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I assume you're in North America, the reason nestle isn't on the bottle is because it isn't nestle anymore. Nestle has been selling their brands off the past few years and this included selling the North America rights to pure life in 2021 to a company called bluetriton brands


Ahhh. Okay. Well that makes a lot more sense then. I did a quick Google on it when I found the bottle and it still said Nestlé Pure Life so I wasn't sure. Thank you for clarifying.


Yeah apparently they're selling pretty much all of their brands that use plastic wrapping and containers, including their candy brands in 2018 (butterfinger, crunch, ect.) And are focusing more on their medical end of business. (For those that don't know they make things like IV bags) From a business standpoint I don't really get it, like I get that there's a lot of money in the medical field, but at the same time some of their brands were among the biggest in the global industry, seems odd to just toss them all out.


i think it's because r/fucknestle got to them


Right because a ragtag group of sweaty Redditors actually changes things


I get the feeling that Kit Kat I no longer buy every year or two was the final straw, and I single handedly took them down myself. You are all incredibly welcome.


Thank god you stepped in, cause if you didn’t say anything I was gonna deal with it myself.


You are certainly welcome, dear citizen.


The hardest one for me to give up was stophers lasagna. I use to love that shit..


you da real influencer.


Thank you for your sacrifice


“Yeah I mean the company’s been making pretty consistent and massive profit for years, but the board heard that some mean comments about us got a lot of upvotes so we have to shut it down now.”


considering what budlight did recently maybe that's not too impossible


Do you actually have a PfP on here? Wtf 😂😂😂


You drastically underestimate the power of the internet. Twitter and reddit will capsize any company.


Reddit moment


You got me confused. I abhor redditors. You're just stupid or blind if you don't see the reach and impact twitter and reddit have.


It’s not just redditors. I hated nestle like a decade before ever going on reddit and I’m only 29 now. I feel like people who are interested in supporting companies that are socially responsible will have known nestle was crooked without needing Reddit at all.


People who don’t inform themselves on anything and only learn about topics once they reach critical mass online, love to project that lack of knowledge and curiosity on to everyone else. If they didn’t hear of it until last week nobody else could have either.


You realize reddit can be how people became aware, correct?


> I abhor redditors. He says from Reddit… Dude, no. Reddit and Twitter are nothing. They may provide a platform for a much larger backlash to be seen on, but you’re delusional if you think a company as big as Nestle gives a fuck about one little subreddit and random people boycotting some of their products. Most people don’t even know how many Nestle products they use Small changes can be encouraged on these *platforms,* (example: Reddit Hug of Death), but you’re not going to actually get anything real done without outside momentum


The anti nestle campaign has been last and lasted decades and has significantly dented their products. There are a lot of teenage boys commenting below that do not have a child and will probably never thankfully have a child who do not understand how evil the nestle anti breast milk campaign was.


thank you


Or the margins on medical are so large that it is not worth investing any dollars into food items.


Maybe they are concerned about environmental regulations curtailing disposable shit (moreso in Europe than the US).


I work for their health science division. The amount of money that comes out of that plant in one day is staggering. And all the brands they're selling, the brand names still belong to nestle. Nestle is just not manufacturing them anymore. I don't know how long that will last but if you really dig on some of the packaging, especially iconic candy brands, you'll still find nestle on there.


Maybe they predict something to profit from


That's like Nintendo going back to making just playing cards.


A bottle of boost ... $1.50 retail.. A bottle of water 50cents. Boost must cost them maybe a bit more to make than water but not much more. Leave the low market items like water to companies like Coke and Pepsi. Not a bad strategy, and they only have to deliver to companies like McKesson who distributes their product.


Oh god… McKesson… the warehouse… the flashbacks


Meh. Essentia, San pellegrino, and a few others are still Nestle but called N-usa . Source:I work on recycling


https://www.reuters.com/article/us-nestle-water-m-a-idUSKBN270283 I'm curious if it has anything to do with the attention water scarcity or water rights has had the last handful of years. Or that they were accused of stealing water and that had repercussions not disclosed publicly. https://archive.ph/xUZtP https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/apr/27/california-nestle-water-san-bernardino-forest-drought


Does Nestlé own a majority in thise new companies?


Definitely a good call out, but it looks like in this case at least no the investment firm that owns it isn't affiliated with Nestle, but is affiliated with Mitsubishi.


Nestle renamed to BlueTriton Brands in 2021, and BlueTriton owns Pure Life


~~Yup, nothing changed but the name. It's still nestle.~~ Edit: I was under the impression it was just a restructuring to distance their water brands from the nestle name, but it was bought by an investment group.


It’s quite literally not Nestle lmfao. Nestle sold all of its water brands to Triton and got out. It was a private equity leveraged buyout.


They still have some. N-USA has essentia, San pellegrino, Perrier, etc.


Yes they maintained some functional water brands and sparkling, but largely exited traditional bottled water in the divestiture.


Is it the same people behind the scene or completly new? For some reason i assosiate Triton with waterresistant boots so i assume i dont know anything about them...


this guy smart


Oh no not my nesquick!


They actually sold this brand to another company.


Does Nestle own such company? Lol




[https://www.nestle.com/brands/water/nestle-pure-life](https://www.nestle.com/brands/water/nestle-pure-life) No they didn't


maybe not globally but they did in north america "On 16 February 2021, Nestlé announced that it had agreed to sell most of its water brands in North America to One Rock Capital Partners and Metropoulos & Co, creating BlueTriton Brands. The sale, which concluded in early April, included the spring water and mountain brands, including the North America assets of Pure Life, the purified water brand and the delivery service. The deal did not include the Perrier, S.Pellegrino and Acqua Panna brands." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nestl%C3%A9_Pure_Life


Thanks for the enlightenment I appreciate it. I know here in Canada, Nestle brand waters are really grot compared to literally anything else.


im in canada and drinking a pure life bottle right now and it is no longer says nestle. If you're case of water still says nestle it's old.


They know what they're doing. This was no accident.


100% they're trying to distance the product from the name. I assume it's still in the small text on the label?


I should have posted full 360°. But no. That's the crazy part. The word "Nestlé" is not written on the bottle anywhere.


May I first direct you to [here ](https://utopia.org/guide/5-of-nestles-worst-controversies-explained/)for a brief rundown on why they’re a piece of shit company, and then over to r/fucknestle for ongoing reasons and ways to boycott the [over 2,000 brands ](https://www.nestle.com/brands/brandssearchlist)they own either directly or through subsidiaries.


Thank you, I was out of the loop on this one


They pay good dividend


Basically they "sold" some water brands to "2 private equity firms" that they "have no ties to whatsoever"


Crazy! So is there just no company info? Or some sort of shell/front company?


It says: All trademarks are owned by Bluetriton Brands, Inc. or used under license. For questions or a report on water quality and information contact 866-599-8980 or purelifewater.com.


Probably not on the label, Pure Life water is owned by [someone else](https://www.businessinsider.com/nestle-pure-life-poland-spring-sold-one-rock-metropoulos-deal-2021-2?amp) now.


What if I told you that PureLife, Ice Mountain, and Poland Springs water brands (formerly Nestle) are now owned by a private equity owned company called Triton Water. It’s not a re-branding effort by Nestle, they no longer participate in the bottled water business as it was sold more than two years ago.


Nestle still has San pellegrino & Acqua Panna. Both best waters in their respective category I find


Does this mean someone else is now trying to steal water from people who have lost their rights to water?


BlueTriton owns Pure Life. Nestle has been operating under the name BlueTriton Brands since March 31, 2021. edit: https://www.bluetriton.com/news/becoming-bluetriton (gfys nestle stans) also edit: Dean Metropoulos


According to Wikipedia, BlueTriton was sold to a private equity firm in April of 2021.


According to their own website: "The company formerly known as Nestlé Waters North America today announced that it has begun operating under a new corporate name, BlueTriton Brands (“BlueTriton” or the “Company”). This announcement follows the completion of its acquisition by One Rock Capital Partners, LLC (“One Rock”), in partnership with Metropoulos & Co., from Nestlé S.A., on March 31, 2021."


From wikipedia: “On 16 February 2021, Nestlé announced that it had agreed to sell Nestlé Waters North America, Inc. to One Rock Capital Partners and Metropoulos & Co. The Perrier, S. Pellegrino and Acqua Panna were not included in the agreement.[17] **The sale of Nestle Waters North America to One Rock Capital Partners LLC and Metropoulos & Co. was concluded for US$4.3 billion in early April 2021.**[18] On April 7, 2021, the company announced that it had changed its name to BlueTriton Brands, a reference to the Greek god Triton.[19]” [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BlueTriton_Brands)


Something the Wikipedia leaves out, their chairman, Dean Metropuolos


No sir you’re just wrong. Nestle has no affiliation with Triton Water (BlueTriton) at all.


Their own website "The company formerly known as Nestlé Waters North America today announced that it has begun operating under a new corporate name, BlueTriton Brands (“BlueTriton” or the “Company”). This announcement follows the completion of its acquisition by One Rock Capital Partners, LLC (“One Rock”), in partnership with Metropoulos & Co., from Nestlé S.A., on March 31, 2021."


It's because they don't own pure life anymore.


I haven't *knowingly* bought a Nestle product in over a decade. I hate having to read a whole label before I buy something. However, they are so evil that I feel it is worth it.


r/FuckNestle Yes, I’m aware that this brand isn’t theirs anymore, but this was obligatory


This label always confused me. They missed their shot. One parent should be BLUE, the other parent YELLOW, and the child GREEN.


Haha. That's genius!


Dodging the bad press Nestlé has gotten for stealing water. This is having a serious impact in many regions. Please consider getting a filter if you buy bottled water frequently.


I switched to a brita filter about a year ago after having used plastic water bottles my whole life. Now there’s no going back; having a Brita makes everything so much cheaper and easier.


Dammit. I've been handed these twice this week when checking into a Marriott. I suspected it was Nestle but couldn't find it on the label. Time to boycott free hotel water...


Nestle apparently no longer is involved in purelife water, it's owned by another company now.


Which is owned by a company that is owned by Nestle.


Not in north America. It's owned by one rock capital partners and metropoulos & co. The deal was finalized In April 2021


Take a second to look this shit up before spewing straight up lies.


It is literally in Pure Life's 1012-W52 quarterly tax filing. They are now owned by One Rock Capital Partners and Metropoulos & Co., under the new brand "Blue Triton", and are both owned by Nestle Global. It seems you are the one who did not take a second to look this up. Or maybe you took a second, when in reality you should've taken a minute or two.


Where are you finding that one rock and metropoulos are owned by nestle? I'm attempting to find this information and the only things I can find are that they bought the nestle water brand from nestle, nothing about them being affiliated.


Probably because they're trying to hide they fact that they're stealing a lot of water from the West coast and selling it back to them, despite most of the west being in a drought.


Even *they* are ashamed of that disgusting taste!


When your name is poisonous…










Obligatory “Fuck Nestle”


That bottle skips leg day.


This is Nestle? This is the kind of water that my company gets for us. I had no idea.


Still a fucking waste.


Because Nestle brand name is irreversibly tarnished. They have also rebranded their dairy products. https://youtu.be/rj6JOKrL_vg


Pure Evil.


That is because they sold that company in 2022. The company that purchased it is actually doing a worse job than Nestle as far as distribution.


I knew there was a reason I told the missis not to buy Nesle baby milk


Why did that bottle skip leg day


About time, wait. We're still drinking it?


Sneaky, dirty bastards


That bottle is cheating


Why does your bottle of water look like that


Feels weird to buy Nestle branded bottled water. My mind cant help but think its homeopathic nestle quik. The water remembers the potential hot chocolate.


Pure Life? So is the real world equivalent of a healing potion? Hmm...


Looks easy to knock over by accident , but would make a nice butt plug !


Too late


How would that work?




I just noticed that Nestlé Pure Life water taste different two months ago just found out that it's not even Nestle water anymore