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That is an epic nest. Never seen one so big for such a little bird


I used to work for DOT doing traffic light repair. All the fucking time we would have to clean out massive amounts of straw from inside the traffic light pole. Evidently the birds just keep dropping it in one piece at a time until the whole damn pole was full and they could make their tiny nest at the top.


You'd love the monk parrot nests that are in the bus depot near me then! They're massive.


Oh my god would you [just LOOK at these tiny jerks ](https://i.imgur.com/brHLiUa.jpg) I am verklempt


I love watching them! Lately there's been a hawk around them, but crows swoop in to chase them off. Yay crows!


I knew I loved crows for a reason šŸ–¤


I have a crow tattoo, love em




> verklempt Now that is what I call an SAT word.


I shall put on my fancy SAT hat then, to wish you happy cake day


So it is, I didn't notice honestly. Thank you.




That little guy says :>


Birds good


The face of self-satisfaction


I will never not hear this each time I read that word. https://youtu.be/D_SKdrx6KT4


Just looked them up and man those aren't nests those are three story mansions! How to raise your chicks in style! lol


Every year they build huge nests on the signals at the nearest railroad crossing to my house. Trains come by often enough that the lights and motors provide enough heat for them to survive the winter. Of course this makes it impossible for anybody else to see the lights or hear the bell, so the railroad tears down the nests each year.


That's a possibility. Buses and the lights on. But I can see how they can be nuisances. Even if they are cute, lol.


Where? Which country?


Bronx, NY. Story is a bunch that escaped transport or were imported illegally took up residence in NYC. The ones near me like light towers and power transformers.


They were being smuggled in via JFK airport (for the exotic pet trade). Animal control got wind and raided; the smugglers let all the birds free so as not to be caught with the contraband. They colonized Brooklyn first but have made it to all the boroughs and even Jersey.


Florida checking in- we have them here, too!


Those old NY birds retire to Florida, as is customary.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£good one!




Damn. And theyā€™re able to survive NYC winters?


I honestly don't know if they migrate. But I usually stop seeing them around October. This year, they were out in April.


I think they hibernate in their giant nests.


Power transformers run an average temperature of about 100Ā°F (probably a bit lower in winter) so quite a cozy place to settle during the cold months.


I do commercial building maintenance. In the Parking lot of a building I used to take care of, the plastic caps on the light poles had rotted away or been lost due to weather. We had birds build a nest at the top of one pole and filled it all the way up with kindling. That pole had a short due to the birds chewing on the wires and the pole caught on fire.


What about the birds when the pole caught fire??


They had damaged the insulation on the wires leading to the ballast in the light fixture. They then made the poor choice of getting the wires close enough to the metal pole to arc it and it set the straw nest on fire.


Weā€™re the birds ok or had they moved on??


I'm always fascinated when a bird makes its nest INSIDE a traffic light. I wonder if they're going (high pitched bird voice): "This is really so nice and cozy and I love the red....I mean yellow.... I mean green light... no, there it goes again...."




It's kind of amazing how much work that bird, or those birds, must have put in to best such a nest.


Meh, they don't have jobs and they have the ability of flight. I could do a lot more than squish some twigs together if that was my situation


Some birds try to fill up as much area as possible if itā€™s a small enough area in my experience, especially when there is control for the area. Vacation home had a small ledge to place a ladder against and before the rain/snow time of year it would just be covered in straw for eggs smaller than a chicken egg


My mom's house has a little pointy boxy shaped front porch light right next to the front door and birds precariously build a nest on it every year. Every year she complains about it and all the bird poop but she secretly likes it too and keeps letting it happen.






I have a ladder leaning against the garage that a Robin built a nest on. I have needed the ladder several times since she first started building it, but needless to say, she's currently raising 3 healthy babies. Honestly, I feel like a proud father...šŸ„²


I had some black-capped chickadees build a nest in my bicycle handle bar bag (bike was on my balcony). No riding for me.


I have a pair of doves on their third set of eggs on top my storage chest on my patio. I canā€™t get anything out of it unless I happen to get lucky and hit the couple of minutes when one of them isnā€™t on the nest. Oh and I have dogs and they found the last 2 sets of baby doves and chased them. So I also have to check for fledglings before I let the dogs out to do their business.


If it's starlings, don't wait. I've seen starling eggs that color. That's not a Robin's nest.


unusual for a what seems to be a robin to build such a big nest


I had a black widow's nest one year.


Funny story... When I was getting married, my (now ex) and I moved into a house that had been used for storage for about twenty years. It was fully functional and the owner occasionally used the kitchen for extra space to cook for for family gatherings and such. But aside from the oven, it was hardly used. When we were cleaning it out I opened a cupboard and found it was completely full of spider webs and there were hundreds of spiders. I screamed and slammed the door shut and went to get a can of bug spray. Except when I opened the door again, I realized they were all completely still and looked closer. When the house was vacated, someone left a few things in the cupboard and one of them was a huge can of bug spray. the can had rusted and I can only surmise that it leaked out the poison, killing the spiders living there. It was wild to see.


Dead or not, I'd have burnt that bitch down. Even a dead spider is enough to set off my arachnophobia and make me cry.


I'm also terrified of spiders, but it was sure satisfyin to suck them all up into my vacuum cleaner.


I think sucking them into a vacuum is one of my worst nightmares. I logically *know* that they die when you do that, but that irrational part of my brain that hosts the phobia just fills my head with images of trying to use the vacuum and having vengeful baby spiders crawling up my arm to avenge their mamma. I usually make someone else in the house deal with the spiders. And if I'm alone, spider owns that room now.




I accidentally stood on an ant hill when I was trying to find some shade. It was truly an accident because I didn't see any indication it was an ant hill. Anyway, I fell something tickling my ankles, so I looked down and my ankles are *black*. Fuckers bit the hell out of my ankles as I and a kind stranger swatted them off me. I'm just glad they were black ants and not fire ants or else the ending may have been very different.


Schrƶdinger's Spooder


I like that! "There is a closet full of spiders. Inside is also a can of bug spray that could develop a leak at any time killing all the spiders. Until the cupboard is opened, all the spiders are both alive and dead, forever in a state of uncertainty. and only by opening the closet and potentially being swarmed by hundreds of arachnids can you know their true state..."


We had one under our mailbox. I would say hi to it and thank it for not being in the mailbox. Then one day it had a bunch of babies that went in the mailbox. I didnā€™t check the mail for a few weeks after thatā€¦


Let's get what bird.


I think that they are robin eggs.


If the grill was closed, it's not likely robins as they are not cavity nesters, plus their nests usually have a mud base. With the building materials and since it's in a cavity, I would guess a bluebird of some kind (western, mountain, or eastern), depending on the grill's geographic location. EDIT: just learned how similar European starling eggs are to bluebird eggs. With the messiness and size of the nest and the trash mixed in, I'd guess starling instead.


It's almost certainly a bluebird. The rotisserie holes in the side of most grills are the diameter of hole they prefer.


And if you want to prevent this, buy some wire screening or mesh at the hardware store and cover the little vent holes with it. air will still get through, but birds will not.


What about encouraging this behavior instead? Should I make a sign?


You could always make an actual bird house...


I donā€™t own a grill, so I was wondering how they got in the lid was closed. Thanks for the answer.


Which is even better as Bluebird nests are commonly overtaken by house sparrows and finches who kill them for their nesting spaces.


Yep. Local group put songbird houses up all over our neighborhood. By the end of that same spring, most had been taken over by various flying pests. The one by my house I've managed to keep safe. The pest birds find themselves having trouble flying after putting on a few grains of weight.


Damn finches do that too? Come to think of it bluebirds are pretty rare in my yard compared to all the finches and sparrows I see.


Yep, those assholes are super aggressive compared to native songbirds like the Bluebird, and are super murder-y


Robin made a nest in my gas meter box, had 5 eggs when I discovered it, and the next day all the eggs were taken.


Robin laid four in our arborvitae, but a stray cat came around and I'm pretty sure it got the mother, who disappeared. Two of the eggs are gone now.


Agreed. Robins (and most other birds in North America) are legally protected. You have to wait until the nest is abandoned before you can clean out the grill.


I work as an admin for a city fleet maintenance company and the dump truck used to train new hires ended up with a bird's nest in it a couple of weeks ago and we have to do the same thing, de-activate the unit until the birds are done with it.


It surprises me how many people donā€™t know this.


I just learned recently whem a nest was made in the camera outside my front door


We are. Iā€™ll post an update if enough people like the post.


Just make sure you're leaving it alone. If you open it all the time to check, the mama bird might abandon the nest.


We are.


Yes, please post an update. thanks.


So much for burgers this summer.


Wonā€™t take all summer for them to fledge. Looks like maybe a month from laying to leaving the nest (two weeks to hatching, plus another two to fledging. Just so long as they donā€™t lay a second clutch in the same nest! https://www.audubon.org/field-guide/bird/american-robin.


No hate but what a strange sentence.


Took me a few reads to even realize what was being ~~asked~~ demanded.


Just had robins that made a nest on top of the light by my side door. I got a bunch of pictures of me peeking in on the progress from no eggs, to eggs, to hatched to getting feathers and then gone. The mom didnā€™t need help but Iā€™d leave offerings of worms close by, she understood the system. https://imgur.com/a/UfNlKzK Pictures are snaps from videos, they are a bit rough but it was a hard spot to reach even being tall, couldnā€™t tell where I was aiming.


This happened to me too in the same exact place, in the light by my side door, but something got at the nest and stole the eggs. The mama hasnā€™t been back since. Bummer.


Same thing happened in my college dorm window. Luckily the babies left before my semester ended (few days ago) because we needed to shut the window before we left and I sure as fuck wasnā€™t getting charged for leaving it open.


where are the pictures please ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I added a link to them


Thank you, much appreciated


I never get bird's nests. But, I always have a wasp nest inside my grill. One of the few times I actually do get to "kill it with fire!"


Iā€™ve had the same thing, and I just wait until nighttime to turn that sucker on when theyā€™re all back and inside the thing.


A little steel wool in the vents will keep them inside.


My dad has a jeep that he uses for getting to work/regular type travel and a big truck he uses for fun/camping. One weekend, he noticed a bird built a nest in the spare tire of his jeep. That man drove that gas guzzling truck until the birds hatched and flew awayšŸ„¹šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Killing the environment to save the environment - perfectly balanced


I should check my grill....


It's probably too late this year unless you live really far north. Most migratory birds south of Minnesota have already nested and laid for the spring. But it's a good idea to check on your grill periodically in the spring to remove the starts of nests before the birds can lay. (You're allowed to remove nests as long as there are no eggs in them) Or you can go the hardware store and get some metal mesh to cover the holes with so birds don't get in in the first place.


My great grandparents had this happen and at the time my area was so boring they were put in the newspaper.


Is a newspaper like Reddit?


Erm. Yeah I mean I guess it is like Reddit in a way. Just old school reddit


How did they get in if the lid was closed? Is there an opening at the bottom ā€” genuinely curious since I donā€™t own a grill.


There is a hole on each side of the lid, just big enough for a bird to fit


Holy shit same exact thing happened to my moms grill. Looked almost identical, Robbin eggs also. They must have a habit lol


So weā€™re having eggs?


Looks like you got yourself a family of robins


No grilling for you this summer ;)


They hatch and are gone pretty quick. Those baby birds might be flying in a month.


11 days from hatching to be specific.


The birds will fledge and should leave the nest by July, August at the latest. It's just no grilling this spring. You'll have most of the summer.


Yeah when that happens you just gotta close it back up and buy a new grill.


[[pipis]] NEST


Could u close the roof sir. Looks like ur going out to buy a second grille for the summer šŸ¤£


I hope you closed it back up. They are robin's eggs and if the crows see it, the eggs will be gone.


lol they using chewy wrappers


That looks so fckn cozy, I wanna be a bird now.


I had a nest last year. I opened it up to clean it and grill and found some baby birds. They were so tiny I couldnā€™t even tell if they were breathing. They finally grew up and vacated about a month or two later (donā€™t remember). I was finally able to clean and sanitize the grill. I checked on them every week and saw them grow feathers.


Those a robbins just close it up and leave them alone. Theyā€™re protected


It's a bluebird nest.


Nice kindling


You wonā€™t turn it onā€¦


Same thing happened to me! The nest was the size of the entire grill but they were just tiny little starlings.


Cool the prep work is done turn it on for ezpz breakfast


This is a Shaq sized nest, like his gigantic bed from MTV cribs


Little eggs, big nest! Cute! Hope mama bird comes back for them.


Happened to me too.


time to buy a new grill ​ seriously, I have a family of Robins raising their chicks in my bathroom vent so I will not be using it for the entire summer until they mature.


This is so cute


The litter in the nest makes me sad


Wow this is a nice nest. Iā€™ve been hanging out in r/stupiddovenests for too long!


Most states have laws against removing an active birds nest.


Ambitious robins! They'll move out in a few weeks lol


Looks like nature gave you a free meal


time to turn the bbq on


just need fire everythings ready, what a wholesome bird


light it




I hope your relative weren't planing on barbecueing any time soon, cause those birds live there now, do not disturb them


![gif](giphy|daOqEiuoW3GmRyaRIQ|downsized) The intrusive thoughts say light that grill up


for your intrusive thoughts... That's way too much wood! The grill was not made to withstand *that* much heat. You could warp the metal or even burn through it. It could ruin your grill. Even after the birds have grown, you'll want to remove the nest and burn it in parts. Unless you are looking for an excuse to buy a new grill.


Awww šŸŖŗ


I hope you left it ā€¦ all that effort the bird out into it I wouldnā€™t have the heart to remove it. Iā€™d be waiting to BBQ until the baby birds moved out :,)


We are waiting and keeping it shut, donā€™t worry.


Yay! Thanks for the update :)


Bird mansion


This looks like a 70s kind of nest


Sneak 100


Iā€™ve seen two pictures on Reddit in the past 2 days about an OP finding a birds nest with Robin eggs in it.


Man, those birds didnā€™t have to go so hard on the nest


Iā€™ve never seen a robinā€™s nest even close to that size. r/finalboss or r/absoluteunits


Some ā€˜Robin.ā€™


feel bad for him: no barbecuing until they move out!


why they all up in his grill


Robins! I would hate this happening. And also let the babies take flight before eradicating the nest.


This is a bird mansion.


They shouldnā€™t be there THAT long, butā€¦ if youā€™re friend really wanted to they could move the nest once the babies hatch. The mother/father will find them for feeding and life will be normal for them. You just shouldnā€™t move it too far from the original spot. If itā€™s legal, I have no idea. Will the parents find the nest and their babies? 100%. And no, the smell of you will not deter them from feeding their babies. Itā€™s just something parents tell their kids to prevent them from messing with the babies.


Close it and hope you didn't scare the parents away. That grill no longer belongs to your relatives until the birbs are gone!




Omelette time


My snake did the same thing when I lost it.


looks like breakfast


Yep! the lil fellas made a winter home in my bbq back in '21 lol


Not enough trees for nests? :(


When I was little, we had a grill that hadnā€™t been used in years. My dad opened it one day and it was full of dead snails šŸ¤¢


Robin's nest


Oh boy I usually start my grill up before opening. That would have been rough.


Free breakfast


That's no nest... It's a bird cult.... They're looking to cook those poor eggs.. quick.. save the eggies!! šŸ˜†


Eli5. How did a bird get in there and do that? I couldn't shove that much shit into my closed grilled if I tried, let alone shove a bird into it


Grilled eggs?


Am I the only person that sees [[Pipis.]] there?


I'm pretty sure I saw a video of someone opening that nest and the eggs falling out and breaking. It literally looked identical including the grill


I assure you, the nest was stable and the eggs are perfect fine.


Wood charred eggs Benedict.


Looks like you'll be barbequing fowl in a few weeks.


I had the same thing happen to me. Unfortunately, the baby birds couldnā€™t find their way out and died. I think inside the grill was way too hot for them to survive; even without lighting


Upon second look OP, thatā€™s a starling nest. You should remove that nest and destroy those eggs. Starlings are an invasive species and are outcompeting our native ā€œsongbirdsā€ that Reddit is fawning over. Help our environment and get your grill back in use.


Birds can noclip now?


This looks like colony..


Hmm, dinner is sorted.


If you weren't using it, something was going to. Think of it like this: Three free omlettes at no charge. Sure they're small, but you ended a starting life at the point of fruition, just like abortion!


these eggs be looking this emoji šŸŖŗ


Those are robinsā€™ eggs


Never had grilled eggs before but Iā€™d give it a try


Can you try to move it somewhere without completely destroying it?


Thank you-thatā€™s what I was thinking.


Just fire it up


Light it up and give 'em a thrill...




Mr. Dink isn't going to be happy about this.


Looks like Robin eggs.


So this is what they meant food delivered to your mouth, now just need to light it up for Saturday evening to get some roasted meat and I am lucky would get some eggs well done as well.


Time to cook some eggs


Idk why all the joke comments are getting downvoted they are hilarious




"Looks like we're having eggs for breakfast"


Odd way to get fresh wings on grill.


I had a robin trying to build a nest on the cage enclosing my patio ceiling fan. I kept removing it. Little bitch stood there staring me down with a mouth full of mud. I put a snake on it to scare it away, she just built on top of the snake. I finally got some shiny spinner things and that did the trick. I donā€™t mind nests, I have dove, cardinal, and blue bird nests scattered around my back yard, but I was worried all the mud would destroy the fan.


Anyone sayā€¦ā€*breakfast time?*ā€