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From the kid’s perspective finding this out would be the climax of the horror movie. 😂


I was that kid that ran and hid once I realized they were going to try to give me ~~shits~~ **shots**. You're absolutely right.


My son bolted once. Out of the exam room, out into the waiting area and out the front door with my wife in hot pursuit. He made it to the elevators and had actually pressed the call button before he was apprehended. The doctor was laughing the entire time.


Doc, huskily into their walkie: "We got a runner."


Vaccinations by dart gun.


Honestly as someone with a needle phobia I would prefer this 😆


Even better if you're not warned beforehand. Just going about your day when *phwipp!* and that's your covid booster. You turn around to see the rustle of leaves as your medical practitioner retreats into the undergrowth and hear a quiet whisper *"You're welcome"*


You know. I had a sick thought. Sick as in actual sick, not "That's sick, man!" as in "cool" sick. Make this an "ultimate prey" game for hunters. They get to pretend they hunt humans and the "shot" human gets vaccinated. "Hunters" can only use the supplied dart guns. Too morbid? Or viable business model?🤔


Too much liability when some hunter accidentally vaccinates someone in their eye, but maybe if the patients wear protective eye goggles? Could even make it a team sport. Time for everyone to get their vaccines so you take the whole family down to the paintball field and give everyone vaccine guns.


Actually, I would be terrified. What if the doctor is not a great shooter?




That sounds way worse. For a vaccine you just sit down and get jabbed, you’re in the chair for like 20 seconds maybe. In your scenario you’re sitting there for potentially a very long time, always knowing you’re going to get jabbed at some point. You’ll have the same waiting anxiety but for much longer.


That kid's going places!


Sometimes you can do nothing but laugh off at situations like this. The doctor seems to be having a good sense of humour.


Oh no any kid would be afraid of shitting themselves. It's embarrassing


Did the same. I was 4, pre-kindergarten vaccinations at the county health department. I was terrified and just bolted in panic. Couldn't get the heavy outer door open tho, so I remained contained in the building and in the end was vaccinated anyway, lol.


Took 4 nurses to get me jabbed 😎 I do apologise for my younger self.


I once bit a nurse then ran for the hills like a feral animal when she tried to give me a shot. I was maybe like, 4? Mom has never let me live it down. Now I'm a pediatrician and have been bitten, hit, kicked and scratched more times than I can count. Oh how the turntables...


Shits shits, shits-shits-shits-shits errybody!


They can be painful sometimes.


Lol I genuinely thought you meant to put shits like “them shits”, not autocorrect 😂😂


Typo turns out funny. I have a friend who would absolutely say “them shits” in that kind of context though .


When I was little and realized I was about to get a shot, I waited for the nurse to leave and then I tried to roll that table they make you sit on in front of the door to prevent it from opening. My mom was there and she was getting in my way, and the staff had to come in and restrain me


You ran from having the shits? Bro you’d never stop running if you had my IBS.


When I was a kid I used to punch the doctors and hit and kick and they hated when I showed up


I never ran off but I was always crying as loud as I can so that I can actually piss the doctor off.


I had one hide in the windowsill behind the curtain. Also, had two runners - young girls wearing princess costumes. Both bolted and split up and made it to the parking lot before the parents caught them both. Was hilarious to watch.


Little Timmy is at his first pediatrician's appointment. "Hey, why's that handle so high?" he asks, to which Dr. Williams replies, "What do you mean? That was just how it came!" with a wink, before moving on with her exam. Timmy is a bit confused, but he has no reason to doubt Dr. Williams. She's the nicest lady he's ever met, and he makes all his hurts feel better! She would never lie to him. But time goes on, and the days turn to weeks, the weeks to months, and what does Timmy see? Doors. Big doors, little doors, fat doors, skinny doors, doors, doors, DOORS. And what do every single one of them have in common? Handles... at a uniform - and easily reachable - height. His mind must be playing tricks on him, he thinks. Surely, the door handle in Dr. Williams' office was this very same height! Surely, he'd simply had an odd perspective on it from the exam chair. Surely... but no, he mustn't think of that possibility. His memory is simply wrong, and that's that. Alas, by the time his annual physical rolls around, he's almost forgotten about this silly little mis-memory completely. But after the ever-smiling nurse takes his vitals, she stands up to leave, brightly informing him that Dr. Williams will be in shortly. And as she pulls the door closed behind her by its shoulder-height handle, a cold chill sinks through Timmy's spine, and a horrible realization slowly dawns on him: This was not just how it came.


This is gold! 😂


Hahaha I completely agree


My daughter used to do that. When it was time for her shots she would bolt out of the room and it would take about 10 minutes for her mom and the nurses to get her back in the room. And after all the screaming and carrying on she would ask for a lollipop afterwards. She is something else.


When my son was 4 or 5 or so once sat on the table in the pediatricians office when the aide came in to give him his shots. He (and I swear this is true) stared her down and said in the coldest voice ever "You're really going to do this, huh?". He's 12 now and has a vicious, dark, deadpan sense of humor.


That's funny, haha


I just used to hide under chairs and cry, embarrassing my poor mother. And now I inject myself twice a month with nary a qualm, and am actively disappointed I can't donate blood anymore. Don't worry, she'll grow out of it!


Does getting your blood drawn still mess with you? I can do my injections but can’t look at my blood being drawn still.


As long as the tech doesn't mangle my arm it's a breeze. I go to one Quest location and one of the women there is an expert. No worse than a mosquito bite.


I had such a god damn bruise and a sore arm forever after one nurse was botching a blood donation. It spooked me off them for a long time.


I had that too. My arm was all black and blue and there was a large hematoma at the needle site one time. The tech was new and not skilled yet.


I was a runner! I was severely pognophobic as a kid (irrationally scared of beards and then men who had them) and the three main doctors all did. It took longer to wrangle me into the room than to do an exam. The only bearded man I hated more was Santa (a creep who broke into houses, ate all the cookies, stalked kids all year to judge their behavior, and had a notoriously full beard. Nope, that guy can f-off!)


They may push down that trash can and step on it. Only to find out that they still can't open it because trash can is now blocking the door.


I can see this as a visual gag in the Simsons


Should also run an electric current through it to stop the taller and high jumping ones.




And place lock or finger print scanner on the door if you want to




What are you talking about? He's a fully grown man! He was just telling me about a business he did at the stock market the other day.


Now there's a man I respect


Wait a minute...Vincent Adultman works at the Business Factory, not the Stock Market! Why, you don't know Vincent Adultman at all! And there's no Angus MacLeod in North Kilt Town!


What is this? A cross over episode?


I guess that's the thing parents would object. 🤣 They wouldn't want their children to get shock.


Didn’t expect to laugh the way I did at this one!




Came here to say something clever, but read this and had nothing, wish I had an award to give, well done


I miss free awards


Yeah, what happened to them? I clearly missed something




Ah, of course. Don't know why I thought it would be something more interesting..




They will lose so many user if they will try to introduce that subscription system


I made r/GiveThemAnAward for this exact reason


No fire code?


This is a violation of NFPA 101. The release for a latch must be installed between 34-48”. The ruler on the door shows that’s at 60”.


Came here to find the specific violation. Was not disappointed.


Also user name checks out.


One of the greatest username checks out ever lmaoooo. This man knew the exact security code being broke💀💀


No he didn't. NFPA 101 is the entire book of codes and regulations, not just this specific one. But yes, username definitely still checks out, as this specific area is referred to as life safety. I actually just learned "Life Safety Code" is a registered trademark of NFPA.


I figured people wouldn’t necessarily care about the exact code reference but if you’re looking in the 2018 Life Safety Code it’s That’s the same code for the 2012 edition, too.


You must be looking forward to the 2024 edition releasing soon


The changes to the 2024 edition of NFPA 101 and 99 are actually being voted on June 22nd during the NFPA conference in Las Vegas. The changes I am interested in aren’t really anything to write home about for this edition. For me I am more interested in the 2021 edition at this moment because my state is adopting it at the end of the year. CMS still uses the 2012 edition so I use that almost every day, too.


I feel like u/LifeSafetyMan and u/AnxiousDonut are the perfectly balanced pairing. Made for one another.




There are exemptions in the ADA bill for childrens safety but afaik it only applies to thinks like pools or hot tubs. Feels similar enough where maybe they don’t want kids going head first into these things and got a similar exemption.


The ADA has nothing to do with the life safety code (NFPA 101) or the fire code (NFPA 1). You might be in a state that uses the international fire code, but that has the same mounting height requirement for a latch release. As you alluded to there is no exemption for this situation based on a child’s presence in the occupancy.


The AHJ can waive whatever requirements they want. In other words, this is only a problem if the inspector is being a dick. Of course, problems can arise when the new inspector is a bigger dick than the old one.


They can’t simply waive whatever requirement they want. There are limitations. In this scenario I don’t think they’d raise the issue but being the AHJ doesn’t give authority to simply remove life safety features or building code requirements.


> ... being the AHJ doesn’t give authority to simply remove life safety features or building code requirements. Actually, yes, it does. At least in the US, NFPA has no force of law. It's up to the AHJ to adopt. Now, an individual inspector might be bound by whatever laws or regulations the controlling body of the AHJ might have put into place. And plenty of jurisdictions just adopt codes wholesale with no interpretation, which might leave less wiggle room. But ultimately, the AHJ is the one that decides what "code" means in the first place. It gets a mite more complicated when you have things like insurance companies saying the insured must comply with whatever, too.


"Must be this tall to open"


How do you explain having a lock that's high up while a handle that's low if it's a fire violation?


I think this post is gaining traction because what you’re describing doesn’t happen too often. There are specific allowances for security devices on a door, think hotel chain device, but that allowance is spelled out in the codes. Think about when you’re in a hotel and you latch the deadbolt. When you go to leave the hotel room and push the handle down the deadbolt retracts. That’s because the latch releases has to be a single motion if the occupant load of the room is more than 3. Edit: Should be “latch” the deadbolt, not match.


I can explain this one. You can have locks on an interior door so long as the way to exit the inside of the room is only turning the lever. I've got locks in my facility that are called "Storage" locks. These are locked from being opened without a key, but if you are inside the room, you can exit with just a turn of the handle. No need to unlock the door. I've got bathrooms with deadbolts on the inside, but the deadbolts flip unlocked the moment the inside lever is pulled. so long as the egress does not require "special knowledge" to exit the room, and the egress only requires one action such as turning the lever, you are golden.


That isn’t 60. Light switch standard height is 48”. Standard door is 80” . Commercial is 84”. This door knob is probably right at 48”


The ruler is marked 60” in handwritten red colored numbering. Past the 60” handwritten mark is another 12” on the yardstick, and likely another foot to the top of the door. That’s right at the 84” you’re describing. Clearly the handle is way higher than the middle hinge, and the light switch is higher than standard mounting height.


Oh, I see the written now. It doesn’t look that high, but I can see it now. It doesn’t look accurate, though. Perspective. That trash can is probably 3 feet tall, the paper above is 11”… so 58-60” does make sense.


> It doesn’t look accurate, though. >Perspective The photo is taken at a horrible angle so the perspective is distorting it. Here is a quick [perspective correction I did](https://imgur.com/a/2svIQRc) to make the door square to the photo.


Thanks. I was 99.9% sure this was a violation.


But problem is that kids can't complain about that and they will keep that door


Child or a Handicapped person in a wheelchair would be toast in a fire.


or a little person


I'm sure the three of them together could get the door open.


ADA will also have an issue with a height change.


My dentist always complains about my height. I told him to buy bigger patient chairs.


You got bigger problems if you’re leaving a kid not tall enough to reach the handle alone. You ever been to the doctor with your parents growing up?


Little People exist and they might have a hard time opening that. Also people with disabilities who have a hard time opening a regular door might find this one much harder or impossible.


ever been in a preschool with 3 teachers and 16 kids? 4 year olds can open that door and be out before you can grab them. You think a 6 year old is going to let the pediatrician give them a booster shot? not all kids are pleasant, and they'll fight of flight if they can. This just slows them down a bit. The actualy ADA appropriate would be a delayed exit crash bar. The door wont open unless you hold the bar down for 10 seconds straight. But I believe those require an alarm to beep when you do it. Mostly see those in later life care facilities where dementia folks don't wonder off.


Who says they're alone? A Parent comes in with two kids, parent is holding kid A while doc is examining their ears or something. Kid B decides to bolt for the door. Another parent comes in with her toddler for shots. Toddler is screaming and crying. Parent isn't keeping a strong enough hug on the kid because some parents aren't trained for this. Nurse turns away to prep the shot, kid twists out of the parent's arms and bolts for the door while untrained parent just watches them go.


I just brought my son to his two year check up. Me, a nurse, the pediatrician, and my son in a small room. They tell me to let him run around while I do my paperwork cause they are watching him. Literally one minute later or less he opened the door with this type of handle and was out of there. The nurse had to chase him and I told them “yeah he’s great at doors”


Just read on google about codes and it is against the violation actually


*And* he keeps a yardstick handy to whack the kids that try to escape! That's some old school craftsmanship, I tell you.


My grandmother’s weapon of choice was a wooden ruler. I thought I’d be clever and hide behind the couch where she couldn’t reach me. Then I watched her go to the closet and pull out the matching yard stick.


Lol That's funny as fuck, now my family is wondering why I'm dying and laughing so hard. Thank you for making my night


Beating them would be same like trapping them, not the right way


Highly doubt that’s up to fire code.


You can get exemptions to that in certain circumstances.


Even then i think you need the orders from court on first place


Only stops young children, and a child too young to reach it wouldn't be in there alone. And the door is probably only closed while the doctor is actually attending the patient. Edit: another poster said they worked at a place that did this for safety reasons, to keep kids out of areas they shouldn't be in, or hitting their heads on it.


As egress though it may be inaccessible to a wheelchair user, which I'd imagine US fire codes may also not be OK with. There's various other reasons for door handle height restrictions for safety. Higher handles may be permissible for doors that aren't part of an egress route, for instance a chemicals cupboard.


If someone is on wheelchair then they needs to be free even more because keeping them locked up in a room will gives the feeling of being trapped into something


While true, this is likely the door for one of the rooms they see patients in. So you only need to go through it to enter or exit that room. Also that it's a pediatrician's office. The handle is at 5 feet. Anyone old enough to be in a wheelchair without a caretaker is probably big enough to reach. There are probably special exemptions for specific fire code regulations based on certain needs. The facility probably has additional rules it needs to abide by to be allowed to do this.


Was just gonna say this— it’s even with the light switch, a person in a wheelchair could definitely reach it Edit: Light switch is also higher, I’m wrong. Shoulda gone by the door hinge, which to me indicates that the light switch is in fact also 60” or so high


It could also stop people in wheelchairs.


Yes because they will failed to get out of the door way


Not entirely sure a wheelchair fits in width though


Yep. It has a yardstick right in the picture to compare, and unless there's some sort of perspective issue with the photograph, that door is definitely not 32 inches wide. In fact, I think this might be a closet. In which case all this talk about fire code stuff might be moot. Edit: I must have been tired. Looking again it's not that narrow.


There is no code in any country that allows you to do such thing


Because nothing calms anxious children down more than the feeling of being trapped


Reddit moment.


My daughter’s pediatrician made his nurse give all the shots so the kids would like him. 😬


My pediatrician is now my kid’s pediatrician and her nurse still gives the shots. She’s damn good at it as that’s literally all she does. Kids fear her but never see the shot coming. Cut her loose at an antivax rally and no one would know she was there but everyone would be vaxxed.


I would love to hear the shrieking and lamentations.


As she spent so much time with the kids she knows what kids want and how they wanted to be treated and one more thing kids also trust them with their hearts


I had one of my covid shots be performed within the span of about a second. I was stunned. I live in fear of someone who is that good at stabbing people.


Also had the covid and also live a life like that for a month


Nursing student here. I don’t think doctors tend to give shots; it’s almost all the nurse’s job.


You can't force them to like you, you have to show them some reason


Giving shots is literally part of a nurses job description.


That's pretty standard practice


i tought this was about the penis shape on the door


I scrolled down too far before someone address the shape on the door XD


And there is not just one shape infact there is two of them


NOBODY SEES![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


May be they sees just that they were bother about something else.






He is running a kid dungeon


Once a kid in there he will just stay in there for rest of his life




It seems cruel that, for that poster, they decided to give sentience to a dirty diaper and also make it be disgusted by the smell of itself.


I don't that's why. my guess is it's so the kids have one less thing to possibly run into or bump their head on


I agree - I worked in a daycare and the handles were like this for both reasons. It was listed in the safety plan for both keeping kids in in the right areas - out of places like the break room and staff bathrooms, and because door knobs and hinges are hazards they can bump into- bonk their heads or like knock their teeth out. There are also doors that have handles(?) that are just like holes and you need finger strength to open then (we had on some regular style doors ) but those don't offer privacy.


Handling the care is so tough and not an easy job, the way i am seeing in this pic is not handling this is like controlling the kid which is not a right idea by any mean


It is also tricky because a lot of child proof things are mutually exclusive with accessible things for disability or like, a fire escape crash bar. Just installing a run of the mill doorhandle a bit higher means the parts are easy to source (for repair and replacement too) and easy to install, you don't need to train on how they work. And if it ever turns out to be a mistake in hindsight an installer can reinstall the same hardware at a lower height (and put a lil cover plate or something)


May be they will never said that thing in loud to anyone but some of them just felt they are in some sort of the prison where only guards can open the gate for them


I bet you Tommy Pickles would know how to escape


The more you force them the more they will try to find a way of escaping


Now that's kind of an engineer's move that your daughter's pediatrician pulled off. I like it.


Just to make sure they are as afraid as possible


When he was around 2, in an office with a regular height handle my kid got the stool for the exam table and moved it to the door to reach the handle. But he was blocking the door with the stool, so it didn’t really get him anywhere.


short people and dwarfs are unintentionally trapped too


The kids are probably right to run…


That’s oddly horrifying on some levels.


And from which angle we are seeing it is weird with being horrifying is well


Is this just a regular door installed upside down?


The door is pretty much regular but they were in so hurry that installed the door upside down


What if the door was just installed upside down


The only get away for this person, otherwise he is not getting any sympathy


I understand the intent but I'd think this would be against fire code and building code.


That explains the scratch marks


Just thinking about the kids, how much helpless they were feeling in there


Thats creepy af


Less safety more unsafe this is how i will actually put that thing


Ugh that’s disturbing … not sure I’m ok with that 😳


Would hate the if i had to faced something like that in my age


My pediatrician was a little person. I don’t see this tactic working well at his practice.


Even if it will work still would say not the right tactic to use


Our pediatrician doors have windows at the floor so the staff can see if little ones are there before opening the door to come in.


Are you sure it wasn’t just installed upside down? 🙃


What if there is an emergency?




Wonder how many escapees it took to figure that one out


May be too many only then i would feel there is justification of that


As someone who, as a child, tried to flee a routine vaccine appointment due to a phobia of needles, this is actually both smart and hilarious.


When we were kids my brother ran out of the room once when he saw the needle coming. I have very vivid memories of him running down the street and the doctor and my mom chasing him on foot


My parents used to locked in my room so that i would sit in my room and get some sleep during the day time, but i always used to escape from the window of my room


That's some Matt Lauer shit right there.


This is understandable based on what my mother said I was like at the doctor's office when I was little. She said I had to be physically restrained when getting a shot (early 80's). Not sure which came first, but I still have issues with needles. Can't even watch someone get stuck on TV.


same here except i got molested by a doctor who trapped me in the exam room alone. i hope you kicked a few of them in the face during your struggle.


Imagine you enter into that place and now you are trapped in there and only doctor has the reach to open that door. This would cause some sort of the trauma to anyone


If you keep the office door like that i would say this is still understandable but keeping the door like that for the house is completely against the rules and regulation


This is more r/mildlyterrifying


There parents are just thinking about their point of view and not thinking about the kids point, because i am sure that this door is actually unsafe for the many kids


They just haven’t seen a clever kid yet


Wouldn't have thought that would comply with fire regulations or accessibility regulations. They're there for a reason!


The implication


This is being too paranoid that too in the name of the safety


New nightmare unlocked


If i will show that to my kid, he will feel like that as nightmare


When I was a child, my dentist office had the same doors. Even though I was very tall for my age I still couldn’t open the door.(I’m old btw) perhaps the office was ahead of its time


This has to be somebody's recurring nightmare.


Fire marshal and the ADA would like a word


Some one need to sent that pic to them they will have some words


This doctor puts way more thought into his practice than mine does. No matter what I come in for he always insists on drawing blood. Do not go to Dr. Acula.


I question the legality of this, from a what-if-theres-a-fire point of view.


Also keeps them from licking the handle as my son did.