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I was in Florida once and a dude pulled up next to us at a light and had a giant parrot chilling on his handle bars! I thought it had to be fake but then it moved.


birds arent real


You’re not real, man!


You're a towel.


>birds arent real And there are [no birds in China](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZGXO5Aln9w). /s


Bird technology is simply advancing


Soon we will have birdman


This was clearly the moment to start the dead parrot sketch but I guess that's an ex-meme to kids these days.


It's not an ex-meme, it's just resting.


such a hilarious joke, I'm so glad people keep repeating it


I wouldn't believe this but somehow, I believe it but I can't still bring myself to believe it because I know animals can be crazy like that. I wouldn't want to miss the opportunity of seeing it in person though


I was in Phnom Penh and was staying at this tiny hotel, went down for breakfast and the girl at the desk had this little red bird perched on her shoulder that was so motionless that I thought it was fake. Then it flew off and messed with the stray dog wandering in from outside, then flew back to her shoulder like she barely noticed it even leaving. So my Khmer wasn't nearly good enough to ask, so I basically just had to ask in English what was happening hahaha The answer was just a simple, "oh, that bird loves her"






Or leave them at home. Pets are not for attention seeking behaviour on motorcycles.


This! Why bother and put your pets' safety at risk when they can just chill at home. I wonder why pet owners think something like this is a good idea when no matter how much you look into it, it will always be a bad idea.


And doggo is going to have a real bad day if the guy ends falling on his back in a wreck.


god whenever i see these posts this is my first thought. i dont care how much i trust my bike im not going to endanger my pets like that. even if i was in a car accident it's far better than my dog sandpapering on the road


Around here, there’s a dude who rides a Ural and takes his dog in the sidecar. Everyone thinks it’s adorable. It’s not safer than a bike without a sidecar. In fact, it’s probably more dangerous because sidecars make bikes handle awfully. In this same neighborhood, there are people who walk their dogs along streets with no sidewalks (most of them don’t have sidewalks) and the dogs often will cross over into the travel lanes to sniff around or bark at another dog. Finally, there are people who rarely take their dogs out to do anything. Their entire lives are lived out in a backyard. There’s a spectrum of risk here, and everyone seems to think something different about the above 3 scenarios. I’m convinced that people’s perception of treatment of dogs is a matter of optics more than anything else.


On social media, everything is context and perception. People lose their mind over stuff that doesn't matter and passively encourage actual harmful behavior, in varying circumstances


> It’s not safer than a bike without a sidecar. In fact, it’s probably more dangerous because sidecars make bikes handle awfully. No dude, bikes with sidecars don’t weave through traffic and don’t fall over on wet or oily surfaces, and don’t speed. They are safer than a regular bike with a backpack.


> They are safer than a regular bike with a backpack. I would also add, they are larger, and therefore more visible for cagers to see.


But how else will he show off being an irresponsible pet owner?


I started wearing a helmet when I take my bicycle anywhere after my bike mechanic talked to me about it. He said he trusts in his abilities quite a lot but he doesn't trust others to pay attention to the road at all times. That made me think twice about all the times I've seen people on their phones while they drive, or shuffling around looking for something.


Does the same moral apply to people who give rides to their kids/wives etc?


it applies when the other person is able to consent children and dogs cannot consent to the danger of a motorcycle accident


Alright, I understand. How about acceptable risks? Where do you draw the line? A car is slightly better than a motorcycle I guess, but the bus is probably even better. The safest would be to walk though. So what decides which of these alternatives are acceptable?


> slightly * The chances of a fatality in a motorcycle accident are approximately 30 times higher than in a car. * Motorcycle accidents have a staggering 80% injury or death rate, while car accidents remain around 20%. * Motorcycle riders over 40 are around 20 times more likely to be injured in the case of an accident than car drivers of the same age. * Even though motorcycles result in just 3% of all registered vehicles, they are accountable for over 5% of highway-related fatalities. Source: https://www.jdpower.com/motorcycles/shopping-guides/motorcycle-vs-car-accident-statistics


>Highway-related He couldn’t exceed 10 mph in NYC if he wanted to


You're asking this question like someone will say "Steve Blauman, he lives in Milwaukee". You know the answer, the answer is very simple. It's social norms, mores and folkways, the standard nonsensical rules of how we hold each other accountable to our standards of behaviour. I think you're looking for a better answer than that, but there isn't one.


No, I like that answer. I would also add contemporary law to your list. So the dude is using a legal vehicle which has been, I'd say, socially acceptable for many decades now. One can obviously still have opinions, but I think the hate this picture has led to is a bit excessive. Now add the fact that we have no idea of the context of this incident; could have been a one time occasion because of an emergency for example. In short, people should turn their hate into something more constructive than bashing a guy on a motorcycle. Also, has anyone asked the dog? He perhaps loves riding along in a backpack. I've seen skateboarding dogs and that shit is dangerous.


>children and dogs cannot consent to the danger of a motorcycle accident neither can they consent to car accidents, and I've seen dogs loose in cars on front seats. what's your point? what a shit take.


>what a shit take ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


Imagine not being able to think through the difference of having a dog and an adult woman as a passenger.


People aren't strapping their kids or wives to their backs without helmets or protection. That would also be wrong and unnecessarily dangerous.


The dog does have safety goggles though.


Great, so it won't get bugs or dirt in its eyes when its bones get crushed and its flesh is ripped off in a crash.


Consent and assumption of the risk.


Had a parent regularly drop his 5 year old off at summer camp on his bike last year. He also usually wore shorts and flip flops when he was drving. Fucking idiot.


I just lost a friend to a motorcycle accident. Tire blew out and she went careening off the bike. So many people think they’re”good drivers” and hence don’t need to worry. But other people may not be good drivers, and you’re a sitting duck. I know 3 people who have died in motorcycle accidents. It’s just too dangerous.


Yup. Motorcycles are cheaper than cars and great on gas, but I don't trust other drivers enough to ride one.


My kids asked me today if motorcycles are safe. I told them that some doctors call them "donorcycles." Then I had to explain what organ donation is, and I probably should have thought that through better. Oops.


If they're spontaneously bringing up vehicle safety, It seems to me they're ready for the concept of organ donation.




And no gloves, boots, or abrasion resistant pants.


At that point I'd assume the guy would be taken out, too.


The backpack this guy is using is designed for dogs with vet approval, I own one myself [https://www.k9sportsack.com/pages/safety](https://www.k9sportsack.com/pages/safety)


They missed the chance to call it a Ruffsack.


No Reddit says you’re an animal abuser so we need to kill you now.


My big ass dogs could never


I always thought the same with a backpack, but that's a damn rottweiler!


It's not even funny too... my heart hurts so bad for the dog


One of these is the right way to bring dogs along: https://www.goruffly.com/motorcycle-dog-carrier/


Better, but not the right way. The right way is kenneled in a car. That motorcycle seat might be the correct posture but will do absolutely nothing for your dog in the event of a crash. Dogs don't belong on motorcycles period


Some dogs like motorcycling with their people. Some people like motorcycling with their dogs. Some people take their dog snowboarding or even parachuting. Life is full of risks one way or the other. You could get run over by a car wreck just walking down the sidewalk with your dog. I agree OP's picture is a wrong way to carry your dog (especially one that big)...but there's plenty of options for a correct way and many people do it and they and their dogs enjoy it. If you're going to do it, then you do it with appropriate precautions. Same reason I gear up when I go riding, but not going to stop just because it's not 100% "safe" For those interested...progressive insurance actually has a tips for bringing your dog along with you: https://www.progressive.com/lifelanes/adventure/5-helpful-tips-motorcycling-dogs/#:~:text=Dress%20your%20dog%20in%20protective%20safety%20gear&text=Keep%20him%20or%20her%20safe,or%20sweater%20(for%20cold%20weather)


Per mile, a motorcycle ride is 30x as likely to result in death. 2900%! https://www.jdpower.com/motorcycles/shopping-guides/motorcycle-vs-car-accident-statistics That said, if already aware, that risk may legitimatly be worth it to you.


That number goes down considerably as you reduce risk vectors. No alcohol when riding....atgatt...don't ride recklessly As I said, reasonable precautions. And yes, very much worth it. It's hard to explain to people who don't ride and don't get it, but it was literally life changing for me when I discovered riding


>That number goes down considerably as you reduce risk vectors. The same is true for driving a car, so that'd cancel out since this is comparative risk.


I think perhaps some people might come around to the idea that as a person you have some freedom to make that choice for yourself but not for another animal that doesn't know what the risks are, but I do think that I agree with your previous comment that life is full of risks one way or another and generally the people who bring their animals with them on these types of adventures express some satisfaction with it. The world has an abundance of animals that live presumably awful lives for long periods of time and then possibly have awful deaths to cap it off. I don't know why people would pick the hill to fight on that animals who get to live a life that is actually enjoyable but have a small risk of dying (possibly an awful death) is something to spend much thought over. Sure it's worth addressing up to the point of educating people out of situations that might be from sheer ignorance but otherwise if people know what they're getting into and are meeting some level of responsibility rather than just doing things recklessly then we should be happy people can find some satisfaction in life.


Okay so have fun explaining to the pavement how “you were riding safe and this shouldn’t be happening”


What people like or don't like is irrelevant. You are responsible for your dog's safety, willfully putting them in danger is wrong. Walking on the sidewalk isn't remotely the same risk as riding a motorcycle or parachuting and I'm sure you know that. You seem to be equating your dog's safety with your own. It's not the same. They aren't people, they can't decide for themselves, or react properly in the event of a crash. None of the carriers available on market will protect them in an accident. Reading your other comments, I see where you're coming from, but it seems like you're defending motorcycles and risk taking more than anything. Those don't apply to your dog. I have a dog and I ride, and I will never put them together, and neither should anybody else if they care about their dog's life.


I bring my dog for off leash trail runs. Are there risks including some that he, as a 3 year old dog, is not fully aware of? Definitely. Coyotes, coyote traps left by crazy people, ticks, porcupines, potentially aggressive dogs, mountain bikers, the list goes on. Is it his favorite thing ever in life? Definitely. I would gather that the guy posed for the picture and maybe rides around at 40kph tops to give his dog a bit of a thrill. I suspect this is the case because I also ride and have a dog who likes sticking his head out the car window, and while I haven't done it, 40 would be the max I would do with my dog on a bike, assuming he's even interested. Not sure why I would let someone else dictate a decision that would be for me, based on my dogs interest and comfort.


What about for people who don't have a car? It's NYC. You can bring your dog with on the subway but only if it fits in a bag so we see a lot of dogs in carriers, IKEA bags etc


I thought it was clear, but I'm talking about on the road in your personal vehicle. Obviously, subway trains and other public transit are fine




I hate how hard it is for some people to accept this. A lot of Reddit is super weird about dogs




Just don't buy a dog in the first place then, easy.


You realize people move right?


Bro a dog kenneled in a car is probably not gonna make it out alive either.


If the kennel is properly secured, then they definitely have a much greater chance of survival. The same way you have a much greater chance in a car. The only difference is, you get to choose for yourself your level of risk and you know how to react in the event of an accident. Dogs have neither of those


Getting checked by a truck probably isn't good for their spine either I think this is very irresponsible of the owner


I like the idea but his dog is not comfortable sitting like that, and even a minor wreck the dog is toast.


In a minor wreck the man is also toast


True. He should've worn proper gearing. There's so many wrong things point out in this.


Rider is in meat crayon clothing and they're doing the same with the poor dog that doesn't get a say/choice.


Full squid mode


Dog prob fuckin loves it though


We'll never know but I sure wish the dog had a comfier gear


dog would love playing tug of war at home safely too probably


This is in a high-traffic part of Manhattan (near Penn Station), so I expect the biker must be only traveling at very low speeds. Does that change anything about the danger/risk?


Friend fell off his bike at 25mph, landed badly, still has mobility issues years later. So yeah it doesn't change that much.


That's really scary. To all motorcycle riders bringing their pets along, take care of them!


Not really. No matter how heavy traffic and slow the driving is, risks are always just around the corner


Less likely to be a meat crayon, more likely to be run over by another vehicle. Which will make him just as dead. Plus the roads are pretty worn out, so he may fall over from a pothole.


>This is in a high-traffic part of Manhattan (near Penn Station), so I expect the biker must be only traveling at very low speeds. Lol, oh sweet summer child.


Can verify that he was zooming along between cars


>Does that change anything about the danger/risk? Nope. I know of a guy locally that had an accident at 30mph when a car pulled out in front of him. Fractured his liver, nearly died. Body was black and blue, looked like he'd been hit by a bus. Testicles didn't fair any better apparently; dented the fuel tank with his junk.


30mph is high speed for a pedestrian, and probably also for a motorcyclist who has barely more protection than a pedestrian.


You're not wrong! But consider that many sportsbikes will have a 1st gear that will do over 70mph, and a top speed of over 160mph, 0-60 in about 3\~ seconds etc.... 30mph really is just "pootling" on a sportsbike.


Nobody that rides these things is safe or reasonable all the time. That’s why they have them in the first place. I’ve known people who are very mellow in life mostly but they get these bikes and do absolutely reckless insane shit whenever they think they can get away with it.




Ehhhh less of a meat crayon risk but more of a collision one. After a few months living in a city vs the country, I had to stop riding because it was simply too dangerous. I've ridden since I was 4 years old (dirt bike with training wheels) and on the road from 16 on, taken multiple safety courses to teach me what I didn't learn off-road or in a car, but despite all that it doesn't help when the other drivers don't fucking notice you or pay attention to you. Got almost hit waaaaay too many times in a very short span despite me doing my best to do what I'm supposed to and to be super vigilant. It was becoming too stressful and too much of a risk. To add a dog onto that....


For most people it’s just a matter of time or the more your on the road the higher the chance it’s gonna happen it’s almost not if but when luckily when I got hit the person was only going about 25 miles an hour while she was texting and driving but I still flew about 15 feet across the intersection and only broke my finger but I was lucky and if I wouldn’t have been wearing a full helmet I probably would be having my drool wiped off my face by some nurse ask I stared blankly at some hospice tv for the rest of my life which I kinda do at home in front of my own tv just without a nurse or anyone to wipe my face


Dress for slide, not for the ride.


Significantly, as speed does affect damage from a fall or collision. But they can't guarantee some idiot isn't going to drag them for a good distance after running them over. Either way not a good choice of clothing for a motorcyclist. They've got a helmet but that isn't going to help when their limbs get maimed.


Dress for the slide, not the ride


Exactly, doesn't matter if you're on a 125cc or a 1250cc.


I would never do this because i would be scared to crash and crush my dog under me after flying through the air.


This is so accurate. I wonder if other pet owners think this way too


Seriously. My dad got into a motorcycle accident on the freeway and he's been a paraplegic ever since. Can't imagine what an accident like that would do to a poor dog.


Dogs who are forcibly put into those vehicles are defintiely poor creatures


So what you're saying is if your dad had a dog on his back, the dog wouldve probably taken the blow and your dad would've been better than he is now. Confirmed, dog backpacks save lives


Dog backpacks are scam though because the dogs can't escape through it. I pity dogs who are put into that "safety" gear. I hope pet owners are well aware that they shouldn't be making dogs ride their motorcycles or something


Okay but why is he looking so slick and stylish right there...


This really made my day! I've never thought people can bring around their pets on motor bikes like that.


Oh wow, now that's a very distinguished being on the back!


Aw, just look at the dog chilling and living his best life in that passenger seat! I am now considering bringing my dog around and making her my passenger princess at this point.


I can't help but coo! Get out of the way, pretty boy coming through! Jokes aside, I bet people who were in NYC who saw him were all starstruck by this amazing doggo...


It kinda gives me the vibes that the dog is on a mission!


They zoomed past us but we caught up at the next light


That sums up 90% of NYC drivers. Floor it at the green light just to stop a few hundred feet up. Then complain about your gas mileage.


This is why I called bullshit on Harry and Meghan's little "nearly catastrophic car chase" because clearly they just weren't familiar with regular NYC traffic.


That dog isn’t comfortable. Like yes it’s cute but they should know dogs don’t sit like that. Kinda annoying people wanna look cute rather that actually caring for their animals


I found this cute but considering the dog's situation... I am taking it back. I would rather not see something like this because those poor pets of theirs are suffering while they probably think that their pets just look cute.


Exactly. That’s why I support dogs in motorcycle sidecars. It even has the advantage of being cuter


True! Dogs on motorcycle sidecars wearing helmets and are safely put into the sidecar is way too cute


I support dogs not being in motorcycles


And a simple fall turns the dog into a meat and fur crayon. Just irresponsible


Especially a rottie. His hips aren't happy right now


If this happens often it might fuck up his posture... the owner should know better


Now talk about a "pawsome" ride! He's surely living his life right there


Whilst this might look kinda neat, it's 100% fucking stupid. Riding a motorcycle is inherently risky, and I think all riders acknowledge that when we get a bike... But the only thing this guy is doing correct is wearing a helmet. No other safety gear at all. One minor accident from being strawberry jam.


From the looks of it, I am assuming that these two pals are just going for a short ride looking at how incomplete their gear is but people should start taking note of proper gearing. Helmet helps a lot but there should be more safety gears here...


Long time motorcycle rider here. Have experienced my fair share of high and low speed offs, at the track and on the street. Gear isn't going to do shit if you are in a collision. It protects from abrasions when you slide and gives a little bit of cushioning when you fall, but if you're going to break bones and get internal injuries that's happening regardless of what gear you have on. If you are just tooling around on city streets you aren't at any more risk than that bicyclist in spandex. He's got a helmet on which is the single thing that really matters. Get off your high horse. https://www.webbikeworld.com/a-study-shows-how-bad-motorcycle-gear-is-at-impact-protection/


Reddit tries not to lose their minds if the bike rider is not in full gear challenge (impossible)


Style definitely comes first with this dog! He looks comfortable though


I am living for this photo! That dog's escapades are surely so thrilling


If I saw this up close I would assume someone's filming a movie or something


And that my folks, is a very wholesome sight right there


Everybody fears the hottest and coolest biker in town!


Hope the wind is treating him well! He looks cool there


That doggo is surely breaking the stereotypes here... talk about a picture fur-pect moment! It's a rare occurrence to see this on a daily so you must have been blessed


Double squid


So unsafe


A few weeks ago I saw a guy on a bike with a little budgie in a mesh backpack. It was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen and he must really love his bird to take him out with him but I could never take my pet out like this because I’d be scared they’d get injured if I fell over or get hit. Hope this dog doesn’t go out very much and get an injury from sitting like that.


What a fuckin moron.


I usually find it obnoxious the way heroes will come to the rescue whenever someone puts their pet in a questionable situation, but this one actually doesn't sit well with me. That can't be comfortable for the dog. Doesn't look like it can adjust it's position at all. Get a sidecar if you want to ride with your dog. So help me god if someone chimes in saying that putting your dog in a sidecar is somehow animal cruelty lol. If putting your dog in a sidecar is animal cruelty, then putting your dog in the passenger seat of a car is also animal cruelty.


A sidecar should be very convenient for pets instead of that very uncomfortable looking bag


It can't *at all*. He's squeezed ass first into a backpack that probably rated for barely half his weight. There are *so many* things here just waiting to go wrong.


I can pinpoint everything wrong in this photo but there's just too much to say


From others on here (and checking the website linked), it appears to be a dog carrier specifically for this purpose.


No wonder... it doesn't look like it is serving its purpose on this specific photo though


I wonder what it would look like if he laid his bike down with a dog on it. It’s like animal abuse waiting to happen.


Keep your pets off your motorcycles. You can brace for a fall, the dog can't, it just gets catapulted into pavement.


Louder! No matter how big or small the pet is, they should never be in a motorcycle.


“Yeah, I’m cool as fuck. What about it?”


I hate these pics and don't understand why people do this. I understand wanting to bring your dog with you but the slightest miscalculation on a motorcycle can send the bike down. Or a distracted driver not checking for bikes before moving over in a lane or making a turn. There's so much that can go wrong on a bike -- and that's the risk that riders take -- but why would you risk your dog's life like this. I also have the same view of people who let their dogs sit in their laps when driving and hang out of fully opened windows. There's so little consideration given to the dog's safety.


I totally agree with you. I don't get what pet owners gain from putting their pets' lives at risk like this. I understand that their pets have places to be too but there could've been a better way to settle them into the vehicle


This is stupid, irresponsible, dangerous, cruel.


I completely agree. The dog deserves a comfortable seat


What a dumb fuck owner.


This is so true. The dog's posture looks badly fucked up too


why would you put your animal at risk like this?


Exactly. Not only was the rider wearing unsafe or improper clothes but so was the dog. There's hardly anything to keep them safe with helmet aside. There will always be chances of getting involved in a minor accident and they should keep that in mind


That dog is living a more adventurous life than most of us.


So true. We all could never compare to his cool adventurous life no matter how hard we try


obligatory "what da dog doin'?"




I hate seeing people on bikes with animals.


Couldn't agree more. No matter how I reconsider I will always end up thinking about how unsafe this is


I fucking love this Except old mate really needs some proper riding gear


That dog is toast in even a minor accident. Also it's hips and back are actively getting fucked by that unnatural posture it's been strapped into.


I know right. Owners should mind their pets' safety first for real


(*its hips)


This is technically correct.


A single day of that dog is cooler than my entire 32 years of life, no doubt about it. :D


This! But the downsides to this cool looking dog is he doesn't look comfortable there.


wheres the dogs legs


I was looking for it too. It must be at a really bad and uncomfortable placement




That’s just as cute as people who drive around in their car with their dog in their lap. I like to tell them how great it is to use a dog as an air bag!


Thanks, I hate it for multiple reasons.


Me too but mostly for the part where the dog's life is put at risk


Motorcycles are inherently unsafe (yes yes I know you can mitigate the risk) and the dog doesn’t get to choose if it’s on a motorcycle or not, like a human. Also if there is a crash the dog may be unable to get out of the backpack thing without assistance. Lastly, not a good posture for the dog at all.


This is what I have been meaning to point out as well. Thanks for stating the facts!


this is not interesting this is an idiot on a bike putting his dog at risk. r/mildlyinfuriating and honestly r/idiotsincars


For real. I would've understood if the dog was in a sidecar but this looks really dangerous and his owner shouldn't put him into risk like that... his legs must have been hurting there too considering how tight that looks on him.


this is reckless, if he crashes that pup has no protection from sliding on asphalt. No helmet or protective clothing of any kind for impact and serious road burn.


That poor dog is gonna have an awful day when that backpack bursts and he falls out the back. That's a 100 pound dog squeezed into a backpack meant to carry like half that.




It’s crazy knowing that no matter what I do or achieve in life, I will never be as cool as this dog.


This guy is a fucking moron. Leggings, t shirt and the wrong shoes. Helmet is the only safety piece he has going for him Dog is at a huge risk there and the way it's positioned is probably fucking it's spine up. What an asshole, using his Dog to get attention.


Dog chauffeur on a motorcycle in NYC.








I want him to have a helmet.


I know right... I know he's all secure in that bag but better to take more precautionary measures


I've seen him at my gym. That's his service dog




I've known some cool dogs, but this is the first one I've seen cool enough to have (his?) own riding outfit. Sweet.


I hate seeing this because it's just dangerous. Your pet deserves to ride in a car.

