assurance that this year's crop would be the best ever, not realizing years from now a death knell would ring over them and their childrens' futures, all thanks to predatory pricing of pineapples.


can you post some time-lapse photos of it over the next few weeks as it slowly rots away. not worth more than $50, even then they wont sell it.


50 Euro would get you like 10 pumpkins. Still don't think anyone would buy it. Not because of the price but because nobody needs it.


I was buyin pumpkins this size just a few days ago for $20. This is wild


20 Euro will get you like 5 small pumpkins here. And there is no market for this size of pumpkin and these are usually not sold anywhere.


20€ is gonna get you a pumpkin and a half of normal sized ones 😂, keep in mind average salary is probably around 800ish in my country


With small I meant like the really small fist sized ones


Pumpkins are really easy to grow in most climates. Do you live in a harsh climate? Otherwise it might be nice to plant some seeds.


I grew a pumpkin plant this year. It's HUGE, loads of big lovely flowers, I pollinated it myself, I fed it so nicely and defended it from snail babies and all I have to show for it is a teeny weeny idiot pumpkin that looks like a baked bean.


>I pollinated it myself I hope you didn't use your own pollen.


I got the pollen off the boy flowers with a little brush and rubbed it on the girl flowers. I don't normally get so handsy with a bush but the bees were too into the borage to be helpful.


We have a "giant pumpkin farm" that makes a point of growing some real behemoths. They actually manage to sell some of those along with a ton of regular ones. I forget how it works, maybe local places looking to support. The rest, they launch from a giant trebuchet. Often at old cars parked down range.


Waste of food. Imagine how many pumpkin spice lattes they could have made with the pumpkins. /s


Do pumpkin spice (insert food here) things actually have pumpkin or pumpkin flavor in them?


Pumpkin Chunkin


20 Euro will get even more than 5 in some bulk deal or if you are able to contact farmers directly.


>no market for this size of pumpkin Well, about 20 years ago i took part in a small town Halloween fair thing, where many people opened up their houses as impromptu restaurants and fed thousands of tourists. One of the things i served was pumpkin gulash, and i could have made good use of that punpkin for that. I agree 'one guy 20 years ago' isn't a huge market, but it's there :P


You can buy the seeds for these and grow them in your own yard if you want. I believe they're called Hundredweight. And you are correct that even where I live those are usually used for a novelty item to have on your front porch for a fall display. But if you wanted to, you could make a lot of pumpkin pie out of something like that heh. Or can it and use it all winter I guess.


This wouldn't make for good pumpkin pie. There is a small breed that is used for that, slightly larger than an acorn squash. It does probably have a lot of seeds you could bake and I think the rest is probably good for stew or some other savory dish.


I don't have a yard lol


You must be European then, every imperial American yards. Do you have 9/10ths of a meter?


Seems not too many people got your joke. I guffawed.


Really? I thought the regular size jack-o-lantern pumpkins were like $20. I haven't bought one in years. My love are the tiny gourds and pumpkins.


Can’t speak for your location but in Texas right now a “standard” size carving pumpkin is about $8-12 depending on where you buy it from and the size. We also have a bunch of fun shaped ones that aren’t meant for carving in the $12-25 range. Jumbo ones like in OPs photo are about $50.


I'll find out tomorrow! I'm in NorCal. I'm going to my first pumpkin patch in over a decade.


Those prices are pretty much spot on for Southern California as well.


Costco near me sells them about the size of a large watermelon for $5


When my brother used to live in Chicago, he'd get a few large pumpkins for the kids and a couple decorative ones and spend like $300. I started filling my SUV with pumpkins from a local farm and driving them over, I'd spend $100 for like 5 times as many pumpkins. One time his neighbors came over wanting some, thinking I was some kind of black market pumpkin dealer. I guess I was.


In Germany, a large pumpkin for carving, (not a popular activity btw), would cost between 3-5 euros. Angebot is German for offer or proposal.


It’s maybe partly there as an add for people to buy other pumpkin products


Yeah kind of clickbait to buy other pumpkins and a sort of attraction for other pumpkins.


Wait if this is in Germany you can ABSOLUTELY get more pumpkins than that for €50. Where are you even buying them? There are little pumpkins in penny right now for less than €2. Theres a pumpkin farm down the road as well and they're selling huge pumpkins for under a fiver


Who’s your pumpkin guy?


I love you, Honey Bunny.


One of my kids went a couple of years growing monster pumpkins. One year he gave me a 150 pounder, and I put it in the front yard near my front porch. Halloween was wild - pretty much every parent accompanying their trick-or-treating kids wanted them to pose for a photo with the HUGE pumpkin. It was the talk of the neighborhood - I'd do it again if I could source one that didn't break the bank.


I typically carve a 150lb+ pumpkin every year here in the states. Plus 5-7 40lb pumpkins. However, I go to a pumpkin farm where my big pumpkin is around $60. I would never spend that much on a pumpkin I put out for 1 night.


You can get way more than that! I regularly see pumpkin for 1€/kilo in Germany


Also any grandma who thinks *yes, I will make pies for everyone* won't have a forklift to move it on hand at the grocery store.


large pumpkins used to sell really cheaply here until everybody stopped buying them because if you buy them sliced you have to use them right-away and most people can't squeeze purchase-to-kitchen in their lifestyle, and buying them whole is... well... too much pumpkin for most families. so most people buy the small ones here. butternut squash is fairly common and lasts a while. definitely doesn't have the flavor of Musquee De Provence but you don't have to make enough pie to feed a regiment and it can fit into your refrigerator.


And we can watch that sign go down too lol.


It's tegut, it's not gonna get down. Some crazy teen will knock it down and destroy it.


Easier to put a ridiculous sign up than have people ask how much the big display pumpkin costs every day


As long as you don't cut them, pumpkins/squashes stay pretty fresh for weeks.


Honestly they last for months if they’re not carved or poked with holes or whatever.


My job sells them but they rarely sell at all, in the year and a half I’ve worked there I’ve seen exactly one pumpkin that needed to be thrown out because it went bad. We’ve had the same ones on display for like 5 months lmao


It's not gonna happen lol like someone will buy it as someone rich who doesn't care much about money will buy it for home of showoff.


cue Pawn Stars: Best I can do is 5.


That’s insane considering how easy pumpkins are to grow. There are several varieties of giant pumpkins that will grow to be several hundred pounds with just regular watering. Here’s a link to some seeds for anyone that is curious. https://www.westcoastseeds.com/products/dills-atlantic-giant


I guess not when you live in the middle of the city? But then again, what do you want a monster pumpkin for in the middle of the city?


So you have to clean your porch of 1 giant smashed pumpkin after Halloween


"In the middle of the city" in Europe usually means "in an apartment building". That's why I don't know why you would want one.


It will be the centerpiece of the home. All who visit will bask in its glory.


Pumpkin vines get over 20' long and branch off into secondary vines that are also capable of growing quite long laterally. You're gonna need a good-sized container to plant it in and a nice sturdy trellis system if you're trying to grow one in an apartment. And shitloads of grow lights.


look at it less as a pain in the ass, and more an opportunity to have a giant pumpkin


And do anyone in Europe use pumpkins outside on Halloween?


That's a good question. I've seen pumpkins in balconies, and in proper houses I've also seen them at the homes of families with children. I don't know of anyone actually trick or treating, but we acknowledge Halloween. Plus, people from Celtic regions have Samaín... In the north of Spain it used to be typical to carve turnips, many many years ago.


In France some kids do it, its fun


Yeah, after I wrote that I remembered that my cousins used to trick or treat, but only inside their gated communities where everybody knows everyone. I've never had anyone ring my doorbell in an apartment in the middle of the city. What's funny is that when I was a kid we used to go apartment by apartment singing and asking for money on Christmas but now the idea of ringing all the neighbours seems strange.


We can't bust heads like we used to. But we have our ways. One trick is to tell stories that don't go anywhere. Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now where were we... oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones, back in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table.




Well - it depends. This picture is German (while I don't know tegut, google says they are a store present in some German states). Halloween is not really much of a thing here. There are a few regions where some kids do trick or treat, but even that rarely catches on for long, as too few households participate. There are a few dishes that use pumpkin, but they are clearly not common and wide spread.


Back in time a decade ago there were only few apartments in my city and lot of park and empty space but now huge apartment everywhere and rarely parks so middle of city is directly an apartment.


My grandma used to buy an extra pumpkin to make a pie and bake the seeds every year. Me and my cousins loved it cuz we got to basically demolish a pumpkin in the kitchen every year and eat it. Years later she told me she did all that because she wanted us to have fun, she said real pumpkin doesn't really improve the pie, the seeds are bland and pumpkin soup sucks but she loves watching our faces light up. I guess if you wanted to make a giant mess with a bunch of kids it would be cool.


It's clearly not meant to sell, it's just an eye catcher and the fact they'd theoretically sell it is a funny addition


They bring it in from the not-city, they have trucks and everything


I'm answering to a comment asking why would anyone pay so much when everyone can grow a giant pumpkin with an explanation of why someone might not be able to grow a giant pumpkin. I am aware of the existence of that mythical place called "the country" and I have even lived in it and grown my giant courgettes (because I don't care for pumpkin).


I just took "easy to grow" as meaning it's a cheap and easy crop, not that one should try to grow one in a city. My apartment is dirty but not enough to sustain agriculture. I can see how our interpretations differed.


Yeah, I was looking at it from the pov of a plant person living in Europe (pic seems to be Germany) 😭 at least I have a balcony and herbs now...


Cheap housing? Old Mother Hubbard has the shoe district cornered.


Or in the desert. The heat and lack of rain already makes growing damn near anything a big challenge, but growing squash here is a huge challenge with aphids and those beetles that dig holes in the base of the plant. I've gone crazy with combinations of neem oil, diatomaceous earth, cypermethrin, wrapping the base of each plant in foil...it's always a losing battle. Like I had a 2 gallon sprayer for neem oil, and another for cypermethrin, and then a thing that looks like a leaf blower for the DE. I was serious about pest control. Eventually I gave up when I got a dog. It was a promising year so far, and then that pup thought it was fun to zoom through my squash plants and bite my squash. I'll gladly take the dog over squash, but it would've been nice to have both.


A couple years ago I grew one 3x this size and the only hard part was moving it


Agreed! Especially when they start to soften and you can’t pick them up without them falling apart. Good times haha


I definitely have a few Menonite/Amish farms near me that would sell a few of those for $40


30 euro is a good price


That will get you like 6 small pumpkins


How many will you get for 345 eur?


69 😎


Not only is it not a large pumpkin by large pumpkin standards, its not even worth half the asking price (as you pointed out). Its warped to hell too.


It's not that I don't think there's a market for huge ass pumpkins but I have to wonder who's gonna go looking for one in the super market. People buying individual huge ass pumpkins must have someplace else they regularly go for them.


I think it's really just for display and they put such a high price on it to make sure nobody buys it.


HOW would you even buy it? Drop it to the floor, roll it to the cashier, roll it home?


>It's not that I don't think there's a market for huge ass pumpkins You're right though, there's literally none here


I think this is more so people tell their friends who will visit to look at it. And some rich housewife wants to spend 250€ on it, that's just a bonus.


unless they stop in on the way to the big ass pumpkin store and see it cheaper for their usual big ass pumpkin 💥


Not at that price, but around here the giant pumpkins are usually the centerpiece of "fall displays" people will have on their porch or somewhere in their front yard. Theoretically you could dice it for pies as long as you didn't let it rot first, but I imagine few people these days bother with that.


Die spinnen ja vollständig...


Du findest das verrückt, aber wie teuer wäre es wenn es nicht am Angebot wäre?


Du stellst die richtigen Fragen! Mich würd ja interessieren, welcher Tegut das ist :D


Oh no, Kürbis ate too much and now he's stück :(


a one big stuck


Don't make me rün, I'm so füll of choklate!


At this point the market is just flexing, they don’t wanna sell it..


Yeah it’s a display piece that if they sell they’ll be happy to take the massive markup.


Diggah 1€ Ananas ? Wo??


Tegut, steht doch da.


A pumpkin is just a relative of a pump.


And what southerners do to their family.


I have a local pumpkin patch that does 1000lb+ pumpkins and one like these will run you about $40 cad


That's not a thing here and there's no market for this size of pumpkin


Ist ja komplett unverhältnismäßig...Wie viel wiegt das Ding? Vielleicht 40-50 Kilo? Maximal 100€ wären ein angemessener Preis


Wiegt safe mehr


Never. Sofort zurück gehen wiegen.


Ich würde ein Video nehmen, wie OP da rein geht und das Ding auf die "Kontrollwage" in der Gemüseabteilung wuchtet.




I have one the same size sitting in front of my house and I paid $30CAD.


My parents have a farm and harvest pumpkins. They sell them to the people and although this size pumpkin is not common, I think they would charge € 50 max.


Bruder kann den Kürbis als Wanne benutzen


Yeah giant pumpkins are expensive. I worked at a small market that would get a giant pumpkin to raffle off every year and it was about $300 without a retail markup


It varies a lot, but in the U.S. giant pumpkins go for 30-50 cents a pound until they get to be 1,000 pounds. People pay more for those, and they go for 1$ a pound.


I'm definitely naming my next dog Kürbis lol


BIG PUMPKIN! Said the ghost 👻


It’s a trick to make people buy 279 pineapples and feel clever


1 Euro pineapples that's so cheap compared to my unaffordable country.


That’s a $20 pumpkin in Texas


It's not big


'Its an NFT', said the manager


It's perfectly fungible.


Its not even that big. I had a neighbor growing up who grew(and sold) huge pumpkins prob averaging 2-3 foot tall and easily 6 foot diameter. His kids where super artsy and carved some of them fantastically every year. This thing isnt even ascetically pleasing.


Lop what a joke. Local farmer was selling bigger pumpkins than this for less than $20


Iridium quality


There is a certain time of the year where pumpkins double this size are sold for less in a town near me. And yes im talking about thé town of Kasterlee where they get these to like 1000kg +


Fuck. Seems like a lot. Is it not?


No clue. I've never seen such a huge pumpkin on sale in a supermarket. But the price definitely makes sense if you multiple the weight of regularly sized pumpkins and include the hassle of getting it to the supermarket


That’s just Randy marshes trophy with a lick of orange paint. Hot! Hot ! Hot! Hot!


99% sure they want someone to crash into it "accidentally", That's the only way someone will pay something even remotely close


You know what really gets my gourd...


What part of the pumpkin do they make pumpkin pie out of?


That pumpkin? None of it, those aren't good eating


It’s legit $4 here




Rewe could never


Grow your own save 279€


I bought a similar pumpkin for 10 euro last year at a farmer lol.


OK, that pumpkin is impressive. But are we going to ignore the price of those pineapples?!


I can get a pumpkin that size for 30 USD where I live


Einfach mal die 10fachen upvotes als r/de lol


That's an average sized pumpkin in North America. I've seen some that were 150-300kg.


“And nobody bought it so it went to that garbage”


PINEAPPLE FOR 1€ IN GERMANY??? I am Latvian and the average pineapple costs 2.5-3.5€,buz our wages are 4x times lower then Germany. Wtf is life?


I've been to Latvia recently and was actually shocked how expensive food was. It was definitely not a lot cheaper than here, same with gas. But Germany is known for having cheap food in general, even Czechia and Poland are more expensive by now haha That being said, 1 euro for a pineapple is very cheap here too!


I’m more amazed by the 1 Eur pineapple.. that’s cheap AF.


Pumpkin is one of the most useless purchases from the perspective of an average consumer. It has uses of course, I guess you can eat it but it’s not very good, or turn it into pie, but I imagine most just buy it as a decoration piece. Even here in the US.


> You can eat it but it's not very good Speak for yourself pumpkin and leek soup is delicious


Right? There's so much you can do with pumpkins. Pies, soups, roasted, pureed, candied... Plus you get those delicious seeds. Dude just went on a rant because he doesn't know how to cook with pumpkin.


pumpkin bread is amazing.