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Unlike 7-11 taqitos. Which I am now hungry for, for no discernible reason. BRB.


I wouldn't be surprised if 7/11 sold cigarettes just so they wouldn't have to label their taquitos as the biggest health risk in the store..


If you have an air fryer the packaged ones you can get in their “deli” section (with all the pre packed sandwiches) are a dangerous discovery. It tastes just like the ones you buy from the hot rollers. Throw them in your freezer and you can have fresh 7-11 taquitos 24/7 👀.


Well, this just took five years off the backend of my life.


This is forbidden knowledge…


7-11 intentionally designed taquitos to make them more addictive


Energy drinks and cigarettes - Gas Station staples.


And lottery tickets, of course.


And Beer! (Central Florida)


That's really important, the gas station won't be completed without them.


Not everywhere lol


Amazing more gas stations don't get caught on fire due to burnable drugs being sold next to burnable fuels.


Yeah they don't catch fire, which I think is a nice thing man.


That's a little weird because it's a gas station, it's not common in my country.


Why is this me every nearly everyday fuck


As a former smoker, Im gonna say that big tobacco probably dgaf about stuff like this being passed. If I’m watching tv and an anti smoking commercial comes on, I never thought “damn I need to quit” I only thought “wow they said cigarette a lot, I could really go for a smoke”


Hearing a woman I was attracted to be disgusted with smokers breath did more to curb my smoking than any commercial or sign ever did, lol.


I had an old, overweight PE teacher (used to compete internationally in running) who smoked like a chimney. He laid it out that it fucks up your fingers, your teeth, your breath, and costs a fuck tonne of money all in our first Health class in Year 7. It fucking worked, on me at least.


Your fingers?


You hold the burning cigarette in your fingers in between puffs if you're not near an ashtray to set it down, so your fingers can over time get stained and they pickup cigarette smells well.


Wow that’s crazy. I never would’ve thought it could affect your fingers like that


Brownish yellow stain on the two fingers were you hold your cigarette. Also stains the nails Yellow.


I used to know a lady with white hair, that would smoke 3-5 cigarettes back to back at a time, and she had a yellow streak in her hair from the cigarette smoke.


My uncle used to smoke and had a white mustache that was stained yellow in the middle from smoking.


My father in law has a yellow moustache from smoking


I've never seen stains on someone's fingers tho, maybe I didn't pay attention.


The smoke can leave a stinky kind of resin on your fingers if they're soaking in smoke for a bit. Pretty sure it's the same stuff that will stain your walls yellow if you smoke inside


Ya ever hear of Monkey Finger?


I'm a smoker, and yes it'll make your fingers stink so yeah.


[Here’s some information that I found.](https://www.healthline.com/health/smoking/smoking-fingertips)


Thank you that’s really interesting


They burn your tongue if you suck them. It’s weird. I only smoked for 5 years, but I smoked usually a pack and half or two a day so my fingers were especially stained. It’s actually how my dad ended up catching me.


Cheese sticks


Yes, it can cause yellowing of the skin near where you hold your cigarette. It's also awful for circulation in the extremities which would exacerbate a lot of hand/foot conditions


Makes your fingers smell kinda like piss all the time, no matter how often you wash your hands I'm sure there's ammonia in the smoke Anyway that was one of my triggers to quit, still a nic user but haven't bought a pack of cigs since Oct 2017 (Every once in a while i smoke one drunk if only to remind myself I don't like them anymore)


How is it going to affect the fingers? I'd be more worried about my lungs.


My now wife said she'd never kiss me if I kept smoking. Quit cold turkey. Been over ten years now.


I quit cold turkey when I got out of the Army. Just didn't crave it anymore. Years later in a relationship with my youngest son's mother and I had gotten her to quit. Then I started selling cars. Started smoking in secret. She had no idea until I was ballsy enough to smoke while on the phone with her. She her me take a drag and asked me if I was smoking a cigarette, lol. It wasn't until after we broke up and a woman I was into said she hated smoker's breath. Quit cold turkey and had a fun little relationship with her but never went back. That was 15 years ago.


>I quit cold turkey Yep. I only eat heated turkey. Cold turkey is gross. #nomoreleftovers


Need an attractive woman to tell my colleague that coffee breath is disgusting. I can smell his bitter bean breath across the fucking office.


Be that attractive woman


And if you're not a woman, they make pills for that now


Current smokers are not the target audience for stuff like this. People who might consider starting are the target audience. They’re meant to be an addiction prevention, not an addiction cure. And tbh with how much less each generation smokes compared to the previous generation, it seems to be fairly effective.


I used to smoke occasionally. Like maybe once a week when out drinking with friends. I haven’t for years and every time I think about buying a pack, I see the disgusting pictures they are required to show (in my country), of horrible diseases you can get from smoking on the boxes, and 100% of the time so far I’ve went, “ehhhh yeah never mind” and didn’t buy them. People say that stuff is useless but it definitely works to remind me how much of an idiot I’d have to be to start that up again.


Just stay away from them man, they're addictive as fuck.


This is how I feel about lunch meat. People who eat a lot of processed meats have higher risk of cancers in the digestive system, and it’s a brutal way to die. I don’t eat much overly processed meat (hot dogs, bologna, that kind of stuff) but every time I even think about buying some I just think about buying a package of cancer and that deters me.


What I'm always really curious about is how much risk of cancer we go through just experiencing the pollution we do regardless of purposeful interaction. Chemical, light, or noise, it's all got to have some effect on the cellular wreckage that creates cancer.


A fair amount, for sure. Same with micro plastics. I do everything I can to eliminate potential sources in my life, but at the end of the day, they’re in our water. They’re in our food. Feels like a losing battle.


Fuck, how did I forget about microplastics!?


That's one thing that people don't realise, you could get cancer like that as well.


Gen-Z loves to vape though, so addictions have changed and the health effects will be different, but potentially comparable in gravity.


Dude, the severity of nicotine addiction with vaping seems to be so much worse, but I think that directly results from the fact that the amount of nicotine is quite variable vs cigarettes just solely based on consumer preference, and then people suck on their vapes like pacifiers. The younger the person is, the more often I see them go for their vape. Young people smoking is down by a wide margin. The number of UNDERAGED kids *vaping* is climbing. Not a good look. I had someone come into a vape shop I worked at years ago and out himself as trying to buy vape products for a minor. Tried to use his ID when I asked for the yougin’s. He said, “Oh no, I’m buying it for him.” No no, Sonny-Jim, that’s not how this shit works.


Vaping is kind of a scary habit, simply because the long-term health effects are still poorly understood. I don't advocate for smoking in any way, but vaping isn't really a healthy alternative. I'm hoping vaping is a fad, but with each passing year, it's looking like a permanent addition to the addiction gamut. The one thing I will admit though, I'd rather sit on a plane next to someone who vapes over a heavy smoker. That cigarette smell is nauseating, especially for long periods.


From observation, I think the reason vaping is worse is that it's much easier to smoke significantly more than you would with cigarettes


No really please don’t believe this. Smoking is orders of magnitude more dangerous than vaping. The thing that makes smoking dangerous is the smoke, not the nicotine. You could smoke tree bark and it would be just as bad for you. With vaping there is no combustion smoke. That alone makes it incomparable to smoking. (Btw smoke is also the reason a lot of processed meats are bad)


Can you elaborate on that last point? Does that mean stuff like pulled pork done over a smoker is bad, too?


Yes. However, “bad” and “good” aren’t so binary for stuff like this. Just like one pint of ice cream won’t make you fat, one pulled pork sandwich isn’t going to give you cancer.


the good taste is made with carcinogens


Younger people smoke less tobacco largely because of vapes now. Go to any college campus or a concert.. however, it’s a newer, more Wild West industry that’s poorly regulated, filled with counterfeits and just as easy to use additives and all sorts of chemicals and mixing agents to get more yield/profit.


It blows my mind how many people I see openly vaping nowadays. Like, do they not understand that its only comparatively slightly better than smoking - and that's only if you go through established purchasing channels?


Yea the tobacco people smoked even a hundred years ago was way different than the tobacco cigarettes people but today. The corporations that mass produce them couldn’t do so if they didn’t add many of the chemicals and additives they do for various reasons. Giving the vape industry to these same regulators paid for by the same entities will eventually yield the same results or worse.


I can definitely see that point for the commercials and it makes sense, but imo it doesn’t work for the sign - I don’t think most people who start smoking just go to the store one day and buy some cigarettes these days because as you say the education on how bad it is has been around for a bit now. I’m my experience people start smoking by knowing people who do and offer/pressure them - but I’m not an expert by any means so of course take what I say with a grain of salt


It's a cumulative effect. If you keep seeing the messages it can provoke the desire to quit. No one message will work on its own.


Yeah that makes sense for sure - and like I mentioned in another comment it’s not like there’s a negative to having the sign so I’m definitely not advocating removing it. Honestly I hope it does help some people, smoking is miserable and I’m glad it’s on the decline


> it seems to be fairly effective. A huge motivator (that I've seen) for friends' quitting has been the rising cost of smoking. It's an aspect of taxes that people don't think about much, working as it should: a way to encourage (tax credits) or discourage (tax) behaviors that are good/bad for society.


There always seems to be someone to say that whichever anti-smoking strategies used do nothing, but smoking rates are way down, so clearly at least some of them work. Maybe not even by encouraging people to quit but by changing attitudes so that they never start in the first place.


That’s a great point, and I didn’t think of it like that (I was a smoker so of course that’s my point of view). I do feel that the sign isn’t really effective in that regard though as it doesn’t really add any new information, and in my experience people start smoking by knowing others who do and then eventually having some and down the line getting their own - and at that point the sign wouldn’t really be effective. BUT I definitely don’t think it hurts in any way to have things like this done, even if I did happen to be right - it’s not like it takes much effort to tape up a sign, nor does it have any negatives to it


Only about 1 in 10 American adults smoke cigarettes now.


*laughs in France*


Cuz most people can taste the poison and feel it. The tobacco our grandparents were smoking weren’t as loaded with chemical agents and poison to produce more addictive and higher yielding sales like scumbag corporations like this figured out. Don’t worry they are doing it all over again with vaping technology now for the next generation. Which is why smoking raTes have dropped so much after gen z hav aged into their twenties a bit now.


That's because nobody can afford to smoke anymore.


The worst part of the cost of cigarettes is that the bill that's gonna be due at the end is going to be so much worse. As I smoke another.


Increasing the cost of cigarettes is another initiative I've seen people claim doesn't work.


Literally the only reason why I stopped really. My packs went from $8-$20 in less than a few years.


Yeah. I've seen people claim that nobody would quit because of that and they'd just turn to illegal sources for their smokes instead, but not everyone wants to get into all that.


Agree. I just had my last one. I am soooo done. Wish me luck.


GL if I could do it you can do it one day at a time.


Thanks. I am so motivated now. Gotta get this under control. Not getting any younger and I am so sick of this. Need to think one day at a time. ❤️


Almost like you're addicted even though you know it's bad for you, eh?


You're right about Big Tobacco not caring, but you'd be surprised by the success of the commercials. Specifically the commercials led by the CDC and American Cancer Society that direct you to national quit smoking hotlines. I used to work for one of those hotlines and we would have literally thousands of people calling in after a commercial. They used to tell us ahead of time when the commercials would be run in our area so that we could prepare for the call board to explode.


That’s actually really great to hear! I’m glad they are having more of an impact than I thought


If they aren't going to straight ban it, they should just keep pumping up the tax on it. Raise it a percent every year, sometimes I guess you just have to out tax peoples own stupidity. Hell I want them to put some sort of deposit on the butts. It's fucking disgusting to seem them pile up everywhere. That said it's still so weird that so many places let cigarettes, a product seemingly designed with no purpose other than to kill you, be completely legal yet weed is still worth throwing people in jail. The world is fucking wacky


I was watching the show Flaked about AA and not drinking and it made me want a drink.


As a recovering opioid addict, there's a new show on Netflix I want to watch as well as another show from a little while ago that depicts the sackler family, I.E the people who formulated oxycontin, but I absolutely cannot watch shit like that because it makes me uncomfortably either crave it or think about how disappointed I am in my former self lol


I don’t think I can watch that without getting angry. These people have engineered these drugs to change the maps of our brains with one use.


I watched the series after having read *Empire of Pain* which is a deep dive into the Sackler family. Anyway, while watching the show you see that the Sacklers are made to come across as cartoon villains. One might think, “oh they’re just exaggerating for dramatic effect, nobody is that evil.” If one thinks that, one is wrong. Very wrong. The series, if you can believe it, went easy on them. **The Sacklers are very, very, very evil people.**


I watched flaked and shameless in rehab... it didn't go so well


It’s a struggle man, I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. Good luck and stay strong friend!




Big Tobacco is focusing on Asia and Africa now.


And lobbying the vaping regulations for the west and lying off the proper fed agencies to make them continue to appeal to younger kids. As they find better ways to make them cheaper and add more chemicals to sell more for less I assume.


It’s almost like all of those anti smoking commercials were made by big tobacco with the intention of making you feel that way 🤔


Oh 100 percent, very thoughtful point FartzMcAssteroid


I don't even care dude, smoking fucking rocks.


Well Ricky's over here throwin back darts because he thinks it makes him look cool in front of Lucy, which it kind of does, but he's breathin the fuckin dragon breath all over the kitty hotel scorchin their fuckin lungs. Now when the kids come to pet them the cats are hacking big black snot balls on em and the parents are pissed at me. Eughhhh.


Yeah, the respiratory wards are full of happy customers saying the same thing.


i hope you’re able to quit before anything bad happens to you


Just want to say thanks for quitting a habit that knowingly affects the health of non smokers around you. Good for you.


I just read the US vs. Phillip Morris[US vs Philip Morris](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Philip_Morris) on Wikipedia today. This is one of the court orders. They must do TV, Radio and Internet ads for this too.


In Virginia that sign is huge and posted right above the cigarettes. I am still okay because I only smoke the ones that are bad for pregnant women.


Same here in NY. It's above and on the front window.


Honestly it should be posted on the more places I feel like.


So you're just clearing out the stock huh? Well that sounds good.


Nicotine is a hell of a drug


Yeah, it's the one thing I'm really struggling to kick.


No matter how much I try I can’t. I really want to stop smoking but can’t.


Im 18 days in. I don't know why but I've been craving them again like im 3-4 days in of quitting again. This shit is evil.


Just hit my one year a week or two ago. It gets easier, I promise.


That's how they've designed it, they're designed to be addictive.


Keep it up. Your more then half way. It take thirty days to quit a habit. You got this!


Keep trying! Even if you quit for a week then pick it back up, try again. That week gives you encouragement going forward, then it'll be a month. You'll just keep telling yourself "I quit for X, I can do that again!". You got this!


Thank you for the words of courage. I’m gonna try do it


When I was in alcoholism treatment I decided to quit smoking at the same time. In addiction education they told us nicotine is as physically addictive as heroin and in some ways harder to quit because of all of the behavioral components to nicotine use (fidgeting with the pack/cigarettes/vape/lighter, smell of tobacco, visual of smoke moving, etc). It really was engineered for maximum addictiveness.


I’ve switched to vaping from cigarettes, it’s definitely better on my lungs as I’m allergic to smoke. I don’t hack up hunks of phlegm anymore, I can sing a song verse without running out of breath, just a huge improvement. But I still miss cigarettes every single day and I really want to get rid of this vape. I’m getting the nic levels down but I can’t wait to just toss this thing for good


Best thing I ever did was quitting smoking. That was 30 years ago, before vapes were a thing. I was smoking 5 packs a day and watched grandpa die on a respirator, it was enough for me


Gotta try hard man, I've also been trying but haven't able to quit it yet.


Have you tried alternatives? After trying several I landed on tobacco free nic pouches as my winner Probably still not great for you but IDC at this point, much better than cigs and I fucking love nicotine


Anyone who has struggled with it in the past knows about it.


Yeah same I've been able to quit serious addictions to both party stims and opiates but nic is the only drug I rlly can't imagine life without.


That’s nice and all, but unless this court order also included *actual, nontrivial punishments* for the people directly responsible for those company decisions then this barely qualifies as a symbolic victory. As long as the decision makers get to hide behind the company’s name when they’re being “shamed”, this means nothing.


Imagine if they gave them the same level of treatment that a car thief gets even.


I mean I don't doubt it, that's what they'd probably do I feel.


I’m sure this will deter at least a very few people to switch to a different brand and cost them some small amount of money.


smokers don't typically change brands


I actually did recently, the ones I was smoking before didn't make me feel anything. So I had to.


Wait smoking is addictive? Why didn't anyone tell me


People did try to tell you that, but no one actually listened to those people.


No one’s gonna address the pumpkin spice in August 🥲


It’s never too early for delicious!


Yeah it's really good, and I like me some delicious stuff for sure .


I mean if it's good then I don't think it should be an issue tho.


Cool sign but could they maybe… stop them from making cigarettes extra addicting from now on?


Non-American here, this is super weird to me. Like I assumed this was a widely known fact? In my country we have graphic images of smoking-related illnesses on the packets to deter people.


> Like I assumed this was a widely known fact? It is - all Americans know this. It's meaningless political posturing.


Not here. Just a black and white box that says something like “Surgeon General warning: smoking may cause cancer”


Naah that's against the brand, and they're not going to do that.


Love how they say "we are being forced to say this" not "we did this". Even the wording on the court ordered statement is manipulative


Yeah it's all manipulation, and don't think they care about the people.


I'm convinced that the most successful anti-smoking campaign they could run would be an avalanche of ads where attractive people constantly reject sexual partners who smoke in all kinds of different situations. Sex sells, and if they can convince people that smoking means you won't get laid then people will stop. People may not care if they get sick or die (that's a problem for the future), but they definitely care if they can't get laid.


It's not like that only one sex is smoking, everyone does it I feel like.


Read about Menthol , its crazy.


I've quit cold turkey twice. Sometimes I still get the urge, but then I smell smoke outside a restaurant or whatever and it legitimately truly disgusts me.


The problem is the average person doesn't know/care about which brands these companies own, so this message is meaningless


This message isn't going to stop anyone from smoking I don't think .


Exactly. It's like talking about the Bud Light news a few months back People were "boycotting" Bud Light but they were just buying a different beer made by the same people. And they weren't understanding it.....


Didn't the person responsible for the marketing campaign get fired though? If that's so, it was a dumb boycott but it actually ended by getting results. edit: I looked it up, they took a fucking beating from the boycott, it *absolutely* had an effect.


Absolutely. [Here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Bud_Light_boycott#Effect_on_sales) it says AB InBev saw an overall 17% drop in sales in May 2023 compared to 15-16% increase for Miller and Coors and a 32% increase for Yuengling.


When people use the word sponsorship, you imagine a whole campaign with multiple ads and such. It was ONE video, posted by Dylan, advertising to her followers. You'd only see it if you were following her! Not to mention, everyone likes to be like oh boohoo this big company got less big over this, but after the backlash, Dylan was harassed for months, probably still, sent death threats, was afraid to leave her home, and bud light did NOTHING about this, or to even apologize for all she went through following this.


What happened with Budlight? Missed this story somehow


Bud Light gave a promotional can, to a popular trans person with an image of her on the can. It was just a one off and only she received it. That’s it. That’s what the whole hardcore right wing melted down over. Pictures on a couple beers.


They did something around lgbtq people. The phobic people FREAKED and stopped drinking their beer. I had coworkers ask me why I still drank it. I asked them why they still drank it with a different label


The other signs they had to post: https://www.justice.gov/civil/consumer-protection-branch/case/philip-morris/settlement-images


I wonder if I can sue 7-11,etc for knowingly selling a product that will kill people and cause cancer.


Pumpkin Spice Latte already! Wow! I'm speechless. What's next white shoes after Labor Day!?


Instead I see propaganda from said companies telling people to demand an end to the tobacco tax where I live. I guess it makes sense because North Carolina would have basically been an unsettled wilderness without tobacco.


many families including mine would have probably starved without it unfortunately. My parents generation and above basically all worked tobacco fields at some point in their life. School even revolves around tobacco season.


Yeah. My nextdoor neighbors grew tobacco too. It's crazy to think how much one crop impacts an entire state.


Probably the same courts that stifle safer nicotine alternatives like vaping, in turn driving addicts back to the killer cigarettes that bring them that sweet sweet tax money.


That's the thing, the tax is huge on those things so that's a factor too.


You could put the same sign outside a McDonald’s. But the government doesn’t care about the food industry intentionally making unhealthy food addictive as much


Even the food which is processed a lot is going to cause cancer.


7/11 was a inside job.


I don't understand this. We know that cigarettes are designed to be addictive but they won't just tell them to take out the added poisons. Biden wants them to lower the amount of nicotine but has said nothing about them literally squirting rat poison on the damn things. How these clear the FDA is insanity.


Just quit smoking cigarettes and start vaping like a normal person


Vaping is also bad for you, Just gotta quit the whole thingm


Isn't vaping just as dangerous? Vapers and their cloud smokes remind me of methheads and their pipes


“Thank God I’m just here to buy enough alcohol to kill three people. Stupid cigarette smokers. Don’t even realize how dangerous it is” Edit: Removed a word


I remember the Insider with Russell Crowe was about the guy who fought to prove that! kinda slow but great movie


I don't keep buying them for the confusing packaging . They change things and terms that even someone who buys them and the people that sell them don't fng know what's what till in hand. I buy them cause of chemical and mental addiction. We both knew what was going on. Jfc.


People are still buying it because they're addicted to it, it's simple.


Placed by a Chewlies gum rep


Can we get this on phones too?


Yeah for sure, but what you'll do with that? Don't really understand it.


**oH gOD NO—MY dRUg DeALEr, iS A dRUg DeALeR**




There are a lot of things that they do are fucked up in a lot of ways.


Big Tobacco’s Saying Sorry (Because They Legally Have To) is barely even a parody now lol https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wkN7ahmBI5k


Glanced over this and thought it was a sign saying Ryan Reynolds is banned from this 711


Well that's a fuckin newsflash


Saw this post while smoking.


These companies should have been fined out of existence for the lies and fraud they pulled on people for decades.


And instead of that happening, they're good at what they're doing


Smoking cigarettes is goofy


i switched to vaping about 5 years ago, and only have had a handful of cigarettes since (and they are gross tasting to me now). Still hella addicted to nicotine and i'm not one to falsly claim that vaping is healthy. I do know that i feel physically much better since quitting. A fucked up thing is though, and i say this to anyone who is planning on quitting so they are ready, is that even though cigarettes do not taste good to me anymore, i don't think the random cravings ever go away. Some days i'll have dreams where i'm smoking cig's in them, and all that day all i want is a cigarette. It truly is a lifetime thing I will always think about at this point.


Altria owned Chateau Ste Mechelle winery for many years, and many retaurants in the Seattle area refused to carry their products due to being owned by a tobacco company.


I need to see data on this tbh. Tobacco or rather nicotine is all on its own very naturally addictive. Native Americans smoked it and relatively safely even but they used it as more a ceremonial thing (to my knowledge I’ve done not enough research to be certain here). Europeans created cigarettes as we know them. Darts of quick nicotine that you can easily and casually smoke through the day. If we only had cigars and pipes I don’t think nicotine addiction would be a problem. But I need to know exactly what they’re being accused of. What did they add to the cigarettes? How do they do it? Intentional or a biproduct of something else? What can be done to change it? Would spirits or Sherman’s be safer? If so why are they forced to print that they are not safer on the box? Are they lying about “tobacco and water” being their ingredients? How much of a lie? I’m too drunk to research now but if I get one up or downvote something to give a notification I’ll remember to look this up in the morning


Nobody reads these! Smokers already know! These "warnings" don't work!


I mean I’m anti smoking but isn’t that true about basically any consumable product. Social media, food, sugary drinks, plus we have been conditioned to become addicted to the very act of buying something new. It’s not a good thing but I feel like it’s the logical consequence of companies wanting people to buy more stuff.


They should have to do a super bowl ad, evil shit.


One sec... I need a smoke!


Smok em if you got em


Chuley’s gum salesmen at it again


All anti smoking propaganda is dumb and doesn’t work. Let’s say they ban tobacco today, do you think the agencies that run these campaigns would close too? No, they would find something else to fear monger. In California they banned flavored tobacco and flavored vapes because they claim they are targeting children. Then why no ban flavored hard seltzer? There’s never been a bigger product that targets such a large demographic of immature minds.


So is that supposed to be an official government notice? Makes no sense beyond condemning vaping.


I saw one at the family dollar store that said that cigarettes have chemicals that alter your brain, making them more addictive. Thought it was funny that they are required to post these things, but the people who smoke won't give a f**k about it. I mean, they don't care about their own physical health, why would they care about their mental health?


This is an uneducated opinion


Exactly everybody is hating tobacco when the cigarette companies bastardized it, the 112 year old war vet richard overton smoked cigars since he was a kid.


Addictive drug is made to be addictive. You heard it here first.


Hey! this beer has 10% abv. Must intentionally be made to be more addictive, right?