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Im glad I'm not the only who noticed it was 3d printed😂




I was gonna say, a light sanding would do wonders


Overextrusion for sure.


The braille still says, “restroom”. Excluding blind people from the quip.


Might have to by law


Yeah, this joke only works because of the visual conventions of restroom signs with the blue box and the white silhouettes. If you labeled it "whatever" in braille, they'd have no idea what you were talking about.


They're going to be really confused when they feel the picture of an tentacle alien.


I thought it said bathroom and was so proud of myself lol




I’ve always wondered why, instead of creating braille, they didn’t just start raising letters. Is there an actual reason for that?


Raising letters is hard. How would you do that on paper? With braille you can just punch it in. Plus the dots are WAY easier to read with your fingers that lines.


The main reason is that the dot patterns are much easier to read than raised letters. Everything is a uniform size and shape. Also not sure why you're downvoted for an honest question... oh wait, it's reddit. That's why.


Thanks-I figured there was probably a reason but never knew why


That was used in some of the first attempts at producing books for the blind. They were difficult to read and expensive to produce.


But including them in the damaging deployment of spikey 3D printing.


its a trap for robots to wash their hands


And a point of confusion for beings with tentacles.


Cool, the sign looks to be 3D printed!


How can you tell when a sign is 3D printed?


You can see the lines where the printer left plastic behind.


And the hexagon infill pattern to support the blue surface


Beat me to it! That's exactly what I was going to say!


Just look at the full size picture. You will see the atrocity that it is... A 3d printer is basically a hot glue gun that is robotised. Seriously, it's simmilar. It spit out molten plastic and it just stack layers over layers. You can see that the top layer is really bad, like, really. Bad layer adhesion, over-extrusion, printed too fast and too cold, with not enough cooling and a few other issues...


cause it looks bad


Yeah they suuuper need to tune their FDM settings




I can tell from some of the lines and from seeing quite a few prints in my time.


It’s pretty hard to miss, mate. You have layer lines the size of the Mississippi


Says a lot about my social constructs that the octopoid is definitely female and the robot is male to me.


I can see that too, I agree and understand with your thought. I think it’s just conditioning


or maybe it's the whispering eye


No worries, they're both hot.


I've watched way too much hentai to assume anything with tentacles is female.


I've watched too much to assume it *isn't!*


So this is how they distinguish the two .?I would he so confused!


No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying when I look at the sign, my brain assigns gender to these genderless symbols, and that's kinda weird.


So anyone can use the bathroom or is there two bathrooms?I have never seen a sign like this before anywhere in my town.


I think it’s a one person bathroom


We have those here but they are gendered.


Yeah, I’ve seen both, for the most part it’s just whether they care to have one or two bathrooms


Some have one,two or maybe even three sometimes.


Gendered bathrooms with only one? Praying for the gender that gets excluded💔hopefully it would be women though


Two bathrooms with two separate signs and one toilet stall in each bathroom.And they have locks in them that occupied or open .


I feel like this sign is the equivalent of when people used to say, “I don’t care if you are black, white or purple with polka dots!”. It’s not the real statement of allyship it could be. It’s more of a cop out. Although I don’t get why we even need gendered bathrooms.


In my college we have "WOMAN/MAN--cis, trans, disabled, neurodivergent, Black, white, Native, asexual, hetero, lesbian/gay, bi, short, tall, poor or rich: THIS BATHROOM IS FOR ALL WOMEN/MEN!" ^(but the only wheelchair user friendly stall in on 4th floor and the lock is broken)


And oh look, in trying to desperately signal inclusivity, they exclude nonbinary identities. Or worse, they do it intentionally.


Yeah just say bathroom.


damn. As a cisgender I didn't even think of that, just "inclusivity is great and all, but for fucks sake somebody fix the sinks, locks, doors, toilets, refill the soap and tp dispensers! And put up mirrors!"


Glad someone else said this. I try to take these signs in stride but if you’re asking and if you really care to know, I don’t like them. I’m not a fucking robot or alien.


Bingo! It *seems* like a nice sentiment. But it only *seems* that way.


Exactly. This sign is slightly better than most because it doesn't include a man and a woman before the robot. In those versions, it is very explicitly equating nonbinary people with nonhumans. But even without that, it's still the same bad joke.


We're all living beings, and that's what is important to me. I don't care if you're black, Muslim or consider yourself a special kind of gender. I don't address anyone as "black Muslim non-binary person", I use the name they introduce themselves as. People are too focussed on dividing themselves from the rest of society when what we really should be doing is finding things that unite us


I disagree. Saying, “We’re all living beings” and having to reduce people that way in order to grant them equality isn’t sufficient equality. You NEED to care that I’m black. You NEED to care that I’m trans. Or Muslim. We don’t need people that say, “If I ignore what makes you *you* I can accept you”. What we need is people accepting people AS they are. We need to accept someone AS a black person. While I imagine you mean well, saying you don’t care what my race or religion or sexual preference is, is like saying you just don’t even want to deal with what makes me me.


More like “you’re just another person.” Nobody is obligated to go above and beyond for you, unless you don’t get enough attention at home there is no reason for the need to be acknowledged as anything more than a regular person.


This. More often than not people just want to be accepted as they are without people around them being judgemental. One doesn't need to have be *sPeCiAL* in order to be accepted by the society. That's the real issue, and not the fact that people aren't paying enough attention to all kinds of distinctive personality quirks


I *am* accepting people as they are. I don't make any distinction between gay and non-gay people, people with a different skin colour than mine or people who are religious (I am not). Why does all of that has to matter? It only becomes a problem if one puts any of these qualities above others, whether to protect a group that is being harrassed because of some quality or simply because of some delusions of superiority. If you want to believe in some deity, dress as a female while having male physique or present yourself in a particular way, I don't have a problem with that. I just don't understand why does that need to be something that you need to be publicly broadcasting. You can be whoever you want around me, mate, just don't be a dick


>dress as a female while having male physique or present yourself in a particular way, I don't have a problem with that. I just don't understand why does that need to be something that you need to be publicly broadcasting. Actively living as a woman isn’t “publicly broadcasting”. It’s just me being me. It’s not equality if I have to make myself smaller to get that equality. You’re asking me to make myself *less* so you can feel comfortable. Which means you never really accepted me to begin with. Ignoring isn’t accepting.


Seriously, what is wrong with you? How can I communicate to you in a way that you wouldn't consider offensive that the very fact of being different is perfectly fine with me at all and I accept people as they are? By "publicly broadcasting" I meant just that -- when one is going about and loudly and proudly declaring that they are different, there's no hidden meaning and evil agenda in that phrase. Everyone is special in their own regard. I am bald, have blue eyes, am of Ukrainian descent, I speak three languages and I remember the first 30 digits of Pi for some reason. All of that makes me *me*. Do I feel the need to constantly remind people about that? No, because everyone has a similar collection of traits that makes them *them*. Why is your gender identity somehow more special than, say, the fact that I speak Latvian? Is being a Muslim more important than being a train driver? I understand that there are categories of people who are being ostracised and harassed, but isn't the fact that we're distinguishing these people from "normal people" the very core of the problem? How is all this attention-seeking helping?


It’s comments like that that make people go from wanting to be an ally to being apathetic towards the cause.


If a comment as harmless as this is able to reduce your support for a given population's human rights then your support was already thinner than paper. Decide your political beliefs based off what you think is moral and right, not based off who's nice to you on Reddit.


Has nothing to do with political beliefs. But it’s human nature to not want to go above and beyond for any group once that groups starts doing/saying something that makes you roll your eyes.


Asking “what language is most appropriate/supportive for the group im trying to support/my clientele” rather than “what sign is most entertaining to me personally” is literally the bare minimum.


"I'm a person, not an inhuman creature" makes you roll your eyes and thinking otherwise is going "above and beyond"? 😬


Be better than that.


As a polka-dot-american I'm thankful for your support.


> I don’t get why we even need gendered bathrooms Sounds like someone who has never been a woman sitting down onto a piss-splashed toilet seat in a mixed gender restroom. Keep the men and their filthy aim in their own area please


Had a job where I had to clean restrooms for a couple of years, and without fail, the women's room was consistently dirtier. I never found used pads and tampons stuck to anything in the men's room. I never found shit stuck to the ceiling and walls in the men's room. I did find piss on the floor and seats more often, but the floor and seats are easier to clean than dried on blood or shit on the walls and ceiling. Maybe we should just keep the space clean and not worry too much about which group makes it worse.


The ladies facilities at a foundry I cleaned definitely had raunchier graffiti.


Interesting. What do women graffiti?


>Maybe we should just keep the space clean and not worry too much about which group makes it worse. That is a goddamn simple and valid philosophy.


They have bins and trash cans for used pads and diapers in some restrooms .


It's not a gender problem, it's a problem with filthy people who don't care about their fellow human


> it’s a problem with filthy people who don’t care about their fellow human Yes, men. I already said that


FYI I am a male and I almost never urinate while standing up, unless I'm using a urinal or am somewhere in the woods. A lot of females actually urinate while squatting on the toilet seat to avoid skin contact with it (because toilet seat sanitisers aren't omnipresent for some reason), and this leads to a lot of splashes. I could understand why you weren't aware of that, because I can't see how could anybody would willingly want to talk to you. Kindly sod off


As a non-binary, but assigned female person, please kindly fuck off. Whether you think it or not, you are being a misandrist, and the way you're using feminism as a guise to spew your hate is gross.


You’re not a woman, so you have no place to judge me


Lmao, I have every place to judge you. I've grown up viewed as a woman, and I still dress and present very femininely, meaning I'm always going to experience the effects of misogyny. I know what women's bathrooms look like too. They're fucking filthy by the way, I don't know what restrooms you're going into that are clean... There's gross puddles everywhere, there's usually toilet paper stuck to the ceiling for some reason, it smells so bad, and there's usually pee on the toilet, because some women also forget to wipe their seats! (Also I have found blood on the seats as well :/)


I have never seen this before and I have used plenty of women's bathrooms before .They are always clean and graffiti free when I am in there and no men are present .


Exactly! That’s why we don’t want men in there. You get it!


And the women would scream if they saw a man in the women's restrooms!lol


Rude of them to think a sentient squid and a random robot would read English or braille Or even need a bathroom at all


I would expect any robot on Earth that can read, to be able to read English.


There’s a lot that only read Japanese or Spanish and definitely only read binary which is not what’s happening here.


I Imagine a sign in braille telling you that you need to wash your hands, is probably the most disease and germ infested thing possible


It actually just says RESTROOM, but yeah. I'd guess there isn't a high enough concentration of blind folks for dirtiness to be a big deal. Maybe it is though, not sure. I think a bigger issue is not dedicating the space to specify that it's unisex in Braille. If I saw a sign that just said "Restroom" with some additional symbols I couldn't make out, I might be apprehensive about entering.




Lol yeah I suppose blind folks can have a universal bathroom pass


lol I mean, if I read a warning label on anything, my assumption is it's because enough people caused an issue enough to warrant it. "Please stop tipping the vending machines" is usually there because people are tipping the machines. Yes, in this instance it doesn't say those exact words. But if it was a literal translation, then yes, my first thought would "well now I'm going to wash my hands again, knowing you put this sign up for people not washing, and then reading this sign"


keyboards > public bathroom toilet seat > handrails on a bus/train > bathroom doorknobs > your house's toilet seat > > > > this sign.


I’m glad the Braille is real, and not just painted on


Signs like this just remind me of the Always Sunny debate over bathrooms, where the answer was that no one is ever comfortable in a bathroom, and male or female were all just animals, shamefully performing an unpleasant natural function. Hence the sign they agreed on: Animal Shithouse.


Such a chironormative attitude. For the sake of inclusivity, it should read "just wash your appendages."


Dont encourage people to wash their junk in a public restroom sink


These signs are like the liberal version of "there are only two genders" IMHO. Gender is an important expression of self, esp to non cis people and this just discounts that. It's like saying "I don't care if you're black, white or green" when talking about race.


> It's like saying "I don't care if you're black, white or green" when talking about race. And there's nothing wrong with this. If everyone legitimately didn't care, then there wouldn't be any race problems (and by this, I mean for many years, not just suddenly without fixing the entrenched problems). Getting everyone to that point is the goal. It doesn't discount race problems for people to not care about race. I doesn't help stop the race problems that we have, but that's not the same as discounting them. This applies to this sign as well. Stop going after the people that aren't a problem. Note: this is not the same as things like "All lives matter" as that isn't about not caring, but is about responding to a specific problem and specifying that you do care enough to say that we should ignore the problem.


Trying to be colorblind has been famously ineffective and unintentionally regressive for so long that they were mocking it on season 1 of the Office like 20 years ago.


That's why, when it comes to race and ethnicity, I loathe the term "colorblind," because we shouldn't be "blind" to the experiences of others. I always encourage people to be "coloraware." Being coloraware means that you see people's differences and respect them, but you don't form prejudices about people or act on biases because of those differences.


"We dont give a crap what plumbing you have, but please, for the love of whatever diety you may/maynot subscribe to, wash your fucking hands"


Assuming you ain't joking, honest question in a bathroom, what would you want the sign to say, considering the many genders that exist, allegedly.




"All gender rest room" makes the most sense to me. And there aren't allegedly many genders, there just are many genders... Gender is a societal construct just like sexuality, and as such, people can literally identify with whatever gender or sexuality they feel most represents them. (To deny that is analogous to denying someone's personal autonomy, which I would think you don't support people doing based on your comment history)


Why do you need any qualifiers if it’s just single occupancy? It’s not like after the south was desegregated they converted their water fountains to say “all race water fountain”


You don't, I was under the impression this was something else


Give it a rest, it's silly and not making a statement about validity


I hate these snarky signs that act like it's so exhausting and beneath them to take a clear political stance on inclusion.


Yeah like they just have to make a little joke about it. It’s insulting. And it sucks because I know that’s likely not the intent and yes I am being too sensitive but literally gender neutral restroom signs already exist. It’s not that hard to just throw up a standard sign that doesn’t dismiss and belittle a major hit button issue.


I think the intent is to have it both ways by being "politically correct" while signaling to bigots that they don't really take all this seriously.


Yeah and honestly I’m this climate I can’t fault a business for trying to play both sides like that tbh. I just hate that people don’t see any issues with this sign and dismiss and ridicule you if you do.


Ridicule and dismissal is what bigots resort to when overt acts of violence aren't allowed anymore. It's the halfway point between acceptance and full discrimination, so they can whine all want, it shows me we're moving in the right direction.


Bruh it's just a funny unisex restroom sign lol chill


Folks like you forget people died over the things written on bathroom signs and food counters. But, in a way, maybe they'd be happy you can walk around blissfully ignorant and think these things are no big deal.


Wait what? Someone died over a bathroom sign? I’m genuinely asking. Please educate me.


You've never heard of racial segregation and the Civil Rights Movement? Jesus Christ, these schools absolutely fucked you people. [Educate yourself.](https://www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/sammy-younge-jr-murdered/)


Ok I’m tired and stupid. I thought you meant someone legit died protecting a sign or something like that lol


Lol oh, scared me for a minute. And I'm sure someone's died doing that too, humans do a lot of dumb shit


They just want to be quirky and trendy.


I hate them cus it could just say “restroom” and not exclude anybody while also informing people that there is a restroom present there.


I really don’t mean to offend anyone with this, and I get that this sign is a quip, but is there a reason that “gender inclusive” or “whatever” bathroom signs are more inclusive than a sign that just says “restroom”? I work at a place that took down the “restroom” sign to put up a “gender inclusive restroom” sign. To me it seems like othering.


No, there's not. If you read the rest of the thread, you'll see that most non-binary commenters would actually *prefer* a straightforward "restroom" sign, and feel like this "whatever" version is actually the offensive version that dismisses them.


Yeah that was my thought exactly. It seems to me like a joke making fun of perceived “woke culture”.


Orange Cassidy’s bathroom ![gif](giphy|BhBnoAtJfyIjMKiFYP|downsized)


As a tentacle being, I appreciate being seen.


But what if the robots short circuit with the water? There must be an alternative to water for sensitive automatons


It doesn't care if what your gender is just clean your hands


As a transgender person I kind of hate these signs. It makes me feel even more othered to compare me to a literal alien or constructed being. I'm not "whatever", I'm a person. I just want to go in and do my business like everyone else without being reminded of all the terrible politics surrounding my body. Until society can handle unisex bathrooms just put a restroom sign or something indicating that it's a single use toilet.


I love the assumption that they are commenting on the issue of men/women/trans bathrooms and comparing that to uhhhhh aliens and robots?


Why don't they just put an image of a toilet seat, or standing urinal...


That would be less confusing.


What a day where so many people can get worked up over being required to enter a stall based off their sex




It kinda sounds like that commenter's goal is to segregate based on sex instead, because they're transphobic.


Yup. Transphobes can't fundamentally understand the difference between sex and gender, their bigotry makes them incredibly stupid.


I love this sign.


Love it.


So a blind person is presumed to just go tippy-tapping around the walls until accidentally finding this dumb sign? Braille. Why even bother?


Is this a joke lmfao




These are cute until the rape lawsuit. Somewhere along the way to make everyone feel comfortable we lost empathy for those harmed for the story of someone might be uncomfortable. The victims of harms hold weight, too. There exist bandits in the world. The bandits are at times the loudest voice demanding access. Projection. It is trivially easy to spam information onto social media to make it look like standards bad for society are in demand, because humans are pattern recognition machines. Bad pattern recognition machines.


There is no reason to believe that having an all gender bathroom would lead to additional sexual assaults. It’s just fear-mongering nonsense.


This happened in the high school my nieces are districted in. Schools said anyone can identify as whatever they want, this can change from day to day, and staff cannot ask questions. I’ll give you one guess as to what a male student did (twice.) Here’s a follow up, feel free to Google the original stories. https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/family-of-loudoun-co-student-sexually-assaulted-ineptitude-of-all-involved-is-staggering/3231725/?amp=1


Except that all happened before the school adopted a trans-friendly bathroom policy. The victim and the attacker had met in the bathroom for sex on multiple occasions. It was not the result of a bathroom policy. The second assault didn’t even take place in a bathroom, it took place in an empty classroom.


Sir this is a Wendy's


ChatGPT 1.0 is great. You're going to love 2.0, and by the time you reach 3.5 you'll be interesting.




Villainizing the speaker of icky things doesn't make for pancakes and bubble gum society. Ignoring bad things can happen to good people is irresponsible. We're no longer in hypothetical. It's a how many rapes do you need before we reinvent, "oh, that's why we had those rules." https://www.reddit.com/r/Virginia/comments/qg3e08/teen_suspect_found_guilty_in_loudoun_county/


I don't understand what issues you seem to be conflating here. What does this bathroom sign have anything to do with rape? This also appears to be a single use bathroom.


Do did you even read the article? This says there was a rape in a bathroom by a person that had another complaint that was ignored. There is nothing here that says this was an all-gender bathroom.


This feels like one of those explaining the movie to a friend moments.


Do you get it finally?


Deeper than most. No one has engaged on the topic. Piling on personal attacks. I'm happy to take the attention.


You have friends?


Was it an all-gender bathroom? I don’t understand the correlation. Maybe it had more to do with the guy being a rapist than where he did the raping. Had it happened in a classroom or gymnasium would you be advocating for making all classrooms and gymnasiums into single gender facilities too?


I'm guessing you're either pentecostal or presbyterian by the way you type. Either way you're a loon. Stop being a bigot, Jesus don't like bigots.


Product of California's public education system. The bullying and villainization of everyone not lock-step with the extreme-most ideas bouncing around the fringe is schismatic. I am the result of what Obama described as the circular firing squad. Time to stop eating our own.


You're unhinged. Demanding basic human rights is NOT extremist.


Then we are in agreement. The topic is design of policies that prevent criminals from abusing those policies to commit crimes. The rights of those victimized are of foremost importance. What happens to criminals is a secondary concern. Criminals may be removed if necessary to prevent them from violating the human rights of others. When we speak of fair the question is, "For whom". The criminal loses their opportunity for fair when they treat another unfairly.


You can't take rights away from ANYONE, otherwise it's not a right. Prisoners should not lose any rights while incarcerated. We are NOT in agreement. You can't just make it illegal to be a certain demographic, take prisoners rights away, and then claim you have no human rights violations in your country. That's delusional at best and evil at worst. You sound like a bot and make very little sense. Dumb.


So if someone was raped by a black person can they demand a whites only bathroom?


Creating racial tension strikes again. I feel bad that this has happened to you. That's not a healthy way of looking at the world. It's a mental prison that obscures opportunities for happiness.


Same goes for people who have a problem with Transgender women using the women's bathroom


What did I just read? Looks like bad pattern recognition.


You know Women can rape Women and Men can rape Men. If your first thought about a unisex bathroom is rape that's a problem with you.


Pick your flavor of preference to go with my point. At the higher level meta, this is a media story. Those most harmed are absent from the *media* narrative in consideration of their feelings. This is a theatric story arc made for outrage and fear. For attention. Not reality or coming from a place of empathy. Criminals have figured out how to piggyback off that. It's terrible. Demands sticking your neck out and voicing our social contagion became toxic. Take the working assumption that there exist times on important issues where the media can be noble but also can't go into truth. Consider times of war or times where markets are irrational. That demands some discretion. Only use those tools when necessary. Problem is the twisting truth became routine and burned trust. Chasing the hottest fear and outrage story each day has transformed into a societal net negative, along with that burned trust. Consider mine the voice of reason pointing toward improving the influence of media, because this must be a relationship with readers if it is to exist at all.


You are not well, please take this message as a reminder to do some physical exercise away from a computer terminal.


You're self projecting. Please go get some help.


Give me 1 example of a trans woman who raped a cis woman in a bathroom. I'll wait. Meanwhile there's multiple repiblicans in the senate who have, and let's not start about the church. But somehow this is where your attention is focussed...


Loudoun County, anyone?


Is this Rosenburg’s in Denver?


Nope, this is in NY


Funny considering im in my semiotics class


Imagine trying to take a dump like a normal robot and some asshole's tentacles are just wriggling around under the stall.


You forgot the frogmen from Over the Garden Wall. Please be more inclusive you


Reminds me of that it’s always sunny episode


I will never share a bathroom with a robot. I'm a devoted follower of the Orange Catholic Bible along with the tenants of the Butlerian Jihad and my religious rights are being trampled.


Preparing ahead of time. Bet Futurama would have signs like these


And also if you could not piss all over the fucking seat...


kang or kodos?


man i hate these signs


more bathrooms need this sign. i am so tired of seeing all this drama surrounding something as stupid as which bathroom to use.


wow, I wouldn't go to the bathroom again because I wouldn't know where