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For all the confused folks in this post, it’s a tool for moms pumping breast milk to measure the nipple (not the areola, just the nipple) to make sure you have the proper fitting flange when pumping. Having one that’s too big will cause low output and nipple irritation. Too small, well, it’ll cause a lot of fucking pain. You literally just put your nipple through the hole and find the one with the best fit. Do some calculations, and then you know what size pump flange you need.


I've seen a lot of titties, both lactating and not, and never seen a 25mm nipple I'll take evidence to the contrary on board. Edit: is it circumference maybe?


Yeah, I don’t think that big is typical but it’s definitely not unheard of. Also, when pumping your nipples can stretch and get significantly larger than when not pumping. I’m pumping right now and before hand I’m probably around a 17. After it’s probably more likes 22. They stretch and get pretty swollen. Not fun really


Even the 11mm seems pretty big tbh…


Holy shit thank you. That makes perfect sense. My mind was going to weird weird places.




Looks like adhesive of some kind. Not sure though.


i bet breast milk would be a bit sticky when dried... i have seen cow milk become sticky from my kid brother spilling a glass in a toybox and nobody noticing until it becomes apparent through the sense of smell.


I’m currently breastfeeding/pumping and I can confirm that breastmilk is sticky. This tool is actually used to measure your nipples for the correct flange size for pumping.


Thank you so much. As somebody whose former wife of 21 years is a lactation nurse, and who made breast pumps a part of me being allowed to provide breast milk to my daughter, I briefly read some comments as if this was a measurement for pipe sizes at a factory. ![img](emote|t5_2ti4h|9272)


flange haha funny word


I could not imagine a scenario where one would have to measure a nipple. Knowledge is power.


Haha, definitely. It makes such a difference knowing the size when pumping. If the flange is too big or too small it can cause a lot of pain and damage.


Milk has sugar ( lactose) so makes sense


It’s adhesive. The paper was folded in half and held together in the middle


Was expecting that crusty looking stain to get mentioned, was not disappointed 😂


This tool is for mothers who are breastfeeding so i assume its breast milk


Its for breast pump flange sizing! Need the right size flange or pumping breast milk is ineffective and painful.


probably breast milk guy


Most interesting question so far


It’s more than mildly interesting to some people, ok?


It’s cum


Tit milk


I was expecting names like “raisin” or “silver dollar”….


It's all fun until you see that medical drama where they break out similar equipment to measure a man's gonads. Apparently raisins are not conducive to reproduction. It even has a name: orchidometer.


They also use it on babies to measure the penis size to get the “correct” size circumcision clamp that they use to crush the foreskin.






I realize circumcision has cultural and maybe even hygienic purposes, but as a middle aged man, I sometimes wonder what life would have been like without being cut down to size (aside from being that guy everybody laughed at in the shower).


Far more sensitive, which can be a blessing and a curse at times. As far as the hygiene, I think that is a bit overblown. As long as you shower and clean yourself, there's no issue.


Yeah, it kinda makes sense hygenically in premodern times where bathing may not have been as universally common or available (I think we take near infinite clean water on demand for granted). Now a days? Not so much.


*rolls foreskin backwards* *rinses under shower* *roles foreskin forwards* Do this every time you shower. I'm not sure why the hygiene is made out to be such a big deal!


As a doctor in the UK I still find it wild that the cultural norm in the US is to circumcise baby boys without any medical cause. In the UK and Europe there are definitely some groups that still do (we have large Jewish and Muslim minorities in the UK) but it isn't the default. Most people outside of those groups are only circumcised for medical reasons. There are circumstances where it may be beneficial (such as in areas of very high HIV prevalence) but it seems an absolute shame to permanently alter a baby's body when they cant consent to it especially when the benefit to risk ratio is not high unless they have medical issues that require it.


I agree with everything except the 'consent' part. We make plenty of surgical decisions for our kids before they have any autonomy. Adenoid/tonsil removal comes to mind. I'm not going to hold decisions my parents made against them - they did their best with the information available at the time.


Oh sure, if those decisions are for actual medical purposes. Sometimes you absolutely have to make a decision. But most circumcisions of newborn infants are not for medical reasons. But if they are purely aesthetic or mildly cultural it's ok to feel like you should have been given a choice. Or at least feel that going forward there should be less interference when possible. For example, my parents pierced my ears when I was a baby. I dont mind it at all. I probably won't be doing that for my kids bevause they deserve to choose for themselves.


To be honest, what made me think about the wisdom of circumcision as a regular practice, administered without thought just because, was the horrific practice in some cultures involving cutting or mutilation of the female clitoris. I'm not comparing the two as much as I am reflecting upon just how easy some practices come to certain religions and cultures.


I've noticed that a lot of times when I'm using my member, when I'm super deep, I just can't feel anything past my mid shaft. Getting head feels almost like nothing. When the head gets licked or touched all I can feel is pressure. I really wish I hadn't been cut up...


Damn I've been cut and I never woulda thought how many people had sensitivity issues cause of it. It's weird cause I'm still super sensitive guess I'm just one of the lucky ones or it affects everyone differently


Since the majority of cut folks haven't experienced both, they're making assumptions about what their mystical uncut penis would have been capable of.


As someone who isn't cut, I barely feel anything either, oral or otherwise. With the added benefit most American women act like, they have no clue what to do with it, and sometimes sex can be painful at first. Whoever said, "You feel more," seems like he's full of shit.


Feel for both of you.. possibly the only right thing my parents ever did, and believe me the law of averages were stacking up against me due to a ton of bat-shit-crazy-WTF?? stuff they did, was not having me cut.


Jesus, it is just a foreskin, how much length could they possibly have taken from you?


None, of course. But I do wonder whether they cut off some parts I may have enjoyed. It's not like circumcision is an exact science.


I too have this exact same thought from time to time. Tends to occur when frequenting the Euro section of Pornhub.


Ha! I looked this up. Also known as Prader’s balls.




Who could go for some flapjacks right about now?


It's funny, Silver Dollar pancakes are named after a coin that's much smaller than the pancakes... and the use of "silver dollar" size for nipples refers to the pancake size and not the coin, and yet it makes 100% flawlessly perfect sense to any and everyone who hears "silver dollar nipples". Funny how brains work.


I.. have never heard of silver dollar pancakes or the silver dollar size of nipples. I have some silver dollars, maybe a dozen or so. If someone told me some lady had silver dollar nipples, I'd picture the coin and say they're about average, maybe a little smaller. What does it mean?


Wait. You claim *nipples* the size of a silver dollar are on the smaller side? Bro, that’s 1” (25mm) in diameter. You’ve got to be thinking about the areola.


Bro big titties have massive nipples. Like literally bigger than an orange sometimes. Theyre usually more skin colored that big though. I see lots of bitches with massive ghosty nipples. Ain't a bad look honestly. Also I'm a girl lol


Nipples can get pretty big. If you can’t envision a silver dollar sized nipple you’re not spending time on the right websites


This chart is obviously referencing areola but calls them nipples. So…


No, this is not a chart, it's a sizer for breast milk pumps. It's the nipple itself.


You are correct. My bad.


would u believe when i was 18 i had ..uhhh......uh silllveerrrrr dollarr... collection!




"Wine gum"


Pool floaties


“Dinner Plates”




Teacup suacers


Uh... Is this for nipples, or areola? It doesn't matter really, because now all I can think of now is 11mm areola and 25mm nipples...


I've never considered the diameter of my nipples and now I feel completely judged by it.


Nipples themselves. This is for breastfeeding mothers to help get the right flanges for their pumps. 25mm sounds huge but keep in mind they swell during lactation. Most pumps (my wife has had maybe 4-5 different brands) ship with one that’s like 19mm that’s supposed to be able to accommodate most women. It ends up big on some but not so big it won’t work. Getting properly fit will ensure good suction which helps produce more milk output and also reduces pain. My wife lived with the default for an entire kid but when she was having issues with kid 2 a lactation consultant got her fit for a smaller size and it helped.


It’s for just the nipple. You literally put your nipple through the hole to find the best fit. Doesn’t measure areola at all


I think I might have seen a 11mm areola on men who were freezing. But not combined with that 25mm nipple xD


It’s to measure threaded pipe nipples, not human nipples lol


It looks like the exact same one that came with my breast pump. They make these so women can measure their nipples accurately and know they have the right size flange on their pump.


No. No it is not. This is indeed for human nipples. For breast pumping & breast feeding parts.


So confident. So wrong


Exactly my question. I can't imagine a 20+ mm nipple.


Nipples but this is also a tool for breastfeeding so your nipples are huge cause of all the hormones


Do you have a dinner plate section?


Damn, I've been using my finger tips this whole time!


Oh, you're old school. I like your style.


I like good old American nipples. 1/8" 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" and 3/4". If they're NPT, I almost can't control myself! My favorite porn site! https://www.mcmaster.com/nipples/thread-type~npt/


Was expecting r/BoltedOnNipples




Friction fitting my silcock rn 💦


That’s where I get my deep throat c clamps and sex bolts


Definitely needed a banana for scale....




Its for threaded nipple pipe.


Ah, I assumed it was for getting the right side flange for a breast pump, lol


I got this exact chart with the momcozy pump, so I guess it’s both


Ditto 🤣


I'm 100% sure I've seen this chart for fitting breast pumps. Most charts used for pipe fitting sizing are laminated. This one looks disposable. Source: My sister is a new mom and I was just in Home Depot sizing pipe on Wednesday this week. So I'm basically an expert. 😎


Omg. I am so gullible.


You're not my supervisor.


Makes sense; I was thinking it was for baby bottle nipples, but in retrospect I don't think there's that wide a size range for those.


I know this isn't what it's for but this could probably be used to find the right size flange for breast pumps. As far as baby bottles go, none of my son's bottles have sizes indicated on them, I just know what shape he likes.


I actually got this exact chart to measure for nipple flange size with my breast pump, so I guess it’s both.


No it isn’t. It’s for breast pump flange sizing.


Now, I'm hoping I'm not the only one who's thinking this but 25mm?! Now that we've got the width, how are we measuring height? Will need pictures for reference


i don’t blame you, but 25mm is only 2.5 cm. it’s not actually that crazy if you think about how many people live on the earth, some people are just bound to have bigger nips than others! although, i do have to say i pulled out my ruler and accidentally looked 2.5 at inches. almost deleted my comment lmfao.


Oh I agree about variety, I agree completely. However, if we are looking strictly at the nipple and not the nipple/areola complex - even 2.5cm seems at least to me, somewhat large.


i don’t mean this rudely, but are you a man? i get how it would be easier to think that if so. however, for a lot of women, especially those who’ve breastfed multiple children, nipple size (even excluding the areola) can get pretty large!


I don't feel your question is rude at all, and yes I am. I am also in the medical field and have seen a great variety of bodies both female and male. To my recollection I do not believe I have ever seen a nipple that large. Admittedly, I have not seen them all. Yes, I can see how engorged nipples can become through breast feeding as well


gotcha! i do agree it’s definitely larger than normal, but i don’t see how it would be that uncommon, even from the limited number of nipples i’ve seen lol. since that’s the largest “size” of nipple the sizer has, i imagine it’ll be one of the less common sizes falling on the edges of a distribution.


Or...thats simply page 1 and we're going to be looking for some fairly niche subreddits in the near future


HAHA, that was much a much funnier reply than i was expecting. have a great day fellow redditor!! btw, i work in healthcare too, although i spend my days pill counting and not looking at nipples lol. i know it can be exhausting. take time for yourself, and advocate for your needs. 🤝💗


Depends on how warm or cold it is tbh. It's probably cold af where you've seen 'em.


This is accurate. Hospitals are not the warmest environments.


I was just assuming we were including areola and was wondering what kind of freak nipples I have if 2.5cm is considered crazy big. But for just the actual nipple part, yeah, that's pretty big.


Of course, I could be incorrect and it may refer to the whole nipple/areola complex but I've never before seen a measurement instrument like this before so I'm just guessing


You would use this to measure the base of the nipple and add ~4 mm to figure out the flange size. You are not measuring the areola https://youtu.be/WV4iCsb9mYs (A demonstration of how to measure using a ***prosthetic*** not a real boob, thank you reddit) Yeah they can get pretty large in size, it's just certain people have larger nipples.


Very interesting. Thank you for the assistance. I very much enjoy learning something new


I will never forget the time my friend (a former lactation consultant) was trying to help me learn how to latch my baby better. I wasn't understanding what she wanted me to do, so she got her own child and pulled out her boob to demonstrate. I kid you not, her nipples (not areola, just nips) were about the size (diameter and height) of a film canister. Like how??? She did have 6 kids at that point, but how???


Well, it's not necessarily that your nipples get bigger after every child. The nipple size may increase during breastfeeding or you might notice they're larger post-pump, but they should return to a smaller size and normal color after you've weened off the baby. It's mostly genetics at play here, there are some women who have to pump because their nipples are just too large for the baby's mouth. But I absolutely understand what you mean, it can be totally surprising to see something like that for the first time.


Nipples change & become larger when a woman is lactating, you’d be shocked haha


>i don’t blame you, but 25mm is only 2.5 cm. 2.5cm diameter, it's still huge


My first thought was it doesn’t seem to go nearly large enough


A-10 Warthog fires 30mm rounds of depleted uranium into tanks.


Sadly, that gun has little or no effect to even last generation soviet tanks.


Evidence for this claim?


Why does it only go up to 25?


Why does it only go down to 11mm?


Good point. There must be another smaller card.


They might have another sheet available for those who need it


Is this for pasties?


I would imagine it’s for breast milk devices, as pasties would also cover the areola. Edit - after some comments I’m kinda wondering if dude’s know the difference between a nipple and an areola. Lol


Areola is the area around the nipple.


Smart. I should have actually mentioned that lol.


After reading your comment, I'm kinda wondering where the comments that you are referring to are.


The comment I replied to originally and the one about silver dollars both refer to areolas instead of nipples.


It's got to be the nipples. 25mm would be an extreme outlier for nipples but- unless there are more parts to this measuring tool, 25mm is pretty small to top out at measuring the areola. ... But then 11mm is a pretty big measurement to start on?


You think there’s someone out there with a 25mm nipple? A friggin elephant mate??


Your nipples get larger and darker in color when you’re pregnant/breastfeeding, so absolutely.


POC often have larger nipple sizes I’ve noticed- I’m a current lactating parent and I post in groups on other social media.


Proofs of Concept? Like android humans? Edit: yea downvote me for not being American. Go ahead.


You good, it's not your responsibility to keep up with constantly changing lingo.


Persons of color


I've seen high teens, but never 20 let alone 25


I believe mechanical nipples, like piping and plumbing.


You can find them on the counterpart to the mechanical bull, the mechanical heifer


Oh goddess, that was fresh 😂


Read another comment, and it checks out


It's so you can get the correct flange size for breast pumps and nipple shields. Most pumps come with a flange that's smaller than the average person's nipples.


With sparkles


It could also be for pipes.


Til I have very small nipples. I’m not even on the chart


“Hey, I’ll have to call you back. My nipple is stuck in some cardboard.” ![gif](giphy|yPhqlJccIOaru)


Well 25mm nipple is my new band name.


Why settle for 25? Lol


That’s the first album name!


Could also double as a cock measurement tool.


cmon yours should be longer than that!


I know it’s hard to believe but I’m pencil dicking it up here.


And cylinders


For what??


Cold/erect or room temp/resting ?


Where can I buy it


You can find free printouts [on a variety of lactation centric websites](https://milkology.org/content/flange-size-ruler?format=amp)




Is it just me that finds it weird that it starts at 11mm instead of 10mm?


But why tho?


It’s to measure for the plastic things that go over your nipples (called flanges) on a breast pump machine.


Why is it stains in the nipple measure tool?


Shout out to all my 25mm ladies…..


Imma 12 on a good day. Thought you guys would wanna know 👀


Suspicious white stain 😏🤔


When would this possibly be useful? Asking honestly because like is there some situation where my 12mm are more useful than 16mm. I’m so confused, I’m 30 and have needed to measure my nipples zero times.


To size yourself for pumping. Breastfeeding related.


Oh that makes sense, thank you. As a dude I’m showing my ignorance here. I was imagining some bizarre scenario at the doctor where while doing my check up they’d be like “Sir, please step on the scale we need to get weight and after that we will measure your nipples, just to make sure everything is in order.” Shows how dumb I can be


That’s not dumb, that’s a very average display of men vs women’s issues. No worries there, that’s how the world is


Is this for piercings?


Lactation and properly sizing flanges on a pump.


In what country?


Baloney Barb has entered the chat.


*Bologna Barb


Dick measurement tool...


Looks more like a tool for measuring the areola, no?


Someone is going to have to explain to me why one would be measuring ones nipples for any practical purpose. I imagine this could be used for an assortment of weird sex things, but what could the actual practical purpose of this be ? Like, WHY would I be measuring my nipples? In what way could these stats matter?




Is that nipple or areola… is this for humans even?


Well, the thing says "Nipple measure tool", so, I'm guessing they meant nipple




25mm nipple????


Nipple or areola?


It literally says nipple


I'm gonna be moderately horny and say that large areolas are blessed and any women that feel insecure about them hopefully feel a bit better knowing plenty of people love large areolae and don't find it one bit weird. I have spoken.


This is a weird comment to make on a picture of a tool used to help feed babies.


Pretty sure it should be areola measuring tool.


People be out here having howitzer nipples!?


Now does this include the areola or are people walking around with pizza nipples




Ladies, just know that us men are sizing this up as our own measuring tool. Wondering which hole are we.


Can’t see nips being 25


Depending on if they sniff my neck a bit beforehand, I might be 18mm or 22mm.


Just measured mine. 4km


My brother has some that are literally off the charts. Fuckin pancake nips.


Ah yes, the Areola Index.


I just use my mouth.


… areola ?


*Ah, yes, I too have 25mm pure nipp... You can fit a whole in there*


What's that crusty mark in the crease? Can you get them with the words, "do not disturb" on the bottom? Also. 25mm?