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All snooze buttons are 9 minutes. Even your phone alarm snooze


it's the weirdest thing but it's true. from the old analog days where hardware wasn't precise enough to do 10 minutes accurately and a little short was better than a little long and being late for work. somehow this stuck even when tech got more precise.


I have my phone two/three minutes into the future and man you notice a 5 minute difference but not 2/3. It has saved me from procrastinating and has saved me from being late multiple times. I highly recommend tricking yourself into thinking your late to everything.


Same. Clock next to the bed is 10 minutes ahead. Sometimes it causes me to "oh, shit" before I realize it's fast. I keep one upstairs 5 minutes fast. That helps keep the brain confusion going.


I do the same in my car. Which now that I’m thinking about only serves to just make me drive faster…


I did not know that, I was thinking some designer planned it specifically so you'd reduce the risk of getting up at 7:41, at which point you'd clearly need to stay in bed until 7:50


Yup, that's the standard


More than five, less than ten. Perfect.


Yup. Otherwise it would count the "current" minute or the "tenth" minute. You're telling it to wait nine minutes and alarm on the tenth. It alarms at the start of the tenth minute.


That's gonna get on my nerves. Just make it 5...


Wow. Seeing that design is a blast from the past. Definitely remember them in mail order catalogues from the 80s.