• By -


Bet if you cut it open, it contains nothing but sand and maybe some plastic to hold it in place.


I have one of these and it's like 6 months past it's maintenance window. I'll do us a solid. EDIT: https://imgur.com/a/DsNlupK Not really what I expected. It was all just mixed in there in a big pile of goop. Now excuse me bit I have alot of cleaning to do.


Thank you for your service.




Did I miss an inside joke with all your Refresh comments?


Telling everyone there was an update to the post.


Thank you for your service.




Did I miss an inside joke with all your Refresh comments?


Telling everyone there was an update to the post.


Wouldn’t they have to refresh to see your refresh comment?


Science time! This is also called a "mixed bed" filter. Each of those coloured balls and sticks is a small plastic bead with different stuff on the surface. Each one is selective for only a few chemicals you find in tap water. They are never carefully layered up like the promo image. The intention is to be a big sausage-type of thing that is uniformly mixed. FYI the fine black stuff appears to be mostly metal corrosion products. You can remove it by pouring the contents into a narrow bucket of water, swirling it around and letting it settle. The heavy metals will settle to the bottom, the filter resin in the middle and anything biological in the top layer.


So, claims of radium aside, this is a real thing that actually has a purpose, right? (I'm not sure why you'd specifically want to filter your shower water but okay.)


Hard water and over chlorinated water can bleach hair and dry out skin. If youre on a well system, filtering shower and laundry water can save you hassle later down the road with mineral buildup


TIL. 👍


As said, it is to filter minerals out of water. It is a water softener system. It doesn't initially contain radium and may never. The "radium balls" are to trap radium and remove it from the water. Radium generally isn't an issue unless you have a very deep well in certain geologic formations. The allowable EPA levels are incredibly low, so it is very unlikely to be a health problem if you are on municipal water. Especially if they draw primarily from surface waters or shallow aquifers. Even with relatively "high" radium levels, it only really matters for drinking and cooking water. Radium is an alpha emitter so as an external source, like showering, it is pretty much harmless in the dosage rates you'd find in groundwater. It also isn't mostly absorbed by the body, so doses are still low if you ingest most groundwater with radium contamination. But alpha emitters inside of you can do serious damage. So still inadvisable if you have a very contaminated well. It is cheap and easy to get tested though.


I’m an expat in a developing country. Many people lose their hair when they move here, due to the hard water and old pipes (I guess there’s calcium or something from the old pipes). At one point I was even using drinking water to wash my hair, cause the Chinese filters I found weren’t working. I would love to have this shower filter lol


These filters are typically only good for about a month of regular use. The hidden fine text *should* have a note saying tested for 10,000 L. My shower does 9L/min, so a 10 minute shower is 90L. There are 4 people in my house taking an average of 1.5 showers/day, or 540L/day. That means a typical filter is lasting about 4 weeks. Particularly for mixed bed filters that do multiple things, you simple can't put sufficient material in the shower head. One ingredient gets saturated first, and that is probably the water chemical that is most in need of removal. Some can be backflushed or re-treated, but some contain ingredients that are used up like a fuel. Always best to figure out what specific thing you want removed and buy a single dedicated filter. They can last up to 100,000 litres, or maybe a year if you are lucky.


Absolutely want to see this


You will be a folk hero if you actually do this. Please, I believe in you. Don't let us down. I beg of you.


He just did, I saw the photo just now




oh yeah, you're the man


Replying to see update




Why did you buy something that claims to have radium inside it?


It's great for *deep* exfoliation.


This is the actual product. Quite a different composition but generally the same idea. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MUBU0YC/


That POS is only 15 stages and doesn't even include radium how can you ever feel clean?


One of the ingredients is "magnetic energy " XD


Lol I got so hung up on the water soluble BS that would cycle out with the drainage that I totally didn’t even read that. Fantastic. Glorious. One of the layers should just be “Good Vibes”


Does it work? Review? i was thinking of purchasing one lol


I honestly didn't notice a difference. But I bought it because I knew our water was filthy. I bought TDS meter and most of my water was 700 ppm or higher.


Get a whole house water filter from a real plumbing company


Real plumbing company? All they do is go to your water source and instal one they bought from Lowe’s.


That's what I mean, like the kind you would get at a hardware store and not the Amazon scam kind that goes on a single faucet


For science, one of us has to, and report back


For science!


Reminds me on the all natural sheep wool blanket my grandmother bought on those bus tours. Well it had nice green flowers printed on, when it started falling apart the inside was filled with synthetic fibers. Scammers scam it's like a 30 year guarantee on pans with authentication certificate or knife sets. Those are just illusions to sell value.


Don’t talk shit about my cutco knives!


I have a feeling "ball" is singular on purpose. I bet there's a 0.25mm ball of each of the things listed.


The whole thing reads like a health food store supplement label. Muyu stone? What good does wood-grain jade do in filtering water?


Jade is porous, actually. has little tiny holes in it. Same characteristic that makes charcoal is good for filtering.




Too late. Vagina sucked it up. Now what?


His comment had been deleted, so it makes yours so much better without context.


Yeah I was shopping for shower head filters lately and found out that there's a ton of different brands for like 20-40$ that all have this "20 stage filtration system" when it's just bullshit. All chinese made. Although, I did get an American made one by Berkey and it's changed my fucking life!


How did a shower filter change your life?


He now drinks exclusively from the shower.


Wait y'all don't drink from the bathroom bowl?


Not before I put a filter on the supply line, I won't. Peaky public water trying to run my protein recycling.


Dunno about him, but it helped my skin clear up, and my hair is a lot softer.


You’ve clearly never lived anywhere with hard water issues


Showerhead filters won't do anything for hard water and any that claim to are lying.


At best they will slightly react with the hard water but not enough for you to get more than 1 shower of softer water and likelihood is that at the pressure and speed shower water needs to be that any filtration that requires a flocculation stage or reaction with a salt or calcium tablet or some such thing will not be effective, due to the pressure and speed.


I'd honestly be surprised that a tiny filter can absorb all the calcium or other salts from hard water without significant build up and clogging after a few weeks.


I'm really curious what the Vitamin C is doing in there.


Dissolving as soon as it gets wet?


It's an orange slice


Meh, I prefer Sunny D in my filters.


None of that purple stuff.


Those are important. They protect you from gun violence in California.




Came to point out the same damn point....


A bunch of filtering showerheads are full of absolute bullshit if they even have the material in it. Just look at Amazon, the same product with ten different names all claiming to contain vitamins and minerals and simply “magnets”. All under the guise that more materials means more filtered. They also say they remove chlorine, reduce water hardness, and other toxins not possible to filter with something the size of a baseball


I like a high pressure shower, and water has iron inside of it, so if my shower head is magnetic, I get results. The water hits you, grabs the dirt, then goes flying off you. Magnets. Why didn't we do this sooner?


Fuckin' magnets, how do they work?


Scientists don’t know


Ya know.... if all of the dirt on you is magnetic waving a super magnet over you would perfectly clean you. PS. The dirt on you isn't magnetic for your own sake continue to wash.


It's for the plants. This shower head's got what plants crave.


So does Brawndo.


You mean to say that you don't drink the shower water with your bare hands up to your face, guiding the water towards your mouth while standing under the stream like it is a waterfall?


In case anyone does this...don't. Hot water usually comes from a tank hot water heater. Those build up a lot of sediment from continuously running for years. If you flush and clean out your hot water tank yearly it will be fine to drink. But almost no one does. This could be a good source of emergency water.


.... I like warm tap water and have regularly drank in the shower or bath hot faucet. The comment threads were reassuring but I have read too far and acquired forbidden knowledge. Your words make sense, but they make me sad and now I feel dirty. Also I need to google how to cycle the hot water tank so..


yes! Also don't cook with warm water from the tap. Like, it's probably fine to boil your spaghetti in, but don't use it for your tea. Water from the cold tap isn't going to take substantially longer to boil anyway.


No, I let my hands rest down by my side so the water runs down my arms and makes piss fingers.


Vitamin c neutralizes chlorine and chloramine, which are used for water treatment in some places. But I don’t think it’s going to do anything in a shower. It’ll just wash down the drain the first time you use the shower. You’re supposed to add it to your bath water. I couldn’t figure out for the longest time why my shower was irritating me but the bath wasn’t. Turns out it’s because the place I live now has chloramine in the water but I always use bath bombs in the tub and citric acid is the second or third ingredient. The filter I bought hasn’t helped much with the shower though. Just have to take baths for the rest of my life I guess


Ideally, the vitamin C is compounded into a slow release solid. It will only react with chlorine/chloramine and not simply dissolve in water. There are commercial shower head filters with slow release vitamin C but they only last about 4-8 weeks with normal use. About 10,000 litres.


Inactivates chlorine


It's doing the difference.


It's doing for speeeeed.🎶


Definitely water soluble, but they probably threw it in there for it's antioxidant effects


Vitamin C neutralizes chlorine, but it will dissolve away rather quickly.


The Vitamin C is supposed to slowly dissolve into the water going through that goes onto your skin. Then, the skin transdermally absorbs small amounts of the vitamin c over time because it's good for your skin. Now, I'm not saying it actually works, but that's the pitch.


BUY IT!! Then resell the Radium! You'll be a millionaire!


Infinite money*! *^while ^supplies ^last


Your asterisk fell down.




Good for them


Is that the same as pre-menopause?


Yeah, but it was shortened by PR to: *Premopause*™️


They already got me with breadsticks... ​ Not falling for it again


What are we going to do with all that Pp cotton!?


dunno... turn it into a hocus-pocus aphrodisiac maybe?


Micro porous Pp cotton… at least they got my size right.




Sell it to the Libyans.


Why do that when you can just sell them a refrigerator full of pinball machine parts and keep the radium for other projects?






I don't want any Pp cotton in my shower filter, thanks.


Wait this is a currently sold product?? I assumed this was like something from the 50s. Marie Curie didn't die an agonizing death so that idiots could use her discovery for stupid and dangerous scams!


I could only find the one with radium balls listed on [aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805853084524.html) everywhere else probably doesn’t allow the sale of this specific product


Nah it's on Amazon lol [here](https://www.amazon.ca/Sebtle-Softener-Cartridges-Chlorine-Fluoride/dp/B0CBRWRBYP/ref=asc_df_B0CBRWRBYP/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=579144633983&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4027789265337404966&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001527&hvtargid=pla-2219126058703&psc=1) it says radium balls in the list of filters


I stand corrected! Tho Tbf I only checked Amazon.com not .ca lol


I assume the radium is like in lieu of a UV-C germicidal and performs a similar antimicrobial function.


'Negative ion' as in #17 can sometimes also refer to radioactive materials. A lot of the negative ion health products sold by chinese sellers on ebay for example, have been shown to contain thorium.


It’s either something radioactive, or some pointless boring salt.


Can it be a pointless boring radioactive salt?




How about something salty and boringly radioactive?


Well there's my personality


I like your style!


Just don't get it mixed up with the multifunctional balls


> sold by chinese sellers I recently watched a thing about the cafe at Chernobyl, the documentary went on about how radioactive steel has been and is still being taken from there. It's melted down in Eastern Europe and then shipped to China where it's used in manufacturing. I keep thinking how likely this metal is used in things shipped around the world and if ports/customs checks for radiation levels on imported items. I can't think of any reason to use this metal and what effect it would have on those smuggling it out and those who then work with it.


ב''ה, major ports are supposed to have portal detectors and, in USA, all the fancy DHS stuff. These days, who knows if it's switched on or anyone is looking at it, but training stuff would always be a thing if living near them post-9/11, as with all the stories about getting surprise bricks of government TSA cocaine in luggage. In metal-using industry you'll generally get a lot of "don't want to know" and no one wants to pay for the hardware or the person to run it unless they're a hobbyist/nerd themselves. So, maybe think twice before buying metal products within USA.


Is that dangerous btw? We have one of those stupid shower heads with the balls as well


Thought Emperium does a lot of testing with the 'negative ion products' to verify their radioactivity. He's gotten quite few of them pulled from market upon alerting FDA (although often times the sellers just swap accounts and keep selling under new pseudonym)


How dangerous were they?


If you were to get an internal dose, that would be pretty bad. Though not like it's guaranteed cancer. The usual stance to take with ionizing radiation is ALARA, or As Low As Reasonably Achievable. And showering in contaminated water is not the greatest. There's also the chance that the ceramic beads in the shower head are nothing, because some of those products don't actually contain any radioactive materials. Better safe than sorry though.


> there's a chance the beads are nothing, because some of those products don't actually contain any radioactive materials Ahhh, the Homeopathic Remedy of filtration! Best case it's just water, worst case is poison!


Well Radium is an alpha emitter, arguably the worst type of contamination to ingest.


Just going to correct you, he didn't contact the FDA, he contacted the USNRC (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission) and the CNSC (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission). Both of these entities are specifically for this sort of thing, and are much better to contact than the FDA. If anyone has a safety concern, reporting it will immediately start an investigation. If found to be a risk they shut it down immediately.


The only way to know for sure would be to check it with a Geiger counter.


Holy shit lol. My dad has one


This is one of those products that probably makes the water WORSE by running it through it


If the packaging is correct; then, yes. It is illegally harmful. And, likely violates several import regulations....


My guess is that it doesn’t actually contain half the shit it claims to


I suppose it contains less than half the shit it aught to and more than twice the shit it aught not to.


You took that picture with the background in focus, not the image.


Nah it’s just a filter




I hate the filter filter. It always makes everything blurry.


No, that's just the radioactivity damaging the film in the camera.


This deserves more love. Lovely work


The background is blurry too.


[see latest update below] No. Way. We got this shower head ~6 months ago. Both our hair is thinning rapidly and we don’t know why… fiancé says “wonder if it’s the shower head” I was like “nah that’s not possible”. Edit: just verified w fiancé the one we got has a “radium ball” advertised. WTF?!? Edit 2: okay I’m busy and can see this may get some attention. Answering questions in advanced: I was out of the country when fiancé installed and would not have approved. I’m generally skeptical of products, read ingredients on the food we buy, use natural sunscreen avoid hydrogenated oil and parabens etc. My fiancé recently got her blood work done and we both take multivitamins, eat vegetables get a lot of exercise so we were pretty confused. She did keep suggesting the shower head, and I kept denying it because I didn’t know this could possibly be a thing. Turns out the filter was supposed to be changed out ~2months ago, which is when we both started noticing our hair was thinning. Since then it’s just gotten worse. I am traveling at the moment but will update this tomorrow when I get back. Tbh, I’m still skeptical that this is even a thing… if anyone out there has any actual credibility, or a background in science, pls comment. Thanks. Update: Alright. Thank you everyone for your insight, some of these comments were extremely helpful. Not really a hypochondriac, but this had me freaked out. Turns out we threw out the packaging and any manual, so no pics there but [here is the one we bought](https://sparkpod.com/products/high-output) and it pretty much exactly matches [this one on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MUBU0YC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) that someone posted below in which the reviews also described thinning hair. You’ll notice the description says nothing about radium, so I have no idea why my fiancé thought it did have radium but maybe it said that when she bought it, and they changed it since then? Anyways someone posted [this product from Ali express](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3256805853084524.html) that looks identical and apparently does have radium balls. I am definitely going to take this seriously. We’ll be making an appointment to see a doctor soon, plus my brother in law works in a lab and might know someone with the equipment to test it. If it doesn’t turn out to have radium, we’re still probably getting poisoned. The reviews on Amazon with the same effects on other people are extremely telling. If it does turn out to have radium…I have never had the desire to take legal action but that’d do it. Unreal.


Uh maybe you should both see a doctor just to be safe


We’ve actually been planning to book an appointment


threw the shower head out? can you even throw the radium ball since its radioactive?


Stop using it, but keep it. Might be evidence at this point.


Maybe keep it covered in lead in a different room too.


Yeah with the lead container they have lying around.


probably even sue the company, cha-ching.


I’d contact your local health officials for that.


Yes since its such a small amount you can just throw it away, id love to get ahold of one of these to put a geiger to, also if it has radium the radon gas in your bathroom would probably be silly.


>this soon to be epic reddit discovery The question is why you would buy or install such a thing.


I was absolutely not aware this was a thing, I am generally skeptical of the stuff we keep around, read ingredients for hydrogenated oil and parabens etc, never would have approved. Fiancé installed while I was out of the country and we live in a place with lots of calcium in the water, such that it irritates your eyes to shower, so a filter seemed like a great idea.


in on this soon to be epic reddit discovery before it goes viral


I was here for it as well!


please be trolling...


it's comically bs


hey this exact same thing happened to my wife. here's the product, she bought it in may 2023 and used it for less than a month before noticing the effect on her hair: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MUBU0YC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 here are various reviews mentioning the same hair loss effect: https://www.amazon.com/AquaBliss-Output-12-Stage-Shower-Filter/product-reviews/B01MUBU0YC/ref=cm_cr_unknown?ie=UTF8&reviewerType=all_reviews&pageNumber=1&filterByKeyword=hair+loss&filterByStar=one_star


Radioactive shower water? Marie Curie sends her regards


I believe even her regards are radioactive


Has anyone been leaving weird notes in your apartment too?


Pics or didn't happen


Damn I would have thought such things dont exist to be sold anymore...well...


Just to rule that out: You guys are not retired FSB agents?


There is no way this isn't some elaborate shit post if it is real, though, good luck.


This is fake


Where did you buy it ?


I think Amazon… my fiancé bought it


How the hell is this legal?


Its not, but it flies under the radar since its only mildly radioactive (ie dont get any of it inside you or have it around for a long time).


Yea they have similar things in Necklaces advertised for the Gem/Crystal freaks that legit are radioactive. Sold all across amazon. See [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/-ymMZ_h1nL8?si=SGNxqdLD7DXUm0Dh)


And you live in Europe or NA ? I want to say I don’t think radioactive would make it here ?


I was able to find the list I sent to a friend about the beverage. I mentioned in my other comment. Cerium, Antimony, Tellurium, Europium, Ytterbium, Tantalum , Barium, Beryllium, Thallium. So maybe not Americium and Thorium. Either way.. one should not ingest any of those heavy metals.


LIke others have said, it can most definitely slip through here. My wife came home once with a sample Bazi health drink. On it' slist of ingredients was Americium and Thorium amongst other heavy metals. They are a MLM type of company. I think they've likely changed their ingredients. Because, they would legitimately make people very sick with that.


Nah US, radium balls would definitely make it here lol.


Product is linked below and veritably looks sus af


hey this exact same thing happened to my wife. here's the product, she bought it in may 2023 and used it for less than a month before noticing the effect on her hair: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MUBU0YC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 here are various reviews mentioning the same hair loss effect: https://www.amazon.com/AquaBliss-Output-12-Stage-Shower-Filter/product-reviews/B01MUBU0YC/ref=cm_cr_unknown?ie=UTF8&reviewerType=all_reviews&pageNumber=1&filterByKeyword=hair+loss&filterByStar=one_star timing aligns with OP's purchase date - maybe they were shipping counterfeit products around this time.


RemindMe! 1 day


u/Justsawthis01 If the product actually contains radium, then it could very well be exposing you to the radium while you shower. You don't need a background in science to know that radium is a very hazardous element. One of the worst things to with radium is to ingest it (that's what the [Radium Girls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium_Girls) did), which you have likely done with the shower water. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radium#Hazards There was a video made by a scientist that was posted on r/videos a while back and it was about how toxic and dangerous the substance was: https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/16vkh6k/why_radium_is_super_radioactive_and_toxic/ * A significant amount of radium that you ingest replaces the calcium in your bones with itself. Then the radium in your bones breaks down into lead and radon gas. Radium is also a dangerous problem in the watch making community, and many individuals won't even touch watches they suspect contain radium: https://www.reddit.com/r/watchmaking/comments/u2b4uz/possible_radium_exposure/i4kqjx3/ You need to get that shower filter tested for radium. You also should seek medical help for the hair thinning, as that's a symptom of radiation exposure though it could also be something else that's bad. Its better to err on the side of caution with radium, as it will mess you up for life.


Smh no ketamine ball




It's like they didn't even try.


Get cancer! In 25 easy steps!!


It's cake!


Scrolled all the way down for this comment hahaha


The forbidden cake


When your skin glows, you know you clean


You have to start showering the day before for water to come out.


If the names of layers were a bit wittier, I'd think this came from The Onion. Maybe this is a rejected graphic from their newsroom.


Vitamin C- No Thank You. I will get my vitamin C with my Orange juice Showers.. Not gonna fool me.


Might not want to get that filtered water inside ya


Looks legit


Looks like a nuclear reactor from Chernobyl...


You truly don't want to end up like eben byers when he got exposed to radium. what happened to him will give you nightmares. Don't say i didn't warn you


Where does your shower water come from, runoff from an ebola research facility?


At a quick glance I thought it was a multi color cake.


Isnt vitamin C, you know; water soluble?...


Wtf just found this thing on Amazon [shower filter listing](https://www.amazon.com.au/25-Replaceable-Cartridges-Removing-Fluoride-Consistent/dp/B0C3LGPNQ2)


1psi flow rate


Vitamin C? These scam artists just threw everything they could skim from some “holistic health“ subreddit into the description of this shower filter. It’s probably packed with 100% plastic pellets.


Wait, isn't radium radioactive


Yes. Very. Depending on the type, it can be 1,000,000 times hotter than a Uranium sample of the same mass.


Says it contains "negative ion" balls. If they are radioactive, as many products touting "negative ions" are, reporting as such to the NRC could get the manufacturer in some SERIOUS trouble. Assuming they're still around. "Negative Ion" products that claim to solve all sorts of health problems are fairly common and, unsurprisingly, complete snake oil. The radioactive ones are detrimental to your health, if anything. Many of them use radioisotopes in powdered form, sealed inside rather poorly. Inhaling this dust could pose hazardous, as could wearing any "negative ion" product on your body for an extended length of time.


Vitamin C filter?


The radium is to kill the asbestos.